blob: d11a8e92bd5dc0db2fe7fe0d0afa6ce4e036c78a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The LUCI Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package coordinatorTest
import (
configPB ""
coordcfg ""
ds ""
// AllAccessProject is the project name that can be used to get a full-access
// project (i.e. unauthenticated users have both R and W permissions).
const AllAccessProject = "proj-foo"
// mainServicePath is the path to the main service.
var mainServicePath string
func init() {
mainServicePath = findParentDirectory("logdog", "appengine", "cmd", "coordinator", "default")
// Environment contains all of the testing facilities that are installed into
// the Context.
type Environment struct {
// Tumble is the Tumble testing instance.
Tumble tumble.Testing
// Clock is the installed test clock instance.
Clock testclock.TestClock
// AuthState is the fake authentication state.
AuthState authtest.FakeState
// Config is the luci-config configuration map that is installed.
Config map[config.Set]memory.Files
// Services is the set of installed Coordinator services.
Services Services
// BigTable in-memory testing instance.
BigTable bigtable.Testing
// GSClient is the test GSClient instance installed (by default) into
// Services.
GSClient GSClient
// StorageCache is the default storage cache instance.
StorageCache StorageCache
// LogIn installs an testing identity into the testing auth state.
func (e *Environment) LogIn() {
id, err := identity.MakeIdentity("")
if err != nil {
e.AuthState.Identity = id
// JoinGroup adds the named group the to the list of groups for the current
// identity.
func (e *Environment) JoinGroup(g string) {
e.AuthState.IdentityGroups = append(e.AuthState.IdentityGroups, g)
// LeaveAllGroups clears all auth groups that the user is currently a member of.
func (e *Environment) LeaveAllGroups() {
e.AuthState.IdentityGroups = nil
// ClearCoordinatorConfig removes the Coordinator configuration entry,
// simulating a missing config.
func (e *Environment) ClearCoordinatorConfig(c context.Context) {
configSet, _ := coordcfg.ServiceConfigPath(c)
delete(e.Config, configSet)
// ModServiceConfig loads the current service configuration, invokes the
// callback with its contents, and writes the result back to config.
func (e *Environment) ModServiceConfig(c context.Context, fn func(*svcconfig.Config)) {
configSet, configPath := coordcfg.ServiceConfigPath(c)
var cfg svcconfig.Config
e.modTextProtobuf(c, configSet, configPath, &cfg, func() {
// ModProjectConfig loads the current configuration for the named project,
// invokes the callback with its contents, and writes the result back to config.
func (e *Environment) ModProjectConfig(c context.Context, proj types.ProjectName, fn func(*svcconfig.ProjectConfig)) {
configSet, configPath := config.ProjectSet(string(proj)), coordcfg.ProjectConfigPath(c)
var pcfg svcconfig.ProjectConfig
e.modTextProtobuf(c, configSet, configPath, &pcfg, func() {
// IterateTumbleAll iterates all Tumble instances across all namespaces.
func (e *Environment) IterateTumbleAll(c context.Context) { e.Tumble.IterateAll(c) }
func (e *Environment) modTextProtobuf(c context.Context, configSet config.Set, path string,
msg proto.Message, fn func()) {
switch err := cfgclient.Get(c, cfgclient.AsService, configSet, path, textproto.Message(msg), nil); err {
case nil, config.ErrNoConfig:
e.addConfigEntry(configSet, path, proto.MarshalTextString(msg))
func (e *Environment) addConfigEntry(configSet config.Set, path, content string) {
cset := e.Config[configSet]
if cset == nil {
cset = make(memory.Files)
e.Config[configSet] = cset
cset[path] = content
// Install creates a testing Context and installs common test facilities into
// it, returning the Environment to which they're bound.
// If useRealIndex is true, this will attempt to load the 'index.yaml' file for
// logdog (but this is loaded from a relative path, so is only really good for
// the 'coordinator' package). Otherwise this will turn on datastore's automatic
// indexing functionality.
func Install(useRealIndex bool) (context.Context, *Environment) {
e := Environment{
Config: make(map[config.Set]memory.Files),
GSClient: GSClient{},
StorageCache: StorageCache{
Base: &flex.StorageCache{},
// Get our starting context. This installs, among other things, in-memory
// gae, settings, and logger.
c := e.Tumble.Context()
c = caching.WithEmptyProcessCache(c)
if *testGoLogger {
c = logging.SetLevel(gologger.StdConfig.Use(c), logging.Debug)
// Create/install our BigTable memory instance.
e.BigTable = bigtable.NewMemoryInstance(&e.StorageCache)
if useRealIndex {
// Load indexes from "index.yaml".
