blob: 59036270c99a7f08d2103dd999df0c35a458ec61 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The LUCI Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package model
import (
// ChangeType is the enum for AuthDBChange.ChangeType.
type ChangeType int64
const (
// AuthDBGroupChange change types.
ChangeGroupCreated ChangeType = 1000
ChangeGroupDescriptionChanged ChangeType = 1100
ChangeGroupOwnersChanged ChangeType = 1150
ChangeGroupMembersAdded ChangeType = 1200
ChangeGroupMembersRemoved ChangeType = 1300
ChangeGroupGlobsAdded ChangeType = 1400
ChangeGroupGlobsRemoved ChangeType = 1500
ChangeGroupNestedAdded ChangeType = 1600
ChangeGroupNestedRemoved ChangeType = 1700
ChangeGroupDeleted ChangeType = 1800
// AuthDBIPAllowlistChange change types.
ChangeIPALCreated ChangeType = 3000
ChangeIPALDescriptionChanged ChangeType = 3100
ChangeIPALSubnetsAdded ChangeType = 3200
ChangeIPALSubnetsRemoved ChangeType = 3300
ChangeIPALDeleted ChangeType = 3400
// AuthDBIPAllowlistAssignmentChange change types.
ChangeIPALAssignSet ChangeType = 5000
ChangeIPALAssignUnset ChangeType = 5100
// AuthDBConfigChange change types.
ChangeConfOauthClientChanged ChangeType = 7000
ChangeConfClientIDsAdded ChangeType = 7100
ChangeConfClientIDsRemoved ChangeType = 7200
ChangeConfTokenServerURLChanged ChangeType = 7300
ChangeConfSecurityConfigChanged ChangeType = 7400
// AuthRealmsGlobalsChange change types.
ChangeRealmsGlobalsChanged ChangeType = 9000
// AuthProjectRealmsChange change types.
ChangeProjectRealmsCreated ChangeType = 10000
ChangeProjectRealmsChanged ChangeType = 10100
ChangeProjectRealmsReevaluated ChangeType = 10200
ChangeProjectRealmsRemoved ChangeType = 10300
var (
targetRegexp = regexp.MustCompile(`^[0-9a-zA-Z_]{1,40}\$` + // entity kind
`[0-9a-zA-Z_\-\./ @]{1,300}` + // entity ID (group, IP allowlist)
`(\$[0-9a-zA-Z_@\-\./\:\* ]{1,200})?$`) // optional subentity ID
changeTypeStringMap = map[ChangeType]string{
// AuthDBGroupChange change types.
// AuthDBIPWhitelistChange change types.
// AuthDBIPWhitelistAssignmentChange change types.
// AuthDBConfigChange change types.
// AuthRealmsGlobalsChange change types.
// AuthProjectRealmsChange change types.
// AuthDBLogRev is used to record that the changelog was generated for
// an AuthDB revision.
type AuthDBLogRev struct {
Kind string `gae:"$kind,AuthDBLogRev"`
ID int64 `gae:"$id"` // The AuthDB revision.
Parent *datastore.Key `gae:"$parent"`
When time.Time `gae:"when" json:"when"` // When the changes were processed.
AppVersion string `gae:"app_version" json:"app_version"` // GAE application version that processed the change.
// AuthDBChange is the base (embedded) struct for change log entries.
// Has a change type and a bunch of common change properties (like who and when
// made the change). Change type order is important, it is used in UI when
// sorting changes introduces by single AuthDB commit.
// Change types represent minimal indivisible changes. Large AuthDB change is
// usually represented by (unordered) set of indivisible changes. For example,
// an act of creation of a new AuthDB group produces following changes:
// ChangeGroupCreated
// ChangeGroupMembersAdded
// ChangeGroupGlobsAdded
// ChangeGroupNestedAdded
// They are unordered, but UI sorts them based on change type integer. Thus
// ChangeGroupCreated appears on top: it's represented by the smallest integer.
// Entity id has following format:
// <original_entity_kind>$<original_id>[$<subentity_id>]!<change_type>
// where:
// original_entity_kind: a kind of modified AuthDB entity (e.g. 'AuthGroup')
// original_id: ID of modified AuthDB entity (e.g. 'Group name')
// subentity_id: optional identified of modified part of the entity, used for
// IP allowlist assignments entity (since it's just one big singleton).
// change_type: integer Change* (see below), e.g. '1100'.
// Such key structure makes 'diff_entity_by_key' operation idempotent. A hash of
// entity body could have been used too, but having readable (and sortable) keys
// are nice.
// Parent entity is AuthDBRevision(ChangeLogRevisionKey).
// Note: '$' and '!' are not likely to appear in entity names since they are
// forbidden in AuthDB names. Code here also asserts this.
type AuthDBChange struct {
Kind string `gae:"$kind,AuthDBChange"`
ID string `gae:"$id"`
Parent *datastore.Key `gae:"$parent"`
Class []string `gae:"class"` // A list of "class" names giving the NDB Polymodel hierarchy
// Fields common across all change types.
