blob: 0bbb90827b0c2b3b100bdb55a1e10389a173909e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The LUCI Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package tq
import (
taskspb ""
pubsubpb ""
const (
// TraceContextHeader is name of a header that contains the trace context of
// a span that produced the task.
// This header is read only by Dispatcher itself and exists mostly for FYI
// purposes to help in debugging issues.
TraceContextHeader = "X-Luci-Tq-Trace-Context"
// ExpectedETAHeader is the name of a header that indicates when the task was
// originally expected to run.
// One use of this header is for measuring latency of task completion.
ExpectedETAHeader = "X-Luci-Tq-Expected-ETA"
// Dispatcher is a registry of task classes that knows how serialize and route
// them.
// There's rarely a need to manually create instances of Dispatcher outside of
// Dispatcher's own tests. You should generally use the global Default
// dispatcher which is configured by the tq server module. Methods of the
// default dispatcher (such as RegisterTaskClass and AddTask) are also available
// as lop-level functions, prefer to use them.
// The dispatcher needs a way to submit tasks to Cloud Tasks or Cloud PubSub.
// This is the job of Submitter. It lives in the context, so that it can be
// mocked in tests. In production contexts (setup when using the tq server
// module), the submitter is initialized to be CloudSubmitter. Tests will need
// to provide their own submitter (usually via TestingContext).
// TODO(vadimsh): Support consuming PubSub tasks, not just producing them.
type Dispatcher struct {
// Sweeper knows how to sweep transactional tasks reminders.
// If not set, Sweep calls will fail.
Sweeper Sweeper
// Namespace is a namespace for tasks that use DeduplicationKey.
// This is needed if two otherwise independent deployments share a single
// Cloud Tasks instance.
// Used only for Cloud Tasks tasks. Doesn't affect PubSub tasks.
// Must be valid per ValidateNamespace. Default is "".
Namespace string
// GAE is true when running on Appengine.
// It alters how tasks are submitted and how incoming HTTP requests are
// authenticated.
GAE bool
// NoAuth can be used to disable authentication on HTTP endpoints.
// This is useful when running in development mode on localhost or in tests.
NoAuth bool
// CloudProject is ID of a project to use to construct full resource names.
// If not set, "default" will be used, which is pretty useless outside of
// tests.
CloudProject string
// CloudRegion is a ID of a region to use to construct full resource names.
// If not set, "default" will be used, which is pretty useless outside of
// tests.
CloudRegion string
// DefaultRoutingPrefix is a URL prefix for produced Cloud Tasks.
// Used only for Cloud Tasks tasks whose TaskClass doesn't provide some custom
// RoutingPrefix. Doesn't affect PubSub tasks.
// Default is "/internal/tasks/t/". It means generated Cloud Tasks by will
// have target URL "/internal/tasks/t/<generated-per-task-suffix>".
// A non-default value may be valuable if you host multiple dispatchers in
// a single process. This is a niche use case.
DefaultRoutingPrefix string
// DefaultTargetHost is a hostname to dispatch Cloud Tasks to by default.
// Individual Cloud Tasks task classes may override it with their own specific
// host. Doesn't affect PubSub tasks.
// On GAE defaults to the GAE application itself. Elsewhere defaults to
// "", which is pretty useless outside of tests.
DefaultTargetHost string
// PushAs is a service account email to be used for generating OIDC tokens.
// Used only for Cloud Tasks tasks. Doesn't affect PubSub tasks.
// The service account must be within the same project. The server account
// must have "iam.serviceAccounts.actAs" permission for PushAs account.
// Optional on GAE when submitting tasks targeting GAE. Elsewhere defaults to
// "", which is pretty useless outside of tests.
PushAs string
// AuthorizedPushers is a list of service account emails to accept pushes from
// in addition to PushAs.
// This is handy when migrating from one PushAs account to another, or when
// submitting tasks from one service, but handing them in another.
// Optional.
AuthorizedPushers []string
// SweepInitiationLaunchers is a list of service account emails authorized to
// launch sweeps via the exposed HTTP endpoint.
SweepInitiationLaunchers []string
mu sync.RWMutex
clsByID map[string]*taskClassImpl
clsByTyp map[protoreflect.MessageType]*taskClassImpl
// Sweeper knows how sweep transaction tasks reminders.
type Sweeper interface {
// sweep either performs the full sweep itself or schedules a task to do it.
sweep(ctx context.Context, s Submitter, reminderKeySpaceBytes int) error
// TaskKind describes how a task class interoperates with transactions.
type TaskKind int
const (
// NonTransactional is a task kind for tasks that must be enqueued outside
// of a transaction.
NonTransactional TaskKind = 0
// Transactional is a task kind for tasks that must be enqueued only from
// a transaction.
// Using transactional tasks requires setting up a sweeper first, see
// ModuleOptions.
Transactional TaskKind = 1
// FollowsContext is a task kind for tasks that are enqueue transactionally
// if the context is transactional or non-transactionally otherwise.
// Using transactional tasks requires setting up a sweeper first, see
// ModuleOptions.
FollowsContext TaskKind = 2
// TaskClass defines how to treat tasks of a specific proto message type.
// It assigns some stable ID to a proto message kind and also defines how tasks
// of this kind should be submitted and routed.
// The are two backends for tasks: Cloud Tasks and Cloud PubSub. Which one to
// use for a particular task class is defined via mutually exclusive Queue and
// Topic fields.
// Refer to Google Cloud documentation for all semantic differences between
// Cloud Tasks and Cloud PubSub. One important difference is that Cloud PubSub
// tasks can't be deduplicated and thus the handler must expect to receive
// duplicates.
type TaskClass struct {
// ID is unique identifier of this class of tasks.
