blob: 4972f79d599ab45d3acff7d9f2477460fd3757e1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The LUCI Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package engine
import (
api ""
. ""
. ""
func TestGetAllProjects(t *testing.T) {
Convey("works", t, func() {
c := newTestContext(epoch)
e, _ := newTestEngine()
// Empty.
projects, err := e.GetAllProjects(c)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(len(projects), ShouldEqual, 0)
// Non empty.
&Job{JobID: "abc/1", ProjectID: "abc", Enabled: true},
&Job{JobID: "abc/2", ProjectID: "abc", Enabled: true},
&Job{JobID: "def/1", ProjectID: "def", Enabled: true},
&Job{JobID: "xyz/1", ProjectID: "xyz", Enabled: false},
), ShouldBeNil)
projects, err = e.GetAllProjects(c)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(projects, ShouldResemble, []string{"abc", "def"})
func TestUpdateProjectJobs(t *testing.T) {
Convey("with test context", t, func() {
c := newTestContext(epoch)
e, _ := newTestEngine()
tq := tqtesting.GetTestable(c, e.cfg.Dispatcher)
jobDef := catalog.Definition{
JobID: "proj/1",
RealmID: "proj:testing",
Revision: "rev1",
Schedule: "*/5 * * * * * *",
Task: []uint8{1, 2, 3}, // note: this is actually gibberish, but we don't care here
TriggeringPolicy: []uint8{4, 5, 6}, // same
Convey("noop", func() {
So(e.UpdateProjectJobs(c, "proj", nil), ShouldBeNil)
So(allJobs(c), ShouldResemble, []Job{})
Convey("adding a job", func() {
// Adding a job that ticks each 5 sec.
So(e.UpdateProjectJobs(c, "proj", []catalog.Definition{jobDef}), ShouldBeNil)
// Added.
So(allJobs(c), ShouldResemble, []Job{
JobID: "proj/1",
ProjectID: "proj",
RealmID: "proj:testing",
Revision: "rev1",
Enabled: true,
Schedule: "*/5 * * * * * *",
Cron: cron.State{
Enabled: true,
Generation: 2,
LastRewind: epoch,
LastTick: cron.TickLaterAction{
When: epoch.Add(5 * time.Second),
TickNonce: 6278013164014963328,
Task: jobDef.Task,
TriggeringPolicyRaw: jobDef.TriggeringPolicy,
// The first tick is scheduled.
So(tq.GetScheduledTasks().Payloads(), ShouldResembleProto, []protoiface.MessageV1{
&internal.CronTickTask{JobId: "proj/1", TickNonce: 6278013164014963328},
// Again, should be noop.
So(e.UpdateProjectJobs(c, "proj", []catalog.Definition{jobDef}), ShouldBeNil)
So(len(tq.GetScheduledTasks()), ShouldEqual, 1) // no new tasks
Convey("adding a very infrequent job", func() {
jobDef.Schedule = "59 23 31 12 *" // every Dec 31st.
nextTick := time.Date(epoch.Year(), time.December, 31, 23, 59, 00, 0, time.UTC)
So(nextTick.Sub(epoch), ShouldBeGreaterThan, 30*24*time.Hour)
So(e.UpdateProjectJobs(c, "proj", []catalog.Definition{jobDef}), ShouldBeNil)
// Added.
So(allJobs(c), ShouldResemble, []Job{
JobID: "proj/1",
ProjectID: "proj",
RealmID: "proj:testing",
Revision: "rev1",
Enabled: true,
Schedule: "59 23 31 12 *",
Cron: cron.State{
Enabled: true,
Generation: 2,
LastRewind: epoch,
LastTick: cron.TickLaterAction{
When: nextTick,
TickNonce: 6278013164014963328,
Task: jobDef.Task,
TriggeringPolicyRaw: jobDef.TriggeringPolicy,
// The first tick is scheduled with ETA substantially before actual next
// tick.
So(tq.GetScheduledTasks().Payloads(), ShouldResembleProto, []protoiface.MessageV1{
&internal.CronTickTask{JobId: "proj/1", TickNonce: 6278013164014963328},
So(tq.GetScheduledTasks()[0].Task.Delay, ShouldBeLessThan, 30*24*time.Hour)
Convey("adding a job with txn retry", func() {
// Simulate the transaction retry.
// Add a job.
So(e.UpdateProjectJobs(c, "proj", []catalog.Definition{jobDef}), ShouldBeNil)
// Added only one task, even though we had 2 retries.
So(len(tq.GetScheduledTasks()), ShouldEqual, 1)
Convey("adding a job with txn collision", func() {
// Simulate the transaction refusing to land even after many tries.
// Attempt to add a job.
err := e.UpdateProjectJobs(c, "proj", []catalog.Definition{jobDef})
// Failed transiently, nothing in the datastore or in TQ.
So(transient.Tag.In(err), ShouldBeTrue)
So(allJobs(c), ShouldResemble, []Job{})
So(len(tq.GetScheduledTasks()), ShouldEqual, 0)
Convey("updating job's schedule", func() {
// Adding a job that ticks every 5 sec. Make sure its tick is scheduled.
So(e.UpdateProjectJobs(c, "proj", []catalog.Definition{jobDef}), ShouldBeNil)
So(tq.GetScheduledTasks().Payloads(), ShouldResembleProto, []protoiface.MessageV1{
&internal.CronTickTask{JobId: "proj/1", TickNonce: 6278013164014963328},
// Changing it to tick every 30 sec.
newDef := jobDef
newDef.Schedule = "*/30 * * * * * *"
So(e.UpdateProjectJobs(c, "proj", []catalog.Definition{newDef}), ShouldBeNil)
// The job is updated now.
So(allJobs(c), ShouldResemble, []Job{
JobID: "proj/1",
ProjectID: "proj",
RealmID: "proj:testing",
Revision: "rev1",
Enabled: true,
Schedule: "*/30 * * * * * *",
Cron: cron.State{
Enabled: true,
Generation: 3,
LastRewind: epoch,
LastTick: cron.TickLaterAction{
When: epoch.Add(30 * time.Second), // new tick time
TickNonce: 2673062197574995716,
Task: jobDef.Task,
TriggeringPolicyRaw: jobDef.TriggeringPolicy,
// The new tick is scheduled now too.
So(tq.GetScheduledTasks().Payloads(), ShouldResembleProto, []protoiface.MessageV1{
&internal.CronTickTask{JobId: "proj/1", TickNonce: 6278013164014963328},
&internal.CronTickTask{JobId: "proj/1", TickNonce: 2673062197574995716},
Convey("updating job's triggering policy", func() {
// Adding a job that is triggered externally (doesn't tick). Schedules no
// tasks.
job := jobDef
job.Schedule = "triggered"
So(e.UpdateProjectJobs(c, "proj", []catalog.Definition{job}), ShouldBeNil)
So(tq.GetScheduledTasks().Payloads(), ShouldHaveLength, 0)
// Update its triggering policy. It should emit a triage to evaluate
// the state of the job using this new policy.
job.TriggeringPolicy = []uint8{1, 1, 1, 1}
So(e.UpdateProjectJobs(c, "proj", []catalog.Definition{job}), ShouldBeNil)
// The job is updated now.
So(allJobs(c), ShouldResemble, []Job{
JobID: "proj/1",
ProjectID: "proj",
RealmID: "proj:testing",
Revision: "rev1",
Enabled: true,
Schedule: "triggered",
Cron: cron.State{
Enabled: true,
Generation: 2,
LastRewind: epoch,
LastTick: cron.TickLaterAction{
When: schedule.DistantFuture,
TickNonce: 6278013164014963328,
Task: jobDef.Task,
TriggeringPolicyRaw: job.TriggeringPolicy,
// Kicked the triage indeed.