ChangeType ChangeType `gae:"change_type" json:"change_type"` // What kind of a change this is (see Change*)
Target string `gae:"target" json:"target"` // Entity (or subentity) that was changed: kind$id[$subid] (subid is optional).
AuthDBRev int64 `gae:"auth_db_rev" json:"auth_db_rev"` // AuthDB revision at which the change was made.
Who string `gae:"who" json:"who"` // Who made the change.
When time.Time `gae:"when" json:"when"` // When the change was made.
Comment string `gae:"comment" json:"comment"` // Comment passed to record_revision or record_deletion.
AppVersion string `gae:"app_version" json:"app_version"` // GAE application version at which the change was made.
Description string `gae:"description,noindex" json:"description"`
OldDescription string `gae:"old_description,noindex" json:"old_description"`
// Fields specific to AuthDBGroupChange.
Owners string `gae:"owners" json:"owners"` // Valid for ChangeGroupCreated and ChangeGroupOwnersChanged.
OldOwners string `gae:"old_owners" json:"old_owners"` // Valid for ChangeGroupOwnersChanged and ChangeGroupDeleted.
Members []string `gae:"members" json:"members"` // Valid for ChangeGroupMembersAdded and ChangeGroupMembersRemoved.
Globs []string `gae:"globs" json:"globs"` // Valid for ChangeGroupGlobsAdded and ChangeGroupGlobsRemoved.
Nested []string `gae:"nested" json:"nested"` // Valid for ChangeGroupNestedAdded and ChangeGroupNestedRemoved.
// Fields specific to AuthDBIPAllowlistChange.
Subnets []string `gae:"subnets" json:"subnets"` // Valid for ChangeIPWLSubnetsAdded and ChangeIPWLSubnetsRemoved.
// Fields specific to AuthDBIPAllowlistAssignmentChange.
Identity string `gae:"identity"` // Valid for ChangeIPWLAssignSet and ChangeIPWLAssignUnset.
IPAllowlist string `gae:"ip_whitelist"`
// Fields specific to AuthDBConfigChange.
OauthClientID string `gae:"oauth_client_id" json:"oauth_client_id"` // Valid for ChangeConfOauthClientChanged.
OauthClientSecret string `gae:"oauth_client_secret" json:"oauth_client_secret"` // Valid for ChangeConfOauthClientChanged.
OauthAdditionalClientIDs []string `gae:"oauth_additional_client_ids" json:"oauth_additional_client_ids"` // Valid for ChangeConfClientIDsAdded and ChangeConfClientIDsRemoved.
TokenServerURLOld string `gae:"token_server_url_old" json:"token_server_url_old"` // Valid for ChangeConfTokenServerURLChanged.
TokenServerURLNew string `gae:"token_server_url_new" json:"token_server_url_new"` // Valid for ChangeConfTokenServerURLChanged.
SecurityConfigOld []byte `gae:"security_config_old,noindex" json:"security_config_old"` // Valid for ChangeConfSecurityConfigChanged.
SecurityConfigNew []byte `gae:"security_config_new,noindex" json:"security_config_new"` // Valid for ChangeConfSecurityConfigChanged.
// Fields specific to AuthRealmsGlobalsChange.
PermissionsAdded []string `gae:"permissions_added" json:"permissions_added"`
PermissionsChanged []string `gae:"permissions_changed" json:"permissions_changed"`
PermissionsRemoved []string `gae:"permissions_removed" json:"permissions_removed"`
// Fields specific to AuthProjectRealmsChange.
ConfigRevOld string `gae:"config_rev_old,noindex"`
ConfigRevNew string `gae:"config_rev_new,noindex"`
PermsRevOld string `gae:"perms_rev_old,noindex"`
PermsRevNew string `gae:"perms_rev_new,noindex"`
// ChangeLogRootKey returns the root key of an entity group with change log.
func ChangeLogRootKey(ctx context.Context, dryRun bool) *datastore.Key {
return datastore.NewKey(ctx, entityKind("AuthDBLog", dryRun), "v1", 0, nil)
// ChangeLogRevisionKey returns the key of entity subgroup that keeps AuthDB
// change log for a revision.
func ChangeLogRevisionKey(ctx context.Context, authDBRev int64, dryRun bool) *datastore.Key {
return datastore.NewKey(ctx, entityKind("AuthDBLogRev", dryRun), "", authDBRev, ChangeLogRootKey(ctx, dryRun))
func constructLogRevisionKey(ctx context.Context, authDBRev int64, dryRun bool) *datastore.Key {
if authDBRev != 0 {
return ChangeLogRevisionKey(ctx, authDBRev, dryRun)
return ChangeLogRootKey(ctx, dryRun)
// ChangeID returns the ID of an AuthDBChange entity based on its properties.
