blob: 75ef81db212fe15f4ed22cee4d927d909b1cb3e8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The LUCI Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package model
import (
apipb ""
configpb ""
// TaskRequest contains a user request to execute a task.
// Key ID is a decreasing integer based on time plus some randomness on lower
// order bits. See NewTaskRequestID for the complete gory details.
// This entity is immutable.
type TaskRequest struct {
// Extra are entity properties that didn't match any declared ones below.
// Should normally be empty.
Extra datastore.PropertyMap `gae:"-,extra"`
// Key is derived based on time and randomness.
// It is normally serialized into a hex string. See TaskRequestKey.
Key *datastore.Key `gae:"$key"`
// TxnUUID is used internally to make the transaction that creates TaskRequest
// idempotent.
// Just a randomly generated string. Should not be used for anything else.
// Should not show up anywhere.
TxnUUID string `gae:"txn_uuid,noindex"`
// TaskSlices defines what to run.
// Each slice defines what to run and where. Slices are attempted one after
// another, until some ends up running on a bot. If an attempt to schedule
// a particular slice fails (i.e. there are no bots matching requested
// dimensions or the slice sits queued for too long and expires), the next
// slice is scheduled in its place.
// This is primarily used to requests bots with "hot" caches before falling
// back on more generic bots.
TaskSlices []TaskSlice `gae:"task_slices,lsp,noindex"`
// Created is a timestamp when this request was registered.
// The index is used in BQ exports and when cleaning up old tasks.
Created time.Time `gae:"created_ts"`
// Expiration is when to give up trying to run the task.
// If the task request is not scheduled by this moment, it will be aborted
// with EXPIRED status. This value always matches Expiration of the last
// TaskSlice.
// TODO(vadimsh): Why is it stored separately at all?
Expiration time.Time `gae:"expiration_ts,noindex"`
// Name of this task request as provided by the caller. Only for description.
Name string `gae:"name,noindex"`
// ParentTaskID is set when this task was created from another task.
// This is packed TaskToRun ID of an attempt that launched this task or null
// if this task doesn't have a parent.
// The index is used to find children of a particular parent task to cancel
// them when the parent task dies.
ParentTaskID datastore.Nullable[string, datastore.Indexed] `gae:"parent_task_id"`
// RootTaskID identifies the task run that started the tree of Swarming tasks.
// If a new task doesn't have a parent, this is unset. Otherwise if the parent
// task has RootTaskID, this value is used in the new task. Otherwise
// ParentTaskID itself is used.
// That way all tasks from the same task tree (except the root one itself)
// will have RootTaskID populated.
// This is used in BQ exported. Not clear if anyone actually consumes this
// information.
RootTaskID string `gae:"root_task_id,noindex"`
// Authenticated is an identity that triggered this task.
// Derived from the caller credentials.
Authenticated identity.Identity `gae:"authenticated,noindex"`
// What user to "blame" for this task.
// Can be arbitrary, not asserted by any credentials.
User string `gae:"user,noindex"`
// Tags classify this task in some way.
// This is a generated property. This property contains both the tags
// specified by the user and the tags from every TaskSlice.
Tags []string `gae:"tags,noindex"`
// ManualTags are tags that are provided by the user.
// This is used to regenerate the list of tags for TaskResultSummary based on
// the actual TaskSlice used.
ManualTags []string `gae:"manual_tags,noindex"`
// ServiceAccount indicates what credentials the task uses when calling other
// services.
// Possible values are: `none`, `bot` or `<email>`.
ServiceAccount string `gae:"service_account,noindex"`
// Realm is task's realm controlling who can see and cancel this task.
// Missing for internally generated tasks such as termination tasks.
Realm string `gae:"realm,noindex"`
// RealmsEnabled is a legacy flag that should always be True.
// TODO(vadimsh): Get rid of it when Python code is no more.
RealmsEnabled bool `gae:"realms_enabled,noindex"`
// SchedulingAlgorithm is a scheduling algorithm set in pools.cfg at the time
// the request was created.
// TODO(vadimsh): This does nothing for RBE pools.
