blob: a507d4c62a15a8ab94f734641ddc1b3c7feb11f6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2024 The LUCI Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Package exportnotifier is responsible for dispatching
// "invocation ready for export" notifications, used to trigger low-latency
// exports from ResultDB. Notifications are dispatched when all of the
// following criteria is met:
// - The invocation is included by an export root, AND
// - The invocation is locally immutable - signified by the
// invocation being in FINALIZING (or FINALIZED) state, AND
// - The sources the invocation are final. This could be because
// the sources were specified concretely and invocation is final
// (see above) or the invocation is inheriting sources, and those
// sources are available and final.
package exportnotifier
import (
pb ""
// Add support for Spanner transactions in TQ.
_ ""
const (
// The number of export root rows to propagate to in one transaction.
// This should balance Spanner mutation limits, efficiency of using
// larger transactions and the risk of contention.
BatchSizeInExportRootRows = 1000
// RunExportNotificationsTasks describes how to route
// run export notification tasks.
var RunExportNotificationsTasks = tq.RegisterTaskClass(tq.TaskClass{
ID: "propagate-export-roots",
Prototype: &taskspb.RunExportNotifications{},
Kind: tq.Transactional,
Queue: "exportnotifier",
RoutingPrefix: "/internal/tasks/exportnotifier",
type Options struct {
// Hostname of the luci.resultdb.v1.ResultDB service which can be
// queried to fetch the details of invocations being exported.
// E.g. "".
ResultDBHostname string
// InitServer initializes a exportnotifier server.
func InitServer(srv *server.Server, opts Options) error {
RunExportNotificationsTasks.AttachHandler(func(ctx context.Context, msg proto.Message) error {
task := msg.(*taskspb.RunExportNotifications)
// Propogate export roots and send `invocation ready for export`
// notifications as needed.
return propagate(ctx, task, opts)
return nil
// propagate propagates export roots and their associated sources to
// included invocations. It triggers `invocation ready for export`
// notifications as appropriate.
// This task must be called whenever there is any update
// to an invocation that may affect the export root records or
// trigger a notification, e.g:
// - new invocation is included.
// - sources are finalized.
// - the invocation transitions to FINALIZING state.
// - a new export root is defined.
// The task must ensure that the changes that were made and for
// which the task was created are propogated to the included
// invocations. It *may* also opportunistically apply other
// changes (for which another task would have been scheduled).
// If each task does at least what it needs to and does not roll
// back any other task's work (with which it may be racing), then
// export roots will be eventually consistent with the state of
// invocations in ResultDB, after all pending tasks for that
// invocation graph have completed.
func propagate(ctx context.Context, task *taskspb.RunExportNotifications, opts Options) error {
// The task body can be split up into multiple transactions, where
// it does not cause us to violate any of the following rules:
// - We read whatever was present at a time after the task
// was scheduled.
// - We make all updates (i.e. propagate roots and sources and
// notify) required by that read.
// - We only ever make positive progress, that is, we don't roll
// back or overwrite the sources or (Is)Notified fields set
// by a concurrently running propagate job.
// The last point requires use of a Read-Write transaction
// to update entities, as blind writes risk overwriting.
invID := invocations.ID(task.InvocationId)
rootRestriction := toRootRestriction(task.RootInvocationIds)
inv, err := invocations.ReadExportInfo(span.Single(ctx), invID)
if err != nil {
if spanner.ErrCode(err) == codes.NotFound {
// Invocation was deleted.
return nil
return errors.Annotate(err, "read sources").Err()
var roots []exportroots.ExportRoot
_, err = span.ReadWriteTransaction(ctx, func(ctx context.Context) error {
var err error
// Read export roots of the current invocation, we'll need
// these later when we consider propagating them to included
// invocations.
roots, err = exportroots.ReadForInvocation(ctx, invID, rootRestriction)
if err != nil {
return err
// Consider whether we need to send any notifications
// for the current invocation.
if !inv.IsInvocationFinal {
// Invocation is not yet ready for export.
return nil
for _, root := range roots {
if inv.IsInheritingSources && !root.IsInheritedSourcesSet {
// Wait for inherited sources to be set.
if root.IsNotified {
// We previously notified for this root.
rootRealm, err := invocations.ReadRealm(ctx, root.RootInvocation)
if err != nil {
return errors.Annotate(err, "read realm of root invocation").Err()
var sources *pb.Sources
if inv.IsInheritingSources {
sources = root.InheritedSources
} else {
sources = inv.Sources
// Create pub/sub message.
notification := &pb.InvocationReadyForExportNotification{
ResultdbHost: opts.ResultDBHostname,
RootInvocation: root.RootInvocation.Name(),
RootInvocationRealm: rootRealm,
Invocation: root.Invocation.Name(),
InvocationRealm: inv.Realm,
Sources: sources,
// Transactioncally dispatch it.