So(tq.GetScheduledTasks().Payloads(), ShouldResembleProto, []protoiface.MessageV1{
&internal.KickTriageTask{JobId: "proj/1"},
Convey("removing a job", func() {
// Adding a job first.
So(e.UpdateProjectJobs(c, "proj", []catalog.Definition{jobDef}), ShouldBeNil)
// And now removing it.
So(e.UpdateProjectJobs(c, "proj", nil), ShouldBeNil)
// Switched to disabled state.
So(allJobs(c), ShouldResemble, []Job{
JobID: "proj/1",
ProjectID: "proj",
RealmID: "proj:testing",
Revision: "rev1",
Enabled: false,
Schedule: "*/5 * * * * * *",
Cron: cron.State{
Enabled: false,
Generation: 3,
Task: jobDef.Task,
TriggeringPolicyRaw: jobDef.TriggeringPolicy,
func TestGenerateInvocationID(t *testing.T) {
Convey("generateInvocationID does not collide", t, func() {
c := newTestContext(epoch)
// Bunch of ids generated at the exact same moment in time do not collide.
ids := map[int64]struct{}{}
for i := 0; i < 20; i++ {
id, err := generateInvocationID(c)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
ids[id] = struct{}{}
So(len(ids), ShouldEqual, 20)
Convey("generateInvocationID gen IDs with most recent first", t, func() {
c := newTestContext(epoch)
older, err := generateInvocationID(c)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
clock.Get(c).(testclock.TestClock).Add(5 * time.Second)
newer, err := generateInvocationID(c)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(newer, ShouldBeLessThan, older)
func TestQueries(t *testing.T) {
Convey("with mock data", t, func() {
c := newTestContext(epoch)
e, _ := newTestEngine()
db := authtest.NewFakeDB(
authtest.MockMembership("", adminGroup),
authtest.MockPermission("", "abc:one", PermJobsGet),
authtest.MockPermission("", "abc:some", PermJobsGet),
authtest.MockPermission("anonymous:anonymous", "abc:public", PermJobsGet),
authtest.MockPermission("", "abc:public", PermJobsGet),
authtest.MockPermission("", "abc:public", PermJobsGet),
authtest.MockPermission("", "abc:public", PermJobsGet),
authtest.RestrictAttribute("", "restricted"),
ctxAnon := auth.WithState(c, &authtest.FakeState{
Identity: "anonymous:anonymous",
FakeDB: db,
ctxOne := auth.WithState(c, &authtest.FakeState{
Identity: "",
FakeDB: db,
ctxSome := auth.WithState(c, &authtest.FakeState{
Identity: "",
FakeDB: db,
ctxAdmin := auth.WithState(c, &authtest.FakeState{
Identity: "",
FakeDB: db,
job1 := "abc/1"
job2 := "abc/2"
job3 := "abc/3"
&Job{JobID: job1, ProjectID: "abc", Enabled: true, RealmID: "abc:one"},
&Job{JobID: job2, ProjectID: "abc", Enabled: true, RealmID: "abc:some"},
&Job{JobID: job3, ProjectID: "abc", Enabled: true, RealmID: "abc:public"},
&Job{JobID: "def/1", ProjectID: "def", Enabled: true, RealmID: "abc:public"},
&Job{JobID: "def/2", ProjectID: "def", Enabled: false, RealmID: "abc:public"},
&Job{JobID: "secret/admin-only", ProjectID: "secret", Enabled: true, RealmID: "abc:secret"},
&Job{JobID: "secret/restricted", ProjectID: "secret", Enabled: true, RealmID: "abc:secret"},
), ShouldBeNil)
// Mocked invocations, all in finished state (IndexedJobID set).
&Invocation{ID: 1, JobID: job1, IndexedJobID: job1},
&Invocation{ID: 2, JobID: job1, IndexedJobID: job1},
&Invocation{ID: 3, JobID: job1, IndexedJobID: job1},
&Invocation{ID: 4, JobID: job2, IndexedJobID: job2},
&Invocation{ID: 5, JobID: job2, IndexedJobID: job2},
&Invocation{ID: 6, JobID: job2, IndexedJobID: job2},
&Invocation{ID: 7, JobID: job3, IndexedJobID: job3},
), ShouldBeNil)
Convey("GetAllProjects ignores ACLs and CurrentIdentity", func() {
test := func(ctx context.Context) {
r, err := e.GetAllProjects(c)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(r, ShouldResemble, []string{"abc", "def", "secret"})
Convey("GetVisibleJobs works", func() {
get := func(ctx context.Context) []string {
jobs, err := e.GetVisibleJobs(ctx)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
return sortedJobIds(jobs)
Convey("Anonymous users see only public jobs", func() {
// Only 3 jobs with default ACLs granting read access to everyone, but
// def/2 is disabled and so shouldn't be returned.
So(get(ctxAnon), ShouldResemble, []string{"abc/3", "def/1"})
Convey("Owners can see their own jobs + public jobs", func() {
// abc/1 is owned by
So(get(ctxOne), ShouldResemble, []string{"abc/1", "abc/3", "def/1"})
Convey("Explicit readers", func() {
So(get(ctxSome), ShouldResemble, []string{
"secret/restricted", // via the conditional permission
Convey("Admins have implicit read access to all jobs", func() {
So(get(ctxAdmin), ShouldResemble, []string{
Convey("GetProjectJobsRA works", func() {
get := func(ctx context.Context, project string) []string {
jobs, err := e.GetVisibleProjectJobs(ctx, project)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
return sortedJobIds(jobs)
Convey("Anonymous can still see public jobs", func() {
So(get(ctxAnon, "def"), ShouldResemble, []string{"def/1"})
Convey("Admin have implicit read access to all jobs", func() {
So(get(ctxAdmin, "abc"), ShouldResemble, []string{"abc/1", "abc/2", "abc/3"})
Convey("Owners can still see their jobs", func() {
So(get(ctxOne, "abc"), ShouldResemble, []string{"abc/1", "abc/3"})
Convey("Readers can see their jobs", func() {
So(get(ctxSome, "abc"), ShouldResemble, []string{"abc/2", "abc/3"})
Convey("GetVisibleJob works", func() {
_, err := e.GetVisibleJob(ctxAdmin, "missing/job")
So(err, ShouldEqual, ErrNoSuchJob)
_, err = e.GetVisibleJob(ctxAnon, "abc/1") // no "" permission.
So(err, ShouldEqual, ErrNoSuchJob)
_, err = e.GetVisibleJob(ctxAnon, "def/2") // not enabled, hence not visible.
So(err, ShouldEqual, ErrNoSuchJob)
job, err := e.GetVisibleJob(ctxAnon, "def/1") // OK.
So(job, ShouldNotBeNil)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
Convey("ListInvocations works", func() {
job, err := e.GetVisibleJob(ctxOne, "abc/1")
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
Convey("With paging", func() {
invs, cursor, err := e.ListInvocations(ctxOne, job, ListInvocationsOpts{
PageSize: 2,
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(len(invs), ShouldEqual, 2)
So(invs[0].ID, ShouldEqual, 1)
So(invs[1].ID, ShouldEqual, 2)
So(cursor, ShouldNotEqual, "")
invs, cursor, err = e.ListInvocations(ctxOne, job, ListInvocationsOpts{
PageSize: 2,
Cursor: cursor,
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(len(invs), ShouldEqual, 1)
So(invs[0].ID, ShouldEqual, 3)
So(cursor, ShouldEqual, "")
Convey("GetInvocation works", func() {
job, err := e.GetVisibleJob(ctxOne, "abc/1")
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
Convey("NoSuchInvocation", func() {
_, err = e.GetInvocation(ctxOne, job, 666) // Missing invocation.