// Returns error when change.Target is invalid (doesn't contain '$' or contains '!').
func ChangeID(ctx context.Context, change *AuthDBChange) (string, error) {
if !strings.Contains(change.Target, "$") {
return "", errors.Reason(" %s should contain '$'", change.Target).Err()
if strings.Contains(change.Target, "!") {
return "", errors.Reason(" %s shouldn't contain '!'", change.Target).Err()
return fmt.Sprintf("%s!%d", change.Target, change.ChangeType), nil
// GetAllAuthDBChange returns all the AuthDBChange entities with given target
// and authDBRev. If target is an empty string/authDBRev equals to 0, no
// target/authDBRev is specified.
// Returns an annotated error.
func GetAllAuthDBChange(ctx context.Context, target string, authDBRev int64, pageSize int32, pageToken string) (changes []*AuthDBChange, nextPageToken string, err error) {
ancestor := constructLogRevisionKey(ctx, authDBRev, false)
logging.Infof(ctx, "Ancestor: %v", ancestor)
query := datastore.NewQuery("AuthDBChange").Ancestor(ancestor).Order("-__key__")
if target != "" {
if !targetRegexp.MatchString(target) {
return nil, "", errors.Reason("Invalid target %s", target).Err()
query = query.Eq("target", target)
var cursor datastore.Cursor
if pageToken != "" {
cursor, err = datastore.DecodeCursor(ctx, pageToken)
if err != nil {
return nil, "", errors.Annotate(err, "error decoding cursor from pageToken").Err()
if cursor != nil {
query = query.Start(cursor)
var nextCur datastore.Cursor
err = datastore.Run(ctx, query, func(change *AuthDBChange, cb datastore.CursorCB) error {
changes = append(changes, change)
if len(changes) >= int(pageSize) {
if nextCur, err = cb(); err != nil {
return err
return datastore.Stop
return nil
if err != nil {
return nil, "", errors.Annotate(err, "error getting all AuthDBChange entities").Err()
if nextCur != nil {
nextPageToken = nextCur.String()
func (ct ChangeType) ToString() string {
val, ok := changeTypeStringMap[ct]
if !ok {
return val
func (change *AuthDBChange) ToProto() *rpcpb.AuthDBChange {
return &rpcpb.AuthDBChange{
ChangeType: change.ChangeType.ToString(),
Target: change.Target,
AuthDbRev: change.AuthDBRev,
Who: change.Who,
When: timestamppb.New(change.When),
Comment: change.Comment,
AppVersion: change.AppVersion,
Description: change.Description,
OldDescription: change.OldDescription,
Owners: change.Owners,
OldOwners: change.OldOwners,
Members: change.Members,
Globs: change.Globs,
Nested: change.Nested,
Subnets: change.Subnets,
Identity: change.Identity,
IpAllowList: change.IPAllowlist,
OauthClientId: change.OauthClientID,
OauthClientSecret: change.OauthClientSecret,
OauthAdditionalClientIds: change.OauthAdditionalClientIDs,
TokenServerUrlOld: change.TokenServerURLOld,
TokenServerUrlNew: change.TokenServerURLNew,
SecurityConfigOld: string(change.SecurityConfigOld),
SecurityConfigNew: string(change.SecurityConfigNew),
PermissionsAdded: change.PermissionsAdded,
PermissionsChanged: change.PermissionsChanged,
PermissionsRemoved: change.PermissionsRemoved,
ConfigRevOld: change.ConfigRevOld,
ConfigRevNew: change.ConfigRevNew,
PermsRevOld: change.PermsRevOld,
PermsRevNew: change.PermsRevNew,
// EnqueueProcessChangeTask adds a ProcessChangeTask task to the cloud task
// queue.
func EnqueueProcessChangeTask(ctx context.Context, authdbrev int64) error {
if authdbrev < 0 {
return errors.New("negative revision numbers are not allowed")
logging.Infof(ctx, "enqueuing %d", authdbrev)
return tq.AddTask(ctx, &tq.Task{
Payload: &taskspb.ProcessChangeTask{AuthDbRev: authdbrev},
Title: fmt.Sprintf("authdb-rev-%d", authdbrev),
func handleProcessChangeTask(ctx context.Context, task *taskspb.ProcessChangeTask, dryRun bool) error {
authDBRev := task.GetAuthDbRev()
logging.Infof(ctx, "processing changes for AuthDB rev %d (dry run: %v)", authDBRev, dryRun)
_, err := generateChanges(ctx, authDBRev, dryRun)
if err != nil {
if !dryRun && transient.Tag.In(err) {
// Return the error to signal retry.
return err
// Either dryRun is enabled, or error is non-transient;
// do not retry.
logging.Errorf(ctx, "error generating changes: %v", err)
return nil
return nil
var knownHistoricalEntities = map[string]diffFunc{
"AuthGroupHistory": diffGroups,
"AuthIPWhitelistHistory": diffIPAllowlists,
// TODO(cjacomet): AuthIPWhitelistAssignments hasn't been used since 2015,
// either implement it in full or remove it from Python code base.
