blob: 842d26d326ff789a746f32ab63cdcfce003dd81a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The LUCI Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package sweep
import (
. ""
func TestScan(t *testing.T) {
const keySpaceBytes = 16
Convey("Scan works", t, func() {
epoch := testclock.TestRecentTimeLocal
ctx, tclock := testclock.UseTime(context.Background(), epoch)
db := db.DB(&testutil.FakeDB{})
mkReminder := func(id int64, freshUntil time.Time) *reminder.Reminder {
low, _ := partition.FromInts(id, id+1).QueryBounds(keySpaceBytes)
return &reminder.Reminder{ID: low, FreshUntil: freshUntil}
part0to10 := partition.FromInts(0, 10)
tasksPerScan := 100
secondaryScanShards := 16
scan := func(ctx context.Context, part *partition.Partition) ([]*reminder.Reminder, partition.SortedPartitions) {
return Scan(ctx, &ScanParams{
DB: db,
Partition: part,
KeySpaceBytes: keySpaceBytes,
TasksPerScan: tasksPerScan,
SecondaryScanShards: secondaryScanShards,
Convey("Normal operation", func() {
Convey("Empty", func() {
rems, more := scan(ctx, part0to10)
So(rems, ShouldBeEmpty)
So(more, ShouldBeEmpty)
stale := epoch.Add(30 * time.Second)
fresh := epoch.Add(90 * time.Second)
savedReminders := []*reminder.Reminder{
mkReminder(1, fresh),
mkReminder(2, stale),
mkReminder(3, fresh),
mkReminder(4, stale),
for _, r := range savedReminders {
So(db.SaveReminder(ctx, r), ShouldBeNil)
tclock.Set(epoch.Add(60 * time.Second))
Convey("Scan complete partition", func() {
tasksPerScan = 10
rems, more := scan(ctx, part0to10)
So(more, ShouldBeEmpty)
So(rems, ShouldResemble, []*reminder.Reminder{
mkReminder(2, stale),
mkReminder(4, stale),
Convey("but only within given partition", func() {
rems, more := scan(ctx, partition.FromInts(0, 4))
So(more, ShouldBeEmpty)
So(rems, ShouldResemble, []*reminder.Reminder{mkReminder(2, stale)})
Convey("Scan reaches TasksPerScan limit", func() {
// Only Reminders 01..03 will be fetched. 02 is stale.
// Follow up scans should start from 04.
tasksPerScan = 3
secondaryScanShards = 2
rems, more := scan(ctx, part0to10)
So(rems, ShouldResemble, []*reminder.Reminder{mkReminder(2, stale)})
Convey("Scan returns correct follow up ScanItems", func() {
So(len(more), ShouldEqual, secondaryScanShards)
So(more[0].Low, ShouldResemble, *big.NewInt(3 + 1))
So(more[0].High, ShouldResemble, more[1].Low)
So(more[1].High, ShouldResemble, *big.NewInt(10))
Convey("Abnormal operation", func() {
ctrl := gomock.NewController(t)
defer ctrl.Finish()
mockDB := testutil.NewMockDB(ctrl)
db = mockDB
tasksPerScan = 2048
secondaryScanShards = 2
stale := epoch.Add(30 * time.Second)
fresh := epoch.Add(90 * time.Second)
someReminders := []*reminder.Reminder{
mkReminder(1, fresh),
mkReminder(2, stale),
tclock.Set(epoch.Add(60 * time.Second))
// Simulate context expiry by using deadline in the past.
// TODO(tandrii): find a way to expire ctx within FetchRemindersMeta for a
// realistic test.
ctx, cancel := clock.WithDeadline(ctx, epoch)
defer cancel()
So(ctx.Err(), ShouldResemble, context.DeadlineExceeded)
Convey("Timeout without anything fetched", func() {
mockDB.EXPECT().FetchRemindersMeta(ctx, gomock.Any(), gomock.Any(), gomock.Any()).
Return(nil, errors.Annotate(ctx.Err(), "failed to fetch all").Err())
rems, more := scan(ctx, part0to10)
So(rems, ShouldBeEmpty)
So(len(more), ShouldEqual, secondaryScanShards)
So(more[0].Low, ShouldResemble, *big.NewInt(0))
So(more[1].High, ShouldResemble, *big.NewInt(10))
Convey("Timeout after fetching some", func() {
mockDB.EXPECT().FetchRemindersMeta(ctx, gomock.Any(), gomock.Any(), gomock.Any()).
Return(someReminders, ctx.Err())
rems, more := scan(ctx, part0to10)
So(rems, ShouldResemble, []*reminder.Reminder{mkReminder(2, stale)})
So(more, ShouldHaveLength, 1) // partition is so small, only 1 follow up scan suffices.
So(more[0].Low, ShouldResemble, *big.NewInt(2 + 1))
So(more[0].High, ShouldResemble, *big.NewInt(10))