SchedulingAlgorithm configpb.Pool_SchedulingAlgorithm `gae:"scheduling_algorithm,noindex"`
// Priority of the this task.
// A lower number means higher priority.
Priority int64 `gae:"priority,noindex"`
// BotPingToleranceSecs is a maximum delay between bot pings before the bot is
// considered dead while running a task.
// TODO(vadimsh): Why do this per-task instead of per-pool or even hardcoded?
BotPingToleranceSecs int64 `gae:"bot_ping_tolerance_secs,noindex"`
// RBEInstance is an RBE instance to send the task to or "" to use Swarming
// native scheduler.
// Initialized when creating a task based on pools.cfg config.
RBEInstance string `gae:"rbe_instance,noindex"`
// PubSubTopic is a topic to send a task completion notification to.
PubSubTopic string `gae:"pubsub_topic,noindex"`
// PubSubAuthToken is a secret token to send as `auth_token` PubSub message
// attribute.
PubSubAuthToken string `gae:"pubsub_auth_token,noindex"`
// PubSubUserData is data to send in `userdata` field of PubSub messages.
PubSubUserData string `gae:"pubsub_userdata,noindex"`
// ResultDBUpdateToken is the ResultDB invocation's update token for the task
// run that was created for this request.
// This is empty if the task was deduplicated or if ResultDB integration was
// not enabled for this task.
ResultDBUpdateToken string `gae:"resultdb_update_token,noindex"`
// ResultDB is ResultDB integration configuration for this task.
ResultDB ResultDBConfig `gae:"resultdb,lsp,noindex"`
// HasBuildTask is true if the TaskRequest has an associated BuildTask.
HasBuildTask bool `gae:"has_build_task,noindex"`
// LegacyProperties is no longer used.
LegacyProperties LegacyProperty `gae:"properties"`
// LegacyHasBuildToken is no longer used.
LegacyHasBuildToken LegacyProperty `gae:"has_build_token"`
// Pool is the pool the task wants to run in.
func (p *TaskRequest) Pool() string {
pool, ok := p.TaskSlices[0].Properties.Dimensions["pool"]
if !ok || len(pool) == 0 {
return ""
return pool[0]
// BotID is a specific bot the task wants to run on, if any.
func (p *TaskRequest) BotID() string {
botID, ok := p.TaskSlices[0].Properties.Dimensions["id"]
if !ok || len(botID) == 0 {
return ""
return botID[0]
// TaskAuthInfo is information about the task for ACL checks.
func (p *TaskRequest) TaskAuthInfo() acls.TaskAuthInfo {
return acls.TaskAuthInfo{
TaskID: RequestKeyToTaskID(p.Key, AsRequest),
Realm: p.Realm,
Pool: p.Pool(),
BotID: p.BotID(),
Submitter: p.Authenticated,
// TaskSlice defines where and how to run the task and when to give up.
// The task will fallback from one slice to the next until it finds a matching
// bot.
// This entity is not saved in the DB as a standalone entity, instead it is
// embedded in a TaskRequest, unindexed.
// This entity is immutable.
type TaskSlice struct {
// Extra are entity properties that didn't match any declared ones below.
// Should normally be empty.
Extra datastore.PropertyMap `gae:"-,extra"`
// Properties defines where and how to run the task.
// If a task is marked as an idempotent (see TaskProperties), property values
// are hashed in a reproducible way and the final hash is used to find a
// previously succeeded task that has the same properties.
Properties TaskProperties `gae:"properties,lsp"`
// PropertiesHash is a precalculated hash of properties.
// Populated when the task is scheduled. It is used for task deduplication and
// in BQ exports.
PropertiesHash []byte `gae:"properties_hash,noindex"`
// ExpirationSecs defines how long the slice can sit in a pending queue.
// If this task slice is not scheduled by this moment, the next one will be
// enqueued instead.
ExpirationSecs int64 `gae:"expiration_secs"`
// WaitForCapacity is a legacy flag that does nothing, always false now.
