blob: f6e6ff9b0141148ab6d10fed45e50f5b988c82d3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The LUCI Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package machinetoken
import (
tokenserver ""
// MintMachineTokenRPC implements TokenMinter.MintMachineToken RPC method.
type MintMachineTokenRPC struct {
// Signer is mocked in tests.
// In prod it is the default server signer that uses server's service account.
Signer signing.Signer
// CheckCertificate is mocked in tests.
// In prod it is certchecker.CheckCertificate.
CheckCertificate func(c context.Context, cert *x509.Certificate) (*certconfig.CA, error)
// LogToken is mocked in tests.
// In prod it is produced by NewTokenLogger.
LogToken TokenLogger
// MintMachineToken generates a new token for an authenticated machine.
func (r *MintMachineTokenRPC) MintMachineToken(c context.Context, req *minter.MintMachineTokenRequest) (*minter.MintMachineTokenResponse, error) {
// Parse serialized portion of the request and do minimal validation before
// checking the signature to reject obviously bad requests.
if len(req.SerializedTokenRequest) == 0 {
return nil, status.Errorf(codes.InvalidArgument, "empty request")
tokenReq := minter.MachineTokenRequest{}
if err := proto.Unmarshal(req.SerializedTokenRequest, &tokenReq); err != nil {
return nil, status.Errorf(codes.InvalidArgument, "failed to unmarshal TokenRequest - %s", err)
switch tokenReq.TokenType {
case tokenserver.MachineTokenType_LUCI_MACHINE_TOKEN:
// supported
return r.mintingErrorResponse(
"token_type %s is not supported", tokenReq.TokenType)
// Timestamp is required.
issuedAt := tokenReq.IssuedAt.AsTime()
if issuedAt.IsZero() {
return r.mintingErrorResponse(c, minter.ErrorCode_BAD_TIMESTAMP, "issued_at is required")
// It should be within acceptable range.
now := clock.Now(c)
notBefore := now.Add(-10 * time.Minute)
notAfter := now.Add(10 * time.Minute)
if issuedAt.Before(notBefore) || issuedAt.After(notAfter) {
return r.mintingErrorResponse(
c, minter.ErrorCode_BAD_TIMESTAMP,
"issued_at timestamp is not within acceptable range, check your clock")
// The certificate must be valid.
cert, err := x509.ParseCertificate(tokenReq.Certificate)
if err != nil {
return r.mintingErrorResponse(
"failed to parse the certificate (expecting x509 cert DER)")
// Check the signature before proceeding. Use switch when picking an algo
// as a reminder to add a new branch if new signature scheme is added.
var algo x509.SignatureAlgorithm
switch tokenReq.SignatureAlgorithm {
case minter.SignatureAlgorithm_SHA256_RSA_ALGO:
algo = x509.SHA256WithRSA
return r.mintingErrorResponse(
"signature_algorithm %s is not supported", tokenReq.SignatureAlgorithm)
err = cert.CheckSignature(algo, req.SerializedTokenRequest, req.Signature)
if err != nil {
return r.mintingErrorResponse(
c, minter.ErrorCode_BAD_SIGNATURE,
"signature verification failed - %s", err)
// At this point we know the request was signed by the holder of a private key
// that matches the certificate.
// Let's make sure the token server knows about that key, i.e. the certificate
// itself is signed by some trusted CA, it is valid (not expired), and it
// hasn't been revoked yet. CheckCertificate does these checks.
ca, err := r.CheckCertificate(c, cert)
// Recognize error codes related to CA cert checking. Everything else is
// transient errors.
if err != nil {
if certchecker.IsCertInvalidError(err) {
return r.mintingErrorResponse(c, minter.ErrorCode_UNTRUSTED_CERTIFICATE, "%s", err)
return nil, status.Errorf(codes.Internal, "failed to check the certificate - %s", err)
// At this point we trust what's in MachineTokenRequest, proceed with
// generating the token.
args := mintTokenArgs{
Config: ca.ParsedConfig,
Cert: cert,
Request: &tokenReq,
switch tokenReq.TokenType {
case tokenserver.MachineTokenType_LUCI_MACHINE_TOKEN:
resp, body, err := r.mintLuciMachineToken(c, args)
switch {
case err != nil: // grpc-level error
return nil, err
case resp == nil: // should not happen
panic("both resp and err can't be nil")
case resp.ErrorCode != 0: // logic-level error
if resp.TokenResponse != nil {
panic("TokenResponse must be nil if ErrorCode != 0")
return resp, nil
if resp.TokenResponse == nil {
panic("TokenResponse must not be nil if ErrorCode == 0")
if r.LogToken != nil {
// Errors during logging are considered not fatal. We have a monitoring
// counter that tracks number of errors, so they are not totally
// invisible.
tokInfo := MintedTokenInfo{
Request: &tokenReq,
Response: resp.TokenResponse,
TokenBody: body,
CA: ca,
PeerIP: auth.GetState(c).PeerIP(),
RequestID: trace.SpanContextFromContext(c).TraceID().String(),
if logErr := r.LogToken(c, &tokInfo); logErr != nil {
logging.WithError(logErr).Errorf(c, "Failed to insert the machine token into BigQuery log")
return resp, nil
panic("impossible") // there's a check above
type mintTokenArgs struct {
Config *admin.CertificateAuthorityConfig
Cert *x509.Certificate
Request *minter.MachineTokenRequest
func (r *MintMachineTokenRPC) mintLuciMachineToken(c context.Context, args mintTokenArgs) (*minter.MintMachineTokenResponse, *tokenserver.MachineTokenBody, error) {
// Validate FQDN and whether it is allowed by config. The FQDN is extracted
// from the cert.
params := MintParams{
Cert: args.Cert,
Config: args.Config,
Signer: r.Signer,
if err := params.Validate(); err != nil {
resp, err := r.mintingErrorResponse(c, minter.ErrorCode_BAD_TOKEN_ARGUMENTS, "%s", err)
return resp, nil, err
serviceVer, err := utils.ServiceVersion(c, r.Signer)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, status.Errorf(codes.Internal, "can't grab service version - %s", err)
// Make the token.
switch body, signedToken, err := Mint(c, &params); {
case err == nil:
expiry := time.Unix(int64(body.IssuedAt), 0).Add(time.Duration(body.Lifetime) * time.Second)
return &minter.MintMachineTokenResponse{
ServiceVersion: serviceVer,
TokenResponse: &minter.MachineTokenResponse{
ServiceVersion: serviceVer,
TokenType: &minter.MachineTokenResponse_LuciMachineToken{
LuciMachineToken: &minter.LuciMachineToken{
MachineToken: signedToken,
Expiry: timestamppb.New(expiry),
}, body, nil
case transient.Tag.In(err):
return nil, nil, status.Errorf(codes.Internal, "failed to generate machine token - %s", err)
resp, err := r.mintingErrorResponse(c, minter.ErrorCode_MACHINE_TOKEN_MINTING_ERROR, "%s", err)
return resp, nil, err
func (r *MintMachineTokenRPC) mintingErrorResponse(c context.Context, code minter.ErrorCode, msg string, args ...any) (*minter.MintMachineTokenResponse, error) {
serviceVer, err := utils.ServiceVersion(c, r.Signer)
if err != nil {
return nil, status.Errorf(codes.Internal, "can't grab service version - %s", err)
return &minter.MintMachineTokenResponse{
ErrorCode: code,
ErrorMessage: fmt.Sprintf(msg, args...),
ServiceVersion: serviceVer,
}, nil