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// Copyright 2016 The LUCI Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Package certchecker contains implementation of CertChecker.
// CertChecker knows how to check certificate signatures and revocation status.
// Uses datastore entities managed by 'certconfig' package.
package certchecker
import (
ds ""
// CN string => *CertChecker.
var certCheckerCache = caching.RegisterLRUCache[string, *CertChecker](64)
const (
// RefetchCAPeriod is how often to check CA entity in the datastore.
// A big value here is acceptable, since CA is changing only when service
// config is changing (which happens infrequently).
RefetchCAPeriod = 5 * time.Minute
// RefetchCRLPeriod is how often to check CRL entities in the datastore.
// CRL changes pretty frequently, caching it for too long is harmful
// (increases delay between a cert is revoked by CA and no longer accepted by
// the token server).
RefetchCRLPeriod = 15 * time.Second
// ErrorReason is part of Error struct.
type ErrorReason int
const (
// NoSuchCA is returned by GetCertChecker or GetCA if requested CA is not
// defined in the config.
NoSuchCA ErrorReason = iota
// UnknownCA is returned by CheckCertificate if the cert was signed by an
// unexpected CA (i.e. a CA CertChecker is not configured with).
// NotReadyCA is returned by CheckCertificate if the CA's CRL hasn't been
// fetched yet (and thus CheckCertificate can't verify certificate's
// revocation status).
// CertificateExpired is returned by CheckCertificate if the cert has
// expired already or not yet active.
// SignatureCheckError is returned by CheckCertificate if the certificate
// signature is not valid.
// CertificateRevoked is returned by CheckCertificate if the certificate is
// in the CA's Certificate Revocation List.
// Error is returned by CertChecker methods in case the certificate is invalid.
// Datastore errors and not wrapped in Error, but returned as is. You may use
// type cast to Error to distinguish certificate related errors from other kinds
// of errors.
type Error struct {
error // inner error with text description
Reason ErrorReason // enumeration that can be used in switches
// NewError instantiates Error.
// It is needed because initializing 'error' field on Error is not allowed
// outside of this package (it is lowercase - "unexported").
func NewError(e error, reason ErrorReason) error {
return Error{e, reason}
// IsCertInvalidError returns true for errors from CheckCertificate that
// indicate revoked or expired or otherwise invalid certificates.
// Such errors can be safely cast to Error.
func IsCertInvalidError(err error) bool {
_, ok := err.(Error)
return ok
// CertChecker knows how to check certificate signatures and revocation status.
// It is associated with single CA and assumes all certs needing a check are
// signed by that CA directly (i.e. there is no intermediate CAs).
// It caches CRL lists internally and must be treated as a heavy global object.
// Use GetCertChecker to grab a global instance of CertChecker for some CA.
// CertChecker is safe for concurrent use.
type CertChecker struct {
CN string // Common Name of the CA
CRL *certconfig.CRLChecker // knows how to query certificate revocation list
ca lazyslot.Slot // knows how to load CA cert and config
// CheckCertificate checks validity of a given certificate.
// It looks at the cert issuer, loads corresponding CertChecker and calls its
// CheckCertificate method. See CertChecker.CheckCertificate documentation for
// explanation of return values.
func CheckCertificate(c context.Context, cert *x509.Certificate) (*certconfig.CA, error) {
checker, err := GetCertChecker(c, cert.Issuer.CommonName)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return checker.CheckCertificate(c, cert)
// GetCertChecker returns an instance of CertChecker for given CA.