"AuthGlobalConfigHistory": diffGlobalConfig,
"AuthRealmsGlobalsHistory": diffRealmsGlobals,
"AuthProjectRealmsHistory": diffProjectRealms,
type diffFunc = func(context.Context, string, datastore.PropertyMap, datastore.PropertyMap) ([]*AuthDBChange, error)
// getAuthDBLogRev returns the AuthDBLogRev in the datastore for the
// given AuthDB revision.
// Note: if the AuthDBLogRev is not found, this will return (nil, nil).
func getAuthDBLogRev(ctx context.Context, authDBRev int64, dryRun bool) (*AuthDBLogRev, error) {
logRev := &AuthDBLogRev{}
if populated := datastore.PopulateKey(logRev, ChangeLogRevisionKey(ctx, authDBRev, dryRun)); !populated {
return nil, errors.New("failed getting AuthDBLogRev; problem setting key")
switch err := datastore.Get(ctx, logRev); {
case err == nil:
return logRev, nil
case errors.Is(err, datastore.ErrNoSuchEntity):
return nil, nil
return nil, errors.Annotate(err, "failed getting AuthDBLogRev").Err()
// generateChanges generates the changelog for the given AuthDB
// revision, and records it in the datastore. Returns the generated
// AuthDBChange's.
// Note: if the changelog for the AuthDB revision already existed, and
// thus no AuthDBChange's were added to the datastore, this will return
// (nil, nil).
func generateChanges(ctx context.Context, authDBRev int64, dryRun bool) ([]*AuthDBChange, error) {
existingLogRev, err := getAuthDBLogRev(ctx, authDBRev, dryRun)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if existingLogRev != nil {
"Rev %d was already processed at %s by app ver %s",
existingLogRev.ID, existingLogRev.When, existingLogRev.AppVersion)
return nil, nil
// If here, changelog has not been generated for this revision yet.
query := datastore.NewQuery("").Ancestor(HistoricalRevisionKey(ctx, authDBRev))
changes := []*AuthDBChange{}
getPms := func(key *datastore.Key, class string, pm datastore.PropertyMap) (string, datastore.PropertyMap, datastore.PropertyMap, error) {
target := fmt.Sprintf("%s$%s", class, key.StringID())
var oldpm datastore.PropertyMap
if pk := PreviousHistoricalRevisionKey(ctx, pm); pk != nil {
oldpm = make(datastore.PropertyMap)
oldpm.SetMeta("key", datastore.NewKey(ctx, class+"History", key.StringID(), 0, pk))
if err := datastore.Get(ctx, oldpm); err != nil {
return "", nil, nil, err
return target, oldpm, pm, nil
err = datastore.Run(ctx, query, func(pm datastore.PropertyMap) error {
key := getDatastoreKey(pm)
if key == nil {
return errors.New("key not found for pm")
re := regexp.MustCompile("((Auth(Group|IPWhitelist|IPWhitelistAssignments|GlobalConfig|RealmsGlobals|ProjectRealms))History)")
heKeys := re.FindStringSubmatch(key.String())
if len(heKeys) != 4 {
return errors.New("entity not found in key")
// match map will look like, (Entity name will change)
// [0] = AuthGroupHistory -- Full Match
// [1] = AuthGroupHistory -- first group
// [2] = AuthGroup -- second group
// [3] = Group -- third group
if df, ok := knownHistoricalEntities[heKeys[0]]; ok {
target, oldpm, pm, err := getPms(key, heKeys[2], pm)
if err != nil {
return err
diffChanges, err := df(ctx, target, oldpm, pm)
if err != nil {
return err
// Set the fields common to all of the changes for this entity.
common := &AuthDBChange{
Kind: entityKind("AuthDBChange", dryRun),
Parent: constructLogRevisionKey(ctx, authDBRev, dryRun),
AuthDBRev: getInt64Prop(pm, "auth_db_rev"),
Who: getStringProp(pm, "modified_by"),
When: getTimeProp(pm, "modified_ts"),
Comment: getStringProp(pm, "auth_db_change_comment"),
AppVersion: getStringProp(pm, "auth_db_app_version"),
for _, c := range diffChanges {
c.Kind = common.Kind
c.Parent = common.Parent
c.AuthDBRev = common.AuthDBRev
c.Who = common.Who
c.When = common.When
c.Comment = common.Comment
c.AppVersion = common.AppVersion
changes = append(changes, diffChanges...)
