blob: ce24f0051e7995b098a79189be372132f5ea21bd [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The LUCI Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package realms
import (
var (
mu sync.RWMutex
perms = map[string]PermissionFlags{}
forbidChanges bool
// PermissionFlags describe how a registered permission is going to be used in
// the current process.
// These are purely process-local flags. It is possible for the same single
// permission to be defined with different flags in different processes.
type PermissionFlags uint8
const (
// UsedInQueryRealms indicates the permission will be used with QueryRealms.
// It instructs the runtime to build an in-memory index to speed up the query.
// This flag is necessary for QueryRealms function to work. It implies some
// performance and memory costs and should be used only with permissions that
// are going to be passed to QueryRealms.
UsedInQueryRealms PermissionFlags = 1 << iota
// Permission is a symbol that has form "<service>.<subject>.<verb>", which
// describes some elementary action ("<verb>") that can be done to some category
// of resources ("<subject>"), managed by some particular kind of LUCI service
// ("<service>").
// Each individual LUCI service should document what permissions it checks and
// when. It becomes a part of service's public API. Usually services should
// check only permissions of resources they own (e.g. "<service>.<subject>.*"),
// but in exceptional cases they may also check permissions intended for other
// services. This is primarily useful for services that somehow "proxy" access
// to resources.
type Permission struct {
name string
// Name is "<service>.<subject>.<verb>" string.
func (p Permission) Name() string {
// String allows permissions to be used as "%s" in format strings.
func (p Permission) String() string {
// AddFlags appends given flags to a registered permission.
// Permissions are usually defined in shared packages used by multiple services.
// Flags that makes sense for one service do not always make sense for another.
// For that reason RegisterPermission and AddFlags are two separate functions.
// Must to be called during startup, e.g. in init(). Panics if called when
// the process is already serving requests.
func (p Permission) AddFlags(flags PermissionFlags) {
defer mu.Unlock()
if forbidChanges {
panic("cannot call Permission.AddFlags while already serving requests, do it before starting the serving loop, e.g. in init()")
perms[] |= flags
// clearPermissions removes all registered permissions (for tests).
func clearPermissions() {
perms = map[string]PermissionFlags{}
forbidChanges = false
// RegisterPermission adds a new permission with the given name to the process
// registry or returns an existing one.
// Panics if the permission name doesn't look like "<service>.<subject>.<verb>".
// Must to be called during startup, e.g. in init(). Panics if called when
// the process is already serving requests.
func RegisterPermission(name string) Permission {
defer mu.Unlock()
if forbidChanges {
panic("cannot call RegisterPermission while already serving requests, do it before starting the serving loop, e.g. in init()")
if err := ValidatePermissionName(name); err != nil {
perms[name] |= 0
return Permission{name: name}
// GetPermissions returns the permissions with the matching names. The order of
// the permission is the same as the provided names.
// Implicitly calls ForbidPermissionChanges to make sure no new permissions
// are added later.
// Returns an error if any of the permission isn't registered.
func GetPermissions(names ...string) ([]Permission, error) {
var err error
for _, name := range names {
if _, ok := perms[name]; !ok {
err = errors.Reason("permission not registered: %q", name).Err()
forbiddenAlready := forbidChanges
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if !forbiddenAlready {
forbidChanges = true
perms := make([]Permission, 0, len(names))
for _, name := range names {
perms = append(perms, Permission{name})
return perms, nil
// RegisteredPermissions returns a snapshot of all registered permissions along
// with their flags.
// Implicitly calls ForbidPermissionChanges to make sure no new permissions
// are added later.
func RegisteredPermissions() map[Permission]PermissionFlags {
all := make(map[Permission]PermissionFlags, len(perms))
for name, flags := range perms {
all[Permission{name: name}] = flags
forbiddenAlready := forbidChanges
if !forbiddenAlready {
forbidChanges = true
return all
// ForbidPermissionChanges explicitly forbids registering new permissions or
// changing their flags.
// All permissions should be registered before the server starts running its
// loop. The runtime relies on this when building various caches. After this
// function is called, RegisterPermissions and AddFlags would start panicking.
// Intended for internal server code.
func ForbidPermissionChanges() {
forbidChanges = true
// ValidatePermissionName returns an error if the permission name is invalid.
// It checks the name looks like "<service>.<subject>.<verb>".
func ValidatePermissionName(name string) error {
if parts := strings.Split(name, "."); len(parts) == 3 {
good := true
for _, p := range parts {
if p == "" {
good = false
if good {
return nil
return errors.Reason("bad permission %q - must have form <service>.<subject>.<verb>", name).Err()