blob: 19d17ce4b5238d42423681133dd749c6be14a26b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The LUCI Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package ensure
import (
// File is an in-process representation of the 'ensure file' format.
type File struct {
ServiceURL string
ParanoidMode deployer.ParanoidMode
ResolvedVersions string
PackagesBySubdir map[string]PackageSlice
VerifyPlatforms []template.Platform
// ParseFile parses an ensure file from the given reader. See the package docs
// for the format of this file.
// This file will contain unresolved template strings for package names as well
// as unpinned package versions. Use File.Resolve() to obtain resolved+pinned
// versions of these.
func ParseFile(r io.Reader) (*File, error) {
ret := &File{PackagesBySubdir: map[string]PackageSlice{}}
state := itemParserState{}
// indicates that the parser is able to read $setting lines. This is flipped
// to false on the first non-$setting statement in the file.
settingsAllowed := true
lineNo := 0
makeError := func(fmtStr string, args ...interface{}) error {
args = append([]interface{}{lineNo}, args...)
return fmt.Errorf("failed to parse desired state (line %d): "+fmtStr, args...)
scanner := bufio.NewScanner(r)
for scanner.Scan() {
// Remove all space
line := strings.TrimSpace(scanner.Text())
if len(line) == 0 || line[0] == '#' {
// skip blank lines and comments
tok1 := line
tok2 := ""
if idx := strings.IndexFunc(line, unicode.IsSpace); idx == -1 {
// only one token. This implies a second token of ""
} else {
tok1, tok2 = line[:idx], strings.TrimSpace(line[idx:])
switch c := tok1[0]; c {
case '@', '$':
if c == '$' {
if !settingsAllowed {
return nil, makeError("$setting found after non-$setting statements")
} else {
settingsAllowed = false
if p := itemParsers[strings.ToLower(tok1)]; p != nil {
if err := p(&state, ret, tok2); err != nil {
return nil, makeError("%s", err)
} else {
tag := map[byte]string{'@': "@directive", '$': "$setting"}[c]
return nil, makeError("unknown %s: %q", tag, tok1)
settingsAllowed = false
pkg := PackageDef{tok1, tok2, lineNo}
ret.PackagesBySubdir[state.curSubdir] = append(ret.PackagesBySubdir[state.curSubdir], pkg)
if err := scanner.Err(); err != nil {
return nil, err
return ret, nil
// VersionResolver transforms a {PackageName, Version} tuple (corresponding to
// the given `def`) into a resolved pin.
// - `pkg` is guaranteed to pass common.ValidatePackageName
// - `vers` is guaranteed to pass common.ValidateInstanceVersion
// VersionResolver should expect to be called concurrently from multiple
// goroutines.
type VersionResolver func(pkg, vers string) (common.Pin, error)
// ResolvedFile only contains valid, fully-resolved information and is the
// result of calling File.Resolve.
type ResolvedFile struct {
ServiceURL string
ParanoidMode deployer.ParanoidMode
PackagesBySubdir common.PinSliceBySubdir
// Serialize writes the ResolvedFile to an io.Writer in canonical order.
func (f *ResolvedFile) Serialize(w io.Writer) error {
// piggyback on top of File.Serialize.
packagesBySubdir := make(map[string]PackageSlice, len(f.PackagesBySubdir))
for k, v := range f.PackagesBySubdir {
slc := make(PackageSlice, len(v))
for i, pkg := range v {
slc[i] = PackageDef{
PackageTemplate: pkg.PackageName,
UnresolvedVersion: pkg.InstanceID,
packagesBySubdir[k] = slc
return (&File{
ServiceURL: f.ServiceURL,
ParanoidMode: f.ParanoidMode,
PackagesBySubdir: packagesBySubdir,
// Resolve takes the current unresolved File and expands all package templates
// using the provided expander (usually template.DefaultExpander()), and also
// resolves all versions with the provided VersionResolver, calling it
// concurrently from multiple goroutines.
// Returns either a single error (if something is wrong with the ensure file),
// or a multi-error with all resolution errors, sorted by definition line
// numbers.
func (f *File) Resolve(rslv VersionResolver, expander template.Expander) (*ResolvedFile, error) {
ret := &ResolvedFile{}
if f.ServiceURL != "" {
// double check the url
if _, err := url.Parse(f.ServiceURL); err != nil {
return nil, errors.Annotate(err, "bad ServiceURL").Err()
ret.ParanoidMode = deployer.NotParanoid
if f.ParanoidMode != "" {
if err := f.ParanoidMode.Validate(); err != nil {
return nil, errors.Annotate(err, "bad ParanoidMode").Err()
ret.ParanoidMode = f.ParanoidMode
ret.ServiceURL = f.ServiceURL
if len(f.PackagesBySubdir) == 0 {
return ret, nil
type resolveWorkItem struct {
idx int // index in the definition, to preserve the ordering
subdir string // expanded
pkg string // expanded
def PackageDef // original
pin common.Pin // resolved, pin.PackageName == pkg
err error // resolution error
subdirs := make([]string, 0, len(f.PackagesBySubdir))
for s := range f.PackagesBySubdir {
subdirs = append(subdirs, s)
// Collect a list of package defs we want to resolve, expanding the templates
// right away. Enumerate the map in deterministic order to make errors
// ordered.
