blob: 0d915eb71b5685a27ce5ec1f795a61a31bcfbe73 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The LUCI Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package core
import (
// PackageManager represents the management interface for packages to provide
// a place for storing and retrieving packages.
type PackageManager interface {
// Get(id) returns the handler for the package.
Get(id string) PackageHandler
var (
// ErrPackageNotExist returns when trying to increase the reference of a
// non-existent package.
ErrPackageNotExist = errors.New("package does not exist")
// PackageHandler is the interface for a handler in the storage. The content of
// a package can be built by calling Build(func(Package) error) error, which
// will make package available if successful and can be referenced by other
// packages. Package shouldn't be modified after build.
type PackageHandler interface {
// OutputDirectory() returns the output directory.
OutputDirectory() string
// LoggingDirectory() returns the logging directory.
LoggingDirectory() string
// Build(buildFunc) makes packages available in the storage.
// It's responsible for:
// - Hold exclusive lock to the package during the build.
// - Ensure build only happens once unless the package is removed.
// - Check the remote cache server (if possible).
// - Set up the build environment (e.g. create output directory).
// - Mark package available if build function successfully returns.
// Calling build function is expected to trigger the actual build iff package
// isn't available yet.
Build(builder func() error) error
// TryRemove(), IncRef(), DecRef() are the interface for removable packages.
// If removing package is not supported by PackageManager, TryRemove() will
// always return false.
// IncRef() and DecRef() references/dereferences the package to prevent
// package from being removed, thus they can be no-op if the removal never
// happens.
// TryRemove() may remove the package only if there is no reference to it.
TryRemove() (ok bool, err error)
// Reference the package to prevent it from being removed while in use.
// IncRef() updates the last access time of the package as well.
// IncRef() only succeeds if the package is available.
// Otherwise ErrPackageNotExist will be returned.
IncRef() error
DecRef() error