blob: 4c01c1c09304e83b7441b64ba70a2b780778fa14 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The LUCI Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Package insert implements functions to insert rows for testing purposes.
package insert
import (
. ""
durpb ""
pb ""
// TestRealm is the default realm used for invocation mutations returned by Invocation().
const TestRealm = "testproject:testrealm"
func updateDict(dest, source map[string]any) {
for k, v := range source {
dest[k] = v
// Invocation returns a spanner mutation that inserts an invocation.
func Invocation(id invocations.ID, state pb.Invocation_State, extraValues map[string]any) *spanner.Mutation {
future := time.Date(2050, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC)
values := map[string]any{
"InvocationId": id,
"ShardId": 0,
"State": state,
"Realm": TestRealm,
"InvocationExpirationTime": future,
"ExpectedTestResultsExpirationTime": future,
"CreateTime": spanner.CommitTimestamp,
"Deadline": future,
if state == pb.Invocation_FINALIZING || state == pb.Invocation_FINALIZED {
values["FinalizeStartTime"] = spanner.CommitTimestamp
if state == pb.Invocation_FINALIZED {
values["FinalizeTime"] = spanner.CommitTimestamp
updateDict(values, extraValues)
return spanutil.InsertMap("Invocations", values)
// FinalizedInvocationWithInclusions returns mutations to insert a finalized invocation with inclusions.
func FinalizedInvocationWithInclusions(id invocations.ID, extraValues map[string]any, included ...invocations.ID) []*spanner.Mutation {
return InvocationWithInclusions(id, pb.Invocation_FINALIZED, extraValues, included...)
// InvocationWithInclusions returns mutations to insert an invocation with inclusions.
func InvocationWithInclusions(id invocations.ID, state pb.Invocation_State, extraValues map[string]any, included ...invocations.ID) []*spanner.Mutation {
ms := []*spanner.Mutation{Invocation(id, state, extraValues)}
for _, incl := range included {
ms = append(ms, Inclusion(id, incl))
return ms
// Inclusion returns a spanner mutation that inserts an inclusion.
func Inclusion(including, included invocations.ID) *spanner.Mutation {
return spanutil.InsertMap("IncludedInvocations", map[string]any{
"InvocationId": including,
"IncludedInvocationId": included,
// TestResults returns spanner mutations to insert test results
func TestResults(invID, testID string, v *pb.Variant, statuses ...pb.TestStatus) []*spanner.Mutation {
return TestResultMessages(MakeTestResults(invID, testID, v, statuses...))
// TestResultMessages returns spanner mutations to insert test results
func TestResultMessages(trs []*pb.TestResult) []*spanner.Mutation {
ms := make([]*spanner.Mutation, len(trs))
for i, tr := range trs {
invID, testID, resultID, err := pbutil.ParseTestResultName(tr.Name)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
mutMap := map[string]any{
"InvocationId": invocations.ID(invID),
"TestId": testID,
"ResultId": resultID,
"Variant": tr.Variant,
"VariantHash": pbutil.VariantHash(tr.Variant),
"CommitTimestamp": spanner.CommitTimestamp,
"Status": tr.Status,
"Tags": tr.Tags,
"StartTime": tr.StartTime,
"SummaryHtml": spanutil.Compressed(tr.SummaryHtml),
if tr.Duration != nil {
mutMap["RunDurationUsec"] = spanner.NullInt64{Int64: int64(tr.Duration.Seconds)*1e6 + int64(trs[i].Duration.Nanos)/1000, Valid: true}
if tr.SkipReason != pb.SkipReason_SKIP_REASON_UNSPECIFIED {
mutMap["SkipReason"] = tr.SkipReason
if !trs[i].Expected {
mutMap["IsUnexpected"] = true
if tr.TestMetadata != nil {
tmdBytes, err := proto.Marshal(tr.TestMetadata)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
mutMap["TestMetadata"] = spanutil.Compressed(tmdBytes)
if tr.FailureReason != nil {
frBytes, err := proto.Marshal(tr.FailureReason)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
mutMap["FailureReason"] = spanutil.Compressed(frBytes)
if tr.Properties != nil {
propertiesBytes, err := proto.Marshal(tr.Properties)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
mutMap["Properties"] = spanutil.Compressed(propertiesBytes)
ms[i] = spanutil.InsertMap("TestResults", mutMap)
return ms
// TestExonerations returns Spanner mutations to insert test exonerations.