} else {
return fmt.Errorf("history entity not supported %s", key.String())
return nil
if err != nil {
return nil, err
err = datastore.RunInTransaction(ctx, func(ctx context.Context) error {
// Check if the changelog was processed concurrently.
existingLogRev, err := getAuthDBLogRev(ctx, authDBRev, dryRun)
if err != nil {
return err
if existingLogRev != nil {
"Rev %d was already processed concurrently at %s by app ver %s",
existingLogRev.ID, existingLogRev.When, existingLogRev.AppVersion)
return nil
// Save the changelog and mark it as processed.
logRev := &AuthDBLogRev{
Kind: entityKind("AuthDBLogRev", dryRun),
ID: authDBRev,
Parent: ChangeLogRootKey(ctx, dryRun),
When: clock.Now(ctx).UTC(),
AppVersion: info.ImageVersion(ctx),
if err := datastore.Put(ctx, changes, logRev); err != nil {
return err
if dryRun {
// In dry run mode, skip attempting to trigger changelog
// generation for previous revision.
return nil
// Enqueue a task to process previous revision if not yet done.
if authDBRev <= 1 {
// No need to generate a changelog for the initial revision.
return nil
prevAuthDBRev := authDBRev - 1
existingPrevLogRev, err := getAuthDBLogRev(ctx, prevAuthDBRev, dryRun)
if err != nil {
// Non-fatal, just log the error; this enqueuing is for redundancy.
ctx, "failed when checking changelog processed for previous AuthDB revision %d: %s",
prevAuthDBRev, err)
return nil
if existingPrevLogRev != nil {
// Previous revision's changelog has been processed.
return nil
// Previous revision's changelog has not been processed yet.
if err := EnqueueProcessChangeTask(ctx, prevAuthDBRev); err != nil {
// Non-fatal, just log the error; this enqueuing is for redundancy.
ctx, "failed when enqueuing changelog task for previous AuthDB revision %d: %s",
prevAuthDBRev, err)
return nil
}, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return changes, nil
func diffLists(old, new []string) ([]string, []string) {
oldss := stringset.NewFromSlice(old...)
newss := stringset.NewFromSlice(new...)
return newss.Difference(oldss).ToSortedSlice(), oldss.Difference(newss).ToSortedSlice()
// setTargetTypeFields sets the target and change-type-related fields
// in the given AuthDBChange, and returns it for convenience.
func setTargetTypeFields(ctx context.Context, ct ChangeType, target, class string, a *AuthDBChange) *AuthDBChange {
a.ID = fmt.Sprintf("%s!%d", target, ct)
a.Class = []string{"AuthDBChange", class}
a.ChangeType = ct
a.Target = target
return a
func diffGroups(ctx context.Context, target string, old, new datastore.PropertyMap) ([]*AuthDBChange, error) {
changes := []*AuthDBChange{}
class := "AuthDBGroupChange"
if getBoolProp(new, "auth_db_deleted") {
if mems := getStringSliceProp(new, "members"); mems != nil {
changes = append(changes, setTargetTypeFields(ctx, ChangeGroupMembersRemoved, target, class, &AuthDBChange{Members: mems}))
if globs := getStringSliceProp(new, "globs"); globs != nil {
changes = append(changes, setTargetTypeFields(ctx, ChangeGroupGlobsRemoved, target, class, &AuthDBChange{Globs: globs}))
if nested := getStringSliceProp(new, "nested"); nested != nil {
changes = append(changes, setTargetTypeFields(ctx, ChangeGroupNestedRemoved, target, class, &AuthDBChange{Nested: nested}))
desc := getDescription(new)
owners := AdminGroup
if getProp(new, "owners") != nil {
owners = getStringProp(new, "owners")
changes = append(changes, setTargetTypeFields(ctx, ChangeGroupDeleted, target, class, &AuthDBChange{OldDescription: desc, OldOwners: owners}))
return changes, nil
if old == nil {
desc := getDescription(new)
owners := AdminGroup
if getProp(new, "owners") != nil {
owners = getStringProp(new, "owners")
changes = append(changes, setTargetTypeFields(ctx, ChangeGroupCreated, target, class, &AuthDBChange{Description: desc, Owners: owners}))
if mems := getStringSliceProp(new, "members"); mems != nil {
changes = append(changes, setTargetTypeFields(ctx, ChangeGroupMembersAdded, target, class, &AuthDBChange{Members: mems}))
if globs := getStringSliceProp(new, "globs"); globs != nil {
changes = append(changes, setTargetTypeFields(ctx, ChangeGroupGlobsAdded, target, class, &AuthDBChange{Globs: globs}))
if nested := getStringSliceProp(new, "nested"); nested != nil {
changes = append(changes, setTargetTypeFields(ctx, ChangeGroupNestedAdded, target, class, &AuthDBChange{Nested: nested}))
return changes, nil
