blob: 3ad7fffb1971bc4a9a3660c5d23c8add4cb5ade3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The LUCI Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package deps
import (
ds ""
dm ""
dmTemplate ""
func (d *deps) runEnsureGraphDepsWalk(c context.Context, req *dm.EnsureGraphDataReq, newAttempts *dm.AttemptList) (*dm.GraphData, error) {
// first lets run a query to load all of the proposed attempts.
wgreq := &dm.WalkGraphReq{
Query: dm.AttemptListQuery(newAttempts),
Limit: &dm.WalkGraphReq_Limit{
MaxDepth: 1,
MaxDataSize: req.Limit.MaxDataSize,
Include: &dm.WalkGraphReq_Include{
Quest: &dm.WalkGraphReq_Include_Options{Data: true},
Attempt: &dm.WalkGraphReq_Include_Options{
Abnormal: true,
Expired: true,
Data: true,
Result: req.Include.Attempt.Result,
if err := wgreq.Normalize(); err != nil {
qryRsp, err := doGraphWalk(c, wgreq)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if qryRsp.HadErrors {
return nil, grpcutil.Internal
return qryRsp, nil
func allFinished(gd *dm.GraphData) bool {
for _, qst := range gd.Quests {
if qst.DNE {
return false
for _, atmpt := range qst.Attempts {
if atmpt.DNE || atmpt.Data.GetFinished() == nil {
return false
return true
func filterQuestsByNewTemplateData(g *dm.GraphData, newQuests []*model.Quest) (ret []*model.Quest, quests stringset.Set) {
quests = stringset.New(0)
for _, q := range newQuests {
curQuest := g.Quests[q.ID]
if curQuest.DNE || !q.BuiltBy.EqualsData(curQuest.Data.BuiltBy) {
ret = append(ret, q)
func filterAttemptsByDNE(gd *dm.GraphData, newAttempts *dm.AttemptList, newQuestSet stringset.Set) (ret *dm.AttemptList, count int, err error) {
ret = dm.NewAttemptList(nil)
tmpAID := &dm.Attempt_ID{}
nums := &dm.AttemptList_Nums{}
for tmpAID.Quest, nums = range newAttempts.To {
if gd.Quests[tmpAID.Quest].DNE && !newQuestSet.Has(tmpAID.Quest) {
err = fmt.Errorf("cannot create attempts for absent quest %q", tmpAID.Quest)
for _, tmpAID.Id = range nums.Nums {
if gd.Quests[tmpAID.Quest].Attempts[tmpAID.Id].DNE {
func depsFromMissing(c context.Context, fwdDepKeys []*ds.Key, exists ds.BoolList) (ret *dm.AttemptList) {
ret = dm.NewAttemptList(nil)
tmpAID := &dm.Attempt_ID{}
for i, fkey := range fwdDepKeys {
if !exists[i] {
if err := tmpAID.SetDMEncoded(fkey.StringID()); err != nil {
logging.ErrorKey: err,
"FwdDep.StringID": fkey.StringID(),
}.Errorf(c, "impossible parsing error")
func journalQuestAttempts(c context.Context, newQuests []*model.Quest, newAttempts *dm.AttemptList) error {
if len(newQuests) == 0 && len(newAttempts.To) == 0 {
return nil
newAttempts = newAttempts.Dup()
muts := make([]tumble.Mutation, 0, len(newQuests)+len(newAttempts.To))
for _, q := range newQuests {
mut := &mutate.EnsureQuestAttempts{Quest: q}
if nums, ok := newAttempts.To[q.ID]; ok {
delete(newAttempts.To, q.ID)
mut.AIDs = nums.Nums
muts = append(muts, mut)
for qid, nums := range newAttempts.To {
muts = append(muts, &mutate.EnsureQuestAttempts{
Quest: &model.Quest{ID: qid},
AIDs: nums.Nums,
DoNotMergeQuest: true,
return grpcAnnotate(tumble.AddToJournal(c, muts...), codes.Internal, "attempting to journal").Err()
func (d *deps) ensureGraphData(c context.Context, req *dm.EnsureGraphDataReq, newQuests []*model.Quest, newAttempts *dm.AttemptList, rsp *dm.EnsureGraphDataRsp) (err error) {
var (
fwdDepExists *ds.ExistsResult
fwdDepKeys []*ds.Key
if req.ForExecution != nil {
fwdDepKeys = model.FwdDepKeysFromList(c, req.ForExecution.Id.AttemptID(), newAttempts)
// Do a graph walk for all of the newAttempts, and also check the existence
// of all proposed deps (if needed).