So(err, ShouldResemble, ErrNoSuchInvocation)
Convey("Existing invocation", func() {
inv, err := e.GetInvocation(ctxOne, job, 1)
So(inv, ShouldNotBeNil)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
func TestPrepareTopic(t *testing.T) {
Convey("PrepareTopic works", t, func(ctx C) {
c := newTestContext(epoch)
e, _ := newTestEngine()
pubSubCalls := 0
e.configureTopic = func(c context.Context, topic, sub, pushURL, publisher string) error {
ctx.So(topic, ShouldEqual, fmt.Sprintf("projects/%s/topics/", fakeAppID))
ctx.So(sub, ShouldEqual, fmt.Sprintf("projects/%s/subscriptions/", fakeAppID))
ctx.So(pushURL, ShouldEqual, "") // pull on dev server
ctx.So(publisher, ShouldEqual, "")
return nil
ctl := &taskController{
ctx: c,
eng: e,
manager: &noop.TaskManager{},
saved: Invocation{ID: 123456},
// Once.
topic, token, err := ctl.PrepareTopic(c, "")
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(topic, ShouldEqual, fmt.Sprintf("projects/%s/topics/", fakeAppID))
So(token, ShouldNotEqual, "")
So(pubSubCalls, ShouldEqual, 1)
// Again. 'configureTopic' should not be called anymore.
_, _, err = ctl.PrepareTopic(c, "")
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(pubSubCalls, ShouldEqual, 1)
func TestProcessPubSubPush(t *testing.T) {
Convey("with mock invocation", t, func() {
c := newTestContext(epoch)
e, mgr := newTestEngine()
tc := clock.Get(c).(testclock.TestClock)
tc.SetTimerCallback(func(d time.Duration, t clock.Timer) {
So(datastore.Put(c, &Job{
JobID: "abc/1",
ProjectID: "abc",
Enabled: true,
}), ShouldBeNil)
task, err := proto.Marshal(&messages.TaskDefWrapper{
Noop: &messages.NoopTask{},
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
inv := Invocation{
ID: 1,
JobID: "abc/1",
Task: task,
So(datastore.Put(c, &inv), ShouldBeNil)
// Skip talking to PubSub for real.
e.configureTopic = func(c context.Context, topic, sub, pushURL, publisher string) error {
return nil
ctl, err := controllerForInvocation(c, e, &inv)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
// Grab the working auth token.
_, token, err := ctl.PrepareTopic(c, "")
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(token, ShouldNotEqual, "")
prepMessage := func(body, token string) []byte {
msg := struct {
Message pubsub.PubsubMessage `json:"message"`
Message: pubsub.PubsubMessage{
Attributes: map[string]string{"auth_token": token},
Data: body,
blob, _ := json.Marshal(&msg)
return blob
// Prep url.Values the same way PrepareTopic does.
urlValues := e.pushSubscriptionURLValues(ctl.manager, "")
// Extract the token from attributes where we put it below.
mgr.examineNotification = func(_ context.Context, msg *pubsub.PubsubMessage) string {
return msg.Attributes["auth_token"]
Convey("ProcessPubSubPush works and retries tq.Retry errors", func() {
calls := 0
mgr.handleNotification = func(ctx context.Context, msg *pubsub.PubsubMessage) error {
So(msg.Data, ShouldEqual, "blah")
if calls == 1 {
return errors.New("should be retried", tq.Retry)
return nil
So(e.ProcessPubSubPush(c, prepMessage("blah", token), urlValues), ShouldBeNil)
So(calls, ShouldEqual, 2) // executed the retry
Convey("ProcessPubSubPush handles bad token", func() {
err := e.ProcessPubSubPush(c, prepMessage("blah", token+"blah"), urlValues)
So(err, ShouldErrLike, "bad token")
So(transient.Tag.In(err), ShouldBeFalse)
Convey("ProcessPubSubPush handles missing invocation", func() {
datastore.Delete(c, datastore.KeyForObj(c, &inv))
err := e.ProcessPubSubPush(c, prepMessage("blah", token), urlValues)
So(err, ShouldErrLike, "doesn't exist")
So(transient.Tag.In(err), ShouldBeFalse)
Convey("ProcessPubSubPush handles unknown task manager", func() {
// Pass `nil` instead of urlValue, so that the engine can't figure out
// what task manager to use.
err := e.ProcessPubSubPush(c, prepMessage("blah", token), nil)
So(err, ShouldErrLike, "unknown task manager")
So(transient.Tag.In(err), ShouldBeFalse)
Convey("ProcessPubSubPush can't find the auth token", func() {
mgr.examineNotification = func(context.Context, *pubsub.PubsubMessage) string {
return ""
err := e.ProcessPubSubPush(c, prepMessage("blah", token), urlValues)
So(err, ShouldErrLike, "failed to extract")
So(transient.Tag.In(err), ShouldBeFalse)
func TestTrimDebugLog(t *testing.T) {
ctx := clock.Set(context.Background(), testclock.New(epoch))
junk := strings.Repeat("a", 1000)
genLines := func(start, end int) string {
inv := Invocation{}
for i := start; i < end; i++ {
inv.debugLog(ctx, "Line %d - %s", i, junk)
return inv.DebugLog
Convey("small log is not trimmed", t, func() {
inv := Invocation{
DebugLog: genLines(0, 100),
So(inv.DebugLog, ShouldEqual, genLines(0, 100))
Convey("huge log is trimmed", t, func() {
inv := Invocation{
DebugLog: genLines(0, 500),
So(inv.DebugLog, ShouldEqual,
genLines(0, 94)+"--- the log has been cut here ---\n"+genLines(400, 500))
Convey("writing lines to huge log and trimming", t, func() {
inv := Invocation{
DebugLog: genLines(0, 500),
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
inv.debugLog(ctx, "Line %d - %s", i, junk)
// Still single cut only. New 10 lines are at the end.
So(inv.DebugLog, ShouldEqual,
genLines(0, 94)+"--- the log has been cut here ---\n"+genLines(410, 500)+genLines(0, 10))
Convey("one huge line", t, func() {
inv := Invocation{
DebugLog: strings.Repeat("z", 300000),
const msg = "\n--- the log has been cut here ---\n"
So(inv.DebugLog, ShouldEqual, strings.Repeat("z", debugLogSizeLimit-len(msg))+msg)
func TestEnqueueInvocations(t *testing.T) {
Convey("Works", t, func() {
c := newTestContext(epoch)
e, _ := newTestEngine()
tq := tqtesting.GetTestable(c, e.cfg.Dispatcher)
job := Job{JobID: "project/job"}
So(datastore.Put(c, &job), ShouldBeNil)
var invs []*Invocation
err := runTxn(c, func(c context.Context) error {
var err error
invs, err = e.enqueueInvocations(c, &job, []task.Request{
{TriggeredBy: ""},
{TriggeredBy: ""},
datastore.Put(c, &job)
return err
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
// The order of new invocations is undefined (including IDs assigned to
// them), so convert them to map and clear IDs.
invsByTrigger := map[identity.Identity]Invocation{}
invIDs := map[int64]bool{}
for _, inv := range invs {
invIDs[inv.ID] = true
cpy := *inv
cpy.ID = 0
invsByTrigger[inv.TriggeredBy] = cpy
So(invsByTrigger, ShouldResemble, map[identity.Identity]Invocation{
"": {
JobID: "project/job",
Started: epoch,
TriggeredBy: "",
Status: task.StatusStarting,
DebugLog: "[22:42:00.000] New invocation is queued and will start shortly\n" +
"[22:42:00.000] Triggered by\n",
"": {
JobID: "project/job",
Started: epoch,
TriggeredBy: "",
Status: task.StatusStarting,
DebugLog: "[22:42:00.000] New invocation is queued and will start shortly\n" +
"[22:42:00.000] Triggered by\n",
// Both invocations are in ActiveInvocations list of the job.