if oldDesc, newDesc := getDescription(old), getDescription(new); oldDesc != newDesc {
changes = append(changes, setTargetTypeFields(ctx, ChangeGroupDescriptionChanged, target, class, &AuthDBChange{Description: newDesc, OldDescription: oldDesc}))
oldOwners := AdminGroup
if getProp(old, "owners") != nil {
oldOwners = getStringProp(old, "owners")
newOwners := getStringProp(new, "owners")
if oldOwners != newOwners {
changes = append(changes, setTargetTypeFields(ctx, ChangeGroupOwnersChanged, target, class, &AuthDBChange{Owners: newOwners, OldOwners: oldOwners}))
added, removed := diffLists(getStringSliceProp(old, "members"), getStringSliceProp(new, "members"))
if len(added) > 0 {
changes = append(changes, setTargetTypeFields(ctx, ChangeGroupMembersAdded, target, class, &AuthDBChange{Members: added}))
if len(removed) > 0 {
changes = append(changes, setTargetTypeFields(ctx, ChangeGroupMembersRemoved, target, class, &AuthDBChange{Members: removed}))
added, removed = diffLists(getStringSliceProp(old, "globs"), getStringSliceProp(new, "globs"))
if len(added) > 0 {
changes = append(changes, setTargetTypeFields(ctx, ChangeGroupGlobsAdded, target, class, &AuthDBChange{Globs: added}))
if len(removed) > 0 {
changes = append(changes, setTargetTypeFields(ctx, ChangeGroupGlobsRemoved, target, class, &AuthDBChange{Globs: removed}))
added, removed = diffLists(getStringSliceProp(old, "nested"), getStringSliceProp(new, "nested"))
if len(added) > 0 {
changes = append(changes, setTargetTypeFields(ctx, ChangeGroupNestedAdded, target, class, &AuthDBChange{Nested: added}))
if len(removed) > 0 {
changes = append(changes, setTargetTypeFields(ctx, ChangeGroupNestedRemoved, target, class, &AuthDBChange{Nested: removed}))
return changes, nil
func diffIPAllowlists(ctx context.Context, target string, old, new datastore.PropertyMap) ([]*AuthDBChange, error) {
changes := []*AuthDBChange{}
class := "AuthDBIPWhitelistChange"
if getBoolProp(new, "auth_db_deleted") {
d := getDescription(new)
changes = append(changes, setTargetTypeFields(ctx, ChangeIPALDeleted, target, class, &AuthDBChange{OldDescription: d}))
if subnets := getStringSliceProp(new, "subnets"); subnets != nil {
changes = append(changes, setTargetTypeFields(ctx, ChangeIPALSubnetsRemoved, target, class, &AuthDBChange{Subnets: subnets}))
return changes, nil
if old == nil {
d := getDescription(new)
changes = append(changes, setTargetTypeFields(ctx, ChangeIPALCreated, target, class, &AuthDBChange{Description: d}))
if subnets := getStringSliceProp(new, "subnets"); subnets != nil {
changes = append(changes, setTargetTypeFields(ctx, ChangeIPALSubnetsAdded, target, class, &AuthDBChange{Subnets: subnets}))
return changes, nil
if getDescription(old) != getDescription(new) {
changes = append(changes, setTargetTypeFields(ctx, ChangeIPALDescriptionChanged, target, class, &AuthDBChange{Description: getDescription(new), OldDescription: getDescription(old)}))
added, removed := diffLists(getStringSliceProp(old, "subnets"), getStringSliceProp(new, "subnets"))
if len(added) > 0 {
changes = append(changes, setTargetTypeFields(ctx, ChangeIPALSubnetsAdded, target, class, &AuthDBChange{Subnets: added}))
if len(removed) > 0 {
changes = append(changes, setTargetTypeFields(ctx, ChangeIPALSubnetsRemoved, target, class, &AuthDBChange{Subnets: removed}))
return changes, nil
func diffGlobalConfig(ctx context.Context, target string, old, new datastore.PropertyMap) ([]*AuthDBChange, error) {
changes := []*AuthDBChange{}
class := "AuthGlobalConfigChange"
const (
OAuthClientID = "oauth_client_id"
OAuthClientSecret = "oauth_client_secret"
OAuthAddClientIDs = "oauth_additional_client_ids"
TokenServerURL = "token_server_url"
SecurityConfig = "security_config"
if getBoolProp(new, "auth_db_deleted") {
return nil, errors.New("AuthGlobalConfig cannot be deleted")
prevClientID := ""
prevClientSecret := ""
prevClientIDs := []string{}
prevTokenServerURL := ""
prevSecurityConfig := []byte(nil)
if old != nil {
prevClientID = getStringProp(old, OAuthClientID)
prevClientSecret = getStringProp(old, OAuthClientSecret)
prevClientIDs = getStringSliceProp(old, OAuthAddClientIDs)
prevTokenServerURL = getStringProp(old, TokenServerURL)
prevSecurityConfig = getByteSliceProp(old, SecurityConfig)
newClientID := getStringProp(new, OAuthClientID)
newClientSecret := getStringProp(new, OAuthClientSecret)
newClientIDs := getStringSliceProp(new, OAuthAddClientIDs)
