blob: 152a47a6de93972e18244352bf6a5c13d0824026 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The LUCI Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Package loginsessions implements Login Sessions backend that is used to
// perform interactive logins in LUCI CLI tools.
package loginsessions
import (
// ModuleName can be used to refer to this module when declaring dependencies.
var ModuleName = module.RegisterName("")
// ModuleOptions contain configuration of the login sessions server module.
type ModuleOptions struct {
// RootURL is the root URL of the login session server to use in links.
// E.g. "https://<publicly routable domain name>".
// Required for production mode.
RootURL string
// Register registers the command line flags.
func (o *ModuleOptions) Register(f *flag.FlagSet) {
"The root URL of the login session server to use in links e.g. "+
"`https://<publicly routable domain name>`. Required.",
// NewModule returns a server module that implements login sessions backend.
func NewModule(opts *ModuleOptions) module.Module {
if opts == nil {
opts = &ModuleOptions{}
return &loginSessionsModule{opts: opts}
// NewModuleFromFlags is a variant of NewModule that initializes options through
// command line flags.
// Calling this function registers flags in flag.CommandLine. They are usually
// parsed in server.Main(...).
func NewModuleFromFlags() module.Module {
opts := &ModuleOptions{}
return NewModule(opts)
// loginSessionsModule implements module.Module.
type loginSessionsModule struct {
opts *ModuleOptions
srv *loginSessionsServer
tmpl *templates.Bundle // if nil render template args as JSON (for tests)
insecureCookie bool // if true allow non-HTTPS cookie (for tests)
// Name is part of module.Module interface.
func (*loginSessionsModule) Name() module.Name {
return ModuleName
// Dependencies is part of module.Module interface.
func (*loginSessionsModule) Dependencies() []module.Dependency {
return []module.Dependency{
// For encryption of OpenIDState.
// For prod session store based on Datastore.
// For cleaning up old sessions.
// Initialize is part of module.Module interface.
func (m *loginSessionsModule) Initialize(ctx context.Context, host module.Host, opts module.HostOptions) (context.Context, error) {
var store internal.SessionStore
var provider internal.OAuthClientProvider
if opts.Prod {
if m.opts.RootURL == "" {
return nil, errors.Reason("-login-sessions-root-url is required").Err()
m.opts.RootURL = strings.TrimSuffix(m.opts.RootURL, "/")
if !strings.HasPrefix(m.opts.RootURL, "https://") {
return nil, errors.Reason("-login-sessions-root-url should start with https://, got %q", m.opts.RootURL).Err()
store = &internal.DatastoreSessionStore{}
provider = internal.AuthDBClientProvider
} else {
// Fakes for local development mode.
m.opts.RootURL = fmt.Sprintf("http://%s", host.HTTPAddr())
store = &internal.MemorySessionStore{}
provider = func(context.Context, string) (*internal.OAuthClient, error) {
return &internal.OAuthClient{
ProviderName: "Google Accounts",
AuthorizationEndpoint: internal.GoogleAuthorizationEndpoint,
}, nil
// Install the RPC server called by the CLI tools.
m.srv = &loginSessionsServer{
opts: m.opts,
store: store,
provider: provider,
loginsessionspb.RegisterLoginSessionsServer(host, m.srv)
// Load templates for the browser flow.
m.tmpl = &templates.Bundle{
Loader: templates.AssetsLoader(assets.Assets()),
DebugMode: func(context.Context) bool { return !opts.Prod },
DefaultTemplate: "base",
FuncMap: template.FuncMap{
"includeCSS": func(name string) template.CSS { return template.CSS(assets.GetAsset(name)) },
if err := m.tmpl.EnsureLoaded(ctx); err != nil {
return nil, err
// Install web routes for the browser flow.
// Install the cron handler that cleans old sessions.
cron.RegisterHandler("loginsessions-cleanup", func(ctx context.Context) error {
return ctx, nil
// installRoutes installs web routes into the router.