notifyInvocationReadyForExport(ctx, notification)
// Set notified.
root.IsNotified = true
span.BufferWrite(ctx, exportroots.SetNotified(root))
return nil
if err != nil {
return errors.Annotate(err, "read roots and notify").Err()
// Read included invocations.
included, err := invocations.ReadIncluded(span.Single(ctx), invID)
if err != nil {
return errors.Annotate(err, "read included").Err()
if len(task.IncludedInvocationIds) > 0 {
// Restrict to propagating to nominated invocations, if specified.
included = included.Intersect(toIDSet(task.IncludedInvocationIds))
if len(roots) == 0 || len(included) == 0 {
// Early exit: no export roots to propagate or nowhere to propogate to.
return nil
// Compute the batch size in number of included invocations to process at
// a time.
batchSizeInInvocations := BatchSizeInExportRootRows / len(roots)
if batchSizeInInvocations <= 1 {
batchSizeInInvocations = 1
// Propogate export roots and sources to included invocations.
// Batch updates to remain within Spanner transaction mutation limits.
batches := included.Batch(batchSizeInInvocations)
for _, includedInvocationIDs := range batches {
_, err := span.ReadWriteTransaction(ctx, func(ctx context.Context) error {
rootsToRead := invocations.NewIDSet()
for _, root := range roots {
childRoots, err := exportroots.ReadForInvocations(ctx, includedInvocationIDs, rootsToRead)
if err != nil {
return errors.Annotate(err, "read roots for included invocations").Err()
// For each included invocation.
for _, includedInvocationID := range includedInvocationIDs.SortByRowID() {
rootsUpdated := invocations.NewIDSet()
// For each export root in the current invocation to propagate.
for _, root := range roots {
// Identify the sources that included invocations are eligible
// to inherit from this invocation for this export root.
sourcesKnown := false
var sources *pb.Sources
// The sources spec on this invocation must final before we
// can tell included invocations which sources they are inheriting.
if inv.IsSourceSpecFinalEffective {
if inv.IsInheritingSources && root.IsInheritedSourcesSet {
// This invocation is inheriting sources, and the sources
// assigned to this invocation for this export root are known.
sources = root.InheritedSources
sourcesKnown = true
} else if !inv.IsInheritingSources {
// This invocation has specified concrete sources.
sources = inv.Sources
sourcesKnown = true
childRoot, ok := childRoots[includedInvocationID][root.RootInvocation]
if ok {
// The included invocation already has a record for the export root.
if !childRoot.IsInheritedSourcesSet && sourcesKnown {
// Sources were not set, but are available now.
// Propogate sources to the export root record.
childRoot.InheritedSources = sources
childRoot.IsInheritedSourcesSet = true
span.BufferWrite(ctx, exportroots.SetInheritedSources(childRoot))
} else {
// The included invocation does not have a record of the root.
// Create a record, setting sources as appropriate.
newRoot := exportroots.ExportRoot{
Invocation: includedInvocationID,
RootInvocation: root.RootInvocation,
IsInheritedSourcesSet: sourcesKnown,
InheritedSources: sources,
IsNotified: false,
span.BufferWrite(ctx, exportroots.Create(newRoot))
if len(rootsUpdated) > 0 {
// Updates were made to this included invocation's export roots.
// Schedule a task to send pub/sub notifications and/or continue
// propogation of roots and sources on the included invocation
// as appropriate.
var rootIDs []string
for _, rootID := range rootsUpdated.SortByRowID() {
rootIDs = append(rootIDs, string(rootID))
task := &taskspb.RunExportNotifications{
InvocationId: string(includedInvocationID),
RootInvocationIds: rootIDs,
EnqueueTask(ctx, task)
return nil
if err != nil {
return errors.Annotate(err, "propogate to included invocations").Err()
return nil
func toIDSet(invocationIDs []string) invocations.IDSet {
result := invocations.NewIDSet()
for _, id := range invocationIDs {
return result
func toRootRestriction(rootInvocationIDs []string) exportroots.RootRestriction {
if len(rootInvocationIDs) == 0 {
return exportroots.RootRestriction{
UseRestriction: false,
return exportroots.RootRestriction{
UseRestriction: true,
InvocationIDs: toIDSet(rootInvocationIDs),
// EnqueueTask transactionally enqueues a RunExportNotifications task.
func EnqueueTask(ctx context.Context, task *taskspb.RunExportNotifications) {
tq.MustAddTask(ctx, &tq.Task{
Payload: task,
Title: string(task.InvocationId),