blob: b6abccac9da839c29e2e673ce6090ecb59a1c3fa [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The LUCI Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package authdb
import (
// SnapshotDB implements DB using AuthDB proto message.
// Use NewSnapshotDB to create new instances. Don't touch public fields
// of existing instances.
// Zero value represents an empty AuthDB.
type SnapshotDB struct {
AuthServiceURL string // where it was fetched from
Rev int64 // its revision number
groups *graph.QueryableGraph // queryable representation of groups
realms *realmset.Realms // queryable representation of realms
clientIDs oauthid.Whitelist // set of allowed client IDs
whitelistedIPs ipaddr.Whitelist // set of named IP whitelists
securityCfg *seccfg.SecurityConfig // parsed SecurityConfig proto
tokenServiceURL string // URL of the token server as provided by Auth service
tokenServiceCerts certs.Bundle // cached public keys of the token server
var _ DB = &SnapshotDB{}
// Revision returns a revision of an auth DB or 0 if it can't be determined.
// It's just a small helper that casts db to *SnapshotDB and extracts the
// revision from there.
func Revision(db DB) int64 {
if snap, _ := db.(*SnapshotDB); snap != nil {
return snap.Rev
return 0
// SnapshotDBFromTextProto constructs SnapshotDB by loading it from a text proto
// with AuthDB message.
func SnapshotDBFromTextProto(r io.Reader) (*SnapshotDB, error) {
blob, err := ioutil.ReadAll(r)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Annotate(err, "failed to read the file").Err()
msg := &protocol.AuthDB{}
if err := proto.UnmarshalText(string(blob), msg); err != nil {
return nil, errors.Annotate(err, "not a valid AuthDB text proto file").Err()
db, err := NewSnapshotDB(msg, "", 0, true)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Annotate(err, "failed to validate AuthDB").Err()
return db, nil
// NewSnapshotDB creates new instance of SnapshotDB.
// It does some preprocessing to speed up subsequent checks. Returns errors if
// it encounters inconsistencies.
// If 'validate' is false, skips some expensive validation steps, assuming they
// were performed before, when AuthDB was initially received.
func NewSnapshotDB(authDB *protocol.AuthDB, authServiceURL string, rev int64, validate bool) (*SnapshotDB, error) {
if validate {
if err := validateAuthDB(authDB); err != nil {
return nil, err
groups, err := graph.BuildQueryable(authDB.Groups)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Annotate(err, "failed to build groups graph").Err()
var realms *realmset.Realms
if authDB.Realms != nil {
realms, err = realmset.Build(authDB.Realms, groups)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Annotate(err, "failed to prepare Realms DB").Err()
ipWL, err := ipaddr.NewWhitelist(authDB.IpWhitelists, authDB.IpWhitelistAssignments)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Annotate(err, "bad IP whitelists in AuthDB").Err()
securityCfg, err := seccfg.Parse(authDB.SecurityConfig)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Annotate(err, "bad SecurityConfig").Err()
return &SnapshotDB{
AuthServiceURL: authServiceURL,
Rev: rev,
groups: groups,
realms: realms,
clientIDs: oauthid.NewWhitelist(authDB.OauthClientId, authDB.OauthAdditionalClientIds),
whitelistedIPs: ipWL,
securityCfg: securityCfg,
tokenServiceURL: authDB.TokenServerUrl,
tokenServiceCerts: certs.Bundle{ServiceURL: authDB.TokenServerUrl},
}, nil
// IsAllowedOAuthClientID returns true if the given OAuth2 client ID can be used
// to authorize access from the given email.
func (db *SnapshotDB) IsAllowedOAuthClientID(_ context.Context, email, clientID string) (bool, error) {
return db.clientIDs.IsAllowedOAuthClientID(email, clientID), nil
// IsInternalService returns true if the given hostname belongs to a service
// that is a part of the current LUCI deployment.
// What hosts are internal is controlled by 'internal_service_regexp' setting
// in security.cfg in the Auth Service configs.
func (db *SnapshotDB) IsInternalService(c context.Context, hostname string) (bool, error) {
if db.securityCfg != nil {
return db.securityCfg.IsInternalService(hostname), nil
return false, nil
// IsMember returns true if the given identity belongs to any of the groups.
// Unknown groups are considered empty. May return errors if underlying
// datastore has issues.
func (db *SnapshotDB) IsMember(c context.Context, id identity.Identity, groups []string) (bool, error) {
if db.groups == nil {
return false, nil
_, span := trace.StartSpan(c, "")
span.Attribute("", strings.Join(groups, ", "))
defer span.End(nil)
// TODO(vadimsh): Optimize multi-group case.
for _, gr := range groups {
if db.groups.IsMember(id, gr) {
return true, nil
return false, nil
// CheckMembership returns groups from the given list the identity belongs to.
// Unlike IsMember, it doesn't stop on the first hit but continues evaluating
// all groups.
// Unknown groups are considered empty. The order of groups in the result may
// be different from the order in 'groups'.