// Extracted into a separate function to be called from tests.
func (m *loginSessionsModule) installRoutes(r *router.Router) {
r.GET("/cli/login/:SessionID", nil, m.loginSessionPage)
r.POST("/cli/cancel", nil, m.loginCancelPage)
r.GET("/cli/confirm", nil, m.loginConfirmPageGET)
r.POST("/cli/confirm", nil, m.loginConfirmPagePOST)
// loginCookieName is a login cookie name matching the given session ID.
func (m *loginSessionsModule) loginCookieName(sessionID string) string {
return "_LUCI_CLI_LOGIN_" + sessionID
// redirectURI is a OAuth redirect URI, it must match the client configuration.
func (m *loginSessionsModule) redirectURI() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s/cli/confirm", m.opts.RootURL)
// loginSessionPage renders the starting login page and sets the login cookie.
func (m *loginSessionsModule) loginSessionPage(ctx *router.Context) {
// Check the session exists and is still in PENDING state.
session := m.pendingSessionOrRenderErr(ctx, ctx.Params.ByName("SessionID"))
if session == nil {
// Load OAuth client details to show on the page. Bail if this client is no
// longer known (this should be rare).
oauthClient, err := m.srv.provider(ctx.Request.Context(), session.OauthClientId)
switch {
case err != nil:
m.renderInternalError(ctx, "error fetching OAuth client %s: %s", session.OauthClientId, err)
case oauthClient == nil:
m.renderBadRequestError(ctx, "OAuth client %s is no longer allowed", session.OauthClientId)
// Generate a random cookie that we'll double check in the OAuth redirect to
// make sure the user actually visited our page with the scary phishing
// warnings before launching the OAuth flow through the authorization server.
loginCookieValue := internal.RandomAlphaNum(20)
// Generate `state` blob that would come back to us in the redirect URL from
// the authorization endpoint.
state, err := internal.EncryptState(ctx.Request.Context(), &statepb.OpenIDState{
LoginSessionId: session.Id,
LoginCookieValue: loginCookieValue,
if err != nil {
m.renderInternalError(ctx, "error preparing encrypted state: %s", err)
// Set the login cookie and render the initial page.
http.SetCookie(ctx.Writer, &http.Cookie{
Name: m.loginCookieName(session.Id),
Value: loginCookieValue,
Path: "/cli/",
MaxAge: int(session.Expiry.AsTime().Sub(clock.Now(ctx.Request.Context())).Seconds()),
Secure: !m.insecureCookie,
HttpOnly: true,
m.renderTemplate(ctx, http.StatusOK, "pages/start.html", templates.Args{
"Session": session,
"OAuthClient": oauthClient,
"OAuthState": state,
"OAuthRedirectParams": map[string]string{
"response_type": "code",
"scope": strings.Join(session.OauthScopes, " "),
"access_type": "offline", // want a refresh token
"prompt": "consent", // want a NEW refresh token
"client_id": session.OauthClientId,
"redirect_uri": m.redirectURI(),
"nonce": session.Id, // per Login Sessions protocol
"code_challenge": session.OauthS256CodeChallenge, // PKCE
"code_challenge_method": "S256", // PKCE
"state": state,
// sessionFromState decrypts OpenIDState, checks the login cookie, and loads and
// checks the login session is still in PENDING state.
// It renders errors directly into the response. It returns the LoginSession on
// success or nil on errors.
func (m *loginSessionsModule) sessionFromState(ctx *router.Context, stateB64 string) *statepb.LoginSession {
// Decrypt the state to get the session ID.
state, err := internal.DecryptState(ctx.Request.Context(), stateB64)
if err != nil {
m.renderInternalError(ctx, "failed to decrypt state: %s", err)
return nil
// Verify the state passed to us matches the login cookie. This ensures that
// the user saw our login page (with phishing warnings) before going through
// the authorization server redirect flow.
cookie, err := ctx.Request.Cookie(m.loginCookieName(state.LoginSessionId))
if err != nil || subtle.ConstantTimeCompare([]byte(state.LoginCookieValue), []byte(cookie.Value)) == 0 {
m.renderExpiredError(ctx, "login cookie is missing or invalid")
return nil
// Check if the session is still in PENDING state.
return m.pendingSessionOrRenderErr(ctx, state.LoginSessionId)
// pendingSessionOrRenderErr fetches a session and checks it is still pending.
