blob: b340a8944f856afb3d3d4fed6da6f71c50ff208f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The LUCI Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package authtest
import (
// FakeDB implements authdb.DB by mocking membership and permission checks.
// Initialize it with a bunch of mocks like:
// db := authtest.NewFakeDB(
// authtest.MockMembership("", "group"),
// authtest.MockPermission("", "proj:realm", perm),
// ...
// )
// The list of mocks can also be extended later via db.AddMocks(...).
type FakeDB struct {
m sync.RWMutex
err error // if not nil, return this error
perID map[identity.Identity]*mockedForID // id => groups and perms it has
ips map[string]stringset.Set // IP => allowlists it belongs to
realmData map[string]*protocol.RealmData // realm name => data
groups stringset.Set // groups mentioned by the mocks
var _ authdb.DB = (*FakeDB)(nil)
// Condition evaluates attributes passed to HasPermission and decides if the
// permission should apply.
// Used for mocking conditional bindings.
type Condition func(realms.Attrs) bool
// RestrictAttribute produces a Condition that check the given attribute has any
// of the given values.
// Its logic matches AttributeRestriction condition in the RealmsDB.
func RestrictAttribute(attr string, vals ...string) Condition {
set := stringset.NewFromSlice(vals...)
return func(attrs realms.Attrs) bool {
val, ok := attrs[attr]
return ok && set.Has(val)
// mockedForID is mocked groups and permissions of some identity.
type mockedForID struct {
groups stringset.Set // a set of group names
perms []mockedPerm
// mockedPerm is a single permission of a single identity.
type mockedPerm struct {
realm string
perm realms.Permission
cond Condition
// MockedDatum is a return value of various Mock* constructors.
type MockedDatum struct {
// apply mutates the db to apply the mock, called under the write lock.
apply func(db *FakeDB)
// MockMembership modifies db to make IsMember(id, group) == true.
func MockMembership(id identity.Identity, group string) MockedDatum {
return MockedDatum{
apply: func(db *FakeDB) {
// MockGroup adds a group (potentially empty) to the fake DB.
func MockGroup(group string, ids []identity.Identity) MockedDatum {
return MockedDatum{
apply: func(db *FakeDB) {
for _, id := range ids {
// MockPermission modifies db to make HasPermission(id, realm, perm, …) == true.
// Panics if `realm` is not a valid globally scoped realm, i.e. it doesn't look
// like "<project>:<realm>".
// Optional `conds` allow mocking conditional bindings by defining a condition
// on realms.Attrs that must evaluate to true to allow this permission. Multiple
// `conds` callbacks are AND'ed together to get the final verdict.
func MockPermission(id identity.Identity, realm string, perm realms.Permission, conds ...Condition) MockedDatum {
if err := realms.ValidateRealmName(realm, realms.GlobalScope); err != nil {
return MockedDatum{
apply: func(db *FakeDB) {
perID := db.mockedForID(id)
perID.perms = append(perID.perms, mockedPerm{
realm: realm,
perm: perm,
cond: func(attrs realms.Attrs) bool {
for _, cond := range conds {
if !cond(attrs) {
return false
return true
// MockRealmData modifies what db's GetRealmData returns.
// Panics if `realm` is not a valid globally scoped realm, i.e. it doesn't look
// like "<project>:<realm>".
func MockRealmData(realm string, data *protocol.RealmData) MockedDatum {
if err := realms.ValidateRealmName(realm, realms.GlobalScope); err != nil {
return MockedDatum{
apply: func(db *FakeDB) {
if db.realmData == nil {
db.realmData = make(map[string]*protocol.RealmData, 1)
db.realmData[realm] = data
// MockIPAllowlist modifies db to make IsAllowedIP(ip, allowlist) == true.
// Panics if `ip` is not a valid IP address.
func MockIPAllowlist(ip, allowlist string) MockedDatum {
if net.ParseIP(ip) == nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("%q is not a valid IP address", ip))
return MockedDatum{
apply: func(db *FakeDB) {
l, ok := db.ips[ip]
if !ok {
l = stringset.New(1)
if db.ips == nil {
db.ips = make(map[string]stringset.Set, 1)
db.ips[ip] = l
// MockError modifies db to make its methods return this error.
// `err` may be nil, in which case the previously mocked error is removed.
func MockError(err error) MockedDatum {
return MockedDatum{
apply: func(db *FakeDB) { db.err = err },
// NewFakeDB creates a FakeDB populated with the given mocks.
// Construct mocks using MockMembership, MockPermission, MockIPAllowlist and
// MockError functions.
func NewFakeDB(mocks ...MockedDatum) *FakeDB {
db := &FakeDB{}
return db
// AddMocks applies a bunch of mocks to the state in the db.
func (db *FakeDB) AddMocks(mocks ...MockedDatum) {
defer db.m.Unlock()
for _, m := range mocks {
// Use installs the fake db into the context.