// TODO(vadimsh): Remove it when no longer referenced
WaitForCapacity bool `gae:"wait_for_capacity"`
// ToProto returns an apipb.TaskSlice version of the TaskSlice.
func (p *TaskSlice) ToProto() *apipb.TaskSlice {
ts := &apipb.TaskSlice{
ExpirationSecs: int32(p.ExpirationSecs),
WaitForCapacity: p.WaitForCapacity,
if properties := p.Properties.ToProto(); properties != nil {
ts.Properties = properties
return ts
// TaskProperties defines where and how to run the task.
// This entity is not saved in the DB as a standalone entity, instead it is
// embedded in a TaskSlice, unindexed.
// This entity is immutable.
type TaskProperties struct {
// Extra are entity properties that didn't match any declared ones below.
// Should normally be empty.
Extra datastore.PropertyMap `gae:"-,extra"`
// Idempotent, if true, means it is OK to skip running this task if there's
// already a successful task with the same properties hash.
// The results of such previous task will be reused as results of this task.
Idempotent bool `gae:"idempotent"`
// Dimensions are used to match this task to a bot.
// This is conceptually a set of `(key, value1 | value2 | ...)` pairs, each
// defining some constraint on a matching bot. For a bot to match the task,
// it should satisfy all constraints.
// For a bot to match a single `(key, value1 | value2| ...)` constraint, bot's
// value for dimension `key` should be equal to `value1` or `value2` and so
// on.
Dimensions TaskDimensions `gae:"dimensions"`
// ExecutionTimeoutSecs is the maximum duration the bot can take to run this
// task.
// It's also known as `hard_timeout` in the bot code.
ExecutionTimeoutSecs int64 `gae:"execution_timeout_secs"`
// GracePeriodSecs is the time between sending SIGTERM and SIGKILL when the
// task times out.
// As soon as the ask reaches its execution timeout, the task process is sent
// SIGTERM. The process should clean up and terminate. If it is still running
// after GracePeriodSecs, it gets killed via SIGKILL.
GracePeriodSecs int64 `gae:"grace_period_secs"`
// IOTimeoutSecs controls how soon to consider a "silent" process to be stuck.
// If a subprocess doesn't output new data to stdout for IOTimeoutSecs,
// consider the task timed out. Optional.
IOTimeoutSecs int64 `gae:"io_timeout_secs"`
// Command is a command line to run.
Command []string `gae:"command"`
// RelativeCwd is a working directory relative to the task root to run
// the command in.
RelativeCwd string `gae:"relative_cwd"`
// Env is environment variables to set when running the task process.
Env Env `gae:"env"`
// EnvPrefixes is environment path prefix variables.
// E.g. if a `PATH` key has values `[a, b]`, then the final `PATH` env var
// will be `a;b;$PATH` (where `;` is a platforms' env path separator).
EnvPrefixes EnvPrefixes `gae:"env_prefixes"`
// Caches defines what named caches to mount.
Caches []CacheEntry `gae:"caches,lsp"`
// CASInputRoot is a digest of the input root uploaded to RBE-CAS.
// This MUST be digest of `build.bazel.remote.execution.v2.Directory`.
CASInputRoot CASReference `gae:"cas_input_root,lsp"`
// CIPDInput defines what CIPD packages to install.
CIPDInput CIPDInput `gae:"cipd_input,lsp"`
// Outputs is a list of extra outputs to upload to RBE-CAS as task results.
// If empty, only files written to `${ISOLATED_OUTDIR}` will be returned.
// Otherwise, the files in this list will be added to those in that directory.
Outputs []string `gae:"outputs"`
// HasSecretBytes, if true, means there's a SecretBytes entity associated with
// the parent TaskRequest.
HasSecretBytes bool `gae:"has_secret_bytes"`
// Containment defines what task process containment mechanism to use.
// Not really implemented currently.
Containment Containment `gae:"containment,lsp"`
// LegacyInputsRef is no longer used.
