blob: f654bca7f4507790cad45499e51289318679904b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The LUCI Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package metadata
import (
api ""
// rootMeta is metadata of the root prefix, it is inherited by all prefixes.
// TODO(vadimsh): Make this configurable.
var rootMeta = &api.PrefixMetadata{
Acls: []*api.PrefixMetadata_ACL{
// Administrators have implicit permissions to do everything everywhere.
Role: api.Role_OWNER,
Principals: []string{"group:administrators"},
func init() {
rootMeta.Fingerprint = CalculateFingerprint(*rootMeta)
// legacyStorageImpl implements Storage on top of PackageACL entities inherited
// from Python version of CIPD backend.
// This implementation stores api.PrefixMetadata in a deconstructed form as a
// bunch of datastore entities to be compatible with Python version of the
// backend that has no idea about PrefixMetadata abstraction.
// The processes of constructing and deconstructing PrefixMetadata are not
// perfectly reversible:
// * Order of ACL entries in PrefixMetadata is not preserved.
// * Order of principals in ACLs is also not preserved.
// * Empty ACLs are removed from PrefixMetadata.
// These differences shouldn't have semantic importance for users through.
type legacyStorageImpl struct {
// GetMetadata is part of Storage interface.
// For each subprefix in 'prefix' (e.g. for "a/b/c" it would be "a", "a/b", ...)
// it fetches a bunch of packageACL entities (one per possible role), and merges
// them into single PrefixMetadata object, thus faking new metadata API on top
// of legacy entities.
// The result also always includes the hardcoded root metadata.
func (legacyStorageImpl) GetMetadata(ctx context.Context, prefix string) ([]*api.PrefixMetadata, error) {
md, _, err := getMetadataImpl(ctx, prefix)
return md, err
// getMetadataImpl implements GetMetadata.
// As a bonus it returns all packageACL entities it fetched. This is used by
// VisitMetadata to avoid unnecessary refetches.
func getMetadataImpl(ctx context.Context, prefix string) ([]*api.PrefixMetadata, []*packageACL, error) {
prefix, err := common.ValidatePackagePrefix(prefix)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, errors.Annotate(err, "bad prefix given to GetMetadata").Err()
// Grab all subprefixes, i.e. ["a", "a/b", "a/b/c"]
var pfxs []string
for i, ch := range prefix {
if ch == '/' {
pfxs = append(pfxs, prefix[:i])
pfxs = append(pfxs, prefix)
// Start with the root metadata.
out := make([]*api.PrefixMetadata, 0, len(pfxs)+1)
out = append(out, rootMetadata())
// And finish with it if nothing else is requested.
if len(pfxs) == 0 {
return out, nil, nil
// Prepare the keys.
ents := make([]*packageACL, 0, len(pfxs)*len(legacyRoles))
for _, p := range pfxs {
ents = prefixACLs(ctx, p, ents)
// Fetch everything. ErrNoSuchEntity errors are fine, everything else is not.
if err = datastore.Get(ctx, ents); isInternalDSError(err) {
return nil, nil, errors.Annotate(err, "datastore error when fetching PackageACL").Tag(transient.Tag).Err()
// Combine the result into a bunch of PrefixMetadata structs.
legLen := len(legacyRoles)
for i, pfx := range pfxs {
if md := mergeIntoPrefixMetadata(ctx, pfx, ents[i*legLen:(i+1)*legLen]); md != nil {
out = append(out, md)
return out, ents, nil
// VisitMetadata is part of Storage interface.
func (legacyStorageImpl) VisitMetadata(ctx context.Context, prefix string, cb Visitor) error {
prefix, err := common.ValidatePackagePrefix(prefix)
if err != nil {
return errors.Annotate(err, "bad prefix given to VisitMetadata").Err()
// Visit 'prefix' directly first, per VisitMetadata contract. There's a chance
// we won't need to recurse deeper at all and can skip all expensive fetches.
