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// Copyright 2024 The LUCI Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Package model contains model definitions for Auth Service.
// This file contains functionality related to the "direct push" method
// of AuthDB replication.
package model
import (
// The possible values for the PushStatus field of AuthReplicaState.
const (
ReplicaPushStatusSuccess ReplicaPushStatus = iota
var (
FatalReplicaUpdateError = errors.New("fatal replica update error")
// ReplicaUpdateError wraps an error that occurred when attempting to
// directly push a new AuthDB revision to a replica.
type ReplicaUpdateError struct {
RootErr error
IsFatal bool
func (r *ReplicaUpdateError) Error() string {
return r.RootErr.Error()
func (r *ReplicaUpdateError) Unwrap() error {
return r.RootErr
func (r *ReplicaUpdateError) Is(target error) bool {
if target == FatalReplicaUpdateError {
return r.IsFatal
return false
// ReplicaPushStatus is an enum for the replica push attempt status.
type ReplicaPushStatus int
// AuthReplicaState is the last known state of a Replica as known by
// Auth Service.
type AuthReplicaState struct {
Kind string `gae:"$kind,AuthReplicaState"`
// ID is GAE Application ID of the Replica.
ID string `gae:"$id,self"`
// Parent is replicasRootKey().
Parent *datastore.Key `gae:"$parent"`
// URL of a host to push updates to.
ReplicaURL string `gae:"replica_url,noindex"`
//Revision of auth DB replica is synced to.
AuthDBRev int64 `gae:"auth_db_rev,noindex"`
// Time when AuthDBRev was created (by primary clock).
RevModifiedTS time.Time `gae:"rev_modified_ts,noindex"`
// Value of components.auth.version.__version__ used by replica.
AuthCodeVersion string `gae:"auth_code_version,noindex"`
// Timestamp of when last push attempt started.
PushStartedTS time.Time `gae:"push_started_ts,noindex"`
// Timestamp of when last push attempt finished (successfully or not).
PushFinishedTS time.Time `gae:"push_finished_ts,noindex"`
// Status of last push attempt. See ReplicaPushStatus* enumeration.
PushStatus ReplicaPushStatus `gae:"push_status,noindex"`
// Error message of last push attempt, or empty string if it was successful.
PushError string `gae:"push_error,noindex"`
func (r *AuthReplicaState) ToProto() *rpcpb.ReplicaState {
return &rpcpb.ReplicaState{
AppId: r.ID,
BaseUrl: r.ReplicaURL,
AuthDbRev: r.AuthDBRev,
RevModified: timestamppb.New(r.RevModifiedTS),
AuthCodeVersion: r.AuthCodeVersion,
PushStarted: timestamppb.New(r.PushStartedTS),
PushFinished: timestamppb.New(r.PushFinishedTS),
PushStatus: rpcpb.ReplicaPushStatus(r.PushStatus + 1),
PushError: r.PushError,
// ReplicasRootKey is the root key for AuthReplicaState entities. The
// entity itself doesn't exist.
func ReplicasRootKey(ctx context.Context) *datastore.Key {
// This is intentionally not under model.go's RootKey(). It has
// nothing to do with the AuthDB itself.
return datastore.NewKey(ctx, "AuthReplicaStateRoot", "root", 0, nil)
// replicaStateKey returns the corresponding key for the given app's
// AuthReplicaState entity.
func replicaStateKey(ctx context.Context, appID string) *datastore.Key {
return datastore.NewKey(ctx, "AuthReplicaState", appID, 0, ReplicasRootKey(ctx))
// GetAllReplicas gets all the AuthReplicaState entities.
func GetAllReplicas(ctx context.Context) ([]*AuthReplicaState, error) {
query := datastore.NewQuery("AuthReplicaState").Ancestor(ReplicasRootKey(ctx))
var replicaStates []*AuthReplicaState
err := datastore.GetAll(ctx, query, &replicaStates)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Annotate(err, "error getting all AuthReplicaState entities").Err()
return replicaStates, nil
// GetAllStaleReplicas gets all the AuthReplicaState entities that are
// behind the given authDBRev.
func GetAllStaleReplicas(ctx context.Context, authDBRev int64) ([]*AuthReplicaState, error) {
replicas, err := GetAllReplicas(ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
staleReplicas := []*AuthReplicaState{}
for _, replica := range replicas {
if replica.AuthDBRev < authDBRev {
staleReplicas = append(staleReplicas, replica)
return staleReplicas, nil
// ReplicateToReplica pushes a revision of the AuthDB to the given
// replica, then updates the last known state of the replica.