newTokenServerURL := getStringProp(new, TokenServerURL)
newSecurityConfig := getByteSliceProp(new, SecurityConfig)
if prevClientID != newClientID || prevClientSecret != newClientSecret {
changes = append(changes, setTargetTypeFields(ctx, ChangeConfOauthClientChanged, target, class, &AuthDBChange{OauthClientID: newClientID, OauthClientSecret: newClientSecret}))
added, removed := diffLists(prevClientIDs, newClientIDs)
if len(added) > 0 {
changes = append(changes, setTargetTypeFields(ctx, ChangeConfClientIDsAdded, target, class, &AuthDBChange{OauthAdditionalClientIDs: added}))
if len(removed) > 0 {
changes = append(changes, setTargetTypeFields(ctx, ChangeConfClientIDsRemoved, target, class, &AuthDBChange{OauthAdditionalClientIDs: removed}))
if prevTokenServerURL != newTokenServerURL {
changes = append(changes, setTargetTypeFields(ctx, ChangeConfTokenServerURLChanged, target, class, &AuthDBChange{TokenServerURLNew: newTokenServerURL, TokenServerURLOld: prevTokenServerURL}))
if !bytes.Equal(prevSecurityConfig, newSecurityConfig) {
changes = append(changes, setTargetTypeFields(ctx, ChangeConfSecurityConfigChanged, target, class, &AuthDBChange{SecurityConfigNew: newSecurityConfig, SecurityConfigOld: prevSecurityConfig}))
return changes, nil
func diffRealmsGlobals(ctx context.Context, target string, old, new datastore.PropertyMap) ([]*AuthDBChange, error) {
changes := []*AuthDBChange{}
class := "AuthDBRealmsGlobalsChange"
oldRealms, err := toAuthRealmsGlobals(old)
if err != nil {
return changes, err
newRealms, err := toAuthRealmsGlobals(new)
if err != nil {
return changes, err
// Get changes for permissions maintained by Auth Service v1.
oldNames, oldPermissions, err := extractV1Permissions(oldRealms)
if err != nil {
return []*AuthDBChange{}, err
newNames, newPermissions, err := extractV1Permissions(newRealms)
if err != nil {
return []*AuthDBChange{}, err
authChange, isChanged := diffPermissions(ctx, oldNames, newNames, oldPermissions, newPermissions)
if isChanged {
setTargetTypeFields(ctx, ChangeRealmsGlobalsChanged, target, class, authChange)
changes = append(changes, authChange)
// Get changes for permissions maintained by Auth Service v2.
oldNames, oldPermissions = extractV2Permissions(oldRealms)
newNames, newPermissions = extractV2Permissions(newRealms)
authChange, isChanged = diffPermissions(ctx, oldNames, newNames, oldPermissions, newPermissions)
if isChanged {
setTargetTypeFields(ctx, ChangeRealmsGlobalsChanged, target, class, authChange)
changes = append(changes, authChange)
return changes, nil
func diffProjectRealms(ctx context.Context, target string, old, new datastore.PropertyMap) ([]*AuthDBChange, error) {
class := "AuthProjectRealmsChange"
const (
Realms = "realms"
ConfigRev = "config_rev"
PermsRev = "perms_rev"
newConfigRev := getStringProp(new, ConfigRev)
newPermsRev := getStringProp(new, PermsRev)
if getBoolProp(new, "auth_db_deleted") {
change := setTargetTypeFields(
ctx, ChangeProjectRealmsRemoved, target, class,
ConfigRevOld: newConfigRev,
PermsRevOld: newPermsRev,
return []*AuthDBChange{change}, nil
if old == nil {
change := setTargetTypeFields(
ctx, ChangeProjectRealmsCreated, target, class,
ConfigRevNew: newConfigRev,
PermsRevNew: newPermsRev,
return []*AuthDBChange{change}, nil
oldRealms := getByteSliceProp(old, Realms)
newRealms := getByteSliceProp(new, Realms)
if bytes.Equal(oldRealms, newRealms) {
// The realms are identical; nothing log-worthy has changed.
return []*AuthDBChange{}, nil
// If here, then the project config changed, the permissions config
// changed, or both. Cautiously log a change even if the revisions are
// identical, as the realms are different.
changes := []*AuthDBChange{}
oldConfigRev := getStringProp(old, ConfigRev)
oldPermsRev := getStringProp(old, PermsRev)
configChanged := oldConfigRev != newConfigRev
permsChanged := oldPermsRev != newPermsRev
identicalRevisions := !configChanged && !permsChanged
if configChanged || identicalRevisions {
changes = append(changes, setTargetTypeFields(
ctx, ChangeProjectRealmsChanged, target, class,
ConfigRevOld: oldConfigRev,
ConfigRevNew: newConfigRev,
if permsChanged {
changes = append(changes, setTargetTypeFields(
ctx, ChangeProjectRealmsReevaluated, target, class,
PermsRevOld: oldPermsRev,
PermsRevNew: newPermsRev,
return changes, nil
// extractV1Permissions returns the permissions maintained by
// Auth Service v1 from the given AuthRealmsGlobals.