// Must match `[a-zA-Z0-9_\-.]{1,100}`.
// It is used to decide how to deserialize and route the task. Changing IDs of
// existing task classes is a disruptive operation, make sure the queue is
// drained first. The dispatcher will reject Cloud Tasks with unrecognized
// class IDs with HTTP 404 error (casing Cloud Tasks to retry them later).
// Required.
ID string
// Prototype identifies a proto message type of a task payload.
// Used for its type information only. In particular it is used by AddTask
// to discover what TaskClass matches the added task. There should be
// one-to-one correspondence between proto message types and task classes.
// It is safe to arbitrarily change this type as long as JSONPB encoding of
// the previous type can be decoded using the new type. The dispatcher will
// reject Cloud Tasks with bodies it can't deserialize with HTTP 400 error
// (causing Cloud Tasks to retry them later).
// Required.
Prototype proto.Message
// Kind indicates whether the task requires a transaction to be enqueued.
// Note that using transactional tasks requires setting up a sweeper first,
// see ModuleOptions.
// Default is NonTransactional which means that tasks can be enqueued only
// outside of transactions.
Kind TaskKind
// Queue is a name of Cloud Tasks queue to use for the tasks.
// If set, indicates the task should be submitted through Cloud Tasks API.
// The queue must exist already in this case. Can't be set together with
// Topic.
// It can either be a short name like "default" or a full name like
// "projects/<project>/locations/<region>/queues/<name>". If it is a full
// name, it must have the above format or RegisterTaskClass would panic.
// If it is a short queue name, the full queue name will be constructed using
// dispatcher's CloudProject and CloudRegion if they are set.
Queue string
// Topic is a name of PubSub topic to use for the tasks.
// If set, indicates the task should be submitted through Cloud PubSub API.
// The topic must exist already in this case. Can't be set together with
// Queue.
// It can either be a short name like "tasks" or a full name like
// "projects/<project>/topics/<name>". If it is a full name, it must have the
// above format or RegisterTaskClass would panic.
Topic string
// RoutingPrefix is a URL prefix for produced Cloud Tasks.
// Can only be used for Cloud Tasks task (i.e. only if Queue is also set).
// Default is dispatcher's DefaultRoutingPrefix which itself defaults to
// "/internal/tasks/t/". It means generated Cloud Tasks by default will have
// target URL "/internal/tasks/t/<generated-per-task-suffix>".
// A non-default value can be used to route Cloud Tasks tasks of a particular
// class to particular processes, assuming the load balancer is configured
// accordingly.
RoutingPrefix string
// TargetHost is a hostname to dispatch Cloud Tasks to.
// Can only be used for Cloud Tasks task (i.e. only if Queue is also set).
// If unset, will use dispatcher's DefaultTargetHost.
TargetHost string
// Quiet, if set, instructs the dispatcher not to log bodies of tasks.
Quiet bool
// Custom, if given, will be called to generate a custom payload from the
// task's proto payload.
// Useful for interoperability with existing code that doesn't use dispatcher
// or if the tasks are meant to be consumed in some custom way. You'll need to
// setup the consumer manually, the Dispatcher doesn't know how to handle
// tasks with custom payload.
// For Cloud Tasks tasks it is possible to customize HTTP method, relative
// URI, headers and the request body this way. Other properties of the task
// (such as the target host, the queue, the task name, authentication headers)
// are not customizable.
// For PubSub tasks it is possible to customize only task's body and
// attributes (via CustomPayload.Meta). Other fields in CustomPayload are
// ignored.
// Receives the exact same context as passed to AddTask. If returns nil
// result, the task will be submitted as usual.
Custom func(ctx context.Context, m proto.Message) (*CustomPayload, error)
// Handler will be called by the dispatcher to execute the tasks.
// The handler will receive the task's payload as a proto message of the exact
// same type as the type of Prototype. See Handler doc for more info.
// Populating this field is equivalent to calling AttachHandler after
// registering the class. It may be left nil if the current process just wants
// to submit tasks, but not handle them. Some other process would need to
// attach the handler then to be able to process tasks.
// The dispatcher will permanently fail tasks if it can't find a handler for
// them.
Handler Handler
// CustomPayload is returned by TaskClass's Custom, see its doc.
type CustomPayload struct {
Method string // e.g. "GET" or "POST", Cloud Tasks only
RelativeURI string // an URI relative to the task's target host, Cloud Tasks only
Meta map[string]string // HTTP headers or message attributes to attach
Body []byte // serialized body of the request
// TaskClassRef represents a TaskClass registered in a Dispatcher.
type TaskClassRef interface {
// AttachHandler sets a handler which will be called by the dispatcher to
// execute the tasks.
// The handler will receive the task's payload as a proto message of the exact
// same type as the type of TaskClass's Prototype. See Handler doc for more
// info.
// Panics if the class has already a handler attached.
AttachHandler(h Handler)
// Definition returns the original task class definition.
Definition() TaskClass
// Task contains task body and metadata.
type Task struct {
// Payload is task's payload as well as indicator of its class.
// Its type will be used to find a matching registered TaskClass which defines
// how to route and handle the task.
Payload proto.Message
// DeduplicationKey is optional unique key used to derive name of the task.
// If a task of a given class with a given key has already been enqueued
// recently (within ~1h), this task will be silently ignored.
// Because there is an extra lookup cost to identify duplicate task names,
// enqueues of named tasks have significantly increased latency.
