blob: 0d5715ebbbe783867dd0649419f187a44461b0e7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The LUCI Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package invoke
import (
bbpb ""
// Subprocess represents a running luciexe.
type Subprocess struct {
Step *bbpb.Step
collectPath string
ctx context.Context
cmd *exec.Cmd
closeChannels chan<- struct{}
allClosed <-chan error
waitOnce sync.Once
build *bbpb.Build
err errors.MultiError
firstDeadlineEvent atomic.Value // stores lucictx.DeadlineEvent
// Start launches a binary implementing the luciexe protocol and returns
// immediately with a *Subprocess.
// Args:
// - ctx will be used for deadlines/cancellation of the started luciexe.
// - luciexeArgs[0] must be the full absolute path to the luciexe binary.
// - input must be the Build message you wish to pass to the luciexe binary.
// - opts is optional (may be nil to take all defaults)
// Callers MUST call Wait and/or cancel the context or this will leak handles
// for the process' stdout/stderr.
// This assumes that the current process is already operating within a "host
// application" environment. See "" for details.
// The caller SHOULD immediately take Subprocess.Step, append it to the current
// Build state, and send that (e.g. using `exe.BuildSender`). Otherwise this
// luciexe's steps will not show up in the Build.
func Start(ctx context.Context, luciexeArgs []string, input *bbpb.Build, opts *Options) (*Subprocess, error) {
initialBuildData, err := proto.Marshal(mkInitialBuild(ctx, input))
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Annotate(err, "marshalling initial Build").Err()
launchOpts, _, err := opts.rationalize(ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Annotate(err, "normalizing options").Err()
closeChannels := make(chan struct{})
allClosed := make(chan error)
go func() {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
case <-closeChannels:
err := errors.NewLazyMultiError(2)
err.Assign(0, errors.Annotate(launchOpts.stdout.Close(), "closing stdout").Err())
err.Assign(1, errors.Annotate(launchOpts.stderr.Close(), "closing stderr").Err())
allClosed <- err.Get()
args := make([]string, 0, len(luciexeArgs)+len(launchOpts.args)-1)
args = append(args, luciexeArgs[1:]...)
args = append(args, launchOpts.args...)
cmd := exec.CommandContext(ctx, luciexeArgs[0], args...)
cmd.Env = launchOpts.env.Sorted()
cmd.Dir = launchOpts.workDir
cmd.Stdin = bytes.NewBuffer(initialBuildData)
cmd.Stdout = launchOpts.stdout
cmd.Stderr = launchOpts.stderr
// NOTE: Technically this is racy; if `ctx` expires immediately after we check
// this, then we'll return no error, but CommandContext will kill the process
// straight away.
// However, in tests, when you've misconfigured the Deadline on ctx (e.g.
// using a fake clock), this check is generally not racy, and can provide
// a very valuable hint that's clearer than getting an error from Wait().
if err := ctx.Err(); err != nil {
// clean up stdout/stderr
return nil, errors.Annotate(err, "prior to starting subprocess").Err()
if err := cmd.Start(); err != nil {
// clean up stdout/stderr
return nil, errors.Annotate(err, "launching luciexe").Err()
s := &Subprocess{
Step: launchOpts.step,
collectPath: launchOpts.collectPath,
ctx: ctx,
cmd: cmd,
closeChannels: closeChannels,
allClosed: allClosed,
if deadlineEvtCh := lucictx.SoftDeadlineDone(ctx); deadlineEvtCh != nil {
go func() {
select {
case <-closeChannels:
// luciexe subprocess exits normally
case evt := <-deadlineEvtCh:
logging.Warningf(ctx, "got SoftDeadline event %s", evt)
if evt == lucictx.InterruptEvent || evt == lucictx.TimeoutEvent {
logging.Infof(ctx, "sending Terminate")
if err := s.terminate(); err != nil {
logging.Errorf(ctx, "failed to terminate luciexe subprocess, reason: %s", err)
// if evt == lucictx.ClosureEvent, it means that ctx.Done() is closed,
// which means that CommandContext has already sent Kill to the process.
return s, nil
// Wait waits for the subprocess to terminate.
// If Options.CollectOutput (default: false) was specified, this will return the
// final Build message, as reported by the luciexe.
// In all cases, finalBuild.StatusDetails will indicate if this Subprocess
// instructed the luciexe to stop via timeout from deadlineEvtCh passed to Start.
// If you wish to cancel the subprocess (e.g. due to a timeout or deadline),
// make sure to pass a cancelable/deadline context to Start().
// Calling this multiple times is OK; it will return the same values every time.
func (s *Subprocess) Wait() (finalBuild *bbpb.Build, err error) {
s.waitOnce.Do(func() {
defer func() {
if == nil { = &bbpb.Build{}
// If our process saw a timeout or we think we're in the grace period now,
// then we indicate that here.
if s.firstDeadlineEvent.Load() == lucictx.TimeoutEvent {
proto.Merge(, &bbpb.Build{
StatusDetails: &bbpb.StatusDetails{
Timeout: &bbpb.StatusDetails_Timeout{},
defer func() {
var errMsg string
// We need to check both evt and ctxErr since they can race.
ctxErr := s.ctx.Err()
evt := s.firstDeadlineEvent.Load()
switch {
case evt == lucictx.InterruptEvent:
errMsg = "luciexe process is interrupted"
case evt == lucictx.TimeoutEvent || ctxErr == context.DeadlineExceeded:
errMsg = "luciexe process timed out"
case evt == lucictx.ClosureEvent || ctxErr == context.Canceled:
errMsg = "luciexe process's context is cancelled"
if errMsg != "" {
// No matter what, we want to close stdout/stderr; if none of the other
// return values have set `err`, it will be set to the result of closing
// stdout/stderr.
defer func() {
err := s.cmd.Wait()
s.err.MaybeAdd(errors.Annotate(err, "waiting for luciexe").Err())
// Even if the Wait fails (e.g. process returns non-0 exit code, or other
// issue), still try to read the build output., err = luciexe.ReadBuildFile(s.collectPath)
return, s.err.AsError()
// fieldsToClear are a set of fields that MUST be cleared in the initial build
// to luciexe.
var fieldsToClear = stringset.NewFromSlice(
func mkInitialBuild(ctx context.Context, input *bbpb.Build) *bbpb.Build {
ib := &bbpb.Build{}
ibr := ib.ProtoReflect()
input.ProtoReflect().Range(func(field protoreflect.FieldDescriptor, val protoreflect.Value) bool {
if !fieldsToClear.Has(string(field.Name())) {
ibr.Set(field, val)
return true
now := clock.Now(ctx)
if ib.CreateTime == nil {
ib.CreateTime = timestamppb.New(now)
if ib.StartTime == nil {
ib.StartTime = timestamppb.New(now)
ib.Status = bbpb.Status_STARTED
return ib