blob: 7b5ab21df4a7928b1b7d2e7dbcbd356ff3b16486 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The LUCI Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Package quotakeys has utility functions for generating internal quota Redis
// keys.
package quotakeys
import (
const (
// QuotaFieldDelim is used to delimit sections of keys which are user provided values.
// NOTE: this is ascii85-safe.
QuotaFieldDelim = "~"
// redisKeyPrefix is the prefix used used by ALL Redis keys in this module.
// It'll be repeated many times in the db, so we picked `"a` (i.e quote-ah)...
// Unique? Short? Cute? Obscure? Yes.
redisKeyPrefix = `"a`
accountKeyPrefix = redisKeyPrefix + QuotaFieldDelim + "a" + QuotaFieldDelim
policyConfigPrefix = redisKeyPrefix + QuotaFieldDelim + "p" + QuotaFieldDelim
requestDedupKeyPrefix = redisKeyPrefix + QuotaFieldDelim + "r" + QuotaFieldDelim
// parseRedisKey will parse a quota library redis key, and populate the given
// Key proto message with its contents.
// This function assumes that the key proto has N string fields which have the
// proto field numbers 1..N.
func parseRedisKey(key, prefix string, to proto.Message) error {
if !strings.HasPrefix(key, prefix) {
return errors.New("incorrect prefix")
toks := strings.Split(key[len(prefix):], QuotaFieldDelim)
p := to.ProtoReflect()
fields := p.Descriptor().Fields()
if fields.Len() != len(toks) {
return errors.Reason("incorrect number of sections: %d != %d", len(toks), fields.Len()).Err()
for i, tok := range toks {
fn := protoreflect.FieldNumber(i + 1)
fd := fields.ByNumber(fn)
// HACK: Support uint for PolicyConfigID
if fd.Kind() == protoreflect.Uint32Kind {
val, err := strconv.ParseUint(tok, 10, 32)
if err != nil {
return errors.Annotate(err, "bad version scheme").Err()
p.Set(fd, protoreflect.ValueOfUint32(uint32(val)))
} else {
// assume string
p.Set(fd, protoreflect.ValueOfString(tok))
return to.(interface{ ValidateAll() error }).ValidateAll()
// serializeRedisKey generates
func serializeRedisKey(prefix string, from proto.Message) string {
p := from.ProtoReflect()
fields := p.Descriptor().Fields()
fLen := fields.Len()
bld := strings.Builder{}
for fNum := protoreflect.FieldNumber(1); int(fNum) <= fLen; fNum++ {
if fNum > 1 {
return bld.String()
// ParseAccountKey parses a raw key string and extracts a AccountID
// from it (or returns an error).
func ParseAccountKey(key string) (*quotapb.AccountID, error) {
ret := &quotapb.AccountID{}
err := parseRedisKey(key, accountKeyPrefix, ret)
return ret, err
// AccountKey returns the full redis key for an account.
func AccountKey(id *quotapb.AccountID) string {
return serializeRedisKey(accountKeyPrefix, id)
// ParsePolicyConfigID parses a raw key string and extracts a PolicyConfigID
// from it (or returns an error).
func ParsePolicyConfigID(policyConfigID string) (*quotapb.PolicyConfigID, error) {
ret := &quotapb.PolicyConfigID{}
err := parseRedisKey(policyConfigID, policyConfigPrefix, ret)
return ret, err
// PolicyConfigID returns a full redis key for the given PolicyConfigID.
// `id` must already be validated, or this could panic.
func PolicyConfigID(id *quotapb.PolicyConfigID) string {
return serializeRedisKey(policyConfigPrefix, id)
// ParsePolicyKey parses a raw key string and extracts a PolicyKey
// from it (or returns an error).
func ParsePolicyKey(policyKey string) (*quotapb.PolicyKey, error) {
ret := &quotapb.PolicyKey{}
err := parseRedisKey(policyKey, "", ret)
return ret, err
// PolicyKey returns a full redis key for the given PolicyKey.
// `id` must already be validated, or this could panic.
func PolicyKey(id *quotapb.PolicyKey) string {
return serializeRedisKey("", id)
// ParsePolicyRef parses a raw PolicyRef and extracts a PolicyID
// from it (or returns an error).
func ParsePolicyRef(ref *quotapb.PolicyRef) (ret *quotapb.PolicyID, err error) {
ret = &quotapb.PolicyID{}
ret.Config, err = ParsePolicyConfigID(ref.Config)
if err == nil {
ret.Key, err = ParsePolicyKey(ref.Key)
return ret, err
// PolicyRef returns a PolicyRef for the given PolicyID.
// `id` must already be validated, or this could panic.
func PolicyRef(id *quotapb.PolicyID) *quotapb.PolicyRef {
return &quotapb.PolicyRef{
Config: PolicyConfigID(id.Config),
Key: PolicyKey(id.Key),
// ParseRequestDedupKey parses a raw key string and extracts the userID and requestID
// from the request key.
func ParseRequestDedupKey(key string) (*quotapb.RequestDedupKey, error) {
ret := &quotapb.RequestDedupKey{}
err := parseRedisKey(key, requestDedupKeyPrefix, ret)
return ret, err
// RequestDedupKey returns the full redis key for a request dedup entry.
// Args:
// - userID is the luci auth identity of the requestor.
// - requestID is the user's provided requestID.
// Example (`RequestDedupKey("", "something")`):
// "
// Returns a request deduplication key.
// None of the arguments may contain "~".
func RequestDedupKey(id *quotapb.RequestDedupKey) string {
return serializeRedisKey(requestDedupKeyPrefix, id)