// Can be used only with Cloud Tasks tasks, since PubSub doesn't support
// deduplication during enqueuing.
// Named tasks can only be used outside of transactions.
DeduplicationKey string
// Title is optional string that identifies the task in server logs.
// For Cloud Tasks it will also show up as a suffix in task handler URL. It
// exists exclusively to simplify reading server logs. It serves no other
// purpose! In particular, it is *not* a task name.
// Handlers won't ever see it. Pass all information through the payload.
Title string
// Delay specifies the duration the Cloud Tasks service must wait before
// attempting to execute the task.
// Can be used only with Cloud Tasks tasks. Either Delay or ETA may be set,
// but not both.
Delay time.Duration
// ETA specifies the earliest time a task may be executed.
// Can be used only with Cloud Tasks tasks. Either Delay or ETA may be set,
// but not both.
ETA time.Time
// Fatal is an error tag used to indicate that the handler wants the task to
// be dropped.
// See Handler doc for more details.
var Fatal = errors.BoolTag{Key: errors.NewTagKey("the task should be dropped")}
// Used to override HTTP status of some errors.
var (
httpStatusKey = errors.NewTagKey("http status override")
httpStatus404 = errors.TagValue{Key: httpStatusKey, Value: 404}
httpStatus400 = errors.TagValue{Key: httpStatusKey, Value: 400}
// Handler is called to handle one enqueued task.
// If it returns an error tagged with Fatal tag, the task will be dropped with
// HTTP 202 reply to Cloud Tasks. Otherwise it will be retried later (per the
// queue configuration) with HTTP 429 reply.
// Errors tagged with transient.Tag result in HTTP 500 replies. They also
// trigger a retry.
type Handler func(ctx context.Context, payload proto.Message) error
// ExecutionInfo is parsed from incoming task's metadata.
// It is accessible from within task handlers via TaskExecutionInfo(ctx).
type ExecutionInfo struct {
// ExecutionCount is 0 on a first delivery attempt and increased by 1 for each
// failed attempt.
ExecutionCount int
taskRetryReason string // X-CloudTasks-TaskRetryReason
taskPreviousResponse string // X-CloudTasks-TaskPreviousResponse
submitterTraceContext string // see TraceContextHeader
expectedETA time.Time // see ExpectedETAHeader
var executionInfoKey = ""
// TaskExecutionInfo returns information about the currently executing task.
// Returns nil if called not from a task handler.
func TaskExecutionInfo(ctx context.Context) *ExecutionInfo {
info, _ := ctx.Value(&executionInfoKey).(*ExecutionInfo)
return info
// ValidateNamespace returns an error if `n` is not a valid namespace name.
// An empty string is a valid namespace (denoting the default namespace). Other
// valid namespaces must start with an ASCII letter or '_', contain only
// ASCII letters, digits or '_', and be less than 50 chars in length.
func ValidateNamespace(n string) error {
if n != "" && !namespaceRe.MatchString(n) {
return errors.New("must start with a letter or '_' and contain only letters, numbers and '_'")
return nil
// RegisterTaskClass tells the dispatcher how to route and handle tasks of some
// particular type.
// Intended to be called during process startup. Panics if there's already
// a registered task class with the same ID or Prototype.
func (d *Dispatcher) RegisterTaskClass(cls TaskClass) TaskClassRef {
if !taskClassIDRe.MatchString(cls.ID) {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("bad TaskClass ID %q", cls.ID))
if cls.Prototype == nil {
panic("TaskClass Prototype must be set")
if cls.RoutingPrefix != "" && !strings.HasPrefix(cls.RoutingPrefix, "/") {
panic("TaskClass RoutingPrefix must start with /")
var backend taskBackend
switch {
case cls.Queue == "" && cls.Topic == "":
panic("TaskClass must have either Queue or Topic set")
case cls.Queue != "" && cls.Topic != "":
panic("TaskClass must have either Queue or Topic set, not both")
case cls.Queue != "":
backend = backendCloudTasks
if strings.ContainsRune(cls.Queue, '/') && !isValidQueue(cls.Queue) {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("not a valid full queue name %q", cls.Queue))
case cls.Topic != "":
backend = backendPubSub
if strings.ContainsRune(cls.Topic, '/') && !isValidTopic(cls.Topic) {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("not a valid full topic name %q", cls.Topic))
if cls.RoutingPrefix != "" {
panic("PubSub tasks do not support RoutingPrefix")
if cls.TargetHost != "" {
panic("PubSub tasks do not support TargetHost")
typ := cls.Prototype.ProtoReflect().Type()
if d.clsByID == nil {
d.clsByID = make(map[string]*taskClassImpl, 1)
if d.clsByTyp == nil {
d.clsByTyp = make(map[protoreflect.MessageType]*taskClassImpl, 1)
if _, ok := d.clsByID[cls.ID]; ok {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("TaskClass with ID %q is already registered", cls.ID))
if _, ok := d.clsByTyp[typ]; ok {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("TaskClass with Prototype %q is already registered", proto.MessageName(cls.Prototype)))
impl := &taskClassImpl{
TaskClass: cls,
disp: d,
protoType: typ,
backend: backend,
d.clsByID[cls.ID] = impl
d.clsByTyp[typ] = impl
return impl
// TaskClassRef returns a task class reference given its ID or nil if no such
// task class is registered.
func (d *Dispatcher) TaskClassRef(id string) TaskClassRef {
impl, _, _ := d.classByID(id)
return impl
// AddTask submits a task for later execution.
// The task payload type should match some registered TaskClass. Its ID will
// be used to identify the task class in the serialized Cloud Tasks task body.