// It renders errors directly into the response. It returns the LoginSession on
// success or nil on errors.
func (m *loginSessionsModule) pendingSessionOrRenderErr(ctx *router.Context, sessionID string) *statepb.LoginSession {
switch session, err :=, sessionID); {
case err == internal.ErrNoSession:
m.renderExpiredError(ctx, "no such session")
return nil
case err != nil:
m.renderInternalError(ctx, "error fetching session: %s", err)
return nil
case session.State != loginsessionspb.LoginSession_PENDING:
m.renderExpiredError(ctx, "the session is not pending, it is %s", session.State)
return nil
case clock.Now(ctx.Request.Context()).After(session.Expiry.AsTime()):
m.renderExpiredError(ctx, "the session is expired")
return nil
return session
// handleRedirectURL is called by loginConfirmPageGET and loginConfirmPagePOST
// to handle parameters passed from the authorization server via the redirect
// URL.
// It decrypts OpenIDState, checks the login cookie, loads and checks the
// login session is still in PENDING state, and check the OAuth error.
// It renders errors directly into the response. It returns the pending
// LoginSession and the authorization code on success or (nil, "") on errors.
func (m *loginSessionsModule) handleRedirectURL(ctx *router.Context) (*statepb.LoginSession, string) {
q := ctx.Request.URL.Query()
// We must have either `code` or `error` by now (but not both).
oauthCode := q.Get("code")
oauthError := q.Get("error")
switch {
case oauthCode == "" && oauthError == "":
oauthError = "unknown"
case oauthError != "":
oauthCode = ""
// If state is not available, we can at most show the error page. We don't
// know an associated session that should be updated. We can't use a login
// cookie for discovering the session since there may be multiple login
// cookies for different sessions (if there are concurrent flows or some
// cookies from previous workflows didn't expire yet).
oauthState := q.Get("state")
if oauthState == "" {
m.renderBadRequestError(ctx, "the authorization provider returned error code: %s", oauthError)
return nil, ""
// Load the session if it is still pending.
session := m.sessionFromState(ctx, oauthState)
if session == nil {
return nil, ""
// If the login failed, flip the session into FAILED state right away. There's
// no security risk in skipping checking the confirmation code in this case.
// In fact, it would be weird to ask for a confirmation code just to fail
// right after it is checked.
if oauthError != "" {
m.finalizeSession(ctx, session.Id, func(session *statepb.LoginSession) {
session.State = loginsessionspb.LoginSession_FAILED
session.OauthError = oauthError
return nil, ""
return session, oauthCode
// loginCancelPage cancels the login session and renders the corresponding page.
func (m *loginSessionsModule) loginCancelPage(ctx *router.Context) {
session := m.sessionFromState(ctx, ctx.Request.PostFormValue("state"))
if session != nil {
m.finalizeSession(ctx, session.Id, func(session *statepb.LoginSession) {
session.State = loginsessionspb.LoginSession_CANCELED
// loginConfirmPageGET renders the form that asks for the confirmation code.
// This page is the target of the redirect from the authorization server and
// it receives the OAuth authorization code as an URL parameter.
func (m *loginSessionsModule) loginConfirmPageGET(ctx *router.Context) {
// Verify the state and the cookie and check the session is in PENDING state.
if session, authorizationCode := m.handleRedirectURL(ctx); authorizationCode != "" {
// The session is still good and we got the authorization code. Ask the
// user to provide the up-to-date confirmation code before storing the
// authorization code in the session.
m.renderTemplate(ctx, http.StatusOK, "pages/confirm.html", templates.Args{
"Session": session,
"OAuthState": ctx.Request.URL.Query().Get("state"),
"BadCode": false,
// loginConfirmPagePOST handles the confirmation code entered by the user.