So(len(job.ActiveInvocations), ShouldEqual, 2)
for _, invID := range job.ActiveInvocations {
So(invIDs[invID], ShouldBeTrue)
// And we've emitted the launch task.
tasks := tq.GetScheduledTasks()
So(tasks[0].Payload, ShouldHaveSameTypeAs, &internal.LaunchInvocationsBatchTask{})
batch := tasks[0].Payload.(*internal.LaunchInvocationsBatchTask)
So(len(batch.Tasks), ShouldEqual, 2)
for _, subtask := range batch.Tasks {
So(subtask.JobId, ShouldEqual, "project/job")
So(invIDs[subtask.InvId], ShouldBeTrue)
func TestTriageTaskDedup(t *testing.T) {
Convey("with fake env", t, func() {
c := newTestContext(epoch)
e, _ := newTestEngine()
tq := tqtesting.GetTestable(c, e.cfg.Dispatcher)
Convey("single task", func() {
So(e.kickTriageNow(c, "fake/job"), ShouldBeNil)
tasks := tq.GetScheduledTasks()
So(len(tasks), ShouldEqual, 1)
So(tasks[0].Task.ETA.Equal(epoch.Add(2*time.Second)), ShouldBeTrue)
So(tasks[0].Payload, ShouldResembleProto, &internal.TriageJobStateTask{JobId: "fake/job"})
Convey("a bunch of tasks, deduplicated by hitting memcache", func() {
So(e.kickTriageNow(c, "fake/job"), ShouldBeNil)
So(e.kickTriageNow(c, "fake/job"), ShouldBeNil)
clock.Get(c).(testclock.TestClock).Add(900 * time.Millisecond)
So(e.kickTriageNow(c, "fake/job"), ShouldBeNil)
tasks := tq.GetScheduledTasks()
So(len(tasks), ShouldEqual, 1)
So(tasks[0].Task.ETA.Equal(epoch.Add(2*time.Second)), ShouldBeTrue)
So(tasks[0].Payload, ShouldResembleProto, &internal.TriageJobStateTask{JobId: "fake/job"})
Convey("a bunch of tasks, deduplicated by hitting task queue", func() {
c, fb := featureBreaker.FilterMC(c, fmt.Errorf("omg, memcache error"))
fb.BreakFeatures(nil, "GetMulti", "SetMulti")
So(e.kickTriageNow(c, "fake/job"), ShouldBeNil)
So(e.kickTriageNow(c, "fake/job"), ShouldBeNil)
clock.Get(c).(testclock.TestClock).Add(900 * time.Millisecond)
So(e.kickTriageNow(c, "fake/job"), ShouldBeNil)
tasks := tq.GetScheduledTasks()
So(len(tasks), ShouldEqual, 1)
So(tasks[0].Task.ETA.Equal(epoch.Add(2*time.Second)), ShouldBeTrue)
So(tasks[0].Payload, ShouldResembleProto, &internal.TriageJobStateTask{JobId: "fake/job"})
func TestLaunchInvocationTask(t *testing.T) {
Convey("with fake env", t, func() {
c := newTestContext(epoch)
e, mgr := newTestEngine()
tq := tqtesting.GetTestable(c, e.cfg.Dispatcher)
// Add the job.
So(e.UpdateProjectJobs(c, "project", []catalog.Definition{
JobID: "project/job",
RealmID: "project:testing",
Revision: "rev1",
Schedule: "triggered",
Task: noopTaskBytes(),
}), ShouldBeNil)
// Prepare Invocation in Starting state.
job := Job{JobID: "project/job"}
So(datastore.Get(c, &job), ShouldBeNil)
inv, err := e.allocateInvocation(c, &job, task.Request{
IncomingTriggers: []*internal.Trigger{{Id: "a"}},
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
callLaunchInvocation := func(c context.Context, execCount int64) error {
return tq.ExecuteTask(c, tqtesting.Task{
Task: &taskqueue.Task{},
Payload: &internal.LaunchInvocationTask{
JobId: job.JobID,
InvId: inv.ID,
}, &taskqueue.RequestHeaders{TaskExecutionCount: execCount})
fetchInvocation := func(c context.Context) *Invocation {
toFetch := Invocation{ID: inv.ID}
So(datastore.Get(c, &toFetch), ShouldBeNil)
return &toFetch
Convey("happy path", func() {
mgr.launchTask = func(ctx context.Context, ctl task.Controller) error {
So(ctl.InvocationID(), ShouldEqual, inv.ID)
So(ctl.RealmID(), ShouldEqual, "project:testing")
ctl.State().Status = task.StatusSucceeded
return nil
So(callLaunchInvocation(c, 0), ShouldBeNil)
updated := fetchInvocation(c)
triggers, err := updated.IncomingTriggers()
updated.IncomingTriggersRaw = nil
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(triggers, ShouldResemble, []*internal.Trigger{{Id: "a"}})
So(updated, ShouldResemble, &Invocation{
ID: inv.ID,
JobID: "project/job",
IndexedJobID: "project/job",
RealmID: "project:testing",
Started: epoch,
Finished: epoch,
Revision: job.Revision,
Task: job.Task,
Status: task.StatusSucceeded,
MutationsCount: 2,
DebugLog: "[22:42:00.000] New invocation is queued and will start shortly\n" +
"[22:42:00.000] Starting the invocation (attempt 1)\n" +
"[22:42:00.000] Succeeded!\n" +
"[22:42:00.000] Invocation finished in 0s with status SUCCEEDED\n",
Convey("already aborted", func() {
inv.Status = task.StatusAborted
So(datastore.Put(c, inv), ShouldBeNil)
mgr.launchTask = func(ctx context.Context, ctl task.Controller) error {
return fmt.Errorf("must not be called")
So(callLaunchInvocation(c, 0), ShouldBeNil)
So(fetchInvocation(c).Status, ShouldEqual, task.StatusAborted)
Convey("successful retry", func() {
// Attempt #1.
mgr.launchTask = func(ctx context.Context, ctl task.Controller) error {
return transient.Tag.Apply(fmt.Errorf("oops, failed to start"))
So(callLaunchInvocation(c, 0), ShouldEqual, errRetryingLaunch)
So(fetchInvocation(c).Status, ShouldEqual, task.StatusRetrying)
// Attempt #2.
