blob: 3b541b2d8f1a3d4ad79b7d482880566cdc28d635 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The LUCI Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package cli
import (
// printKVMs prints KVM data to stdout in tab-separated columns.
func printKVMs(tsv bool, kvms ...*crimson.KVM) {
if len(kvms) > 0 {
p := newStdoutPrinter(tsv)
defer p.Flush()
if !tsv {
p.Row("Name", "VLAN", "Platform", "Datacenter", "Rack", "Description", "MAC Address", "IP Address", "State")
for _, k := range kvms {
p.Row(k.Name, k.Vlan, k.Platform, k.Datacenter, k.Rack, k.Description, k.MacAddress, k.Ipv4, k.State)
// GetKVMsCmd is the command to get KVMs.
type GetKVMsCmd struct {
req crimson.ListKVMsRequest
// Run runs the command to get KVMs.
func (c *GetKVMsCmd) Run(app subcommands.Application, args []string, env subcommands.Env) int {
ctx := cli.GetContext(app, c, env)
client := getClient(ctx)
resp, err := client.ListKVMs(ctx, &c.req)
if err != nil {
errors.Log(ctx, err)
return 1
printKVMs(c.f.tsv, resp.Kvms...)
return 0
// getKVMsCmd returns a command to get KVMs.
func getKVMsCmd(params *Parameters) *subcommands.Command {
return &subcommands.Command{
UsageLine: "get-kvms [-name <name>]... [-vlan <id>]... [-plat <platform>]... [-rack <rack>]... [-dc <datacenter>]... [-mac <mac address>]... [-ip <ip address>]... [-state <state>]...",
ShortDesc: "retrieves KVMs",
LongDesc: "Retrieves KVMs matching the given filters, or all KVMs if filters are omitted.\n\nExample to get all KVMs:\ncrimson get-kvms\nExample to get KVMs in rack xx1:\ncrimson get-kvms -rack xx1",
CommandRun: func() subcommands.CommandRun {
cmd := &GetKVMsCmd{}
cmd.Flags.Var(flag.StringSlice(&cmd.req.Names), "name", "Name of a KVM to filter by. Can be specified multiple times.")
cmd.Flags.Var(flag.Int64Slice(&cmd.req.Vlans), "vlan", "ID of a VLAN to filter by. Can be specified multiple times.")
cmd.Flags.Var(flag.StringSlice(&cmd.req.Platforms), "plat", "Name of a platform to filter by. Can be specified multiple times.")
cmd.Flags.Var(flag.StringSlice(&cmd.req.Racks), "rack", "Name of a rack to filter by. Can be specified multiple times.")
cmd.Flags.Var(flag.StringSlice(&cmd.req.Datacenters), "dc", "Name of a datacenter to filter by. Can be specified multiple times.")
cmd.Flags.Var(flag.StringSlice(&cmd.req.MacAddresses), "mac", "MAC address to filter by. Can be specified multiple times.")
cmd.Flags.Var(flag.StringSlice(&cmd.req.Ipv4S), "ip", "IPv4 address to filter by. Can be specified multiple times.")
cmd.Flags.Var(StateSliceFlag(&cmd.req.States), "state", "State to filter by. Can be specified multiple times.")
return cmd