// Returns an error if:
// - the push to the replica cannot be considered successful; or
// - there was an error updating the last known state of the replica.
func ReplicateToReplica(ctx context.Context, r *AuthReplicaState,
authDBRev int64, authDBBlob []byte, keyName, encodedSig string) error {
if r == nil {
return nil
started := clock.Now(ctx)
pushResponse, pushErr := pushToReplica(ctx, r.ReplicaURL, authDBBlob,
keyName, encodedSig)
finished := clock.Now(ctx)
// Eagerly update the known replica state as soon as the response is
// received, for either failed or successful update.
var storedRev int64
var dsErr error
if pushErr != nil {
logging.Errorf(ctx, "error pushing update to replica %s: %s",
r.ID, pushErr)
storedRev, dsErr = updateReplicaStateOnFail(ctx, r.ID, r.AuthDBRev,
started, finished, pushErr)
} else {
storedRev, dsErr = updateReplicaStateOnSuccess(ctx, r.ID,
started, finished, pushResponse.CurrentRevision,
if dsErr != nil {
if errors.Is(dsErr, datastore.ErrNoSuchEntity) {
// The replica was removed from the known replicas, so we can
// consider this push successful.
logging.Debugf(ctx, "replica %s was removed", r.ID)
return nil
// There was an issue updating the last known state for the replica.
"error updating AuthReplicaState for replica %s: %s",
r.ID, dsErr)
return &ReplicaUpdateError{
RootErr: dsErr,
IsFatal: false,
if pushErr != nil {
if storedRev > authDBRev {
// The current push failed, but some other concurrent push must
// have succeeded (because the last known state for the replica is
// more up-to-date than this push was attempting). Thus, we can
// consider this push successful too.
return nil
return pushErr
logging.Infof(ctx, "replica %s has been updated to AuthDB Rev %d",
r.ID, storedRev)
return nil
func getAuthReplicaState(ctx context.Context, key *datastore.Key) (*AuthReplicaState, error) {
replicaState := &AuthReplicaState{}
if populated := datastore.PopulateKey(replicaState, key); !populated {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed getting AuthReplicaState; problem setting key")
if err := datastore.Get(ctx, replicaState); err != nil {
return nil, err
return replicaState, nil
// updateReplicaStateOnSuccess updates an AuthReplicaState after a
// successful direct push of the AuthDB.
// Returns the replica's AuthDB revision as stored in Datastore after
// any updates.
func updateReplicaStateOnSuccess(ctx context.Context, replicaID string,
started, finished time.Time, currentRevision *protocol.AuthDBRevision,
authCodeVersion string) (int64, error) {
var storedReplicaRev int64
err := datastore.RunInTransaction(ctx, func(ctx context.Context) error {
// Get currently stored replica state. May be ahead of the state
// initially fetched when processing replication tasks. If missing,
// the replica was removed from the replication list (and shouldn't
// be added back).
replica, err := getAuthReplicaState(ctx, replicaStateKey(ctx, replicaID))
if err != nil {
return err
storedReplicaRev = replica.AuthDBRev
if storedReplicaRev >= currentRevision.AuthDbRev {
// The replica state has already been updated by another task;
// don't mess with it.
return nil
// Update the AuthReplicaState, including advancing the last known
// revision of the AuthDB for the replica.
replica.AuthDBRev = currentRevision.AuthDbRev
replica.RevModifiedTS = time.UnixMicro(currentRevision.ModifiedTs).UTC()
replica.AuthCodeVersion = authCodeVersion
replica.PushStartedTS = started
replica.PushFinishedTS = finished
replica.PushStatus = ReplicaPushStatusSuccess
replica.PushError = ""
if err := datastore.Put(ctx, replica); err != nil {
return err
storedReplicaRev = replica.AuthDBRev
return nil
}, nil)
// Return the stored replica revision, even if there was an error
// updating the replica state in Datastore.
return storedReplicaRev, err
// updateReplicaStateOnFail updates an AuthReplicaState after a failed
// attempt to push the AuthDB to a replica.