mgr.launchTask = func(ctx context.Context, ctl task.Controller) error {
ctl.State().Status = task.StatusSucceeded
return nil
So(callLaunchInvocation(c, 1), ShouldBeNil)
updated := fetchInvocation(c)
So(updated.Status, ShouldEqual, task.StatusSucceeded)
So(updated.RetryCount, ShouldEqual, 1)
So(updated.DebugLog, ShouldEqual, "[22:42:00.000] New invocation is queued and will start shortly\n"+
"[22:42:00.000] Starting the invocation (attempt 1)\n"+
"[22:42:00.000] The invocation will be retried\n"+
"[22:42:00.000] Starting the invocation (attempt 2)\n"+
"[22:42:00.000] Succeeded!\n"+
"[22:42:00.000] Invocation finished in 0s with status SUCCEEDED\n")
Convey("failed retry", func() {
// Attempt #1.
mgr.launchTask = func(ctx context.Context, ctl task.Controller) error {
return transient.Tag.Apply(fmt.Errorf("oops, failed to start"))
So(callLaunchInvocation(c, 0), ShouldEqual, errRetryingLaunch)
So(fetchInvocation(c).Status, ShouldEqual, task.StatusRetrying)
// Attempt #2.
mgr.launchTask = func(ctx context.Context, ctl task.Controller) error {
return fmt.Errorf("boom, fatal shot")
So(callLaunchInvocation(c, 1), ShouldBeNil) // didn't ask for a retry
updated := fetchInvocation(c)
So(updated.Status, ShouldEqual, task.StatusFailed)
So(updated.RetryCount, ShouldEqual, 1)
So(updated.DebugLog, ShouldEqual, "[22:42:00.000] New invocation is queued and will start shortly\n"+
"[22:42:00.000] Starting the invocation (attempt 1)\n"+
"[22:42:00.000] The invocation will be retried\n"+
"[22:42:00.000] Starting the invocation (attempt 2)\n"+
"[22:42:00.000] Invocation finished in 0s with status FAILED\n")
func TestAbortJob(t *testing.T) {
Convey("with fake env", t, func() {
const jobID = "project/job"
const realmID = "project:testing"
const expectedInvID int64 = 9200093523825193008
c := newTestContext(epoch)
e, mgr := newTestEngine()
tq := tqtesting.GetTestable(c, e.cfg.Dispatcher)
So(e.UpdateProjectJobs(c, "project", []catalog.Definition{
JobID: jobID,
RealmID: realmID,
Revision: "rev1",
Schedule: "triggered",
Task: noopTaskBytes(),
}), ShouldBeNil)
// Launch a new invocation.
job, err := e.getJob(c, jobID)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
inv := forceInvocation(c, e, jobID)
invID := inv.ID
So(invID, ShouldEqual, expectedInvID)
Convey("inv aborted before it starts", func() {
// Kill it right away before it had a chance to start.
So(e.AbortJob(mockOwnerCtx(c, realmID), job), ShouldBeNil)
// It is dead right away.
inv, err := e.getInvocation(c, jobID, invID)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(inv, ShouldResemble, &Invocation{
ID: expectedInvID,
JobID: jobID,
RealmID: realmID,
IndexedJobID: jobID,
Started: epoch,
Finished: epoch,
Revision: "rev1",
Task: noopTaskBytes(),
Status: task.StatusAborted,
MutationsCount: 1,
DebugLog: "[22:42:00.000] New invocation is queued and will start shortly\n" +
"[22:42:00.000] Invocation is manually aborted by\n" +
"[22:42:00.000] Invocation finished in 0s with status ABORTED\n",
// Unpause the task queue to confirm the new invocation doesn't actually
// start.
mgr.launchTask = func(ctx context.Context, ctl task.Controller) error {
panic("must not be called")
tasks, _, err := tq.RunSimulation(c, nil)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
// The sequence of tasks we've just performed.
So(tasks.Payloads(), ShouldResembleProto, []protoiface.MessageV1{
// The delayed triage directly from AbortJob.
&internal.KickTriageTask{JobId: jobID},
// The invocation finalization from AbortInvocation.
&internal.InvocationFinishedTask{JobId: jobID, InvId: expectedInvID},
// Noop launch. We can't undo the already posted tasks. Note that the
// actual launch didn't happen, as checked by mgr.launchTask.
Tasks: []*internal.LaunchInvocationTask{{JobId: jobID, InvId: expectedInvID}},
&internal.LaunchInvocationTask{JobId: jobID, InvId: expectedInvID},
// The triage from KickTriageTask and from InvocationFinishedTask
// finally arrives.
&internal.TriageJobStateTask{JobId: jobID},
// The job state is updated (the invocation is no longer active).
job, err = e.getJob(c, jobID)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(job.ActiveInvocations, ShouldBeNil)
// The invocation is now in the list of finished invocations.
invs, _, _ := e.ListInvocations(mockOwnerCtx(c, realmID), job, ListInvocationsOpts{
PageSize: 100,
FinishedOnly: true,
So(invs, ShouldResemble, []*Invocation{inv})
Convey("inv aborted while it is running", func() {
// Let the invocation start and set a timer. Abort the simulation before
// the timer ticks.
mgr.launchTask = func(ctx context.Context, ctl task.Controller) error {
ctl.State().Status = task.StatusRunning
ctl.AddTimer(ctx, time.Minute, "1 min", nil)
return nil
tasks, _, err := tq.RunSimulation(c, &tqtesting.SimulationParams{
ShouldStopBefore: func(t tqtesting.Task) bool {
_, ok := t.Payload.(*internal.TimerTask)
return ok
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
// The sequence of tasks we've just performed.
So(tasks.Payloads(), ShouldResembleProto, []protoiface.MessageV1{
Tasks: []*internal.LaunchInvocationTask{{JobId: jobID, InvId: expectedInvID}},
JobId: jobID, InvId: expectedInvID,
// At this point the timer tick is scheduled to happen 1 min from now, but
// we abort the job.
mgr.abortTask = func(ctx context.Context, ctl task.Controller) error {
ctl.DebugLog("Really aborted!")
return nil
So(e.AbortJob(mockOwnerCtx(c, realmID), job), ShouldBeNil)
// It is dead right away.
inv, err := e.getInvocation(c, jobID, invID)
So(inv.Status, ShouldEqual, task.StatusAborted)
// And AbortTask callback was really called.
So(inv.DebugLog, ShouldContainSubstring, "Really aborted!")
// Run all processes to completion.
mgr.handleTimer = func(ctx context.Context, ctl task.Controller, name string, payload []byte) error {
panic("must not be called")
tasks, _, err = tq.RunSimulation(c, nil)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
// The sequence of tasks we've just performed.
So(tasks.Payloads(), ShouldResembleProto, []protoiface.MessageV1{
// The delayed triage directly from AbortJob.
&internal.KickTriageTask{JobId: jobID},
// The invocation finalization from AbortInvocation.
&internal.InvocationFinishedTask{JobId: jobID, InvId: expectedInvID},
// The triage from KickTriageTask and from InvocationFinishedTask
// finally arrives.
&internal.TriageJobStateTask{JobId: jobID},
// And delayed TimerTask arrives and gets skipped, as confirmed by
// mgr.handleTimer.