// All OAuth state received from the authorization server is still in URL
// parameters of this page.
func (m *loginSessionsModule) loginConfirmPagePOST(ctx *router.Context) {
// Verify the state and the cookie and check the session is in PENDING state.
session, authorizationCode := m.handleRedirectURL(ctx)
if session == nil {
// Check the provided confirmation code is a known non-expired code.
confirmationCode := ctx.Request.PostFormValue("confirmation_code")
now := clock.Now(ctx.Request.Context())
good := false
for _, code := range session.ConfirmationCodes {
if code.Expiry.AsTime().After(now) &&
subtle.ConstantTimeCompare([]byte(confirmationCode), []byte(code.Code)) == 1 {
good = true
if !good {
// Ask the user to enter another code.
m.renderTemplate(ctx, http.StatusOK, "pages/confirm.html", templates.Args{
"Session": session,
"OAuthState": ctx.Request.URL.Query().Get("state"),
"BadCode": true,
// The confirmation code is correct! Flip the session into SUCCEEDED state and
// store the authorization code in it. The polling native program will pick it
// up and finish the OAuth flow.
m.finalizeSession(ctx, session.Id, func(session *statepb.LoginSession) {
session.State = loginsessionspb.LoginSession_SUCCEEDED
session.OauthRedirectUrl = m.redirectURI()
session.OauthAuthorizationCode = authorizationCode
// finalizeSession flips the session into a final state and renders the result.
func (m *loginSessionsModule) finalizeSession(ctx *router.Context, sessionID string, cb func(*statepb.LoginSession)) {
session, err :=, sessionID, func(session *statepb.LoginSession) {
if session.State == loginsessionspb.LoginSession_PENDING {
updateExpiry(ctx.Request.Context(), session)
if session.State == loginsessionspb.LoginSession_PENDING {
if session.State == loginsessionspb.LoginSession_PENDING {
panic("the callback didn't change the state")
session.Completed = timestamppb.New(clock.Now(ctx.Request.Context()))
if err != nil {
m.renderInternalError(ctx, "failed to update the session: %s", err)
switch session.State {
case loginsessionspb.LoginSession_SUCCEEDED:
m.renderTemplate(ctx, http.StatusOK, "pages/success.html", templates.Args{"Session": session})
case loginsessionspb.LoginSession_CANCELED:
m.renderTemplate(ctx, http.StatusOK, "pages/canceled.html", templates.Args{"Session": session})
case loginsessionspb.LoginSession_FAILED:
m.renderTemplate(ctx, http.StatusOK, "pages/error.html", templates.Args{
"Error": fmt.Sprintf("The authorization provider returned error code: %s.", session.OauthError),
case loginsessionspb.LoginSession_EXPIRED:
m.renderExpiredError(ctx, "the session is in EXPIRED state")
m.renderInternalError(ctx, "unexpected session state: %s", session.State)
// renderTemplate renders an HTML template into the response.
// `args` will be mutated by adding `Template` key to it.
func (m *loginSessionsModule) renderTemplate(ctx *router.Context, status int, name string, args templates.Args) {
args["Template"] = name
if m.tmpl != nil {
// This code path is used when running for real.
ctx.Writer.Header().Add("Content-Type", "text/html; charset=utf-8")
m.tmpl.MustRender(ctx.Request.Context(), nil, ctx.Writer, name, args)
} else {
// This code path is used in tests.
ctx.Writer.Header().Add("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=utf-8")
blob, err := json.Marshal(args)
if err != nil {
_, err = ctx.Writer.Write(blob)
if err != nil {
// renderInternalError logs the error and renders generic "Internal error" page.