// At some later time, in some other process, the dispatcher will invoke
// a handler attached to the corresponding TaskClass, based on its ID extracted
// from the task body.
// If the given context is transactional, inherits the transaction if allowed
// according to the TaskClass's Kind. A transactional task will eventually be
// submitted to Cloud Tasks if and only if the transaction successfully commits.
// This requires a sweeper instance to be running somewhere, see ModuleOptions.
// Note that a failure to submit the task to Cloud Tasks will not abort
// the transaction.
// If the task has a DeduplicationKey and there already was a recent task with
// the same TaskClass ID and DeduplicationKey, silently ignores the added task.
// This works only outside of transactions. Using DeduplicationKey with
// transactional tasks results in an error.
// Annotates retriable errors with transient.Tag.
func (d *Dispatcher) AddTask(ctx context.Context, task *Task) (err error) {
sub, err := currentSubmitter(ctx)
if err != nil {
return err
// Start a span annotated with the task's class.
cls, _, err := d.classByMsg(task.Payload)
if err != nil {
return err
ctx, span := startSpan(ctx, "", logging.Fields{
"": cls.ID,
"": task.Title,
defer func() { span.End(err) }()
// Prepare a raw request. We'll either submit it right away (for non-tx
// tasks), or attach it to a reminder and store in the DB for later handling.
payload, err := d.prepPayload(ctx, cls, task)
if err != nil {
return err
// Examine the context to see if we are inside a transaction.
db := db.TxnDB(ctx)
switch cls.Kind {
case FollowsContext:
// do nothing, will use `db` if it is non-nil
case Transactional:
if db == nil {
return errors.Reason("enqueuing of tasks %q must be done from inside a transaction", cls.ID).Err()
case NonTransactional:
if db != nil {
return errors.Reason("enqueuing of tasks %q must be done outside of a transaction", cls.ID).Err()
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unrecognized TaskKind %v", cls.Kind))
// If not inside a transaction, submit the task right away.
if db == nil {
return internal.Submit(ctx, sub, payload, internal.TxnPathNone)
// Named transactional tasks are not supported.
if task.DeduplicationKey != "" {
return errors.Reason("when enqueuing %q: can't use DeduplicationKey for a transactional task", cls.ID).Err()
// Otherwise transactionally commit a reminder and schedule a best-effort
// post-transaction enqueuing of the actual task. If it fails, the sweeper
// will eventually discover the reminder and enqueue the task. Note that this
// modifies `payload` with the reminder's ID.
r, err := d.attachToReminder(ctx, payload)
if err != nil {
return errors.Annotate(err, "failed to prepare a reminder").Err()
span.Attribute("", r.ID)
if err := db.SaveReminder(ctx, r); err != nil {
return errors.Annotate(err, "failed to store a transactional enqueue reminder").Err()
once := int32(0)
db.Defer(ctx, func(ctx context.Context) {
if count := atomic.AddInt32(&once, 1); count > 1 {
panic("transaction defer has already been called")
// `ctx` here is an outer non-transactional context.
var err error
ctx, span := startSpan(ctx, "", logging.Fields{
"": cls.ID,
"": task.Title,
"": r.ID,
defer func() { span.End(err) }()
// Attempt to submit the task right away if the reminder is still fresh.
err = internal.ProcessReminderPostTxn(ctx, sub, db, r)
return nil
// Sweep initiates a sweep of transactional tasks reminders.
// It must be called periodically (e.g. once per minute) somewhere in the fleet.
func (d *Dispatcher) Sweep(ctx context.Context) error {
if d.Sweeper == nil {
return errors.New("can't sweep: the Sweeper is not set")
sub, err := currentSubmitter(ctx)
if err != nil {
return err
return d.Sweeper.sweep(ctx, sub, reminderKeySpaceBytes)
// InstallTasksRoutes installs tasks HTTP routes under the given prefix.
// The exposed HTTP endpoints are called by Cloud Tasks service when it is time
// to execute a task.
func (d *Dispatcher) InstallTasksRoutes(r *router.Router, prefix string) {
if prefix == "" {
prefix = "/internal/tasks/"
} else if !strings.HasPrefix(prefix, "/") {
panic("the prefix should start with /")
var mw router.MiddlewareChain
if !d.NoAuth {
// Tasks are primarily submitted as `PushAs`, but we also accept all
// `AuthorizedPushers`.
pushers := append([]string{d.PushAs}, d.AuthorizedPushers...)
// On GAE X-Appengine-* headers can be trusted. Check we are being called
// by Cloud Tasks. We don't care by which queue exactly though. It is
// easier to move tasks between queues that way.
header := ""
if d.GAE {
header = "X-Appengine-Queuename"
mw = authMiddleware(pushers, header, func(ctx context.Context) {
metrics.ServerRejectedCount.Add(ctx, 1, "auth")
// We don't really care about the exact format of URLs. At the same time
// accepting all requests under InternalRoutingPrefix is necessary for
// compatibility with "appengine/tq" which used totally different URL format.
prefix = strings.TrimRight(prefix, "/") + "/*path"
r.POST(prefix, mw, func(c *router.Context) {
body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(c.Request.Body)
if err != nil {
httpReply(c, 500, "Failed to read the request", err)
} else {
replyWithErr(c, d.handlePush(c.Context, body, parseHeaders(c.Request.Header)))
// InstallSweepRoute installs a route that initiates a sweep.