LegacyInputsRef LegacyProperty `gae:"inputs_ref"`
// ToProto converts TaskProperties to apipb.TaskProperties.
func (p *TaskProperties) ToProto() *apipb.TaskProperties {
if reflect.DeepEqual(*p, TaskProperties{}) {
return nil
caches := make([]*apipb.CacheEntry, len(p.Caches))
for i, cache := range p.Caches {
caches[i] = cache.ToProto()
taskProperties := &apipb.TaskProperties{
Caches: caches,
CipdInput: p.CIPDInput.ToProto(),
Command: p.Command,
RelativeCwd: p.RelativeCwd,
Dimensions: p.Dimensions.ToProto(),
Env: p.Env.ToProto(),
EnvPrefixes: p.EnvPrefixes.ToProto(),
ExecutionTimeoutSecs: int32(p.ExecutionTimeoutSecs),
GracePeriodSecs: int32(p.GracePeriodSecs),
Idempotent: p.Idempotent,
CasInputRoot: p.CASInputRoot.ToProto(),
IoTimeoutSecs: int32(p.IOTimeoutSecs),
Outputs: p.Outputs,
Containment: p.Containment.ToProto(),
if p.HasSecretBytes {
taskProperties.SecretBytes = []byte("<REDACTED>")
return taskProperties
// CacheEntry describes a named cache that should be present on the bot.
type CacheEntry struct {
// Name is a logical cache name.
Name string `gae:"name"`
// Path is where to mount it relative to the task root directory.
Path string `gae:"path"`
// ToProto converts CacheEntry to apipb.CacheEntry.
func (p *CacheEntry) ToProto() *apipb.CacheEntry {
if p.Name == "" && p.Path == "" {
return nil
return &apipb.CacheEntry{
Name: p.Name,
Path: p.Path,
// CASReference described where to fetch input files from.
type CASReference struct {
// CASInstance is a full name of RBE-CAS instance.
CASInstance string `gae:"cas_instance"`
// Digest identifies the root tree to fetch.
Digest CASDigest `gae:"digest,lsp"`
// ToProto converts CASReference to apipb.CASReference.
func (p *CASReference) ToProto() *apipb.CASReference {
if p.CASInstance == "" && p.Digest.Hash == "" && p.Digest.SizeBytes == 0 {
return nil
return &apipb.CASReference{
CasInstance: p.CASInstance,
Digest: p.Digest.ToProto(),
// CASDigest represents an RBE-CAS blob's digest.
// Is is a representation of build.bazel.remote.execution.v2.Digest. See
type CASDigest struct {
// Hash is blob's hash digest as a hex string.
Hash string `gae:"hash"`
// SizeBytes is the blob size.
SizeBytes int64 `gae:"size_bytes"`
// ToProto converts CASDigest to apipb.CASDigest.
func (p *CASDigest) ToProto() *apipb.Digest {
if p.Hash == "" {
return nil
return &apipb.Digest{
Hash: p.Hash,
SizeBytes: p.SizeBytes,
// CIPDInput specifies which CIPD client and packages to install.
type CIPDInput struct {
// Server is URL of the CIPD server (including "https://" schema).
Server string `gae:"server"`
// ClientPackage defines a version of the CIPD client to use.
ClientPackage CIPDPackage `gae:"client_package,lsp"`
// Packages is a list of packages to install.
Packages []CIPDPackage `gae:"packages,lsp"`
// IsPopulated returns true if the struct carries some data.
func (p *CIPDInput) IsPopulated() bool {
return p.Server != "" || p.ClientPackage.PackageName != "" || len(p.Packages) != 0
// ToProto converts CIPDInput to apipb.CIPDInput.
func (p *CIPDInput) ToProto() *apipb.CipdInput {
if !p.IsPopulated() {
return nil
packages := make([]*apipb.CipdPackage, len(p.Packages))
for i, pkg := range p.Packages {
packages[i] = pkg.ToProto()
return &apipb.CipdInput{
Server: p.Server,
ClientPackage: p.ClientPackage.ToProto(),
Packages: packages,
// CIPDPackage defines a CIPD package to install into the task directory.
type CIPDPackage struct {
// PackageName is a package name template (e.g. may include `${platform}`).
PackageName string `gae:"package_name"`
// Version is a package version to install.
