blob: 4b20df39452333e03f4c922a02480870bedd8c57 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The LUCI Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package encryptedcookies
import (
// ModuleName can be used to refer to this module when declaring dependencies.
var ModuleName = module.RegisterName("")
// ModuleOptions contain configuration of the encryptedcookies server module.
type ModuleOptions struct {
// TinkAEADKey is a "sm://..." reference to a Tink AEAD keyset to use.
// If empty, will use the primary keyset via secrets.PrimaryTinkAEAD().
TinkAEADKey string
// DiscoveryURL is an URL of the discovery document with provider's config.
DiscoveryURL string
// ClientID identifies OAuth2 Web client representing the application.
ClientID string
// ClientSecret is a "sm://..." reference to OAuth2 client secret.
ClientSecret string
// RedirectURL must be `https://<host>/auth/openid/callback`.
RedirectURL string
// SessionStoreKind can be used to pick a concrete implementation of a store.
SessionStoreKind string
// SessionStoreNamespace can be used to namespace sessions in the store.
SessionStoreNamespace string
// RequiredScopes is a list of required OAuth scopes that will be requested
// when making the OAuth authorization request, in addition to the default
// scopes (openid email profile) and the OptionalScopes.
// Existing sessions that don't have the required scopes will be closed. All
// scopes in the RequiredScopes must be in the RequiredScopes or
// OptionalScopes of other running instances of the app. Otherwise a session
// opened by other running instances could be closed immediately.
RequiredScopes stringlistflag.Flag
// OptionalScopes is a list of optional OAuth scopes that will be requested
// when making the OAuth authorization request, in addition to the default
// scopes (openid email profile) and the RequiredScopes.
// Existing sessions that don't have the optional scopes will not be closed.
// This is useful for rolling out changes incrementally. Once the new version
// takes over all the traffic, promote the optional scopes to RequiredScopes.
OptionalScopes stringlistflag.Flag
// ExposeStateEndpoint controls whether "/auth/openid/state" endpoint should
// be exposed.
// See auth.StateEndpointResponse struct for details.
// It is off by default since it can potentially make XSS vulnerabilities more
// severe by exposing OAuth and ID tokens to malicious injected code. It
// should be enabled only if the frontend code needs it and it is aware of
// XSS risks.
ExposeStateEndpoint bool
// LimitCookieExposure, if set, limits the cookie to be set only on
// "/auth/openid/" HTTP path and makes it `SameSite: strict`.
// This is useful for SPAs that exchange cookies for authentication tokens via
// fetch(...) requests to "/auth/openid/state". In this case the cookie is
// not normally used by any other HTTP handler and it makes no sense to send
// it in every request.
LimitCookieExposure bool
// Register registers the command line flags.
func (o *ModuleOptions) Register(f *flag.FlagSet) {
`An optional reference (e.g. "sm://...") to a secret with Tink AEAD keyset `+
`to use to encrypt cookies instead of the -primary-tink-aead-key.`,
`URL of the discovery document with OpenID provider's config.`,
`OAuth2 web client ID representing the application.`,
`Reference (e.g. "sm://...") to a secret with OAuth2 client secret.`,
fmt.Sprintf(`A redirect URL registered with the OpenID provider, must end with %q.`, callbackURL),
`Defines what sort of a session store to use if there's more than one available.`,
`Namespace for the sessions in the store.`,
`encrypted-cookies-required-scopes`, `Required OAuth scopes that will be requested when `+
`making the OAuth authorization request, in addition to the default `+
`scopes (openid email profile) and the optional-scopes. Existing `+
`sessions without the required scopes will be closed.`,
`encrypted-cookies-optional-scopes`, `Optional OAuth scopes that will be requested when `+
`making the OAuth authorization request, in addition to the default `+
`scopes (openid email profile) and the required-scopes. Existing `+
`sessions without the optional scopes will NOT be closed.`,
`Controls whether to expose "/auth/openid/state" endpoint.`,
`If set, assign the cookie only to "/auth/openid/" HTTP path and make it "SameSite: strict".`,
// NewModule returns a server module that configures an authentication method
// based on encrypted cookies.
func NewModule(opts *ModuleOptions) module.Module {
if opts == nil {
opts = &ModuleOptions{}
return &serverModule{opts: opts}
// NewModuleFromFlags is a variant of NewModule that initializes options through
// command line flags.
// Calling this function registers flags in flag.CommandLine. They are usually
// parsed in server.Main(...).
func NewModuleFromFlags() module.Module {
opts := &ModuleOptions{}
return NewModule(opts)
// serverModule implements module.Module.
type serverModule struct {
opts *ModuleOptions
// Name is part of module.Module interface.
func (*serverModule) Name() module.Name {
return ModuleName
// Dependencies is part of module.Module interface.
func (*serverModule) Dependencies() []module.Dependency {
deps := []module.Dependency{
for _, impl := range internal.StoreImpls() {
deps = append(deps, impl.Deps...)
return deps
// Initialize is part of module.Module interface.
func (m *serverModule) Initialize(ctx context.Context, host module.Host, opts module.HostOptions) (context.Context, error) {
// If in the dev mode and have no configuration, use a fake implementation.
if !opts.Prod && m.opts.ClientID == "" {
return ctx, m.initInDevMode(ctx, host)
// Fill in defaults.