// It may be called periodically (e.g. by Cloud Scheduler) to launch sweeps.
func (d *Dispatcher) InstallSweepRoute(r *router.Router, path string) {
var mw router.MiddlewareChain
if !d.NoAuth {
// On GAE X-Appengine-* headers can be trusted. Check we are being called
// by Cloud Scheduler.
header := ""
if d.GAE {
header = "X-Appengine-Cron"
mw = authMiddleware(d.SweepInitiationLaunchers, header, nil)
r.GET(path, mw, func(c *router.Context) {
err := d.Sweep(c.Context)
if err != nil && !transient.Tag.In(err) {
err = Fatal.Apply(err)
replyWithErr(c, err)
var (
// namespaceRe is used to validate Dispatcher.Namespace.
namespaceRe = regexp.MustCompile(`^[a-zA-Z_][0-9a-zA-Z_]{0,49}$`)
// taskClassIDRe is used to validate TaskClass.ID.
taskClassIDRe = regexp.MustCompile(`^[a-zA-Z0-9_\-.]{1,100}$`)
const (
// reminderKeySpaceBytes defines the space of the Reminder Ids.
// Because Reminder.ID is hex-encoded, actual length is doubled.
// 16 is chosen is big enough to avoid collisions in practice yet small enough
// for easier human-debugging of key ranges in queries.
reminderKeySpaceBytes = 16
// happyPathMaxDuration caps how long the happy path will be waited for.
happyPathMaxDuration = time.Minute
// defaultHeaders returns headers to add to all submitted tasks.
func defaultHeaders() map[string]string {
return map[string]string{"Content-Type": "application/json"}
// startSpan starts a new span and puts `meta` into its attributes and into
// logger fields.
func startSpan(ctx context.Context, title string, meta logging.Fields) (context.Context, trace.Span) {
ctx = logging.SetFields(ctx, meta)
ctx, span := trace.StartSpan(ctx, title)
for k, v := range meta {
span.Attribute(k, v)
return ctx, span
// prepPayload converts a task into a reminder.Payload.
func (d *Dispatcher) prepPayload(ctx context.Context, cls *taskClassImpl, t *Task) (*reminder.Payload, error) {
payload := &reminder.Payload{
TaskClass: cls.ID,
Created: clock.Now(ctx),
Raw: t.Payload, // used on a happy path only (essentially only in tests)
var err error
switch cls.backend {
case backendCloudTasks:
payload.CreateTaskRequest, err = d.prepCloudTasksRequest(ctx, cls, t)
case backendPubSub:
payload.PublishRequest, err = d.prepPubSubRequest(ctx, cls, t)
return payload, err
// prepCloudTasksRequest prepares Cloud Tasks request based on a *Task.
func (d *Dispatcher) prepCloudTasksRequest(ctx context.Context, cls *taskClassImpl, t *Task) (*taskspb.CreateTaskRequest, error) {
queueID, err := d.queueID(cls.Queue)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
taskID := ""
if t.DeduplicationKey != "" {
taskID = queueID + "/tasks/" + cls.taskName(t, d.Namespace)
var scheduleTime *timestamppb.Timestamp
switch {
case !t.ETA.IsZero():
if t.Delay != 0 {
return nil, errors.New("bad task: either ETA or Delay should be given, not both")
scheduleTime = timestamppb.New(t.ETA)
case t.Delay > 0:
scheduleTime = timestamppb.New(clock.Now(ctx).Add(t.Delay))
// E.g. ("", "/internal/tasks/t/<class>[/<title>]").
// Note: relativeURI is discarded when using custom payload.
host, relativeURI, err := d.taskTarget(cls, t)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var payload *CustomPayload
if cls.Custom != nil {
if payload, err = cls.Custom(ctx, t.Payload); err != nil {
return nil, err
if payload == nil {
// This is not really a "custom" payload, we are just reusing the struct.
payload = &CustomPayload{
Method: "POST",
RelativeURI: relativeURI,
Meta: defaultHeaders(),
if payload.Body, err = cls.serialize(t); err != nil {
return nil, err
} else {
// We'll likely be mutating the headers below, make a copy.
meta := make(map[string]string, len(payload.Meta))
for k, v := range payload.Meta {
meta[k] = v
payload.Meta = meta
// Inject tracing headers.
if span := trace.SpanContext(ctx); span != "" {
payload.Meta[TraceContextHeader] = span
// Inject magic header with ETA.
if scheduleTime == nil {
payload.Meta[ExpectedETAHeader] = makeETAHeader(clock.Now(ctx))
} else {
payload.Meta[ExpectedETAHeader] = makeETAHeader(scheduleTime.AsTime())
method := taskspb.HttpMethod(taskspb.HttpMethod_value[payload.Method])
if method == 0 {
return nil, errors.Reason("bad HTTP method %q", payload.Method).Err()
if !strings.HasPrefix(payload.RelativeURI, "/") {
return nil, errors.Reason("bad relative URI %q", payload.RelativeURI).Err()
// We need to populate one of Task.MessageType oneof alternatives. It has
// unexported type, so we have to instantiate the message now and then mutate
// it.
req := &taskspb.CreateTaskRequest{
Parent: queueID,
Task: &taskspb.Task{
Name: taskID,
ScheduleTime: scheduleTime,
// TODO(vadimsh): Make DispatchDeadline configurable?