JobId: jobID,
InvId: expectedInvID,
Timer: &internal.Timer{
Id: "project/job:9200093523825193008:1:0",
Created: timestamppb.New(epoch.Add(time.Second)),
Eta: timestamppb.New(epoch.Add(time.Minute + time.Second)),
Title: "1 min",
func TestEmitTriggers(t *testing.T) {
Convey("with fake env", t, func() {
const testingJob = "project/job"
const realmID = "project:testing"
c := newTestContext(epoch)
e, mgr := newTestEngine()
tq := tqtesting.GetTestable(c, e.cfg.Dispatcher)
So(e.UpdateProjectJobs(c, "project", []catalog.Definition{
JobID: testingJob,
RealmID: realmID,
Revision: "rev1",
Schedule: "triggered",
Task: noopTaskBytes(),
}), ShouldBeNil)
Convey("happy path", func() {
var incomingTriggers []*internal.Trigger
mgr.launchTask = func(ctx context.Context, ctl task.Controller) error {
incomingTriggers = ctl.Request().IncomingTriggers
ctl.State().Status = task.StatusSucceeded
return nil
job, err := e.getJob(c, testingJob)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
// Simulate EmitTriggers call from an owner.
emittedTriggers := []*internal.Trigger{
Id: "t1",
OrderInBatch: 1,
Payload: &internal.Trigger_Buildbucket{
Buildbucket: &api.BuildbucketTrigger{
Tags: []string{"a:b"},
Id: "t2",
OrderInBatch: 2,
err = e.EmitTriggers(mockOwnerCtx(c, realmID), map[*Job][]*internal.Trigger{job: emittedTriggers})
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
// Run TQ until all activities stop.
tasks, _, err := tq.RunSimulation(c, nil)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
// We expect a triage invoked by EmitTrigger, and one full invocation.
expect := expectedTasks{JobID: testingJob, Epoch: epoch}
So(tasks.Payloads(), ShouldResembleProto, expect.Tasks)
// The task manager received all triggers (though maybe out of order, it
// is not defined).
sort.Slice(incomingTriggers, func(i, j int) bool {
return incomingTriggers[i].Id < incomingTriggers[j].Id
So(incomingTriggers, ShouldResembleProto, emittedTriggers)
Convey("no permission", func() {
job, err := e.getJob(c, testingJob)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
err = e.EmitTriggers(mockReaderCtx(c, realmID), map[*Job][]*internal.Trigger{
job: {
{Id: "t1"},
So(err, ShouldEqual, ErrNoPermission)
Convey("paused job ignores triggers", func() {
job, err := e.getJob(c, testingJob)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(e.setJobPausedFlag(c, job, true, "", ""), ShouldBeNil)
// The pause emits a triage, get over it now.
tasks, _, err := tq.RunSimulation(c, nil)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
expect := expectedTasks{JobID: testingJob, Epoch: epoch}
So(tasks.Payloads(), ShouldResembleProto, expect.Tasks)
// Make the RPC, which succeeds.
err = e.EmitTriggers(mockOwnerCtx(c, realmID), map[*Job][]*internal.Trigger{
job: {
{Id: "t1"},
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
// But nothing really happens.
tasks, _, err = tq.RunSimulation(c, nil)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(tasks.Payloads(), ShouldHaveLength, 0)
func TestOneJobTriggersAnother(t *testing.T) {
Convey("with fake env", t, func() {
c := newTestContext(epoch)
e, mgr := newTestEngine()
tq := tqtesting.GetTestable(c, e.cfg.Dispatcher)
triggeringJob := "project/triggering-job"
triggeredJob := "project/triggered-job"
So(e.UpdateProjectJobs(c, "project", []catalog.Definition{
JobID: triggeringJob,
RealmID: "project:testing",
TriggeredJobIDs: []string{triggeredJob},
Revision: "rev1",
Schedule: "triggered",
Task: noopTaskBytes(),
JobID: triggeredJob,
RealmID: "project:testing",
Revision: "rev1",
Schedule: "triggered",
Task: noopTaskBytes(),
}), ShouldBeNil)
Convey("happy path", func() {
const triggeringInvID int64 = 9200093523824911856
const triggeredInvID int64 = 9200093521728457040
// Force launch the triggering job.
forceInvocation(c, e, triggeringJob)
// Eventually it runs the task which emits a bunch of triggers, which
// causes the triggered job triage. We stop right before it and examine
// what we see.
mgr.launchTask = func(ctx context.Context, ctl task.Controller) error {
ctl.EmitTrigger(ctx, &internal.Trigger{Id: "t1"})
So(ctl.Save(ctx), ShouldBeNil)
ctl.EmitTrigger(ctx, &internal.Trigger{Id: "t2"})
ctl.State().Status = task.StatusSucceeded
return nil
tasks, _, err := tq.RunSimulation(c, &tqtesting.SimulationParams{
ShouldStopBefore: func(t tqtesting.Task) bool {
_, ok := t.Payload.(*internal.TriageJobStateTask)
return ok
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
// How these triggers are seen from outside the task.
expectedTrigger1 := &internal.Trigger{
Id: "t1",
JobId: triggeringJob,
InvocationId: triggeringInvID,
Created: timestamppb.New(epoch.Add(1 * time.Second)),
expectedTrigger2 := &internal.Trigger{
Id: "t2",
JobId: triggeringJob,
InvocationId: triggeringInvID,
Created: timestamppb.New(epoch.Add(1 * time.Second)),
OrderInBatch: 1, // second call to EmitTrigger done by the invocation
// All the tasks we've just executed.
So(tasks.Payloads(), ShouldResembleProto, []protoiface.MessageV1{
// Triggering job begins execution.
Tasks: []*internal.LaunchInvocationTask{{JobId: triggeringJob, InvId: triggeringInvID}},
JobId: triggeringJob, InvId: triggeringInvID,
// It emits a trigger in the middle.
JobIds: []string{triggeredJob},
Triggers: []*internal.Trigger{expectedTrigger1},
JobId: triggeredJob,
Triggers: []*internal.Trigger{expectedTrigger1},
// Triggering job finishes execution, emitting another trigger.
JobId: triggeringJob,
InvId: triggeringInvID,
Triggers: &internal.FanOutTriggersTask{
JobIds: []string{triggeredJob},
Triggers: []*internal.Trigger{expectedTrigger2},
JobId: triggeredJob,
Triggers: []*internal.Trigger{expectedTrigger2},
// Triggering invocation has finished (with triggers recorded).
triggeringInv, err := e.getInvocation(c, triggeringJob, triggeringInvID)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(triggeringInv.Status, ShouldEqual, task.StatusSucceeded)
outgoing, err := triggeringInv.OutgoingTriggers()
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(outgoing, ShouldResembleProto, []*internal.Trigger{expectedTrigger1, expectedTrigger2})
// At this point triggered job's triage is about to start. Before it does,
// verify emitted trigger (sitting in the pending triggers set) is
// discoverable through ListTriggers.
tj, _ := e.getJob(c, triggeredJob)
triggers, err := e.ListTriggers(c, tj)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(triggers, ShouldResembleProto, []*internal.Trigger{expectedTrigger1, expectedTrigger2})
// Resume the simulation to do the triages and start the triggered
// invocation.
var seen []*internal.Trigger
mgr.launchTask = func(ctx context.Context, ctl task.Controller) error {
seen = ctl.Request().IncomingTriggers
ctl.State().Status = task.StatusSucceeded
return nil
tasks, _, err = tq.RunSimulation(c, nil)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
// All the tasks we've just executed.
So(tasks.Payloads(), ShouldResembleProto, []protoiface.MessageV1{
// Triggered job is getting triaged (because pending triggers).
JobId: triggeredJob,
// Triggering job is getting triaged (because it has just finished).
JobId: triggeringJob,
// The triggered job begins execution.
Tasks: []*internal.LaunchInvocationTask{{JobId: triggeredJob, InvId: triggeredInvID}},
JobId: triggeredJob, InvId: triggeredInvID,
// ...and finishes. Note that the triage doesn't launch new invocation.
