blob: 80ffb7f18ac5d9e6bb026699708e11653e32dfd9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The LUCI Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Package testsecrets provides a dumb in-memory secret store to use in unit
// tests. Use secrets.Use(c, &testsecrets.Store{...}) to inject it into
// the context.
package testsecrets
import (
// Store implements secrets.Store in the simplest way possible using memory as
// a backend and very dumb deterministic "randomness" source for secret key
// autogeneration. Useful in unit tests. Can be modified directly (use lock if
// doing it concurrently). NEVER use it outside of tests.
type Store struct {
Secrets map[string]secrets.Secret // current map of all secrets
SecretLen int // length of generated secret, 8 bytes default
Rand *rand.Rand // used to generate missing secrets
// RandomSecret is a part of Store interface.
func (t *Store) RandomSecret(ctx context.Context, k string) (secrets.Secret, error) {
return t.getSecret(ctx, k, true)
// StoredSecret is a part of Store interface.
func (t *Store) StoredSecret(ctx context.Context, k string) (secrets.Secret, error) {
return t.getSecret(ctx, k, false)
// AddRotationHandler is a part of Store interface.
func (t *Store) AddRotationHandler(ctx context.Context, name string, cb secrets.RotationHandler) error {
return nil
func (t *Store) getSecret(ctx context.Context, k string, autogen bool) (secrets.Secret, error) {
defer t.Unlock()
if s, ok := t.Secrets[k]; ok {
return s, nil
if !autogen {
return secrets.Secret{}, secrets.ErrNoSuchSecret
// Initialize defaults.
if t.Secrets == nil {
t.Secrets = map[string]secrets.Secret{}
if t.SecretLen == 0 {
t.SecretLen = 8
if t.Rand == nil {
t.Rand = rand.New(rand.NewSource(0))
// Generate deterministic secret.
secret := make([]byte, t.SecretLen)
for i := range secret {
secret[i] = byte(t.Rand.Int31n(256))
t.Secrets[k] = secrets.Secret{Active: secret}
return t.Secrets[k], nil