blob: 12c467ca18c8227b95448ee29e13d5964a7d216b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The LUCI Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package main
import (
bbpb ""
. ""
. ""
func TestReadyToFinalize(t *testing.T) {
ctx := memory.Use(context.Background())
ctx = memlogger.Use(ctx)
outputFlag := luciexe.AddOutputFlagToSet(&flag.FlagSet{})
finalBuild := &bbpb.Build{}
Convey("Ready to finalize: success", t, func() {
isReady := readyToFinalize(ctx, finalBuild, nil, nil, outputFlag)
So(isReady, ShouldEqual, true)
Convey("Not ready to finalize: fatal error not nil", t, func() {
isReady := readyToFinalize(ctx, finalBuild, errors.New("Fatal Error Happened"), nil, outputFlag)
So(isReady, ShouldEqual, false)
func TestBackFillTaskInfo(t *testing.T) {
Convey("backFillTaskInfo", t, func() {
ctx := lucictx.SetSwarming(context.Background(), &lucictx.Swarming{
Task: &lucictx.Task{
BotDimensions: []string{
Convey("swarming", func() {
build := &bbpb.Build{
Infra: &bbpb.BuildInfra{
Swarming: &bbpb.BuildInfra_Swarming{},
input := clientInput{input: &bbpb.BBAgentArgs{Build: build}}
So(backFillTaskInfo(ctx, input), ShouldEqual, 0)
So(build.Infra.Swarming.BotDimensions, ShouldResembleProto, []*bbpb.StringPair{
Key: "cpu",
Value: "x86",
Key: "cpu",
Value: "x86-64",
Key: "id",
Value: "bot_id",
Key: "gcp",
Value: "",
Convey("backend", func() {
build := &bbpb.Build{
Infra: &bbpb.BuildInfra{
Backend: &bbpb.BuildInfra_Backend{},
input := clientInput{input: &bbpb.BBAgentArgs{Build: build}}
Convey("fail", func() {
So(backFillTaskInfo(ctx, input), ShouldEqual, 1)
Convey("pass", func() {
build.Infra.Backend.Task = &bbpb.Task{
Id: &bbpb.TaskID{
Id: "id",
Target: "swarming://target",
So(backFillTaskInfo(ctx, input), ShouldEqual, 0)
actual, err := protoutil.BotDimensionsFromBackend(build)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(actual, ShouldResembleProto, []*bbpb.StringPair{
Key: "cpu",
Value: "x86",
Key: "cpu",
Value: "x86-64",
Key: "gcp",
Value: "",
Key: "id",
Value: "bot_id",
func TestDownloadInputs(t *testing.T) {
resultsFilePath = filepath.Join(t.TempDir(), "cipd_ensure_results.json")
build := &bbpb.Build{
Id: 123,
Infra: &bbpb.BuildInfra{
Buildbucket: &bbpb.BuildInfra_Buildbucket{
Agent: &bbpb.BuildInfra_Buildbucket_Agent{
Input: &bbpb.BuildInfra_Buildbucket_Agent_Input{
CipdSource: map[string]*bbpb.InputDataRef{
"cipddir": {
DataType: &bbpb.InputDataRef_Cipd{
Cipd: &bbpb.InputDataRef_CIPD{
Server: "",
Specs: []*bbpb.InputDataRef_CIPD_PkgSpec{
Package: "infra/tools/cipd/${platform}",
Version: "latest",
Data: map[string]*bbpb.InputDataRef{
"path_a": {
DataType: &bbpb.InputDataRef_Cipd{
Cipd: &bbpb.InputDataRef_CIPD{
Specs: []*bbpb.InputDataRef_CIPD_PkgSpec{{Package: "pkg_a", Version: "latest"}},
OnPath: []string{"path_a/bin", "path_a"},
Output: &bbpb.BuildInfra_Buildbucket_Agent_Output{},
Input: &bbpb.Build_Input{
Experiments: []string{"luci.buildbucket.agent.cipd_installation"},
CancelTime: nil,
Convey("downloadCipdPackages", t, func(c C) {
Convey("success", func() {
testCase = "success"
ctx := memory.Use(context.Background())
ctx = memlogger.Use(ctx)
execCommandContext = fakeExecCommand
defer func() { execCommandContext = exec.CommandContext }()
tempDir := t.TempDir()
bbclient := &testBBClient{}
input := &bbpb.BBAgentArgs{Build: build}
rc := downloadInputs(ctx, tempDir, "cache", clientInput{bbclient, input})
So(rc, ShouldEqual, 0)
So(len(bbclient.requests), ShouldEqual, 2)
So(bbclient.requests[0].Build.Infra.Buildbucket.Agent.Output.Status, ShouldEqual, bbpb.Status_STARTED)
So(bbclient.requests[1].Build.Infra.Buildbucket.Agent.Output.Status, ShouldEqual, bbpb.Status_SUCCESS)
func TestStartBuild(t *testing.T) {
Convey("startBuild", t, func() {
ctx := context.Background()
Convey("pass", func() {
bbclient := &testBBClient{}
res, err := startBuild(ctx, bbclient, 87654321, "pass")
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(res, ShouldNotBeNil)
Convey("duplicate", func() {
bbclient := &testBBClient{}
res, err := startBuild(ctx, bbclient, 87654321, "duplicate")
So(res, ShouldBeNil)
So(buildbucket.DuplicateTask.In(err), ShouldBeTrue)
func TestChooseCacheDir(t *testing.T) {
input := &bbpb.BBAgentArgs{
Build: &bbpb.Build{},
CacheDir: "inputCacheDir",
Convey("use input.CacheDir no backend", t, func() {
cacheDir := chooseCacheDir(input, "")
So(cacheDir, ShouldEqual, "inputCacheDir")
Convey("use input.CacheDir backend exists", t, func() {
input.Build.Infra = &bbpb.BuildInfra{
Backend: &bbpb.BuildInfra_Backend{},
cacheDir := chooseCacheDir(input, "")
So(cacheDir, ShouldEqual, "inputCacheDir")
Convey("use cache-base flag backend exists", t, func() {
input.Build.Infra = &bbpb.BuildInfra{
Backend: &bbpb.BuildInfra_Backend{},
cacheDir := chooseCacheDir(input, "cache")
So(cacheDir, ShouldEqual, "cache")