// Note that if you use auth.WithState(ctx, &authtest.FakeState{...}), you don't
// need this method. Modify FakeDB in the FakeState instead. See its doc for
// some examples.
func (db *FakeDB) Use(ctx context.Context) context.Context {
return auth.ModifyConfig(ctx, func(cfg auth.Config) auth.Config {
cfg.DBProvider = func(context.Context) (authdb.DB, error) {
return db, nil
return cfg
// IsMember is part of authdb.DB interface.
func (db *FakeDB) IsMember(ctx context.Context, id identity.Identity, groups []string) (bool, error) {
hits, err := db.CheckMembership(ctx, id, groups)
if err != nil {
return false, err
return len(hits) > 0, nil
// CheckMembership is part of authdb.DB interface.
func (db *FakeDB) CheckMembership(ctx context.Context, id identity.Identity, groups []string) (out []string, err error) {
defer db.m.RUnlock()
if db.err != nil {
return nil, db.err
if mocked := db.perID[id]; mocked != nil {
for _, group := range groups {
if mocked.groups.Has(group) {
out = append(out, group)
// HasPermission is part of authdb.DB interface.
func (db *FakeDB) HasPermission(ctx context.Context, id identity.Identity, perm realms.Permission, realm string, attrs realms.Attrs) (bool, error) {
// This flips a flag forbidding registration of new permissions. Presumably
// this should help catching "dynamic" permission registration in tests,
// before it panics in production.
defer db.m.RUnlock()
if db.err != nil {
return false, db.err
if mocked := db.perID[id]; mocked != nil {
for _, mockedPerm := range mocked.perms {
if mockedPerm.realm == realm && mockedPerm.perm == perm && mockedPerm.cond(attrs) {
return true, nil
return false, nil
// QueryRealms is part of authdb.DB interface.
func (db *FakeDB) QueryRealms(ctx context.Context, id identity.Identity, perm realms.Permission, project string, attrs realms.Attrs) ([]string, error) {
// This implicitly flips a flag forbidding registration of new permissions.
// Presumably this should help catching "dynamic" permission registration
// in tests, before it panics in production. We also need the result to check
// UsedInQueryRealms flag.
flags := realms.RegisteredPermissions()
defer db.m.RUnlock()
if db.err != nil {
return nil, db.err
if project != "" {
if err := realms.ValidateProjectName(project); err != nil {
return nil, err
if flags[perm]&realms.UsedInQueryRealms == 0 {
return nil, errors.Reason("permission %s cannot be used in QueryRealms: it was not flagged with UsedInQueryRealms flag", perm).Err()
var out []string
if mocked := db.perID[id]; mocked != nil {
for _, mockedPerm := range mocked.perms {
if mockedPerm.perm == perm && mockedPerm.cond(attrs) {
if realmProj, _ := realms.Split(mockedPerm.realm); project == "" || project == realmProj {
out = append(out, mockedPerm.realm)
// The result in production in inherently unordered, since ordering it takes
// time and in many applications the order doesn't really matter, so always
// sorting it is wasteful. Simulate this behavior in tests too. If callers of
// QueryRealms want the result ordered, they should sort it themselves.
rand.Shuffle(len(out), func(i, j int) { out[i], out[j] = out[j], out[i] })
return out, nil
// FilterKnownGroups is part of authdb.DB interface.
func (db *FakeDB) FilterKnownGroups(ctx context.Context, groups []string) ([]string, error) {
defer db.m.RUnlock()
if db.err != nil {
return nil, db.err
var filtered []string
for _, gr := range groups {
if db.groups.Has(gr) {
filtered = append(filtered, gr)
return filtered, nil
// IsAllowedOAuthClientID is part of authdb.DB interface.
func (db *FakeDB) IsAllowedOAuthClientID(ctx context.Context, email, clientID string) (bool, error) {
return true, nil
// IsInternalService is part of authdb.DB interface.
func (db *FakeDB) IsInternalService(ctx context.Context, hostname string) (bool, error) {
return false, nil
// GetCertificates is part of authdb.DB interface.
func (db *FakeDB) GetCertificates(ctx context.Context, id identity.Identity) (*signing.PublicCertificates, error) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("GetCertificates is not implemented by FakeDB")
// GetAllowlistForIdentity is part of authdb.DB interface.
func (db *FakeDB) GetAllowlistForIdentity(ctx context.Context, ident identity.Identity) (string, error) {
return "", nil
// IsAllowedIP is part of authdb.DB interface.
func (db *FakeDB) IsAllowedIP(ctx context.Context, ip net.IP, allowlist string) (bool, error) {
defer db.m.RUnlock()
if db.err != nil {
return false, db.err
return db.ips[ip.String()].Has(allowlist), nil
// GetAuthServiceURL is part of authdb.DB interface.
func (db *FakeDB) GetAuthServiceURL(ctx context.Context) (string, error) {
return "", fmt.Errorf("GetAuthServiceURL is not implemented by FakeDB")
// GetTokenServiceURL is part of authdb.DB interface.
func (db *FakeDB) GetTokenServiceURL(ctx context.Context) (string, error) {
return "", fmt.Errorf("GetTokenServiceURL is not implemented by FakeDB")
// GetRealmData is part of authdb.DB interface.
func (db *FakeDB) GetRealmData(ctx context.Context, realm string) (*protocol.RealmData, error) {
defer db.m.RUnlock()
return db.realmData[realm], nil
// addGroup adds a group to the list of known groups.
func (db *FakeDB) addGroup(group string) {
if db.groups == nil {
db.groups = stringset.New(1)
// mockedForID returns db.perID[id], initializing it if necessary.
// Called under the write lock.
func (db *FakeDB) mockedForID(id identity.Identity) *mockedForID {
m, ok := db.perID[id]
if !ok {
m = &mockedForID{groups: stringset.New(0)}
if db.perID == nil {
db.perID = make(map[identity.Identity]*mockedForID, 1)
db.perID[id] = m
return m