var toResolve []resolveWorkItem
for _, subdir := range subdirs {
realSubdir, err := expander.Expand(subdir)
switch err {
case template.ErrSkipTemplate:
case nil:
return nil, errors.Annotate(err, "normalizing %q", subdir).Err()
// double-check the subdir
if err := common.ValidateSubdir(realSubdir); err != nil {
return nil, errors.Annotate(err, "normalizing %q", subdir).Err()
for _, def := range f.PackagesBySubdir[subdir] {
switch realPkg, err := def.Expand(expander); {
case err == template.ErrSkipTemplate:
case err != nil:
return nil, err // the error is already properly annotated
toResolve = append(toResolve, resolveWorkItem{
idx: len(toResolve),
subdir: realSubdir,
pkg: realPkg,
def: def,
// Resolve versions into instance IDs in parallel. Errors are collected
// through 'resolved'.
resolved := make([]*resolveWorkItem, len(toResolve))
parallel.FanOutIn(func(tasks chan<- func() error) {
for _, p := range toResolve {
p := p
tasks <- func() error {, p.err = rslv(p.pkg, p.def.UnresolvedVersion)
if p.err == nil {
p.err = common.ValidatePin(, common.AnyHash)
switch {
case p.err != nil:
p.err = errors.Annotate(p.err, "failed to resolve %s@%s (line %d)",
p.pkg, p.def.UnresolvedVersion, p.def.LineNo).Err()
case != p.pkg:
panic(fmt.Sprintf("bad resolver, returned wrong package name %q, expecting %q",, p.pkg))
resolved[p.idx] = &p
return nil
// subdir -> pkg -> orig_lineno
resolvedPkgDupList := map[string]map[string]int{}
// Check and split the result.
ret.PackagesBySubdir = common.PinSliceBySubdir{}
var merr errors.MultiError
for _, p := range resolved {
if p.err != nil {
merr = append(merr, p.err)
if origLineNo, ok := resolvedPkgDupList[p.subdir][p.pkg]; ok {
merr = append(merr, errors.
Reason("duplicate package in subdir %q: %q: defined on line %d and %d",
p.subdir, p.pkg, origLineNo, p.def.LineNo).Err())
if resolvedPkgDupList[p.subdir] == nil {
resolvedPkgDupList[p.subdir] = map[string]int{}
resolvedPkgDupList[p.subdir][p.pkg] = p.def.LineNo
ret.PackagesBySubdir[p.subdir] = append(ret.PackagesBySubdir[p.subdir],
if len(merr) != 0 {
return nil, merr
return ret, nil
// Serialize writes the File to an io.Writer in canonical order.
func (f *File) Serialize(w io.Writer) error {
_, err := iotools.WriteTracker(w, func(w io.Writer) error {
needsNLs := 0
maybeAddNL := func() {
if needsNLs > 0 {
w.Write(bytes.Repeat([]byte("\n"), needsNLs))
needsNLs = 0
if f.ServiceURL != "" {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "$ServiceURL %s", f.ServiceURL)
needsNLs = 1
if f.ParanoidMode != "" && f.ParanoidMode != deployer.NotParanoid {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "$ParanoidMode %s", f.ParanoidMode)
needsNLs = 1
if f.ResolvedVersions != "" {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "$ResolvedVersions %s", f.ResolvedVersions)
needsNLs = 1
if needsNLs != 0 {
needsNLs++ // new line separator if any of $Directives were used
if len(f.VerifyPlatforms) > 0 {
for _, plat := range f.VerifyPlatforms {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "$VerifiedPlatform %s", plat.String())
needsNLs = 1
needsNLs = 2
keys := make(sort.StringSlice, 0, len(f.PackagesBySubdir))
for k := range f.PackagesBySubdir {
keys = append(keys, k)
for _, k := range keys {
if k != "" {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "@Subdir %s", k)
needsNLs = 1
pkgs := f.PackagesBySubdir[k]
pkgsSort := make(PackageSlice, len(pkgs))
maxLength := 0
for i, pkg := range pkgs {
pkgsSort[i] = pkg
if l := len(pkg.PackageTemplate); l > maxLength {
maxLength = l
for _, p := range pkgsSort {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%-*s %s", maxLength+1, p.PackageTemplate, p.UnresolvedVersion)
needsNLs = 1
// We only ever want to end the file with 1 newline.
if needsNLs > 0 {
needsNLs = 1
return nil
return err