func TestExonerations(invID invocations.ID, testID string, variant *pb.Variant, reasons ...pb.ExonerationReason) []*spanner.Mutation {
ms := make([]*spanner.Mutation, len(reasons))
for i := 0; i < len(reasons); i++ {
ms[i] = spanutil.InsertMap("TestExonerations", map[string]any{
"InvocationId": invID,
"TestId": testID,
"ExonerationId": strconv.Itoa(i),
"Variant": variant,
"VariantHash": pbutil.VariantHash(variant),
"ExplanationHTML": spanutil.Compressed(fmt.Sprintf("explanation %d", i)),
"Reason": reasons[i],
return ms
// Artifact returns a Spanner mutation to insert an artifact.
func Artifact(invID invocations.ID, parentID, artID string, extraValues map[string]any) *spanner.Mutation {
values := map[string]any{
"InvocationId": invID,
"ParentID": parentID,
"ArtifactId": artID,
updateDict(values, extraValues)
return spanutil.InsertMap("Artifacts", values)
func TestMetadataRows(rows []*testmetadata.TestMetadataRow) []*spanner.Mutation {
ms := make([]*spanner.Mutation, len(rows))
for i, row := range rows {
mutMap := map[string]any{
"Project": row.Project,
"TestId": row.TestID,
"SubRealm": row.SubRealm,
"RefHash": row.RefHash,
"LastUpdated": row.LastUpdated,
"TestMetadata": spanutil.Compressed(pbutil.MustMarshal(row.TestMetadata)),
"SourceRef": spanutil.Compressed(pbutil.MustMarshal(row.SourceRef)),
"Position": int64(row.Position),
ms[i] = spanutil.InsertMap("TestMetadata", mutMap)
return ms
func MakeTestMetadataRow(project, testID, subRealm string, refHash []byte) *testmetadata.TestMetadataRow {
return &testmetadata.TestMetadataRow{
Project: project,
TestID: testID,
RefHash: refHash,
SubRealm: subRealm,
LastUpdated: time.Time{},
TestMetadata: &pb.TestMetadata{
Name: project + "\n" + testID + "\n" + subRealm + "\n" + string(refHash),
Location: &pb.TestLocation{
Repo: "testRepo",
FileName: "testFile",
Line: 0,
BugComponent: &pb.BugComponent{},
SourceRef: &pb.SourceRef{
System: &pb.SourceRef_Gitiles{
Gitiles: &pb.GitilesRef{Host: "testHost"},
Position: 0,
// MakeTestResults creates test results.
func MakeTestResults(invID, testID string, v *pb.Variant, statuses ...pb.TestStatus) []*pb.TestResult {
trs := make([]*pb.TestResult, len(statuses))
for i, status := range statuses {
resultID := fmt.Sprintf("%d", i)
var reason *pb.FailureReason
if status != pb.TestStatus_PASS && status != pb.TestStatus_SKIP {
reason = &pb.FailureReason{
PrimaryErrorMessage: "failure reason",
var skipReason pb.SkipReason
if status == pb.TestStatus_SKIP {
trs[i] = &pb.TestResult{
Name: pbutil.TestResultName(invID, testID, resultID),
TestId: testID,
ResultId: resultID,
Variant: v,
VariantHash: pbutil.VariantHash(v),
Expected: status == pb.TestStatus_PASS,
Status: status,
Duration: &durpb.Duration{Seconds: int64(i), Nanos: 234567000},
SummaryHtml: "SummaryHtml",
TestMetadata: &pb.TestMetadata{Name: "testname"},
FailureReason: reason,
Properties: &structpb.Struct{Fields: map[string]*structpb.Value{"key": {Kind: &structpb.Value_StringValue{StringValue: "value"}}}},
SkipReason: skipReason,
return trs