err = parallel.FanOutIn(func(gen chan<- func() error) {
gen <- func() error {
rsp.Result, err = d.runEnsureGraphDepsWalk(c, req, newAttempts)
if err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("while walking graph: %s", err)
return err
if req.ForExecution != nil {
gen <- func() (err error) {
fwdDepExists, err = ds.Exists(c, fwdDepKeys)
if err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("while finding FwdDeps: %s", err)
return err
if err != nil {
return grpcAnnotate(err, codes.Internal, "failed to gather prerequisites").Err()
// Now that we've walked the graph, prune the lists of new Quest and Attempts
// by the information retrieved in the graph walk. newQuest and newAttempts
// will be reduced to contain only the missing information.
newQuests, newQuestSet := filterQuestsByNewTemplateData(rsp.Result, newQuests)
newAttempts, newAttemptsLen, err := filterAttemptsByDNE(rsp.Result, newAttempts, newQuestSet)
if err != nil {
return grpcAnnotate(err, codes.InvalidArgument, "filterAttemptsByDNE").Err()
// we're just asserting nodes, no edges, so journal whatever's left
if req.ForExecution == nil {
logging.Fields{"qs": len(newQuests), "atmpts": newAttemptsLen}.Infof(c,
"journaling without deps")
err := journalQuestAttempts(c, newQuests, newAttempts)
rsp.Accepted = err == nil
return err
// we're asserting nodes+edges
missingDeps := depsFromMissing(c, fwdDepKeys, fwdDepExists.List(0))
// we have no missing deps, or all the attempts we want are finished already
if len(missingDeps.To) == 0 || allFinished(rsp.Result) {
// if we have new quests to journal, or deps to add, journal them.
if len(newQuests) > 0 || len(missingDeps.To) > 0 {
err = tumbleNow(c, &mutate.AddFinishedDeps{
Auth: req.ForExecution,
MergeQuests: newQuests,
FinishedAttempts: missingDeps,
rsp.Accepted = err == nil
// otherwise we're done already
rsp.Accepted = true
return nil
// not all of the attemps exist/are finished, we have to block.