// Returns the replica's AuthDB revision as stored in Datastore after
// any updates.
func updateReplicaStateOnFail(ctx context.Context, replicaID string,
oldReplicaRev int64, started, finished time.Time, pushErr error) (int64, error) {
var storedReplicaRev int64
err := datastore.RunInTransaction(ctx, func(ctx context.Context) error {
// Get currently stored replica state.
replica, err := getAuthReplicaState(ctx, replicaStateKey(ctx, replicaID))
if err != nil {
return err
storedReplicaRev = replica.AuthDBRev
if storedReplicaRev > oldReplicaRev {
// The replica state has already been modified by another task,
// which must have successfully updated the replica as the AuthDB
// revision is greater. So, don't mess with it.
return nil
// Update the push attempt fields to the last known state.
// Note: this does not advance the AuthDB revision for the replica,
// as the update failed.
replica.PushStartedTS = started
replica.PushFinishedTS = finished
replica.PushError = pushErr.Error()
if errors.Is(pushErr, FatalReplicaUpdateError) {
replica.PushStatus = ReplicaPushStatusFatalError
} else {
replica.PushStatus = ReplicaPushStatusTransientError
if err := datastore.Put(ctx, replica); err != nil {
return err
return nil
}, nil)
// Return the stored replica revision, even if there was an error
// updating the replica state in Datastore.
return storedReplicaRev, err
// pushToReplica is a helper function to send the AuthDB to a replica.
// It wraps replicas.SendAuthDB, then handles processing the response
// so an appropriate ReplicaUpdateError is formed, if necessary.
func pushToReplica(ctx context.Context, replicaURL string, authDBBlob []byte,
keyName, encodedSig string) (*protocol.ReplicationPushResponse, error) {
res, err := replicas.SendAuthDB(ctx, replicaURL, keyName, encodedSig, authDBBlob)
if err != nil {
return nil, &ReplicaUpdateError{
RootErr: errors.Annotate(err, "error sending AuthDB").Err(),
IsFatal: true,
defer func() { _ = res.Body.Close() }()
// Any transport-level error is transient.
if res.StatusCode != 200 {
return nil, &ReplicaUpdateError{
RootErr: fmt.Errorf("push request failed with HTTP code %d", res.StatusCode),
IsFatal: false,
body, err := io.ReadAll(res.Body)
if err != nil {
return nil, &ReplicaUpdateError{
RootErr: errors.Annotate(err, "failed to read response body").Err(),
IsFatal: true,
// Deserialize the response.
pushResponse := &protocol.ReplicationPushResponse{}
if err := proto.Unmarshal(body, pushResponse); err != nil {
return nil, &ReplicaUpdateError{
RootErr: errors.Annotate(err, "failed to unmarshal response").Err(),
IsFatal: true,
switch pushResponse.Status {
case protocol.ReplicationPushResponse_APPLIED:
// Do nothing; the update was successful.
case protocol.ReplicationPushResponse_SKIPPED:
// Do nothing; the replica had this (or a later) revision already.
case protocol.ReplicationPushResponse_FATAL_ERROR:
return nil, &ReplicaUpdateError{
RootErr: fmt.Errorf("replica returned fatal error (error code %d)",
IsFatal: true,
case protocol.ReplicationPushResponse_TRANSIENT_ERROR:
return nil, &ReplicaUpdateError{
RootErr: fmt.Errorf("replica returned transient error (error code %d)",
IsFatal: false,
return nil, &ReplicaUpdateError{
RootErr: fmt.Errorf("unexpected response status: %d (error code %d)",
pushResponse.Status, pushResponse.ErrorCode),
IsFatal: true,
// The replica either applied or skipped the update; CurrentRevision
// should be included in the response.
if pushResponse.CurrentRevision == nil {
return nil, &ReplicaUpdateError{
RootErr: fmt.Errorf("incomplete response; missing CurrentRevision"),
IsFatal: true,
return pushResponse, nil