md, ents, err := getMetadataImpl(ctx, prefix)
if err != nil {
return err
switch cont, err := cb(prefix, md); {
case err != nil:
return err
case !cont:
return nil
// We'll have to recurse into metadata subtree after all. Unfortunately,
// with legacy entity structure there's no way to efficiently fetch only
// immediate children of 'prefix', so we fetch EVERYTHING in advance, building
// a metadata graph for prefix/... in memory.
gr := metadataGraph{}
// Seed this graph with already fetched entities. They'll be needed to derive
// metadata inherited from 'prefix' and its parents when visiting nodes. For
// example, the metadata graph when visiting prefix "a/b" may look like this:
// - "a/b/c"
// /
// ROOT - "a"- "a/b" -- "a/b/d"
// \
// - "a/b/e"
// The traversal will be started form "a/b", but we still need the nodes
// leading to the root to get all inherited metadata.
gr.insert(ctx, ents)
// Fetch each per-role subtree separately, they have different key prefixes.
err = parallel.FanOutIn(func(tasks chan<- func() error) {
mu := sync.Mutex{}
for _, role := range legacyRoles {
role := role
tasks <- func() error {
listing, err := listACLsByPrefix(ctx, role, prefix)
if err == nil {
gr.insert(ctx, listing)
return err
if err != nil {
return errors.Annotate(err, "failed to fetch metadata").Tag(transient.Tag).Err()
// Make sure we have a path to 'prefix' before we freeze the graph. We need it
// to start the traversal below. It may be missing if there's no metadata
// attached to it and it has no children. This will naturally be handled by
// 'traverse'.
pfx := gr.node(prefix)
// Calculate all PrefixMetadata entries in the graph.
// Traverse the graph, but make sure to skip 'prefix' itself, we've already
// visited it at the very beginning.
return pfx.traverse(nil, func(n *metadataNode, md []*api.PrefixMetadata) (cont bool, err error) {
switch {
case n.prefix == prefix:
return true, nil
case == nil:
return true, nil // an intermediary node with no metadata, look deeper
return cb(n.prefix, md)
// UpdateMetadata is part of Storage interface.
// It assembles prefix metadata from a bunch of packageACL entities, passes it
// to the callback for modification, then deconstructs it back into a bunch of
// packageACL entities, to be saved in the datastore. All done transactionally.
func (legacyStorageImpl) UpdateMetadata(ctx context.Context, prefix string, cb func(m *api.PrefixMetadata) error) (*api.PrefixMetadata, error) {
prefix, err := common.ValidatePackagePrefix(prefix)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Annotate(err, "bad prefix given to GetMetadata").Err()
if prefix == "" {
return nil, errors.Reason("the root metadata is not modifiable").Err()
var cbErr error // error from 'cb'
var updated *api.PrefixMetadata // updated metadata to return
err = datastore.RunInTransaction(ctx, func(ctx context.Context) error {
cbErr = nil // reset in case the transaction is being retried
updated = nil
// Fetch the existing metadata.
ents := prefixACLs(ctx, prefix, nil)
if err := datastore.Get(ctx, ents); isInternalDSError(err) {
return errors.Annotate(err, "datastore error when fetching PackageACL").Err()
// Convert it to PrefixMetadata object. This will be nil if there's no
// existing metadata, in which case we construct the default metadata
// with no fingerprint (to indicate it is new), see UpdateMetadata doc in
// Storage interface.
updated = mergeIntoPrefixMetadata(ctx, prefix, ents)
if updated == nil {
updated = &api.PrefixMetadata{Prefix: prefix}
// Let the callback update the metadata. Retain the old copy for diff later.
before := proto.Clone(updated).(*api.PrefixMetadata)
if cbErr = cb(updated); cbErr != nil {
return cbErr
// Don't let the callback mess with the prefix or the fingerprint.