func (m *loginSessionsModule) renderInternalError(ctx *router.Context, msg string, args ...any) {
logging.Errorf(ctx.Request.Context(), "Internal error: "+msg, args...)
m.renderTemplate(ctx, http.StatusInternalServerError, "pages/error.html", templates.Args{
"Error": "Internal server error.",
// renderExpiredError logs the error and renders generic "Session expired" page.
func (m *loginSessionsModule) renderExpiredError(ctx *router.Context, msg string, args ...any) {
logging.Warningf(ctx.Request.Context(), "Expiry error: "+msg, args...)
m.renderTemplate(ctx, http.StatusNotFound, "pages/error.html", templates.Args{
"Error": "No such login session or it has finished or expired. Please restart the login flow from scratch.",
// renderBadRequestError logs and renders "bad argument" error page.
func (m *loginSessionsModule) renderBadRequestError(ctx *router.Context, msg string, args ...any) {
logging.Warningf(ctx.Request.Context(), "Bad request: "+msg, args...)
// Make it title case, add final '.'.
pretty := []rune(fmt.Sprintf(msg, args...))
if len(pretty) == 0 || pretty[len(pretty)-1] != '.' {
pretty = append(pretty, '.')
pretty[0] = unicode.ToTitle(pretty[0])
m.renderTemplate(ctx, http.StatusBadRequest, "pages/error.html", templates.Args{
"Error": string(pretty),
const (
// Overall limit on lifetime of a session.
sessionExpiry = 5 * time.Minute
// Lifetime of a new confirmation code.
confirmationCodeExpiryMax = 30 * time.Second
// Minimal confirmation code expiry returned by the API.
confirmationCodeExpiryMin = 5 * time.Second
// If all codes are older than this, make a new code.
confirmationCodeExpiryRefresh = 20 * time.Second
type loginSessionsServer struct {
opts *ModuleOptions
store internal.SessionStore
provider internal.OAuthClientProvider
func (srv *loginSessionsServer) CreateLoginSession(ctx context.Context, req *loginsessionspb.CreateLoginSessionRequest) (resp *loginsessionspb.LoginSession, err error) {
// Rejects attempts to use the API from a browser.
if err := checkBrowserHeaders(ctx); err != nil {
return nil, err
// Do some basic validation. No need to be super thorough, the login flow will
// fail anyway if some parameters are not recognized by the authorization
// server.
if req.OauthClientId == "" {
return nil, status.Error(codes.InvalidArgument, "OAuth client ID is required")
if len(req.OauthScopes) == 0 {
return nil, status.Error(codes.InvalidArgument, "OAuth scopes are required")
if req.OauthS256CodeChallenge == "" {
return nil, status.Errorf(codes.InvalidArgument, "OAuth code challenge is required")
// Check if this OAuth client is known to us.
switch oauthClient, err := srv.provider(ctx, req.OauthClientId); {
case err != nil:
logging.Errorf(ctx, "Internal error fetching OAuth client %s: %s", req.OauthClientId, err)
return nil, status.Errorf(codes.Internal, "internal error fetching OAuth client")
case oauthClient == nil:
return nil, status.Errorf(codes.PermissionDenied, "OAuth client %s is not allowed", req.OauthClientId)
now := clock.Now(ctx)
// Create the session in PENDING state.
session := &statepb.LoginSession{
Id: internal.RandomAlphaNum(40),
Password: internal.RandomBlob(40),
State: loginsessionspb.LoginSession_PENDING,
Created: timestamppb.New(now),
Expiry: timestamppb.New(now.Add(sessionExpiry)),
OauthClientId: req.OauthClientId,
OauthScopes: req.OauthScopes,
OauthS256CodeChallenge: req.OauthS256CodeChallenge,
ExecutableName: req.ExecutableName,
ClientHostname: req.ClientHostname,
ConfirmationCodes: []*statepb.LoginSession_ConfirmationCode{
Code: internal.RandomAlphaNum(40),
Expiry: timestamppb.New(now.Add(confirmationCodeExpiryMax)),
Refresh: timestamppb.New(now.Add(confirmationCodeExpiryRefresh)),
if err :=, session); err != nil {
logging.Errorf(ctx, "Internal error creating the session: %s", err)
return nil, status.Errorf(codes.Internal, "internal error creating the session")
// Return the session with the password.
