blob: 9672bd78f99553886540c0910302a4615f285470 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The LUCI Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package common
import (
memcfg ""
. ""
. ""
func TestConfig(t *testing.T) {
Convey("Test Environment", t, func() {
c := gaetesting.TestingContextWithAppID("dev~luci-milo")
Convey("Validation tests", func() {
ctx := &validation.Context{
Context: c,
configSet := "projects/foobar"
path := "luci-milo.cfg"
Convey("Load a bad config", func() {
content := []byte(badCfg)
validateProjectCfg(ctx, configSet, path, content)
So(ctx.Finalize().Error(), ShouldResemble, "in <unspecified file>: line 4: unknown field name \"\" in config.Header")
Convey("Load another bad config", func() {
content := []byte(badCfg2)
validateProjectCfg(ctx, configSet, path, content)
err := ctx.Finalize()
ve, ok := err.(*validation.Error)
So(ok, ShouldEqual, true)
So(len(ve.Errors), ShouldEqual, 14)
So(ve.Errors[0].Error(), ShouldContainSubstring, "duplicate header id")
So(ve.Errors[1].Error(), ShouldContainSubstring, "missing id")
So(ve.Errors[2].Error(), ShouldContainSubstring, "missing manifest name")
So(ve.Errors[3].Error(), ShouldContainSubstring, "missing repo url")
So(ve.Errors[4].Error(), ShouldContainSubstring, "missing ref")
So(ve.Errors[5].Error(), ShouldContainSubstring, "header non-existant not defined")
Convey("Load a good config", func() {
content := []byte(fooCfg)
validateProjectCfg(ctx, configSet, path, content)
So(ctx.Finalize(), ShouldBeNil)
Convey("Tests about global configs", func() {
Convey("Read a config before anything is set", func() {
c = testconfig.WithCommonClient(c, memcfg.New(mockedConfigs))
_, err := UpdateServiceConfig(c)
So(err.Error(), ShouldResemble, "could not load settings.cfg from luci-config: no such config")
settings := GetSettings(c)
So(settings.Buildbot.InternalReader, ShouldEqual, "")
Convey("Read a config", func() {
mockedConfigs["services/luci-milo"] = memcfg.Files{
"settings.cfg": settingsCfg,
c = testconfig.WithCommonClient(c, memcfg.New(mockedConfigs))
rSettings, err := UpdateServiceConfig(c)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
settings := GetSettings(c)
So(rSettings, ShouldResembleProto, settings)
So(settings.Buildbot.InternalReader, ShouldEqual, "googlers")
Convey("Send update", func() {
c = testconfig.WithCommonClient(c, memcfg.New(mockedConfigs))
_, err := UpdateServiceConfig(c)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
// Send update here
So(UpdateConsoles(c), ShouldBeNil)
Convey("Check Console config updated", func() {
cs, err := GetConsole(c, "foo", "default")
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(cs.ID, ShouldEqual, "default")
So(cs.Ordinal, ShouldEqual, 0)
So(cs.Def.Header, ShouldBeNil)
Convey("Check Console config updated with header", func() {
cs, err := GetConsole(c, "foo", "default_header")
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(cs.ID, ShouldEqual, "default_header")
So(cs.Ordinal, ShouldEqual, 1)
So(cs.Def.Header.Id, ShouldEqual, "main_header")
So(cs.Def.Header.TreeStatusHost, ShouldEqual, "")
Convey("Check second update reorders", func() {
mockedConfigsUpdate["services/luci-milo"] = memcfg.Files{
"settings.cfg": settingsCfg,
c = testconfig.WithCommonClient(c, memcfg.New(mockedConfigsUpdate))
_, err = UpdateServiceConfig(c)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
// Send update here
So(UpdateConsoles(c), ShouldBeNil)
Convey("Check Console config removed", func() {
cs, err := GetConsole(c, "foo", "default")
So(err, ShouldNotBeNil)
So(cs, ShouldEqual, nil)
Convey("Check builder group configs in correct order", func() {
cs, err := GetConsole(c, "foo", "default_header")
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(cs.ID, ShouldEqual, "default_header")
So(cs.Ordinal, ShouldEqual, 0)
So(cs.Def.Header.Id, ShouldEqual, "main_header")
So(cs.Def.Header.TreeStatusHost, ShouldEqual, "")
cs, err = GetConsole(c, "foo", "")
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(cs.ID, ShouldEqual, "")
So(cs.Ordinal, ShouldEqual, 1)
So(cs.Builders, ShouldResemble, []string{"buildbucket/"})
cs, err = GetConsole(c, "foo", "console.baz")
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(cs.ID, ShouldEqual, "console.baz")
So(cs.Ordinal, ShouldEqual, 2)
So(cs.Builders, ShouldResemble, []string{"buildbucket/"})
Convey("Check getting project builder groups in correct order", func() {
cs, err := GetProjectConsoles(c, "foo")
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
ids := make([]string, 0, len(cs))
for _, c := range cs {
ids = append(ids, c.ID)
So(ids, ShouldResemble, []string{"default_header", "", "console.baz"})
var fooCfg = `
headers: {
id: "main_header"
tree_status_host: ""
consoles: {
id: "default"
repo_url: ""
refs: "refs/heads/master"
manifest_name: "REVISION"
builders: {
name: "buildbucket/"
category: "main|something"
short_name: "s"
builders: {
name: "buildbucket/"
category: "main|other"
short_name: "o"
consoles: {
id: "default_header"
repo_url: ""
refs: "regexp:refs/heads/also-ok"
manifest_name: "REVISION"
builders: {
name: "buildbucket/"
category: "main|something"
short_name: "s"
builders: {
name: "buildbucket/"
category: "main|other"
short_name: "o"
header_id: "main_header"
var badCfg = `
headers: {
id: "main_header",
tree_status_host: ""
var badCfg2 = `
headers: {
id: "main_header",
tree_status_host: ""
headers: {
id: "main_header",
tree_status_host: ""
consoles {
header_id: "non-existant"
consoles {
id: "foo"
consoles {
id: "foo"
logo_url: "badurl"
var fooCfg2 = `
headers: {
id: "main_header"
tree_status_host: ""
consoles: {
id: "default_header"
repo_url: ""
refs: "refs/heads/master"
builders: {
name: "buildbucket/"
category: "main|something"
short_name: "s"
builders: {
name: "buildbucket/"
category: "main|other"
short_name: "o"
header_id: "main_header"
consoles: {
id: ""
repo_url: ""
refs: "refs/heads/master"
builders: {
name: "buildbucket/"
category: "main|something"
short_name: "s"
consoles: {
id: "console.baz"
repo_url: ""
refs: "refs/heads/master"
builders: {
name: "buildbucket/"
category: "main|other"
short_name: "o"
var settingsCfg = `
buildbot: {
internal_reader: "googlers"
var mockedConfigs = map[config.Set]memcfg.Files{
"projects/foo": {
"luci-milo.cfg": fooCfg,
var mockedConfigsUpdate = map[config.Set]memcfg.Files{
"projects/foo": {
"luci-milo.cfg": fooCfg2,