updated.Prefix = before.Prefix
updated.Fingerprint = before.Fingerprint
if proto.Equal(before, updated) {
return nil // no changes whatsoever, don't touch anything
// Apply changes to the datastore. This updates 'ents' to match the metadata
// stored in 'updated'. We then rederive PrefixMetadata (including the new
// fingerprint) from them. We do it this way (instead of calculating the
// fingerprint using 'updated' directly), to be absolutely sure that the
// fingerprint returned by GetMetadata after this transaction lands matches
// the fingerprint we return from UpdateMetadata. In particular, the way
// we store ACLs in legacy entities doesn't preserve order of Acls entries
// in the proto, or order of principals inside Acls, so we need to
// "reformat" the updated metadata before calculating its fingerprint.
if err := applyACLDiff(ctx, ents, updated); err != nil {
return errors.Annotate(err, "failed to update PackageACL entities").Err()
updated = mergeIntoPrefixMetadata(ctx, prefix, ents)
return nil
}, nil)
switch {
case cbErr != nil:
// The callback itself failed, need to return the error as is, as promised.
return nil, cbErr
case err != nil:
// All other errors are from the datastore, consider them transient.
return nil, errors.Annotate(err, "transaction failed").Tag(transient.Tag).Err()
case updated == nil || updated.Fingerprint == "":
// This happens if there's no existing metadata and the callback didn't
// create it. Return nil to indicate that the metadata is still missing.
return nil, nil
return updated, nil
// Legacy entities with fields matching Python version of the CIPD backend.
// legacyRoles contain all roles that can show up as part of packageACL key.
// There's also COUNTER_WRITER legacy role that we skip: counters are
// deprecated.
var legacyRoles = []string{
// legacyRoleMap is mapping from legacy role names to non-legacy ones.
// Note: we can't use keys of this map instead of legacyRoles slice, since we
// always want to enumerate roles in order.
var legacyRoleMap = map[string]api.Role{
"OWNER": api.Role_OWNER,
"WRITER": api.Role_WRITER,
"READER": api.Role_READER,
// packageACL contains ACLs for some package prefix.
type packageACL struct {
_kind string `gae:"$kind,PackageACL"`
_extra datastore.PropertyMap `gae:"-,extra"`
ID string `gae:"$id"` // "<ROLE>:<pkg/path>"
Parent *datastore.Key `gae:"$parent"` // see rootKey()
Rev int `gae:"rev,noindex"` // incremented on each change
Users []string `gae:"users,noindex"`
Groups []string `gae:"groups,noindex"`
ModifiedBy string `gae:"modified_by"`
ModifiedTS time.Time `gae:"modified_ts"`
// parseKey parses the entity key into its components, validating them.
// On success, role is one of legacyRoles and prefix is non-empty valid prefix.
func (e *packageACL) parseKey() (role, prefix string, err error) {
chunks := strings.Split(e.ID, ":")
if len(chunks) != 2 {
return "", "", fmt.Errorf("invalid key %q, not <role>:<prefix> pair", e.ID)
role = chunks[0]
if _, ok := legacyRoleMap[role]; !ok {
return "", "", fmt.Errorf("unrecognized role in the key %q", e.ID)
prefix, err = common.ValidatePackagePrefix(chunks[1])
if err != nil || prefix == "" { // note: there's no ACLs for root in the datastore
return "", "", fmt.Errorf("invalid package prefix in the key %q", e.ID)
// isInternalDSError is true for datastore errors that aren't entirely
// ErrNoSuchEntity.
func isInternalDSError(err error) bool {
if err == nil {
return false
merr, _ := err.(errors.MultiError)
if merr == nil {
return true // an overall RPC error
for _, e := range merr {
if e != nil && e != datastore.ErrNoSuchEntity {
return true // some serious issues with this single entity
return false // all suberrors are either nil or ErrNoSuchEntity
// rootMetadata returns metadata of the root prefix (always a new copy).
// It is inherited by all prefixes.
func rootMetadata() *api.PrefixMetadata {
return proto.Clone(rootMeta).(*api.PrefixMetadata)
// rootKey returns a key of the root entity that stores ACL hierarchy.
func rootKey(ctx context.Context) *datastore.Key {
return datastore.NewKey(ctx, "PackageACLRoot", "acls", 0, nil)
// prefixACLs appends empty packageACL entities (with keys populated) to the
// given slice and returns the new slice.