// It caches CertChecker objects in local memory and reuses them between
// requests.
func GetCertChecker(c context.Context, cn string) (*CertChecker, error) {
return certCheckerCache.LRU(c).GetOrCreate(c, cn, func() (*CertChecker, time.Duration, error) {
// To avoid storing CertChecker for non-existent CAs in local memory forever,
// we do a datastore check when creating the checker. It happens once during
// the process lifetime.
switch exists, err := ds.Exists(c, ds.NewKey(c, "CA", cn, 0, nil)); {
case err != nil:
return nil, 0, transient.Tag.Apply(err)
case !exists.All():
return nil, 0, Error{
error: fmt.Errorf("no such CA %q", cn),
Reason: NoSuchCA,
return &CertChecker{
CN: cn,
CRL: certconfig.NewCRLChecker(cn, certconfig.CRLShardCount, RefetchCRLPeriod),
}, 0, nil
// GetCA returns CA entity with ParsedConfig and ParsedCert fields set.
func (ch *CertChecker) GetCA(c context.Context) (*certconfig.CA, error) {
value, err :=, func(any) (ca any, exp time.Duration, err error) {
ca, err = ch.refetchCA(c)
if err == nil {
exp = RefetchCAPeriod
if err != nil {
return nil, err
ca, _ := value.(*certconfig.CA)
// nil 'ca' means 'refetchCA' could not find it in the datastore. May happen
// if CA entity was deleted after GetCertChecker call. It could have been also
// "soft-deleted" by setting Removed == true.
if ca == nil || ca.Removed {
return nil, Error{
error: fmt.Errorf("no such CA %q", ch.CN),
Reason: NoSuchCA,
return ca, nil
// CheckCertificate checks certificate's signature, validity period and
// revocation status.
// It returns nil error iff cert was directly signed by the CA, not expired yet,
// and its serial number is not in the CA's CRL (if CA's CRL is configured).
// On success also returns *certconfig.CA instance used to check the
// certificate, since 'GetCA' may return another instance (in case certconfig.CA
// cache happened to expire between the calls).
func (ch *CertChecker) CheckCertificate(c context.Context, cert *x509.Certificate) (*certconfig.CA, error) {
// Has the cert expired already?
now := clock.Now(c)
if now.Before(cert.NotBefore) || now.After(cert.NotAfter) {
return nil, Error{
error: fmt.Errorf("certificate has expired"),
Reason: CertificateExpired,
// Grab CA cert from the datastore.
ca, err := ch.GetCA(c)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Verify the signature.
if cert.Issuer.CommonName != ca.ParsedCert.Subject.CommonName {
return nil, Error{
error: fmt.Errorf("can't check a signature made by %q", cert.Issuer.CommonName),
Reason: UnknownCA,
if err = cert.CheckSignatureFrom(ca.ParsedCert); err != nil {
return nil, Error{
error: err,
Reason: SignatureCheckError,
// Check the revocation list if it is configured in the CA config.
if ca.ParsedConfig.CrlUrl != "" {
// Check we fetched the CRL already.
if !ca.Ready {
return nil, Error{
error: fmt.Errorf("CRL of CA %q is not ready yet", ch.CN),
Reason: NotReadyCA,
// Check if the serial number is in the last fetched CRL.
switch revoked, err := ch.CRL.IsRevokedSN(c, cert.SerialNumber); {
case err != nil:
return nil, err
case revoked:
return nil, Error{
error: fmt.Errorf("certificate with SN %s has been revoked", cert.SerialNumber),
Reason: CertificateRevoked,
return ca, nil
// refetchCA is called lazily whenever we need to fetch the CA entity.
// If CA entity has disappeared since CertChecker was created, it returns nil
// (that will be cached in as usual). It acts as an indicator to GetCA to
// return NoSuchCA error, since returning a error here would just cause a retry
// of 'refetchCA' later.
func (ch *CertChecker) refetchCA(c context.Context) (*certconfig.CA, error) {
ca := &certconfig.CA{CN: ch.CN}
switch err := ds.Get(c, ca); {
case err == ds.ErrNoSuchEntity:
return nil, nil
case err != nil:
return nil, transient.Tag.Apply(err)
parsedConf, err := ca.ParseConfig()
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("can't parse stored config for %q - %s", ca.CN, err)
ca.ParsedConfig = parsedConf
parsedCert, err := x509.ParseCertificate(ca.Cert)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("can't parse stored cert for %q - %s", ca.CN, err)
ca.ParsedCert = parsedCert
return ca, nil