indexDefs, err := ds.FindAndParseIndexYAML(mainServicePath)
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Errorf("failed to load 'index.yaml': %s", err))
} else {
// Setup clock.
e.Clock = clock.Get(c).(testclock.TestClock)
// Install GAE config service settings.
c = settings.Use(c, settings.New(&settings.MemoryStorage{}))
// Setup luci-config configuration.
c = testconfig.WithCommonClient(c, memory.New(e.Config))
// luci-config: Projects.
projectName := info.AppID(c)
addProjectConfig := func(proj types.ProjectName, access ...string) {
projectAccesses := make([]string, len(access))
// Build our service config. Also builds "projectAccesses".
e.ModProjectConfig(c, proj, func(pcfg *svcconfig.ProjectConfig) {
for i, a := range access {
parts := strings.SplitN(a, ":", 2)
group, field := parts[0], &pcfg.ReaderAuthGroups
if len(parts) == 2 {
switch parts[1] {
case "R":
case "W":
field = &pcfg.WriterAuthGroups
*field = append(*field, group)
projectAccesses[i] = fmt.Sprintf("group:%s", group)
var pcfg configPB.ProjectCfg
e.modTextProtobuf(c, config.ProjectSet(string(proj)), cfgclient.ProjectConfigPath, &pcfg, func() {
pcfg = configPB.ProjectCfg{
Name: string(proj),
Access: projectAccesses,
addProjectConfig(AllAccessProject, "all:R", "all:W")
addProjectConfig("proj-bar", "all:R", "auth:W")
addProjectConfig("proj-exclusive", "auth:R", "auth:W")
// Add a project without a LogDog project config.
e.addConfigEntry("projects/proj-unconfigured", "not-logdog.cfg", "junk")
configSet, configPath := config.ProjectSet("proj-malformed"), coordcfg.ProjectConfigPath(c)
e.addConfigEntry(configSet, configPath, "!!! not a text protobuf !!!")
// luci-config: Coordinator Defaults
e.ModServiceConfig(c, func(cfg *svcconfig.Config) {
cfg.Transport = &svcconfig.Transport{
Type: &svcconfig.Transport_Pubsub{
Pubsub: &svcconfig.Transport_PubSub{
Project: projectName,
Topic: "test-topic",
cfg.Coordinator = &svcconfig.Coordinator{
AdminAuthGroup: "admin",
ServiceAuthGroup: "services",
PrefixExpiration: google.NewDuration(24 * time.Hour),
// Setup Tumble. This also adds the two Tumble indexes to datastore.
tcfg := e.Tumble.GetConfig(c)
tcfg.TemporalRoundFactor = 0 // Makes test timing easier to understand.
tcfg.TemporalMinDelay = 0 // Makes test timing easier to understand.
e.Tumble.UpdateSettings(c, tcfg)
// Install authentication state.
c = auth.WithState(c, &e.AuthState)
// Setup authentication state.
// Setup our default Coordinator services.
e.Services = Services{
ST: func(lst *coordinator.LogStreamState) (coordinator.SigningStorage, error) {
// If we're not archived, return our BigTable storage instance.
if !lst.ArchivalState().Archived() {
return &BigTableStorage{
Testing: e.BigTable,
}, nil
opts := archive.Options{
Index: gs.Path(lst.ArchiveIndexURL),
Stream: gs.Path(lst.ArchiveStreamURL),
Client: &e.GSClient,
Cache: &e.StorageCache,
base, err := archive.New(opts)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &ArchivalStorage{
Storage: base,
Opts: opts,
}, nil
c = coordinator.WithConfigProvider(c, &e.Services)
c = endpoints.WithServices(c, &e.Services)
c = flex.WithServices(c, &e.Services)
return cacheContext.Wrap(c), &e
// WithProjectNamespace runs f in proj's namespace, bypassing authentication
// checks.
func WithProjectNamespace(c context.Context, proj types.ProjectName, f func(context.Context)) {
if err := coordinator.WithProjectNamespace(&c, proj, coordinator.NamespaceAccessAllTesting); err != nil {
// findParentDirectory is used to traverse up from the current working directory
// to identify a target directory structure.
func findParentDirectory(paths ...string) string {
base, err := os.Getwd()
if err != nil {
// Build our basic directory scanning slice template, which consists of a
// variable first element (root) and fixed set of remaining elements. We'll
// switch out the first element during traversal.
components := make([]string, 1, 1+len(paths))
components[0] = base
components = append(components, paths...)
prev := ""
for {
candidate := filepath.Join(components...)
if candidate == prev {
panic(fmt.Errorf("could not find: %q", filepath.Join(paths...)))
if st, err := os.Stat(candidate); err == nil && st.IsDir() {
return candidate
prev = candidate
components[0] = filepath.Dir(components[0])