// The added entities have keys '<role>:<prefix>' where <role> goes over all
// possible roles. Adds exactly len(legacyRoles) entities.
func prefixACLs(ctx context.Context, prefix string, in []*packageACL) []*packageACL {
root := rootKey(ctx)
for _, r := range legacyRoles {
in = append(in, &packageACL{
ID: r + ":" + prefix,
Parent: root,
return in
// mergeIntoPrefixMetadata takes exactly len(legacyRoles) entities and combines
// them into a single PrefixMetadata object if at least one of the entities is
// not empty. Returns nil of all entities are empty.
// The entities are expected to have IDs matching ones generated by
// prefixACLs(ctx, prefix). Panics otherwise.
// Logs and skips invalid principal names (should not be happening in reality).
func mergeIntoPrefixMetadata(ctx context.Context, prefix string, ents []*packageACL) *api.PrefixMetadata {
if len(ents) != len(legacyRoles) {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("expecting %d entities, got %d", len(legacyRoles), len(ents)))
modTime := time.Time{} // max(ent.ModifiedTS)
md := api.PrefixMetadata{Prefix: prefix} // to be returned if not empty
for i, r := range legacyRoles {
pkgACL := ents[i]
if pkgACL == nil {
continue // not present, no ACL for role 'r'
if expectedID := r + ":" + prefix; pkgACL.ID != expectedID {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("expecting key %q, got %q", expectedID, pkgACL.ID))
if pkgACL.ModifiedTS.IsZero() {
continue // zero body, no such entity in the datastore, skip
// Detect the most recently modified packageACL to use its modification time
// as overall update time of PrefixMetadata object.
if modTime.IsZero() || modTime.Before(pkgACL.ModifiedTS) {
modTime = pkgACL.ModifiedTS
md.UpdateUser = pkgACL.ModifiedBy
md.UpdateTime = google.NewTimestamp(modTime)
// Collect a list of principals defined in packageACL, skipping unrecognized
// ones.
principals := make([]string, 0, len(pkgACL.Users)+len(pkgACL.Groups))
for _, u := range pkgACL.Users {
if _, err := identity.MakeIdentity(u); err != nil {
logging.Errorf(ctx, "Bad identity %q in PackageACL %q - %s", u, pkgACL.ID, err)
} else {
principals = append(principals, u)
for _, g := range pkgACL.Groups {
principals = append(principals, "group:"+g)
if len(principals) != 0 {
md.Acls = append(md.Acls, &api.PrefixMetadata_ACL{
Role: legacyRoleMap[r],
Principals: principals,
// If modTime is zero, then none of packageACL entities exist. Return nil in
// this case to indicate there's no metadata at all. Note that it is possible
// that some packageACL entities exist, but have empty ACLs. We consider this
// as NOT empty metadata (we still have modification time and modifying user
// information). Thus we do not check len(md.Acls) == 0 here. Callers will
// see PrefixMetadata{...} with empty ACLs field, this should be expected.
if modTime.IsZero() {
return nil
// Calculate the fingerprint now that we have assembled everything.
md.Fingerprint = CalculateFingerprint(md)
return &md
// applyACLDiff extracts ACLs from 'md', compares them to 'ents', and Puts all
// updated entities into the datastore, updating 'ents'.
// In the end 'ents' together contain the new updated metadata.
