blob: 5315157ede1da830b42dcbe5ce6827d70cc5b866 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The LUCI Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package mathrand
import (
// Rand is a random number generator interface.
// A Rand instance is not necessarily safe for concurrent use. In order to
// ensure that it is, wrap it in Locking or obtain it from a method that
// provides this guarantee (e.g., Get).
// All Rand functions MUST NOT PANIC. In particular, the Locking implementation
// relies on embedded methods not panicking in order to release its lock, and
// a panic will cause it to hold its lock indefinitely.
type Rand interface {
// Int63 returns a non-negative pseudo-random 63-bit integer as an int64
// from the source in the context or the shared global source.
Int63() int64
// Uint32 returns a pseudo-random 32-bit value as a uint32 from the source in
// the context or the shared global source.
Uint32() uint32
// Int31 returns a non-negative pseudo-random 31-bit integer as an int32 from
// the source in the context or the shared global source.
Int31() int32
// Int returns a non-negative pseudo-random int from the source in the context
// or the shared global source.
Int() int
// Int63n returns, as an int64, a non-negative pseudo-random number in [0,n)
// from the source in the context or the shared global source.
// It panics if n <= 0.
Int63n(n int64) int64
// Int31n returns, as an int32, a non-negative pseudo-random number in [0,n)
// from the source in the context or the shared global source.
// It panics if n <= 0.
Int31n(n int32) int32
// Intn returns, as an int, a non-negative pseudo-random number in [0,n) from
// the source in the context or the shared global source.
// It panics if n <= 0.
Intn(n int) int
// Float64 returns, as a float64, a pseudo-random number in [0.0,1.0) from
// the source in the context or the shared global source.
Float64() float64
// Float32 returns, as a float32, a pseudo-random number in [0.0,1.0) from
// the source in the context or the shared global source.
Float32() float32
// Perm returns, as a slice of n ints, a pseudo-random permutation of the
// integers [0,n) from the source in the context or the shared global source.
Perm(n int) []int
// Read generates len(p) random bytes from the source in the context or
// the shared global source and writes them into p. It always returns len(p)
// and a nil error.
Read(p []byte) (n int, err error)
// NormFloat64 returns a normally distributed float64 in the range
// [-math.MaxFloat64, +math.MaxFloat64] with standard normal distribution
// (mean = 0, stddev = 1) from the source in the context or the shared global
// source.
// To produce a different normal distribution, callers can adjust the output
// using:
// sample = NormFloat64(ctx) * desiredStdDev + desiredMean
NormFloat64() float64
// ExpFloat64 returns an exponentially distributed float64 in the range
// (0, +math.MaxFloat64] with an exponential distribution whose rate parameter
// (lambda) is 1 and whose mean is 1/lambda (1) from the source in the context
// or the shared global source.
// To produce a distribution with a different rate parameter, callers can adjust
// the output using:
// sample = ExpFloat64(ctx) / desiredRateParameter
ExpFloat64() float64
// WithGoRand invokes the supplied "fn" while holding an exclusive lock
// for it. This can be used by callers to pull and use a *rand.Rand instance
// out of the Context safely.
// Other "mathrand" functions and objects MUST NOT BE USED inside the
// callback, as WithGoRand holds the lock to the current Rand instance, so any
// additional function call will deadlock.
// The callback's r must not be retained or used outside of the scope of the
// callback.
WithGoRand(fn func(r *rand.Rand) error) error
// Locking wraps a Rand instance in a layer that locks around all of its
// methods.
// A user must hold Locking's Mutex if the want to directly access and use
// Locking's R member safely.
// By default, a Rand instance is not safe for concurrent use. A ocking Rand
// instance is.
type Locking struct {
R Rand
func wrapLocking(r Rand) Rand {
if _, ok := r.(*Locking); ok {
return r
return &Locking{R: r}
// Int63 returns a non-negative pseudo-random 63-bit integer as an int64
// from the source in the context or the shared global source.
func (l *Locking) Int63() (v int64) {
v = l.R.Int63()
// Uint32 returns a pseudo-random 32-bit value as a uint32 from the source in
// the context or the shared global source.
func (l *Locking) Uint32() (v uint32) {
v = l.R.Uint32()
// Int31 returns a non-negative pseudo-random 31-bit integer as an int32 from
// the source in the context or the shared global source.
func (l *Locking) Int31() (v int32) {
v = l.R.Int31()
// Int returns a non-negative pseudo-random int from the source in the context
// or the shared global source.
func (l *Locking) Int() (v int) {
v = l.R.Int()
// Int63n returns, as an int64, a non-negative pseudo-random number in [0,n)
// from the source in the context or the shared global source.
// It panics if n <= 0.
func (l *Locking) Int63n(n int64) (v int64) {
v = l.R.Int63n(n)
// Int31n returns, as an int32, a non-negative pseudo-random number in [0,n)
// from the source in the context or the shared global source.
// It panics if n <= 0.
func (l *Locking) Int31n(n int32) (v int32) {
v = l.R.Int31n(n)
// Intn returns, as an int, a non-negative pseudo-random number in [0,n) from
// the source in the context or the shared global source.
// It panics if n <= 0.
func (l *Locking) Intn(n int) (v int) {
v = l.R.Intn(n)
// Float64 returns, as a float64, a pseudo-random number in [0.0,1.0) from
// the source in the context or the shared global source.
func (l *Locking) Float64() (v float64) {
v = l.R.Float64()
// Float32 returns, as a float32, a pseudo-random number in [0.0,1.0) from
// the source in the context or the shared global source.
func (l *Locking) Float32() (v float32) {
v = l.R.Float32()
// Perm returns, as a slice of n ints, a pseudo-random permutation of the
// integers [0,n) from the source in the context or the shared global source.
func (l *Locking) Perm(n int) (v []int) {
v = l.R.Perm(n)
// Read generates len(p) random bytes from the source in the context or
// the shared global source and writes them into p. It always returns len(p)
// and a nil error.
func (l *Locking) Read(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
n, err = l.R.Read(p)
// NormFloat64 returns a normally distributed float64 in the range
// [-math.MaxFloat64, +math.MaxFloat64] with standard normal distribution
// (mean = 0, stddev = 1) from the source in the context or the shared global
// source.
// To produce a different normal distribution, callers can adjust the output
// using:
// sample = NormFloat64(ctx) * desiredStdDev + desiredMean
func (l *Locking) NormFloat64() (v float64) {
v = l.R.NormFloat64()
// ExpFloat64 returns an exponentially distributed float64 in the range
// (0, +math.MaxFloat64] with an exponential distribution whose rate parameter
// (lambda) is 1 and whose mean is 1/lambda (1) from the source in the context
// or the shared global source.
// To produce a distribution with a different rate parameter, callers can adjust
// the output using:
// sample = ExpFloat64(ctx) / desiredRateParameter
func (l *Locking) ExpFloat64() (v float64) {
v = l.R.ExpFloat64()
// WithGoRand invokes the supplied "fn" while holding an exclusive lock
// for it. This can be used by callers to pull and use a *rand.Rand instance
// out of the Context safely.
// The callback's r must not be retained or used outside of the scope of the
// callback.
func (l *Locking) WithGoRand(fn func(r *rand.Rand) error) error {
defer l.Unlock()
return l.R.WithGoRand(fn)
// wrapped is a simple wrapper to a *math.Rand instance.
type wrapped struct {
// Wrap wraps a Rand instance, allowing it to satisfy the Rand interface.
func wrapRand(r *rand.Rand) Rand { return wrapped{r} }
func (w wrapped) WithGoRand(fn func(r *rand.Rand) error) error { return fn(w.Rand) }