blob: 40d5320febea57108f1a21edec53c7f41354c540 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The LUCI Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
syntax = "proto3";
package internal.triggers;
option go_package = "";
import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto";
import "";
// Trigger can be emitted by the engine itself (e.g. on a schedule) or by
// triggering tasks (such as Gitiles tasks).
// One or multiple triggers are consumed to initiate a new invocation which has
// access to the properties of consumed triggers. For example, Buildbucket task
// knows about triggers produced by Gitiles tasks.
// This message is an internal representation of the trigger, as stored in
// the datastore. See also triggers.Trigger for public representation used in
// API calls.
message Trigger {
// Unique in time identifier of the trigger.
// It is used to deduplicate and hence provide idempotency for adding
// a trigger. Must be provided by whoever emits the trigger.
string id = 1;
// ID of a job that emitted this trigger or "" if emitted by the engine.
// Set by the engine, can't be overridden.
string job_id = 2;
// ID of an invocation that emitted this trigger or 0 if emitted by the
// engine.
// Set by the engine, can't be overridden.
int64 invocation_id = 3;
// Timestamp when the trigger was created.
// Can be set by whoever emits the trigger if the trigger is based on some
// external event. If not provided, the engine will set it to the current
// time.
// Together with 'order_in_batch' used for weak ordering of triggers that
// aren't directly comparable (e.g. git commits from different repositories).
// This ordering shouldn't be considered reliable.
google.protobuf.Timestamp created = 4;
// If a bunch of triggers were emitted at the same moment in time (for example
// through a single RPC or by a single invocation in a tight loop), a trigger
// with smaller 'order_in_batch' is considered to be older. Value of
// 'order_in_batch' for triggers with different 'created' timestamps are not
// comparable.
// Should be set by whoever emits the trigger if 'created' timestamp was
// supplied explicitly. Otherwise will be set by the engine based on the order
// of EmitTrigger calls done by the invocation.
// Together with 'order_in_batch' used for weak ordering of triggers that
// aren't directly comparable (e.g. git commits from different repositories).
// This ordering shouldn't be considered reliable.
int64 order_in_batch = 7;
// User friendly name for this trigger that shows up in UI.
// Can be provided by whoever emits the trigger. Doesn't have to be unique.
string title = 5;
// Optional HTTP link to display in UI.
// Can be provided by whoever emits the trigger. Doesn't have to be unique.
string url = 6;
// For triggers emitted through public API or "Trigger" button, contains
// identity of a user who submitted this trigger.
// Empty for triggers emitted by the service itself.
string emitted_by_user = 8;
// Actual trigger data that depends on type of the trigger.
oneof payload {
scheduler.CronTrigger cron = 40;
scheduler.WebUITrigger webui = 41;
scheduler.NoopTrigger noop = 50;
scheduler.GitilesTrigger gitiles = 51;
scheduler.BuildbucketTrigger buildbucket = 52;
// TriggerList is what we store in datastore entities.
message TriggerList {
repeated Trigger triggers = 1;