JobId: triggeredJob, InvId: triggeredInvID,
&internal.TriageJobStateTask{JobId: triggeredJob},
// Verify LaunchTask callback saw the triggers.
So(seen, ShouldResembleProto, []*internal.Trigger{expectedTrigger1, expectedTrigger2})
// And they are recoded in IncomingTriggers set.
triggeredInv, err := e.getInvocation(c, triggeredJob, triggeredInvID)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(triggeredInv.Status, ShouldEqual, task.StatusSucceeded)
incoming, err := triggeredInv.IncomingTriggers()
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(incoming, ShouldResembleProto, []*internal.Trigger{expectedTrigger1, expectedTrigger2})
func TestInvocationTimers(t *testing.T) {
Convey("with fake env", t, func() {
c := newTestContext(epoch)
e, mgr := newTestEngine()
tq := tqtesting.GetTestable(c, e.cfg.Dispatcher)
const testJobID = "project/job"
So(e.UpdateProjectJobs(c, "project", []catalog.Definition{
JobID: testJobID,
RealmID: "project:testing",
Revision: "rev1",
Schedule: "triggered",
Task: noopTaskBytes(),
}), ShouldBeNil)
Convey("happy path", func() {
const testInvID int64 = 9200093523825193008
// Force launch the job.
forceInvocation(c, e, testJobID)
// See handelTimer. Name of the timer => time since epoch.
callTimes := map[string]time.Duration{}
// Eventually it runs the task which emits a bunch of timers and then
// some more, and then stops.
mgr.launchTask = func(ctx context.Context, ctl task.Controller) error {
ctl.AddTimer(ctx, time.Minute, "1 min", []byte{1})
ctl.AddTimer(ctx, 2*time.Minute, "2 min", []byte{2})
ctl.State().Status = task.StatusRunning
return nil
mgr.handleTimer = func(ctx context.Context, ctl task.Controller, name string, payload []byte) error {
callTimes[name] = clock.Now(ctx).Sub(epoch)
switch name {
case "1 min": // ignore
case "2 min":
// Call us again later.
ctl.AddTimer(ctx, time.Minute, "stop", []byte{3})
case "stop":
ctl.AddTimer(ctx, time.Minute, "ignored-timer", nil)
ctl.State().Status = task.StatusSucceeded
return nil
tasks, _, err := tq.RunSimulation(c, nil)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
timerMsg := func(idSuffix string, created, eta time.Duration, title string, payload []byte) *internal.Timer {
return &internal.Timer{
Id: fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d:%s", testJobID, testInvID, idSuffix),
Created: timestamppb.New(epoch.Add(created)),
Eta: timestamppb.New(epoch.Add(eta)),
Title: title,
Payload: payload,
// Individual timers emitted by the test. Note that 1 extra sec comes from
// the delay added by kickLaunchInvocationsBatchTask.
timer1 := timerMsg("1:0", time.Second, time.Second+time.Minute, "1 min", []byte{1})
timer2 := timerMsg("1:1", time.Second, time.Second+2*time.Minute, "2 min", []byte{2})
timer3 := timerMsg("3:0", time.Second+2*time.Minute, time.Second+3*time.Minute, "stop", []byte{3})
// All 'handleTimer' ticks happened at expected moments in time.
So(callTimes, ShouldResemble, map[string]time.Duration{
"1 min": time.Second + time.Minute,
"2 min": time.Second + 2*time.Minute,
"stop": time.Second + 3*time.Minute,
// All the tasks we've just executed.
So(tasks.Payloads(), ShouldResembleProto, []protoiface.MessageV1{
// Triggering job begins execution.
Tasks: []*internal.LaunchInvocationTask{{JobId: testJobID, InvId: testInvID}},
JobId: testJobID, InvId: testInvID,
// Request to schedule a bunch of timers.
JobId: testJobID,
InvId: testInvID,
Timers: []*internal.Timer{timer1, timer2},
// Actual individual timers.
JobId: testJobID,
InvId: testInvID,
Timer: timer1,
JobId: testJobID,
InvId: testInvID,
Timer: timer2,
// One more, scheduled from handleTimer.
JobId: testJobID,
InvId: testInvID,
Timer: timer3,
// End of the invocation.
JobId: testJobID, InvId: testInvID,
&internal.TriageJobStateTask{JobId: testJobID},
func TestCron(t *testing.T) {
Convey("with fake env", t, func() {
const testJobID = "project/job"
c := newTestContext(epoch)
e, mgr := newTestEngine()
updateJob := func(schedule string) {
So(e.UpdateProjectJobs(c, "project", []catalog.Definition{
JobID: testJobID,
RealmID: "project:testing",
Revision: "rev1",
Schedule: schedule,
Task: noopTaskBytes(),
}), ShouldBeNil)
mgr.launchTask = func(ctx context.Context, ctl task.Controller) error {
ctl.State().Status = task.StatusSucceeded
return nil
tq := tqtesting.GetTestable(c, e.cfg.Dispatcher)
Convey("relative schedule", func() {
updateJob("with 10s interval")
Convey("happy path", func() {
// Let the TQ spin for two full cycles.
tasks, _, err := tq.RunSimulation(c, &tqtesting.SimulationParams{
Deadline: epoch.Add(30 * time.Second),
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
// Collect the list of TQ tasks we expect to be executed.
expect := expectedTasks{JobID: testJobID, Epoch: epoch}
// 10 sec after the job is created, a tick comes and emits a trigger.
expect.cronTickSequence(6278013164014963328, 3, 10*time.Second)
// It causes an invocation.
// 10 sec after it finishes, new tick comes (4 extra seconds are from
// 2 sec delays induced by 2 triages).
expect.cronTickSequence(928953616732700780, 6, 24*time.Second)
// It causes an invocation.
// ... and so on
So(tasks.Payloads(), ShouldResembleProto, expect.Tasks)
Convey("schedule changes", func() {
// Let the TQ spin until it hits the task execution.
tasks, _, err := tq.RunSimulation(c, &tqtesting.SimulationParams{
ShouldStopBefore: func(t tqtesting.Task) bool {
_, ok := t.Payload.(*internal.LaunchInvocationTask)
return ok
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
// At this point the job's schedule changes.
updateJob("with 30s interval")
// We let the TQ spin some more.
moreTasks, _, err := tq.RunSimulation(c, &tqtesting.SimulationParams{
Deadline: epoch.Add(50 * time.Second),
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
// Here's what we expect to execute.
expect := expectedTasks{JobID: testJobID, Epoch: epoch}
// 10 sec after the job is created, a tick comes and emits a trigger.
expect.cronTickSequence(6278013164014963328, 3, 10*time.Second)
// It causes an invocation. We changed the schedule to 30s after that.
// 30 sec after it finishes, new tick comes (4 extra seconds are from
// 2 sec delays induced by 2 triages).
expect.cronTickSequence(928953616732700780, 6, 44*time.Second)
// It causes an invocation.
// Got it?