// On GAE we by default push to the GAE itself.
if host == "" && d.GAE {
req.Task.MessageType = &taskspb.Task_AppEngineHttpRequest{
AppEngineHttpRequest: &taskspb.AppEngineHttpRequest{
HttpMethod: method,
RelativeUri: payload.RelativeURI,
Headers: payload.Meta,
Body: payload.Body,
return req, nil
// Elsewhere pick up some defaults mostly used only in tests.
if host == "" {
host = ""
pushAs := d.PushAs
if d.PushAs == "" {
pushAs = ""
req.Task.MessageType = &taskspb.Task_HttpRequest{
HttpRequest: &taskspb.HttpRequest{
HttpMethod: method,
Url: "https://" + host + payload.RelativeURI,
Headers: payload.Meta,
Body: payload.Body,
AuthorizationHeader: &taskspb.HttpRequest_OidcToken{
OidcToken: &taskspb.OidcToken{
ServiceAccountEmail: pushAs,
return req, nil
// makeETAHeader converts the given time into a decimal string representing
// the number of seconds since the Unix epoch with microsecond resolution.
func makeETAHeader(t time.Time) string {
mics := t.UnixNano() / 1000
return fmt.Sprintf("%d.%06d", mics/1e6, mics%1e6)
// queueID expands `id` into a full queue name if necessary.
func (d *Dispatcher) queueID(id string) (string, error) {
if strings.HasPrefix(id, "projects/") {
return id, nil // already full name
project := d.CloudProject
if project == "" {
project = "default"
region := d.CloudRegion
if region == "" {
region = "default"
return fmt.Sprintf("projects/%s/locations/%s/queues/%s", project, region, id), nil
// taskTarget constructs a target URL for a task.
// `host` will be "" if no explicit host is configured anywhere. On GAE this
// means "send the task back to the GAE app". On non-GAE this indicates to use
// default "" which is really usable only in tests.
func (d *Dispatcher) taskTarget(cls *taskClassImpl, t *Task) (host string, relativeURI string, err error) {
if cls.TargetHost != "" {
host = cls.TargetHost
} else {
host = d.DefaultTargetHost
pfx := cls.RoutingPrefix
if pfx == "" {
pfx = d.DefaultRoutingPrefix
if pfx == "" {
pfx = "/internal/tasks/t/"
if !strings.HasPrefix(pfx, "/") {
return "", "", errors.Reason("bad routing prefix %q: must start with /", pfx).Err()
if !strings.HasSuffix(pfx, "/") {
pfx += "/"
relativeURI = pfx + cls.ID
switch {
case t.Title == "":
case strings.ContainsRune(t.Title, ' '):
return "", "", errors.Reason("bad task title %q: must not contain spaces", t.Title).Err()
case len(relativeURI)+1+len(t.Title) > 2083:
return "", "", errors.Reason("bad task title %q: too long;"+
" must not exceed 2083 characters when combined with %q", t.Title, relativeURI).Err()
relativeURI += "/" + t.Title
// prepPubSubRequest prepares Cloud PubSub request based on a *Task.
func (d *Dispatcher) prepPubSubRequest(ctx context.Context, cls *taskClassImpl, t *Task) (*pubsubpb.PublishRequest, error) {
if t.DeduplicationKey != "" {
return nil, errors.New("can't use DeduplicationKey with PubSub tasks")
if t.Delay != 0 || !t.ETA.IsZero() {
return nil, errors.New("can't use Delay or ETA with PubSub tasks")
topicID, err := d.topicID(cls.Topic)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var payload *CustomPayload
if cls.Custom != nil {
if payload, err = cls.Custom(ctx, t.Payload); err != nil {
return nil, err
if payload == nil {
// This is not really a "custom" payload, we are just reusing the struct.
payload = &CustomPayload{}
if payload.Body, err = cls.serialize(t); err != nil {
return nil, err
msg := &pubsubpb.PubsubMessage{
Data: payload.Body,
Attributes: make(map[string]string, len(payload.Meta)+1),
for k, v := range payload.Meta {
msg.Attributes[k] = v
if span := trace.SpanContext(ctx); span != "" {
msg.Attributes[TraceContextHeader] = span
return &pubsubpb.PublishRequest{
Topic: topicID,
Messages: []*pubsubpb.PubsubMessage{msg},
}, nil
// topicID expands `id` into a full topic name if necessary.
func (d *Dispatcher) topicID(id string) (string, error) {
if strings.HasPrefix(id, "projects/") {
return id, nil // already full name
project := d.CloudProject
if project == "" {
project = "default"
return fmt.Sprintf("projects/%s/topics/%s", project, id), nil
// attachToReminder makes a reminder and attaches the payload to it, thus
// mutating the payload with reminder's ID.
// Returns the constructed reminder. It will eventually be stored in the
// database to remind the sweeper to submit the task if best-effort
// post-transactional submit fails.
func (d *Dispatcher) attachToReminder(ctx context.Context, payload *reminder.Payload) (*reminder.Reminder, error) {
buf := make([]byte, reminderKeySpaceBytes)
if _, err := io.ReadFull(cryptorand.Get(ctx), buf); err != nil {
return nil, errors.Annotate(err, "failed to get random bytes").Tag(transient.Tag).Err()
// Note: length of the generate ID here is different from length of IDs
// we generate when using DeduplicationKey, so there'll be no collisions
// between two different sorts of named tasks.
r := &reminder.Reminder{ID: hex.EncodeToString(buf)}
// Bound FreshUntil to at most current context deadline.
r.FreshUntil = clock.Now(ctx).Add(happyPathMaxDuration)
if deadline, ok := ctx.Deadline(); ok && r.FreshUntil.After(deadline) {
// TODO(tandrii): allow propagating custom deadline for the async happy
// path which won't bind the context's deadline.
r.FreshUntil = deadline
r.FreshUntil = r.FreshUntil.UTC().Truncate(reminder.FreshUntilPrecision)
return r, r.AttachPayload(payload)
// isValidQueue is true if q looks like "projects/.../locations/.../queues/...".
func isValidQueue(q string) bool {
chunks := strings.Split(q, "/")
return len(chunks) == 6 &&
chunks[0] == "projects" &&
chunks[1] != "" &&
chunks[2] == "locations" &&
chunks[3] != "" &&
chunks[4] == "queues" &&
chunks[5] != ""
// isValidTopic is true if t looks like "projects/.../topics/...".
func isValidTopic(t string) bool {
chunks := strings.Split(t, "/")
return len(chunks) == 4 &&
chunks[0] == "projects" &&
chunks[1] != "" &&
chunks[2] == "topics" &&
chunks[3] != ""
// handlePush handles one incoming task.
