blob: efeace9bac381e44c2ed5147ccdb331e10c31466 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The LUCI Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package auth
import (
var (
// ErrTokenServiceNotConfigured is returned by MintDelegationToken if the
// token service URL is not configured. This usually means the corresponding
// auth service is not paired with a token server.
ErrTokenServiceNotConfigured = fmt.Errorf("auth: token service URL is not configured")
// ErrBrokenTokenService is returned by MintDelegationToken if the RPC to the
// token service succeeded, but response doesn't make sense. This should not
// generally happen.
ErrBrokenTokenService = fmt.Errorf("auth: unrecognized response from the token service")
// ErrAnonymousDelegation is returned by MintDelegationToken if it is used in
// a context of handling of an anonymous call.
// There's no identity to delegate in this case.
ErrAnonymousDelegation = fmt.Errorf("auth: can't get delegation token for anonymous user")
// ErrBadTargetHost is returned by MintDelegationToken if it receives invalid
// TargetHost parameter.
ErrBadTargetHost = fmt.Errorf("auth: invalid TargetHost (doesn't look like a hostname:port pair)")
// ErrBadTokenTTL is returned by MintDelegationToken and MintProjectToken if requested
// token lifetime is outside of the allowed range.
ErrBadTokenTTL = fmt.Errorf("auth: requested token TTL is invalid")
// ErrBadDelegationTag is returned by MintDelegationToken if some of the
// passed tags are malformed.
ErrBadDelegationTag = fmt.Errorf("auth: provided delegation tags are invalid")
const (
// MaxDelegationTokenTTL is maximum allowed token lifetime that can be
// requested via MintDelegationToken.
MaxDelegationTokenTTL = 3 * time.Hour
// DelegationTokenParams is passed to MintDelegationToken.
type DelegationTokenParams struct {
// TargetHost, if given, is hostname (with, possibly, ":port") of a service
// that the token will be sent to.
// If this parameter is used, the resulting delegation token is scoped
// only to the service at TargetHost. All other services will reject it.
// Must be set if Untargeted is false. Ignored if Untargeted is true.
TargetHost string
// Untargeted, if true, indicates that the caller is requesting a token that
// is not scoped to any particular service.
// Such token can be sent to any supported LUCI service. Only allowlisted set
// of callers have such superpower.
// If Untargeted is true, TargetHost is ignored.
Untargeted bool
// MinTTL defines an acceptable token lifetime.
// The returned token will be valid for at least MinTTL, but no longer than
// MaxDelegationTokenTTL (which is 3h).
// Default is 10 min.
MinTTL time.Duration
// Intent is a reason why the token is created.
// Used only for logging purposes on the auth service, will be indexed. Should
// be a short identifier-like string.
// Optional.
Intent string
// Tags are optional arbitrary key:value pairs embedded into the token.
// They convey circumstance of why the token is created.
// Services that accept the token may use them for additional authorization
// decisions. Please use extremely carefully, only when you control both sides
// of the delegation link and can guarantee that services involved understand
// the tags.
Tags []string
// rpcClient is token server RPC client to use.
// Mocked in tests.
rpcClient delegationTokenMinterClient
// delegationTokenMinterClient is subset of minter.TokenMinterClient we use.
type delegationTokenMinterClient interface {
MintDelegationToken(context.Context, *minter.MintDelegationTokenRequest, ...grpc.CallOption) (*minter.MintDelegationTokenResponse, error)
// delegationTokenCache is used to store delegation tokens in the cache.
// The token is stored in DelegationToken field.
var delegationTokenCache = newTokenCache(tokenCacheConfig{
Kind: "delegation",
Version: 7,
ProcessCacheCapacity: 8192,
ExpiryRandomizationThreshold: MaxDelegationTokenTTL / 10, // 10%
// MintDelegationToken returns a delegation token that can be used by the
// current service to "pretend" to be the current caller (as returned by
// CurrentIdentity(...)) when sending requests to some other LUCI service.
// The delegation token is essentially a signed assertion that the current
// service is allowed to access some other service on behalf of the current
// user.
// A token can be targeted to some single specific service or usable by any
// allowed LUCI service (aka 'untargeted'). See TargetHost and Untargeted
// fields in DelegationTokenParams.
// The token is cached internally. Same token may be returned by multiple calls,
// if its lifetime allows.
func MintDelegationToken(ctx context.Context, p DelegationTokenParams) (_ *Token, err error) {
ctx, span := tracing.Start(ctx, "",
attribute.String("", p.TargetHost),
defer func() { tracing.End(span, err) }()
report := durationReporter(ctx, mintDelegationTokenDuration)
// Validate TargetHost.
target := ""
if p.Untargeted {
target = "*"
} else {
p.TargetHost = strings.ToLower(p.TargetHost)
if strings.IndexRune(p.TargetHost, '/') != -1 {
report(ErrBadTargetHost, "ERROR_BAD_HOST")
return nil, ErrBadTargetHost
target = "https://" + p.TargetHost
// Validate TTL is sane.