return srv.sessionResponse(ctx, session, session.Password)
func (srv *loginSessionsServer) GetLoginSession(ctx context.Context, req *loginsessionspb.GetLoginSessionRequest) (resp *loginsessionspb.LoginSession, err error) {
// Rejects attempts to use the API from a browser.
if err := checkBrowserHeaders(ctx); err != nil {
return nil, err
if req.LoginSessionId == "" {
return nil, status.Error(codes.InvalidArgument, "session ID is required")
if len(req.LoginSessionPassword) == 0 {
return nil, status.Error(codes.InvalidArgument, "session password is required")
// Get the session or `nil` if missing.
session, err :=, req.LoginSessionId)
switch {
case err == internal.ErrNoSession:
session = nil
case err != nil:
logging.Errorf(ctx, "Internal error fetching session %s: %s", req.LoginSessionId, err)
return nil, status.Errorf(codes.Internal, "internal error fetching session")
// Treat invalid password exactly as a missing session.
badPassword := session != nil && subtle.ConstantTimeCompare(req.LoginSessionPassword, session.Password) == 0
if badPassword {
logging.Errorf(ctx, "Bad password given when fetching session %s", req.LoginSessionId)
if session == nil || badPassword {
return nil, status.Errorf(codes.NotFound, "no such session or the password is invalid")
// Perform "lazy" session updates, like moving it to EXPIRED state or updating
// confirmation codes. GetLoginSession RPC is the only way to "observe"
// a session, all time-related updates can be done lazily here, no need to do
// them proactively in crons (we still need a cron to delete old sessions, but
// that's it).
if needExpiry(ctx, session) || needUpdateCodes(ctx, session) {
session, err =, session.Id, func(session *statepb.LoginSession) {
updateExpiry(ctx, session)
updateCodes(ctx, session)
if err != nil {
logging.Errorf(ctx, "Failed to update the session: %s", err)
return nil, status.Errorf(codes.Internal, "internal error getting the session")
// Return the session without the password.
return srv.sessionResponse(ctx, session, nil)
func (srv *loginSessionsServer) sessionResponse(ctx context.Context, s *statepb.LoginSession, pwd []byte) (*loginsessionspb.LoginSession, error) {
out := &loginsessionspb.LoginSession{
Id: s.Id,
Password: pwd,
State: s.State,
Created: s.Created,
Expiry: s.Expiry,
Completed: s.Completed,
LoginFlowUrl: fmt.Sprintf("%s/cli/login/%s", srv.opts.RootURL, s.Id),
OauthAuthorizationCode: s.OauthAuthorizationCode,
OauthRedirectUrl: s.OauthRedirectUrl,
OauthError: s.OauthError,
if s.State == loginsessionspb.LoginSession_PENDING {
// If the session is "old", poll less frequently. Likely the user is away,
// no need to hammer the server. This calculation is done on the server side
// so we can change it without redeploying all clients.
var pollInterval time.Duration
if clock.Since(ctx, s.Created.AsTime()) > 2*time.Minute {
pollInterval = 5 * time.Second
} else {
pollInterval = time.Second
out.PollInterval = durationpb.New(pollInterval)
// Report only the freshest confirmation code. There's no need for the
// client to ever use an older one if there's a newer available (but we
// still store it until it really expires).
var freshest *statepb.LoginSession_ConfirmationCode
for _, code := range s.ConfirmationCodes {
if freshest == nil || code.Refresh.AsTime().After(freshest.Refresh.AsTime()) {
freshest = code
if freshest == nil {
panic("no confirmation codes available, should not be possible")
// It is possible (but unlikely) that our process was stuck for a while
// after we checked the expiry and the confirmation code is already stale.