// Returns errors annotated in the same style as errors from Handler, see its
// doc.
func (d *Dispatcher) handlePush(ctx context.Context, body []byte, info ExecutionInfo) error {
// See taskClassImpl.serialize().
env := envelope{}
if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &env); err != nil {
metrics.ServerRejectedCount.Add(ctx, 1, "bad_request")
return errors.Annotate(err, "not a valid JSON body").Tag(httpStatus400).Err()
// Find the matching registered task class. Newer tasks always have `class`
// set. Older ones have `type` instead.
var cls *taskClassImpl
var h Handler
var err error
if env.Class != "" {
cls, h, err = d.classByID(env.Class)
} else if env.Type != "" {
cls, h, err = d.classByTyp(env.Type)
} else {
err = errors.Reason("malformed task body, no class").Tag(httpStatus400).Err()
if err != nil {
logging.Debugf(ctx, "TQ: %s", body)
metrics.ServerRejectedCount.Add(ctx, 1, "unknown_class")
return err
if !cls.Quiet {
logging.Debugf(ctx, "TQ: %s", body)
if info.submitterTraceContext != "" {
logging.Debugf(ctx, "TQ: submitted at %s", info.submitterTraceContext)
if info.ExecutionCount != 0 {
logging.Debugf(ctx, "TQ: this is a retry: %d previous attempt(s) already failed", info.ExecutionCount)
if info.taskRetryReason != "" || info.taskPreviousResponse != "" {
logging.Debugf(ctx, "TQ: the previous attempt failed with %s: %s", info.taskPreviousResponse, info.taskRetryReason)
if h == nil {
metrics.ServerRejectedCount.Add(ctx, 1, "no_handler")
return errors.Reason("task class %q exists, but has no handler attached", cls.ID).Tag(httpStatus404).Err()
msg, err := cls.deserialize(&env)
if err != nil {
metrics.ServerRejectedCount.Add(ctx, 1, "bad_payload")
return errors.Annotate(err, "malformed body of task class %q", cls.ID).Tag(httpStatus400).Err()
ctx = context.WithValue(ctx, &executionInfoKey, &info)
start := clock.Now(ctx)
err = h(ctx, msg)
dur := clock.Now(ctx).Sub(start)
result := "OK"
switch {
case Fatal.In(err):
result = "fatal"
case transient.Tag.In(err):
result = "transient"
case err != nil:
result = "retry"
retry := info.ExecutionCount
if retry > metrics.MaxRetryFieldValue {
retry = metrics.MaxRetryFieldValue
metrics.ServerHandledCount.Add(ctx, 1, cls.ID, result, retry)
metrics.ServerDurationMS.Add(ctx, float64(dur.Milliseconds()), cls.ID, result)
if !info.expectedETA.IsZero() {
latency := clock.Since(ctx, info.expectedETA).Milliseconds()
if latency < 0 {
latency = 0
metrics.ServerTaskLatency.Add(ctx, float64(latency), cls.ID, result, retry)
return err
// classByID returns a task class given its ID or an error if no such class.
// Reads cls.Handler while under the lock as well, since it may be concurrently
// modified by AttachHandler.
func (d *Dispatcher) classByID(id string) (*taskClassImpl, Handler, error) {
if cls := d.clsByID[id]; cls != nil {
return cls, cls.Handler, nil
return nil, nil, errors.Reason("no task class with ID %q is registered", id).Tag(httpStatus404).Err()
// classByMsg returns a task class given proto message or an error if no
// such class.
// Reads cls.Handler while under the lock as well, since it may be concurrently
// modified by AttachHandler.
func (d *Dispatcher) classByMsg(msg proto.Message) (*taskClassImpl, Handler, error) {
typ := msg.ProtoReflect().Type()
if cls := d.clsByTyp[typ]; cls != nil {
return cls, cls.Handler, nil
return nil, nil, errors.Reason("no task class matching type %q is registered", typ.Descriptor().FullName()).Tag(httpStatus404).Err()
// classByTyp returns a task class given proto message name or an error if no
// such class.