if p.MinTTL == 0 {
p.MinTTL = 10 * time.Minute
if p.MinTTL < 30*time.Second || p.MinTTL > MaxDelegationTokenTTL {
report(ErrBadTokenTTL, "ERROR_BAD_TTL")
return nil, ErrBadTokenTTL
// Validate tags are sane, sort them. Don't be very pedantic with validation,
// the server will apply its more precise validation rules anyway.
tags := append([]string(nil), p.Tags...)
for _, t := range tags {
parts := strings.SplitN(t, ":", 2)
if len(parts) < 2 || parts[0] == "" || parts[1] == "" {
report(ErrBadDelegationTag, "ERROR_BAD_TAG")
return nil, ErrBadDelegationTag
// The state carries ID of the current user and URL of the token service.
state := GetState(ctx)
if state == nil {
report(ErrNotConfigured, "ERROR_NOT_CONFIGURED")
return nil, ErrNotConfigured
// Identity we want to impersonate.
userID := state.User().Identity
if userID == identity.AnonymousIdentity {
report(ErrAnonymousDelegation, "ERROR_NO_IDENTITY")
return nil, ErrAnonymousDelegation
// Grab hostname of the token service we received from the auth service. It
// will sign the token, and thus its identity is indirectly defines the
// identity of the generated token. For that reason we use it as part of the
// cache key.
tokenServiceURL, err := state.DB().GetTokenServiceURL(ctx)
switch {
case err != nil:
report(err, "ERROR_AUTH_DB")
return nil, err
case tokenServiceURL == "":
report(ErrTokenServiceNotConfigured, "ERROR_NO_TOKEN_SERVICE")
return nil, ErrTokenServiceNotConfigured
case !strings.HasPrefix(tokenServiceURL, "https://"):
// Note: this never actually happens.
logging.Errorf(ctx, "Bad token service URL: %s", tokenServiceURL)
report(ErrTokenServiceNotConfigured, "ERROR_NOT_HTTPS_TOKEN_SERVICE")
return nil, ErrTokenServiceNotConfigured
tokenServiceHost := tokenServiceURL[len("https://"):]
ctx = logging.SetFields(ctx, logging.Fields{
"token": "delegation",
"target": target,
"userID": userID,
cacheKey := fmt.Sprintf("%s\n%s\n%s\n%d\n%s",
userID, tokenServiceHost, target, len(tags), strings.Join(tags, "\n"))
cached, err, label := delegationTokenCache.fetchOrMintToken(ctx, &fetchOrMintTokenOp{
CacheKey: cacheKey,
MinTTL: p.MinTTL,
MintTimeout: getConfig(ctx).adjustedTimeout(10 * time.Second),
// Mint is called on cache miss, under the lock.
Mint: func(ctx context.Context) (t *cachedToken, err error, label string) {
// Grab a token server client (or its mock).
rpcClient := p.rpcClient
if rpcClient == nil {
transport, err := GetRPCTransport(ctx, AsSelf)
if err != nil {
return nil, err, "ERROR_NO_TRANSPORT"
rpcClient = minter.NewTokenMinterClient(&prpc.Client{
C: &http.Client{Transport: transport},
Host: tokenServiceHost,
Options: &prpc.Options{
Retry: func() retry.Iterator {
return &retry.ExponentialBackoff{
Limited: retry.Limited{
Delay: 50 * time.Millisecond,
Retries: 5,
// The actual RPC call.
resp, err := rpcClient.MintDelegationToken(ctx, &minter.MintDelegationTokenRequest{
DelegatedIdentity: string(userID),
ValidityDuration: int64(MaxDelegationTokenTTL.Seconds()),
Audience: []string{"REQUESTOR"}, // make the token usable only by the calling service
Services: []string{target},
Intent: p.Intent,
Tags: tags,
if err != nil {
err = grpcutil.WrapIfTransient(err)
if transient.Tag.In(err) {
return nil, err, "ERROR_MINTING"
// Sanity checks. A correctly working token server should not trigger them.
subtoken := resp.DelegationSubtoken
good := false
switch {
case subtoken == nil:
logging.Errorf(ctx, "No delegation_subtoken in the response")
case subtoken.Kind != messages.Subtoken_BEARER_DELEGATION_TOKEN:
logging.Errorf(ctx, "Invalid token kind: %s", subtoken.Kind)
case subtoken.ValidityDuration <= 0:
logging.Errorf(ctx, "Zero or negative validity_duration in the response")
good = true
if !good {
return nil, ErrBrokenTokenService, "ERROR_BROKEN_TOKEN_SERVICE"
// Log details about the new token.
"fingerprint": tokenFingerprint(resp.Token),
"subtokenID": subtoken.SubtokenId,
"validity": time.Duration(subtoken.ValidityDuration) * time.Second,
}.Debugf(ctx, "Minted new delegation token")
now := clock.Now(ctx).UTC()
exp := now.Add(time.Duration(subtoken.ValidityDuration) * time.Second)
return &cachedToken{
Created: now,
Expiry: exp,
DelegationToken: resp.Token,
report(err, label)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &Token{
Token: cached.DelegationToken,
Expiry: cached.Expiry,
}, nil