So(append(tasks, moreTasks...).Payloads(), ShouldResembleProto, expect.Tasks)
Convey("pause/unpause", func() {
// Let the TQ spin until it hits the end of task execution.
tasks, _, err := tq.RunSimulation(c, &tqtesting.SimulationParams{
ShouldStopAfter: func(t tqtesting.Task) bool {
_, ok := t.Payload.(*internal.InvocationFinishedTask)
return ok
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
// At this point we pause the job.
j, err := e.getJob(c, testJobID)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(e.setJobPausedFlag(c, j, true, "", "pause reason"), ShouldBeNil)
// The information about the pause was recorded in the entity.
job, err := e.getJob(c, testJobID)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(job.Paused, ShouldBeTrue)
So(job.PausedOrResumedWhen, ShouldEqual, clock.Now(c).UTC())
So(job.PausedOrResumedBy, ShouldEqual, identity.Identity(""))
So(job.PausedOrResumedReason, ShouldEqual, "pause reason")
// We let the TQ spin some more.
moreTasks, _, err := tq.RunSimulation(c, &tqtesting.SimulationParams{
Deadline: epoch.Add(time.Hour),
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
// Here's what we expect to execute.
expect := expectedTasks{JobID: testJobID, Epoch: epoch}
// 10 sec after the job is created, a tick comes and emits a trigger.
expect.cronTickSequence(6278013164014963328, 3, 10*time.Second)
// It causes an invocation. We pause the job after that.
// The pause kicks the triage, which later executes.
// and nothing else happens ...
// Got it?
So(append(tasks, moreTasks...).Payloads(), ShouldResembleProto, expect.Tasks)
// Some time later we unpause the job, it starts again immediately.
So(e.setJobPausedFlag(c, j, false, "", "resume reason"), ShouldBeNil)
tasks, _, err = tq.RunSimulation(c, &tqtesting.SimulationParams{
Deadline: epoch.Add(time.Hour + 10*time.Second),
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
// Did it?
expect.cronTickSequence(325298467681248558, 7, time.Hour)
So(tasks.Payloads(), ShouldResembleProto, expect.Tasks)
Convey("disabling", func() {
// Let the TQ spin until it hits the end of task execution.
tasks, _, err := tq.RunSimulation(c, &tqtesting.SimulationParams{
ShouldStopAfter: func(t tqtesting.Task) bool {
_, ok := t.Payload.(*internal.InvocationFinishedTask)
return ok
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
// At this point we disable the job.
So(e.UpdateProjectJobs(c, "project", nil), ShouldBeNil)
// We let the TQ spin some more...
moreTasks, _, err := tq.RunSimulation(c, &tqtesting.SimulationParams{
Deadline: epoch.Add(time.Hour),
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
// Here's what we expect to execute.
expect := expectedTasks{JobID: testJobID, Epoch: epoch}
// 10 sec after the job is created, a tick comes and emits a trigger.
expect.cronTickSequence(6278013164014963328, 3, 10*time.Second)
// It causes an invocation. We disable the job after that.
// Disabling kicks the triage, which later executes.
// and nothing else happens ...
// Got it?
So(append(tasks, moreTasks...).Payloads(), ShouldResembleProto, expect.Tasks)
Convey("absolute schedule", func() {
updateJob("5,10 * * * * * *") // on 5th and 10th sec
Convey("happy path", func() {
// Let the TQ spin for two full cycles.
tasks, _, err := tq.RunSimulation(c, &tqtesting.SimulationParams{
Deadline: epoch.Add(14 * time.Second),
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
// Collect the list of TQ tasks we expect to be executed.
expect := expectedTasks{JobID: testJobID, Epoch: epoch}
// 5 sec after the job is created, a tick comes and emits a trigger.
expect.cronTickSequence(6278013164014963328, 3, 5*time.Second)
// It causes an invocation.
// Next tick comes right on schedule, 10 sec after the start.
expect.cronTickSequence(2673062197574995716, 6, 10*time.Second)
// It causes an invocation.
// ... and so on
So(tasks.Payloads(), ShouldResembleProto, expect.Tasks)
Convey("overrun", func() {
// Currently cron just keeps submitting triggers that ends up in the
// pending triggers queue if there's some invocation currently running.
// Once the invocation finishes, the next one start right away (just
// like with any other kind of trigger). Overruns are not recorded.
// Simulate "long" task with timers.
mgr.launchTask = func(ctx context.Context, ctl task.Controller) error {
ctl.AddTimer(ctx, 6*time.Second, "6 sec", nil)
ctl.State().Status = task.StatusRunning
return nil
mgr.handleTimer = func(ctx context.Context, ctl task.Controller, name string, payload []byte) error {
ctl.State().Status = task.StatusSucceeded
return nil
// Let the TQ spin for two full cycles.
tasks, _, err := tq.RunSimulation(c, &tqtesting.SimulationParams{
Deadline: epoch.Add(15 * time.Second),
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
// Collect the list of TQ tasks we expect to be executed.
expect := expectedTasks{JobID: testJobID, Epoch: epoch}
// 5 sec after the job is created, a tick comes and emits a trigger.
expect.cronTickSequence(6278013164014963328, 3, 5*time.Second)
// It causes an invocation to start (and keep running).
// The next tick comes right on the schedule, but it doesn't start an
// invocation yet, just submits a trigger.
expect.cronTickSequence(2673062197574995716, 6, 10*time.Second)
// A scheduled invocation timer arrives and finishes the invocation.
expect.invocationTimer(9200093517533908688, 1, "6 sec", 7*time.Second, 13*time.Second)
// The triage detects pending cron trigger and launches a new invocation
// right away.
So(tasks.Payloads(), ShouldResembleProto, expect.Tasks)
func noopTaskBytes() []byte {
buf, _ := proto.Marshal(&messages.TaskDefWrapper{Noop: &messages.NoopTask{}})
return buf
func forceInvocation(c context.Context, e *engineImpl, jobID string) (inv *Invocation) {
err := e.jobTxn(c, jobID, func(c context.Context, job *Job, isNew bool) (err error) {
invs, err := e.enqueueInvocations(c, job, []task.Request{
if err != nil {
return err
inv = invs[0]
return nil
if err != nil {
type expectedTasks struct {
JobID string
Epoch time.Time
Tasks []protoiface.MessageV1
func (e *expectedTasks) clear() {
e.Tasks = nil
func (e *expectedTasks) triage() {
e.Tasks = append(e.Tasks, &internal.TriageJobStateTask{JobId: e.JobID})
func (e *expectedTasks) kickTriage() {
e.Tasks = append(e.Tasks, &internal.KickTriageTask{JobId: e.JobID})
func (e *expectedTasks) cronTickSequence(nonce, gen int64, when time.Duration) {
e.Tasks = append(e.Tasks,
&internal.CronTickTask{JobId: e.JobID, TickNonce: nonce},
JobId: e.JobID,
Triggers: []*internal.Trigger{
Id: fmt.Sprintf("cron:v1:%d", gen),
Created: timestamppb.New(e.Epoch.Add(when)),
Payload: &internal.Trigger_Cron{
Cron: &api.CronTrigger{Generation: gen},
func (e *expectedTasks) invocationSequence(invID int64) {
func (e *expectedTasks) invocationStart(invID int64) {
e.Tasks = append(e.Tasks,
Tasks: []*internal.LaunchInvocationTask{
{JobId: e.JobID, InvId: invID},
&internal.LaunchInvocationTask{JobId: e.JobID, InvId: invID},
func (e *expectedTasks) invocationEnd(invID int64) {
e.Tasks = append(e.Tasks, &internal.InvocationFinishedTask{JobId: e.JobID, InvId: invID})
func (e *expectedTasks) invocationTimer(invID, seq int64, title string, created, eta time.Duration) {
e.Tasks = append(e.Tasks, &internal.TimerTask{
JobId: e.JobID,
InvId: invID,
Timer: &internal.Timer{
Id: fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d:%d:0", e.JobID, invID, seq),
Title: title,
Created: timestamppb.New(e.Epoch.Add(created)),
Eta: timestamppb.New(e.Epoch.Add(eta)),