// Return an internal error to trigger a retry. The API promises to return
// a code with lifetime at least confirmationCodeExpiryMin. Note that we
// use durations (instead of absolute timestamps) to avoid relying on global
// clock synchronization.
expiryDuration := clock.Until(ctx, freshest.Expiry.AsTime())
if expiryDuration < confirmationCodeExpiryMin {
logging.Errorf(ctx, "Internal error: the confirmation code expiry %s is too small", expiryDuration)
return nil, status.Errorf(codes.Internal, "internal error generating confirmation code")
out.ConfirmationCode = freshest.Code
out.ConfirmationCodeExpiry = durationpb.New(expiryDuration)
out.ConfirmationCodeRefresh = durationpb.New(clock.Until(ctx, freshest.Refresh.AsTime()))
return out, nil
// checkBrowserHeaders returns an error if there's a suspicion the pRPC request
// was made by a browser.
func checkBrowserHeaders(ctx context.Context) error {
md, _ := metadata.FromIncomingContext(ctx)
// Almost all browsers send "Sec-Fetch-Site" header, but pRPC client doesn't.
if len(md["sec-fetch-site"]) != 0 {
return status.Errorf(codes.PermissionDenied, "not allowed to be called from a browser")
// "Sec-Fetch-Site" is not supported at least on Safari (as of Sep 2022),
// check the "User-Agent" instead. pRPC native client is very unlikely to use
// Mozilla user agent (but most browsers, including Safari, do).
for _, ua := range md["user-agent"] {
if strings.Contains(ua, "Mozilla") {
return status.Errorf(codes.PermissionDenied, "not allowed to be called from a browser")
return nil
// needExpiry is true if the session should be flipped into EXPIRED state.
func needExpiry(ctx context.Context, session *statepb.LoginSession) bool {
return session.State == loginsessionspb.LoginSession_PENDING &&
// updateExpiry flips the session into EXPIRED state if necessary.
func updateExpiry(ctx context.Context, session *statepb.LoginSession) {
if needExpiry(ctx, session) {
session.State = loginsessionspb.LoginSession_EXPIRED
session.Completed = timestamppb.New(clock.Now(ctx))
// needUpdateCodes is true if we need to expire or generate confirmation codes.
func needUpdateCodes(ctx context.Context, session *statepb.LoginSession) bool {
if session.State != loginsessionspb.LoginSession_PENDING {
return false
now := clock.Now(ctx)
stale := true
for _, code := range session.ConfirmationCodes {
if now.After(code.Expiry.AsTime()) {
return true // this code has expired and needs to be deleted
if now.Before(code.Refresh.AsTime()) {
stale = false
// If all codes are stale need to generate a new one.
return stale
// updateCodes expires or generates confirmation codes.
func updateCodes(ctx context.Context, session *statepb.LoginSession) {
if session.State != loginsessionspb.LoginSession_PENDING {
now := clock.Now(ctx)
// Drop expired confirmation codes.
var codes []*statepb.LoginSession_ConfirmationCode
for _, code := range session.ConfirmationCodes {
if now.Before(code.Expiry.AsTime()) {
codes = append(codes, code)
} else {
logging.Infof(ctx, "Expiring old confirmation code")
// Add a new confirmation code if all codes are stale.
stale := true
for _, code := range codes {
if now.Before(code.Refresh.AsTime()) {
stale = false
if stale {
logging.Infof(ctx, "Generating new confirmation code")
codes = append(codes, &statepb.LoginSession_ConfirmationCode{
Code: internal.RandomAlphaNum(40),
Expiry: timestamppb.New(now.Add(confirmationCodeExpiryMax)),
Refresh: timestamppb.New(now.Add(confirmationCodeExpiryRefresh)),
session.ConfirmationCodes = codes