if m.opts.DiscoveryURL == "" {
m.opts.DiscoveryURL = openid.GoogleDiscoveryURL
// Check required flags.
if m.opts.ClientID == "" {
return nil, errors.Reason("client ID is required").Err()
if m.opts.ClientSecret == "" {
return nil, errors.Reason("client secret is required").Err()
if m.opts.RedirectURL == "" {
return nil, errors.Reason("redirect URL is required").Err()
if !strings.HasSuffix(m.opts.RedirectURL, callbackURL) {
return nil, errors.Reason("redirect URL should end with %q", callbackURL).Err()
// Figure out what AEAD key to use.
var aead *secrets.AEADHandle
if m.opts.TinkAEADKey != "" {
var err error
if aead, err = secrets.LoadTinkAEAD(ctx, m.opts.TinkAEADKey); err != nil {
return nil, err
} else {
aead = secrets.PrimaryTinkAEAD(ctx)
if aead == nil {
return nil, errors.Reason("no AEAD key is configured, use either -primary-tink-aead-key or -encrypted-cookies-tink-aead-key").Err()
// Construct the session store based on a link time config and CLI flags.
sessions, err := m.initSessionStore(ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Annotate(err, "failed to initialize the session store").Err()
// Load initial values of secrets to verify they are correct. This also
// subscribes to their rotations.
cfg, err := m.loadOpenIDConfig(ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Have enough configuration to create the AuthMethod.
method := &AuthMethod{
OpenIDConfig: func(context.Context) (*OpenIDConfig, error) { return cfg.Load().(*OpenIDConfig), nil },
AEADProvider: func(context.Context) tink.AEAD { return aead.Unwrap() },
Sessions: sessions,
Insecure: !opts.Prod,
OptionalScopes: m.opts.OptionalScopes,
RequiredScopes: m.opts.RequiredScopes,
ExposeStateEndpoint: m.opts.ExposeStateEndpoint,
LimitCookieExposure: m.opts.LimitCookieExposure,
// Register it with the server guts.
warmup.Register("server/encryptedcookies", method.Warmup)
method.InstallHandlers(host.Routes(), nil)
return ctx, nil
// initSessionStore makes a store based on a link time configuration and flags.
func (m *serverModule) initSessionStore(ctx context.Context) (session.Store, error) {
impls := internal.StoreImpls()
var ids []string
for _, impl := range impls {
ids = append(ids, impl.ID)
idsStr := strings.Join(ids, ", ")
var impl internal.StoreImpl
switch {
case len(impls) == 0:
return nil, errors.Reason("no session store implementations are linked into the binary, " +
"use nameless imports to link to some").Err()
case len(impls) == 1 && m.opts.SessionStoreKind == "":
impl = impls[0] // have only one and can use it by default
case len(impls) > 1 && m.opts.SessionStoreKind == "":
return nil, errors.Reason(
"multiple session store implementations are linked into the binary, "+
"pick one explicitly: %s", idsStr).Err()
found := false
for _, impl = range impls {
if impl.ID == m.opts.SessionStoreKind {
found = true
if !found {
return nil, errors.Reason("session store implementation %q is not linked into the binary, "+
"linked implementations: %s", m.opts.SessionStoreKind, idsStr).Err()
return impl.Factory(ctx, m.opts.SessionStoreNamespace)
// loadOpenIDConfig loads the client secret and constructs OpenIDConfig with it.
// Subscribes to its rotation. Returns an atomic with the current value of
// the OpenID config (as *OpenIDConfig). It will be updated when the secret is
// rotated.
func (m *serverModule) loadOpenIDConfig(ctx context.Context) (*atomic.Value, error) {
secret, err := secrets.StoredSecret(ctx, m.opts.ClientSecret)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Annotate(err, "failed to load OAuth2 client secret").Err()
openIDConfig := func(s *secrets.Secret) *OpenIDConfig {
return &OpenIDConfig{
DiscoveryURL: m.opts.DiscoveryURL,
ClientID: m.opts.ClientID,
ClientSecret: string(s.Active),
RedirectURI: m.opts.RedirectURL,
val := &atomic.Value{}
secrets.AddRotationHandler(ctx, m.opts.ClientSecret, func(ctx context.Context, secret secrets.Secret) {
logging.Infof(ctx, "OAuth2 client secret was rotated")
return val, nil
// initInDevMode initializes a primitive fake cookie-based auth method.
// Can be used on the localhost during the development as a replacement for the
// real thing.
func (m *serverModule) initInDevMode(ctx context.Context, host module.Host) error {
method := &fakecookies.AuthMethod{LimitCookieExposure: m.opts.LimitCookieExposure}
method.InstallHandlers(host.Routes(), nil)
// fakecookies.AuthMethod can't register the state handler itself since it
// introduces module import cycle, so do it here instead. fakecookies is
// internal API of this package.
if m.opts.ExposeStateEndpoint {
authenticator := auth.Authenticator{Methods: []auth.Method{method}}
host.Routes().GET(stateURL, []router.Middleware{authenticator.GetMiddleware()}, func(ctx *router.Context) {
stateHandlerImpl(ctx, fakecookies.IsFakeCookiesSession)
method.ExposedStateEndpoint = stateURL
return nil