// Returns:
// - permission names in their stored order; and
// - a map of permissions, where the key is the permission name.
func extractV1Permissions(a *AuthRealmsGlobals) ([]string, map[string]*protocol.Permission, error) {
if a == nil {
return []string{}, map[string]*protocol.Permission{}, nil
names := make([]string, len(a.Permissions))
permissionsByName := make(map[string]*protocol.Permission, len(a.Permissions))
for i, p := range a.Permissions {
permission := &protocol.Permission{}
err := proto.Unmarshal([]byte(p), permission)
if err != nil {
err = errors.Annotate(err, "error while unmarshalling stored Permissions").Err()
return []string{}, map[string]*protocol.Permission{}, err
name := permission.GetName()
names[i] = name
permissionsByName[name] = permission
return names, permissionsByName, nil
// extractV2Permissions returns the permissions maintained by
// Auth Service v2 from the given AuthRealmsGlobals.
// Returns:
// - permission names in their stored order; and
// - a map of permissions, where the key is the permission name.
func extractV2Permissions(a *AuthRealmsGlobals) ([]string, map[string]*protocol.Permission) {
if a == nil || a.PermissionsList == nil {
return []string{}, map[string]*protocol.Permission{}
permissions := a.PermissionsList.GetPermissions()
names := make([]string, len(permissions))
permissionsByName := make(map[string]*protocol.Permission, len(permissions))
for i, permission := range permissions {
name := permission.GetName()
names[i] = name
permissionsByName[name] = permission
return names, permissionsByName
// diffPermissions is a helper function to identify the differences
// between the two sets of permissions.
// Returns an AuthDBChange if there was actually a difference, and
// whether the permissions were different.
func diffPermissions(ctx context.Context, oldNames, newNames []string, oldPerms, newPerms map[string]*protocol.Permission) (*AuthDBChange, bool) {
var added, changed []string
for _, name := range newNames {
newPerm := newPerms[name]
oldPerm, ok := oldPerms[name]
if !ok {
// Permission is not in previous version.
added = append(added, name)
if !proto.Equal(oldPerm, newPerm) {
// Permission is different between versions.
changed = append(changed, name)
var removed []string
for _, name := range oldNames {
if _, ok := newPerms[name]; !ok {
// Permission is not in the newer version.
removed = append(removed, name)
// No changes at all; permissions are identical.
if len(added) == 0 && len(changed) == 0 && len(removed) == 0 {
return nil, false
return &AuthDBChange{
PermissionsAdded: added,
PermissionsChanged: changed,
PermissionsRemoved: removed,
}, true
// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// ///////////////// PropertyMap helper functions //////////////////////
// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
func getProp(pm datastore.PropertyMap, key string) any {
pd := pm[key]
if pd == nil {
return nil
switch v := pd.(type) {
case datastore.Property:
return v.Value()
panic("getProp only supports single property values. Try getStringSliceProp() instead")
func getDescription(pm datastore.PropertyMap) string {
return getStringProp(pm, "description")
func getDatastoreKey(pm datastore.PropertyMap) *datastore.Key {
return getProp(pm, "$key").(*datastore.Key)
func getBoolProp(pm datastore.PropertyMap, key string) bool {
return getProp(pm, key).(bool)
func getStringSliceProp(pm datastore.PropertyMap, key string) []string {
vals := []string{}
ps := pm.Slice(key)
if ps == nil {
return nil
for _, p := range ps {
value, err := p.Project(datastore.PTString)
if err == nil {
vals = append(vals, value.(string))
return vals
func getStringProp(pm datastore.PropertyMap, key string) string {
switch v := getProp(pm, key).(type) {
case string:
return v
case []byte:
return string(v)
return ""
func getInt64Prop(pm datastore.PropertyMap, key string) int64 {
return getProp(pm, key).(int64)
func getTimeProp(pm datastore.PropertyMap, key string) time.Time {
return getProp(pm, key).(time.Time)
func getByteSliceProp(pm datastore.PropertyMap, key string) []byte {
value := getProp(pm, key)
if value == nil {
return nil
return value.([]byte)
func toAuthRealmsGlobals(pm datastore.PropertyMap) (*AuthRealmsGlobals, error) {
// Copy the map, excluding meta fields.
filteredPM, err := pm.Save(false)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.New("failed to copy PropertyMap without meta")
// Delete *History fields, if present.
historyFields := []string{"auth_db_deleted", "auth_db_change_comment", "auth_db_app_version"}
for _, name := range historyFields {
delete(filteredPM, name)
a := &AuthRealmsGlobals{}
if err := datastore.GetPLS(a).Load(filteredPM); err != nil {
return nil, err
return a, nil