// 'ents' are expected to have len(legacyRoles) entries, ordered by legacyRoles
// roles. Panics otherwise.
func applyACLDiff(ctx context.Context, ents []*packageACL, md *api.PrefixMetadata) error {
if len(ents) != len(legacyRoles) {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("expecting %d entities, got %d", len(legacyRoles), len(ents)))
// Convert md.ACLs to a map role -> principals, for easier access.
perRole := make(map[api.Role][]string, len(md.Acls))
for _, acl := range md.Acls {
perRole[acl.Role] = acl.Principals
// Entities to put into the datastore.
toPut := []*packageACL{}
for i, r := range legacyRoles {
oldACL := ents[i] // an instance of *packageACL
if expectedID := r + ":" + md.Prefix; oldACL.ID != expectedID {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("expecting key %q, got %q", expectedID, oldACL.ID))
// Grab Users and Group from the updated metadata (in 'md') to compare them
// to what's in the oldACL.
users := make([]string, 0, len(oldACL.Users))
groups := make([]string, 0, len(oldACL.Groups))
for _, pr := range perRole[legacyRoleMap[r]] {
if strings.HasPrefix(pr, "group:") {
groups = append(groups, strings.TrimPrefix(pr, "group:"))
} else {
users = append(users, pr)
if isEqualStrSlice(users, oldACL.Users) && isEqualStrSlice(groups, oldACL.Groups) {
continue // no changes, do not touch this entity
// This ACL was modified! Update it.
oldACL.Users = users
oldACL.Groups = groups
oldACL.ModifiedBy = md.UpdateUser
oldACL.ModifiedTS = google.TimeFromProto(md.UpdateTime)
toPut = append(toPut, oldACL)
return datastore.Put(ctx, toPut)
func isEqualStrSlice(a, b []string) bool {
if len(a) != len(b) {
return false
for i := range a {
if a[i] != b[i] {
return false
return true
// listACLsByPrefix returns packageACL entities with ACLs for the given legacy
// role under the given prefix.
// The prefix should be in a form produced by ValidatePackagePrefix, i.e. no
// trailing / and "" denotes the root. ACLs for the prefix itself are NOT
// listed. Only ACLs strictly underneath are.
// The return value is sorted by prefix.
func listACLsByPrefix(ctx context.Context, role, prefix string) (acls []*packageACL, err error) {
if prefix, err = common.ValidatePackagePrefix(prefix); err != nil {
return nil, err
keyPfx := role + ":"
if prefix != "" {
keyPfx += prefix + "/"
root := rootKey(ctx)
// Note: __key__ queries are already ordered by key.
q := datastore.NewQuery("PackageACL").Ancestor(root)
q = q.Gt("__key__", datastore.KeyForObj(ctx, &packageACL{
ID: keyPfx + "\x00",
Parent: root,
q = q.Lt("__key__", datastore.KeyForObj(ctx, &packageACL{
ID: keyPfx + "\xff",
Parent: root,
if err = datastore.GetAll(ctx, q, &acls); err != nil {
return nil, errors.Annotate(err, "failed to query the list of ACLs").Tag(transient.Tag).Err()
// Metadata graph used by VisitMetadata implementation.
// metadataNode is a single node in the metadata tree.
// It can be in non-frozen (== under construction) and frozen (== constructed)
// states.
type metadataNode struct {
prefix string // this node's full prefix, e.g. "a/b/c"
acls []*packageACL // exactly len(legacyRoles) items with node's ACLs, nil when frozen
parent *metadataNode
children map[string]*metadataNode // direct children of the node
// md is finalized metadata derived from 'acls' in 'freeze'.
// It may be nil for intermediary nodes that do not have metadata attached to
// them.
md *api.PrefixMetadata
// assertFrozen panics if the node is not frozen yet.
func (n *metadataNode) assertFrozen() {
if n.acls != nil {
panic("not frozen yet")
// assertNonFrozen panics if the node is already frozen.
func (n *metadataNode) assertNonFrozen() {
if n.acls == nil {
panic("frozen already")
// child returns a direct child node, creating it if necessary.
func (n *metadataNode) child(name string) *metadataNode {
if c, ok := n.children[name]; ok {
return c
if n.children == nil {
n.children = make(map[string]*metadataNode, 1)
c := &metadataNode{
parent: n,
acls: make([]*packageACL, len(legacyRoles)),
if n.prefix == "" {
c.prefix = name
} else {
c.prefix = n.prefix + "/" + name
n.children[name] = c
return c
// attachACL attaches a packageACL to this node.