// Reads cls.Handler while under the lock as well, since it may be concurrently
// modified by AttachHandler.
func (d *Dispatcher) classByTyp(typ string) (*taskClassImpl, Handler, error) {
msgTyp, _ := protoregistry.GlobalTypes.FindMessageByName(protoreflect.FullName(typ))
if msgTyp == nil {
return nil, nil, errors.Reason("no proto message %q is registered", typ).Tag(httpStatus404).Err()
if cls := d.clsByTyp[msgTyp]; cls != nil {
return cls, cls.Handler, nil
return nil, nil, errors.Reason("no task class matching type %q is registered", typ).Tag(httpStatus404).Err()
type taskBackend int
const (
backendCloudTasks taskBackend = 1
backendPubSub taskBackend = 2
// taskClassImpl knows how to prepare and handle tasks of a particular class.
type taskClassImpl struct {
disp *Dispatcher
protoType protoreflect.MessageType
backend taskBackend
// envelope is what we put into all Cloud Tasks.
type envelope struct {
Class string `json:"class,omitempty"` // ID of TaskClass
Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` // for compatibility with appengine/tq
Body *json.RawMessage `json:"body"` // JSONPB-serialized Task.Payload
// AttachHandler implements TaskClassRef interface.
func (cls *taskClassImpl) AttachHandler(h Handler) {
if h == nil {
panic("The handler must not be nil")
if cls.Handler != nil {
panic("The task class has a handler attached already")
cls.Handler = h
// Definition implements TaskClassRef interface.
func (cls *taskClassImpl) Definition() TaskClass {
return cls.TaskClass
// taskName returns a short ID for the task to use to dedup it.
func (cls *taskClassImpl) taskName(t *Task, namespace string) string {
h := sha256.New()
return hex.EncodeToString(h.Sum(nil))
// serialize serializes the task body into JSONPB.
func (cls *taskClassImpl) serialize(t *Task) ([]byte, error) {
opts := protojson.MarshalOptions{
Indent: "\t",
UseEnumNumbers: true,
blob, err := opts.Marshal(t.Payload)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Annotate(err, "failed to serialize %q", proto.MessageName(t.Payload)).Err()
raw := json.RawMessage(blob)
return json.MarshalIndent(envelope{
Class: cls.ID,
Type: string(proto.MessageName(t.Payload)),
Body: &raw,
}, "", "\t")
// deserialize instantiates a proto message based on its serialized body.
func (cls *taskClassImpl) deserialize(env *envelope) (proto.Message, error) {
if env.Body == nil {
return nil, errors.Reason("no body").Err()
opts := protojson.UnmarshalOptions{
DiscardUnknown: true,
msg := cls.protoType.New().Interface()
if err := opts.Unmarshal(*env.Body, msg); err != nil {
return nil, err
return msg, nil
// parseHeaders examines headers of the incoming Cloud Tasks push.
func parseHeaders(h http.Header) ExecutionInfo {
magicHeader := func(key string) string {
if val := h.Get("X-AppEngine-" + key); val != "" {
return val
return h.Get("X-CloudTasks-" + key)
var execCount int64
if count := magicHeader("TaskExecutionCount"); count != "" {
execCount, _ = strconv.ParseInt(count, 10, 32)
var eta time.Time
if s := h.Get(ExpectedETAHeader); s != "" {
// Expected format is "<seconds(int64)>.<microseconds(int32)>".
parts := strings.Split(s, ".")
if len(parts) == 2 {
secs, errS := strconv.ParseInt(parts[0], 10, 64)
micros, errM := strconv.ParseInt(parts[1], 10, 32)
if errS == nil && errM == nil {
eta = time.Unix(secs, micros*1000)
return ExecutionInfo{
ExecutionCount: int(execCount),
taskRetryReason: magicHeader("TaskRetryReason"),
taskPreviousResponse: magicHeader("TaskPreviousResponse"),
submitterTraceContext: h.Get(TraceContextHeader),
expectedETA: eta,
// authMiddleware returns a middleware chain that authorizes requests from given
// callers.
// Checks OpenID Connect tokens have us in the audience, and the email in them
// is in `callers` list.
// If `header` is set, will also accept requests that have this header,
// regardless of its value. This is used to authorize GAE tasks and cron based
// on `X-AppEngine-*` headers.
func authMiddleware(callers []string, header string, rejected func(context.Context)) router.MiddlewareChain {
oidc := auth.Authenticate(&openid.GoogleIDTokenAuthMethod{
AudienceCheck: openid.AudienceMatchesHost,
return router.NewMiddlewareChain(oidc, func(c *router.Context, next router.Handler) {
if header != "" && c.Request.Header.Get(header) != "" {
if ident := auth.CurrentIdentity(c.Context); ident.Kind() != identity.Anonymous {
if checkContainsIdent(callers, ident) {
} else {
if rejected != nil {
httpReply(c, 403,
fmt.Sprintf("Caller %q is not authorized", ident),
errors.Reason("expecting any of %q", callers).Err(),
var err error
if header != "" {
err = errors.Reason("no OIDC token and no %s header", header).Err()
} else {
err = errors.Reason("no OIDC token").Err()
if rejected != nil {
httpReply(c, 403, "Authentication required", err)
// checkContainsIdent is true if `ident` emails matches some of `callers`.
func checkContainsIdent(callers []string, ident identity.Identity) bool {
if ident.Kind() != identity.User {
return false // we want service accounts
email := ident.Email()
for _, c := range callers {
if email == c {
return true
return false
// httpReply writes and logs HTTP response.
// `msg` is sent to the caller as is. `err` is logged, but not sent.
func httpReply(c *router.Context, code int, msg string, err error) {
if err != nil {
logging.Errorf(c.Context, "%s: %s", msg, err)
http.Error(c.Writer, msg, code)
// replyWithErr calls httpReply deriving status code from `err`.
func replyWithErr(c *router.Context, err error) {
switch {
case err == nil:
httpReply(c, 200, "OK", nil)
case Fatal.In(err):
httpReply(c, 202, "Fatal error", err)
case transient.Tag.In(err):
httpReply(c, 500, "Transient error", err)
status := 429
if code, ok := errors.TagValueIn(httpStatusKey, err); ok {
status = code.(int)
httpReply(c, status, "Error", err)