rsp.Result = nil
err = tumbleNow(c, &mutate.AddDeps{
Auth: req.ForExecution,
Quests: newQuests,
// Attempts we think are missing
Attempts: newAttempts,
// Deps we think are missing (>= newAttempts)
Deps: missingDeps,
if err == nil {
rsp.Accepted = true
rsp.ShouldHalt = true
return err
type templateFile struct {
file *dmTemplate.File
version string
type templateFileCache map[string]templateFile // project => templateFile
func (cache templateFileCache) render(c context.Context, inst *dm.TemplateInstantiation) (desc *dm.Quest_Desc, vers string, err error) {
f, ok := cache[inst.Project]
if !ok {
f.file, f.version, err = dmTemplate.LoadFile(c, inst.Project)
if err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("failed to load templates %q: %s", inst.Project, err)
cache[inst.Project] = f
vers = f.version
desc, err = f.file.Render(inst.Specifier)
func renderRequest(c context.Context, req *dm.EnsureGraphDataReq) (rsp *dm.EnsureGraphDataRsp, newQuests map[string]*model.Quest, newAttempts *dm.AttemptList, err error) {
rsp = &dm.EnsureGraphDataRsp{}
setTemplateErr := func(i int, err error) bool {
if err == nil {
return false
if rsp.TemplateError == nil {
rsp.TemplateError = make([]string, len(req.TemplateQuest))
rsp.TemplateError[i] = err.Error()
return true
dists := map[string]distributor.D{}
newQuests = make(map[string]*model.Quest, len(req.Quest)+len(req.TemplateQuest))
newAttempts = proto.Clone(req.RawAttempts).(*dm.AttemptList)
if newAttempts == nil {
newAttempts = dm.NewAttemptList(nil)
reg := distributor.GetRegistry(c)
// render all quest descriptions
for i, qDesc := range req.Quest {
q := model.NewQuest(c, qDesc)
d, ok := dists[qDesc.DistributorConfigName]
if !ok {
if d, _, err = reg.MakeDistributor(c, qDesc.DistributorConfigName); err != nil {
dists[qDesc.DistributorConfigName] = d
if err = d.Validate(qDesc.DistributorParameters); err != nil {
err = grpcAnnotate(err, codes.InvalidArgument,
"JSON distributor parameters are invalid for this distributor configuration.").Err()
if _, ok := newQuests[q.ID]; !ok {
newQuests[q.ID] = q
rsp.QuestIds = append(rsp.QuestIds, dm.NewQuestID(q.ID))
anums := newAttempts.To[q.ID]
if anums == nil {
anums = &dm.AttemptList_Nums{}
newAttempts.To[q.ID] = anums
anums.Nums = append(anums.Nums, req.QuestAttempt[i].Nums...)
if err := anums.Normalize(); err != nil {
logging.Errorf(c, "impossible: these inputs were already validated: %s", err)
// render all templates and template attempts into newQuests
templateFiles := templateFileCache{}
for i := 0; i < len(req.TemplateQuest); i++ {
inst := req.TemplateQuest[i]
var vers string
var desc *dm.Quest_Desc
if desc, vers, err = templateFiles.render(c, inst); setTemplateErr(i, err) {
if setTemplateErr(i, desc.Normalize()) {
q := model.NewQuest(c, desc)
rsp.TemplateIds = append(rsp.TemplateIds, dm.NewQuestID(q.ID))
// if we have any errors going on, might as well skip the rest
if len(rsp.TemplateError) > 0 {
anums := newAttempts.To[q.ID]
anums.Nums = append(anums.Nums, req.TemplateAttempt[i].Nums...)
if err := anums.Normalize(); err != nil {
logging.WithError(err).Errorf(c, "impossible: these inputs were already validated")
toAddTemplateInfo, ok := newQuests[q.ID]
if !ok {
toAddTemplateInfo = q
newQuests[q.ID] = q
Project: inst.Project, Ref: inst.Ref, Version: vers,
Name: inst.Specifier.TemplateName})
func (d *deps) EnsureGraphData(c context.Context, req *dm.EnsureGraphDataReq) (rsp *dm.EnsureGraphDataRsp, err error) {
if req.ForExecution != nil {
logging.Fields{"execution": req.ForExecution.Id}.Infof(c, "on behalf of")
_, _, err := model.AuthenticateExecution(c, req.ForExecution)
if err != nil {
return nil, grpcAnnotate(err, codes.Unauthenticated, "bad execution auth").Err()
} else {
if err = canWrite(c); err != nil {
// render any quest descriptions, templates and template attempts into
// a single merged set of new quests and new attempts
rsp, newQuests, newAttempts, err := renderRequest(c, req)
if err != nil || len(rsp.TemplateError) > 0 {
newQuestList := make([]*model.Quest, 0, len(newQuests))
for _, q := range newQuests {
newQuestList = append(newQuestList, q)
err = d.ensureGraphData(c, req, newQuestList, newAttempts, rsp)