// May return errors if underlying datastore has issues.
func (db *SnapshotDB) CheckMembership(c context.Context, id identity.Identity, groups []string) (out []string, err error) {
if db.groups == nil {
_, span := trace.StartSpan(c, "")
span.Attribute("", strings.Join(groups, ", "))
defer span.End(nil)
// TODO(vadimsh): Optimize multi-group case.
for _, gr := range groups {
if db.groups.IsMember(id, gr) {
out = append(out, gr)
// HasPermission returns true if the identity has the given permission in any
// of the realms.
func (db *SnapshotDB) HasPermission(c context.Context, id identity.Identity, perm realms.Permission, realm string) (ok bool, err error) {
_, span := trace.StartSpan(c, "")
span.Attribute("", perm.Name())
span.Attribute("", realm)
defer func() { span.End(err) }()
// This may happen if the AuthDB proto has no Realms yet.
if db.realms == nil {
return false, errors.Reason("Realms API is not available").Err()
permIdx, ok := db.realms.PermissionIndex(perm)
if !ok {
logging.Warningf(c, "Checking permission %q not present in the AuthDB", perm)
return false, nil
// Verify such realm is defined in the DB or fallback to its @root.
if !db.realms.HasRealm(realm) {
if err := realms.ValidateRealmName(realm, realms.GlobalScope); err != nil {
return false, errors.Annotate(err, "when checking %q", perm).Err()
project, name := realms.Split(realm)
root := realms.Join(project, realms.RootRealm)
if realm == root {
logging.Warningf(c, "Checking %q in a non-existing root realm %q: denying", perm, realm)
return false, nil
if !db.realms.HasRealm(root) {
logging.Warningf(c, "Checking %q in a non-existing realm %q that doesn't have a root realm (no such project?): denying", perm, realm)
return false, nil
// Don't log @legacy => @root fallbacks, they are semi-expected.
if name != realms.LegacyRealm {
logging.Warningf(c, "Checking %q in a non-existing realm %q: falling back to the root realm %q", perm, realm, root)
realm = root
// For the given <realm, permission> pair, get indexes of groups with
// principals that have the permission (if any) and a set of identities
// mentioned in the realm ACL explicitly (not via a group).
switch groups, idents := db.realms.QueryAuthorized(realm, permIdx); {
case idents.Has(string(id)):
return true, nil // `id` was granted the permission explicitly in the ACL
case db.groups.IsMemberOfAny(id, groups):
return true, nil // `id` has the permission through a group
return false, nil
// GetCertificates returns a bundle with certificates of a trusted signer.
// Currently only the Token Server is a trusted signer.
func (db *SnapshotDB) GetCertificates(c context.Context, signerID identity.Identity) (*signing.PublicCertificates, error) {
if db.tokenServiceURL == "" {
c, "Delegation is not supported, the token server URL is not set by %s",
return nil, nil
switch tokenServerID, certs, err := db.tokenServiceCerts.GetCerts(c); {
case err != nil:
return nil, err
case signerID != tokenServerID:
return nil, nil // signerID is not trusted since it's not a token server
return certs, nil
// GetWhitelistForIdentity returns name of the IP whitelist to use to check
// IP of requests from given `ident`.
// It's used to restrict access for certain account to certain IP subnets.
// Returns ("", nil) if `ident` is not IP restricted.
func (db *SnapshotDB) GetWhitelistForIdentity(c context.Context, ident identity.Identity) (string, error) {
return db.whitelistedIPs.GetWhitelistForIdentity(ident), nil
// IsInWhitelist returns true if IP address belongs to given named IP whitelist.
// IP whitelist is a set of IP subnets. Unknown IP whitelists are considered
// empty. May return errors if underlying datastore has issues.
func (db *SnapshotDB) IsInWhitelist(c context.Context, ip net.IP, whitelist string) (bool, error) {
return db.whitelistedIPs.IsInWhitelist(ip, whitelist), nil
// GetAuthServiceURL returns root URL ("https://<host>") of the auth service
// the snapshot was fetched from.
// This is needed to implement authdb.DB interface.
func (db *SnapshotDB) GetAuthServiceURL(c context.Context) (string, error) {
if db.AuthServiceURL == "" {
return "", errors.Reason("not using Auth Service").Err()
return db.AuthServiceURL, nil
// GetTokenServiceURL returns root URL ("https://<host>") of the token server.
// This is needed to implement authdb.DB interface.
func (db *SnapshotDB) GetTokenServiceURL(c context.Context) (string, error) {
return db.tokenServiceURL, nil
// GetRealmData returns data attached to a realm.
func (db *SnapshotDB) GetRealmData(ctx context.Context, realm string) (*protocol.RealmData, error) {
// This may happen if the AuthDB proto has no Realms yet.
if db.realms == nil {
return nil, errors.Reason("Realms API is not available").Err()
// Verify such realm is defined in the DB or fallback to its @root.
if !db.realms.HasRealm(realm) {
if err := realms.ValidateRealmName(realm, realms.GlobalScope); err != nil {
return nil, err
project, _ := realms.Split(realm)
root := realms.Join(project, realms.RootRealm)
if realm == root || !db.realms.HasRealm(root) {
return nil, nil // no such project or it doesn't have realms.cfg
realm = root
data := db.realms.Data(realm)
if data == nil {
data = &protocol.RealmData{}
return data, nil