// All such attached ACLs are merged into single PrefixMetadata in 'freeze'.
func (n *metadataNode) attachACL(role string, e *packageACL) {
// 'acls' are ordered by legacyRoles. Insert 'e' into the corresponding slot.
// Such ordering is required by mergeIntoPrefixMetadata used by 'freeze'.
for i, r := range legacyRoles {
if r == role {
if n.acls[i] != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("metadata for role %q at %q is already attached", role, n.prefix))
n.acls[i] = e
// 'attachACL' is called only with roles validated by packageACL.parseKey(),
// so this is impossible.
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unexpected impossible role %q", role))
// freeze marks the node and its subtree as fully constructed, calculating their
// PrefixMetadata from attached ACLs.
// The context is used only for logging.
func (n *metadataNode) freeze(ctx context.Context) {
// md may be already non-nil for the root, this is fine.
if == nil { = mergeIntoPrefixMetadata(ctx, n.prefix, n.acls)
n.acls = nil // mark as frozen, release unnecessary memory
for _, child := range n.children {
// metadata returns this node's and all inherited metadata.
// Root metadata first. The return value is never nil. If there's no metadata,
// returns non-nil empty slice.
func (n *metadataNode) metadata() (md []*api.PrefixMetadata) {
if n.parent != nil {
md = n.parent.metadata()
} else {
md = make([]*api.PrefixMetadata, 0, 32) // 32 is picked arbitrarily
if != nil {
md = append(md,
// traverse does depth-first traversal of the node's subtree starting from self.
// 'md', if non-nil, is metadata from all previous parents (starting from the
// root). If it is nil, all inherited metadata will be calculated from scratch.
// Note that non-nil empty 'md' slice is a valid value (it means there's nothing
// to inherit), no recalculation will be done in this case.
// Children are visited in lexicographical order.
func (n *metadataNode) traverse(md []*api.PrefixMetadata, cb func(*metadataNode, []*api.PrefixMetadata) (bool, error)) error {
if md == nil {
md = n.metadata() // calculate from scratch
} else {
if != nil {
md = append(md, // just extend what we have
switch cont, err := cb(n, md); {
case err != nil:
return err
case !cont:
return nil
keys := make([]string, 0, len(n.children))
for k := range n.children {
keys = append(keys, k)
for _, k := range keys {
if err := n.children[k].traverse(md, cb); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// metadataGraph is a in-memory metadata graph used by VisitMetadata.
type metadataGraph struct {
root *metadataNode // matches prefix ""
// init initializes the root node.
func (g *metadataGraph) init(root *api.PrefixMetadata) {
if root != nil && root.Prefix != "" {
panic("the root node metadata should have empty prefix")
g.root = &metadataNode{
acls: make([]*packageACL, len(legacyRoles)),
md: root,
// node returns a node at the given path, constructing it if necessary.
// 'path' here has a form "a/b/c", relative to the absolute root ("").
func (g *metadataGraph) node(path string) *metadataNode {
cur := g.root
if path != "" {
for _, elem := range strings.Split(path, "/") {
cur = cur.child(elem)
return cur
// insert attaches ACL in the given entities to nodes in the graph.
// Silently ignores empty entities (based on ModifiedTS value). Logs and ignores
// broken ones. The context is used only for logging.
func (g *metadataGraph) insert(ctx context.Context, ents []*packageACL) {
for _, e := range ents {
if e.ModifiedTS.IsZero() {
continue // zero body, no such entity in the datastore, skip
role, pfx, err := e.parseKey()
if err != nil {
logging.Errorf(ctx, "Skipping bad PackageACL entity - %s", err)
g.node(pfx).attachACL(role, e)
// freeze finalizes graph construction by calculating all PrefixMetadata items.
// The graph is not modifiable after this point, but it becomes traversable.
// The context is used only for logging.
func (g *metadataGraph) freeze(ctx context.Context) {