blob: 72c501fcdd79ccc83ebc5c21de5a6738ca87d0ba [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The LUCI Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package tq
import (
// InProcSweeperOptions is configuration for the process of "sweeping" of
// transactional tasks reminders performed centrally in the current process.
type InProcSweeperOptions struct {
// SweepShards defines how many concurrent sweeping jobs to run.
// Default is 16.
SweepShards int
// TasksPerScan caps maximum number of tasks that a sweep job will process.
// Defaults to 2048.
TasksPerScan int
// SecondaryScanShards caps the sharding of additional sweep scans to be
// performed if the initial scan didn't cover the whole assigned partition.
// In practice, this matters only when database is slow or there is a huge
// backlog.
// Defaults to 16.
SecondaryScanShards int
// SubmitBatchSize limits a single of a single processed batch.
// When processing a batch, the sweeper loads bodies of all tasks in
// the batch, thus this setting directly affects memory usage. There will
// be at most SubmitBatchSize*SubmitConcurrentBatches task bodies worked-on at
// any moment in time.
// Default is 512.
SubmitBatchSize int
// SubmitConcurrentBatches limits how many submit batches can be worked on
// concurrently.
// Default is 8.
SubmitConcurrentBatches int
// NewInProcSweeper creates a sweeper that performs sweeping in the current
// process whenever Sweep is called.
func NewInProcSweeper(opts InProcSweeperOptions) Sweeper {
if opts.SweepShards == 0 {
opts.SweepShards = 16
if opts.TasksPerScan == 0 {
opts.TasksPerScan = 2048
if opts.SecondaryScanShards == 0 {
opts.SecondaryScanShards = 16
if opts.SubmitBatchSize == 0 {
opts.SubmitBatchSize = 512
if opts.SubmitConcurrentBatches == 0 {
opts.SubmitConcurrentBatches = 8
return &inprocSweeper{opts: opts}
// inprocSweeper implements Sweeper interface.
type inprocSweeper struct {
opts InProcSweeperOptions
running int32 // 1 of already running a sweep
// sweep performs as much of the sweep as possible.
// Logs internal errors and carries on.
func (s *inprocSweeper) sweep(ctx context.Context, sub Submitter, reminderKeySpaceBytes int) error {
if !atomic.CompareAndSwapInt32(&s.running, 0, 1) {
return errors.New("a sweep is already running")
defer atomic.StoreInt32(&s.running, 0)
// We'll sweep all known DBs and have a BatchProcessor per DB kind for
// processing reminders in this DB.
procs := map[string]*sweep.BatchProcessor{}
for _, kind := range db.Kinds() {
proc := &sweep.BatchProcessor{
Context: logging.SetField(ctx, "db", kind),
DB: db.NonTxnDB(ctx, kind),
Submitter: sub,
BatchSize: s.opts.SubmitBatchSize,
ConcurrentBatches: s.opts.SubmitConcurrentBatches,
if err := proc.Start(); err != nil {
for _, running := range procs {
return err
procs[kind] = proc
start := clock.Now(ctx)
defer func() {
dur := clock.Now(ctx).Sub(start)
metrics.InprocSweepDurationMS.Add(ctx, float64(dur.Microseconds()))
// Seed all future work: SweepShards scans per DB kind.
partitions := partition.Universe(reminderKeySpaceBytes).Split(s.opts.SweepShards)
initial := make([]workset.Item, 0, len(procs)*len(partitions))
for _, proc := range procs {
for _, p := range partitions {
initial = append(initial, &sweep.ScanParams{
DB: proc.DB,
Partition: p,
KeySpaceBytes: reminderKeySpaceBytes,
TasksPerScan: s.opts.TasksPerScan,
SecondaryScanShards: s.opts.SecondaryScanShards,
Level: 0,
work := workset.New(initial, nil)
// Run `SweepShards` workers (even if serving multiple DBs) that do scans of
// whatever partitions need scanning. Each will feed produced reminders into
// a BatchProcessor which will batch-process them.
wg := sync.WaitGroup{}
for i := 0; i < s.opts.SweepShards; i++ {
go func() {
defer wg.Done()
// Pick up some random partition we haven't scanned yet. Scan it, and
// enqueue all follow ups. Do until the queue is empty and all scan
// workers are done.
for {
item, done := work.Pop(ctx)
if item == nil {
return // no more work or the context is done
params := item.(*sweep.ScanParams)
var followUp []workset.Item
for _, part := range s.scan(ctx, params, procs[params.DB.Kind()]) {
params := *params
params.Partition = part
params.Level += 1 // we need to go deeper
followUp = append(followUp, &params)
// At this point all scanners are done, but BatchProcessors may still be
// working. Drain them.
for _, proc := range procs {
if count := proc.Stop(); count != 0 {
logging.Infof(proc.Context, "Successfully processed %d reminder(s)", count)
return ctx.Err()
// scan scans a single partition.
// Enqueues discovered reminders for processing into a batch processor. Returns
// a list of partitions to scan next.
// Logs errors but otherwise ignores them.
func (s *inprocSweeper) scan(ctx context.Context, p *sweep.ScanParams, proc *sweep.BatchProcessor) []*partition.Partition {
logging.Infof(ctx, "Sweeping (level %d): %s", p.Level, p.Partition)
// Don't block for too long in a single scan.
scanCtx, cancel := clock.WithTimeout(ctx, time.Minute)
defer cancel()
reminders, followUp := sweep.Scan(scanCtx, p)
// Feed all reminders to a batching processor. This blocks if the processor is
// filled to the limit already. This is what we want to avoid OOMs.
proc.Enqueue(ctx, reminders)
return followUp