Version string `gae:"version"`
// Path is a path relative to the task directory where to install the package.
Path string `gae:"path"`
// ToProto converts CIPDPackage to apipb.CipdPackage.
func (p *CIPDPackage) ToProto() *apipb.CipdPackage {
if p.PackageName == "" {
return nil
return &apipb.CipdPackage{
PackageName: p.PackageName,
Version: p.Version,
Path: p.Path,
// Containment describes the task process containment.
type Containment struct {
ContainmentType apipb.Containment_ContainmentType `gae:"containment_type"`
LowerPriority bool `gae:"lower_priority"`
LimitProcesses int64 `gae:"limit_processes"`
LimitTotalCommittedMemory int64 `gae:"limit_total_committed_memory"`
// ToProto converts Containment struct to apipb.Containment
func (p *Containment) ToProto() *apipb.Containment {
if p.ContainmentType == 0 {
return nil
return &apipb.Containment{
ContainmentType: p.ContainmentType,
// ResultDBConfig is ResultDB integration configuration for a task.
type ResultDBConfig struct {
// Enable indicates if the task should have ResultDB invocation.
// If True and this task is not deduplicated, create
// "task-{swarming_hostname}-{run_id}" invocation for this task, provide its
// update token to the task subprocess via LUCI_CONTEXT and finalize the
// invocation when the task is done.
// If the task is deduplicated, then TaskResult.InvocationName will be the
// invocation name of the original task.
Enable bool `gae:"enable"`
// ToProto converts ResultDBConfig struct to apipb.ResultDBCfg.
func (p *ResultDBConfig) ToProto() *apipb.ResultDBCfg {
return &apipb.ResultDBCfg{
Enable: p.Enable,
// SecretBytes defines an optional secret byte string logically defined within
// TaskRequest.
// Stored separately for size and data-leakage reasons. All task slices reuse
// the same secret bytes (which is an implementation artifact, not a desired
// property). If a task slice uses secret bytes, it has HasSecretBytes == true.
type SecretBytes struct {
// Extra are entity properties that didn't match any declared ones below.
// Should normally be empty.
Extra datastore.PropertyMap `gae:"-,extra"`
// Key identifies the task and its concrete slice.
// See SecretBytesKey.
Key *datastore.Key `gae:"$key"`
// SecretBytes is the actual secret bytes blob.
SecretBytes []byte `gae:"secret_bytes,noindex"`
// SecretBytesKey constructs SecretBytes key given a TaskRequest key.
func SecretBytesKey(ctx context.Context, taskReq *datastore.Key) *datastore.Key {
return datastore.NewKey(ctx, "SecretBytes", "", 1, taskReq)
// TaskRequestID defines a mapping between request's idempotency ID and task ID.
// It is a root-level entity. Used to make sure at most one TaskRequest entity
// is created per the given request ID.
type TaskRequestID struct {
// Extra are entity properties that didn't match any declared ones below.
// Should normally be empty.
Extra datastore.PropertyMap `gae:"-,extra"`
// Key is derived from the request ID.
// See TaskRequestIDKey.
Key *datastore.Key `gae:"$key"`
// TaskID is a packed TaskResultSummary key identifying TaskRequest matching
// this request ID.
// Use TaskRequestKey(...) to get the actual datastore key from it.
TaskID string `gae:"task_id,noindex"`
// ExpireAt is when this entity should be removed from the datastore.
// This is used by a TTL policy:
ExpireAt time.Time `gae:"expire_at,noindex"`
// TaskRequestIDKey constructs a top-level TaskRequestID key.
func TaskRequestIDKey(ctx context.Context, requestID string) *datastore.Key {
return datastore.NewKey(ctx, "TaskRequestID", requestID, 0, nil)
// TaskDimensions defines requirements for a bot to match a task.
// Stored in JSON form in the datastore.
type TaskDimensions map[string][]string
// ToProperty stores the value as a JSON-blob property.
func (p *TaskDimensions) ToProperty() (datastore.Property, error) {
return ToJSONProperty(p)
// FromProperty loads a JSON-blob property.
func (p *TaskDimensions) FromProperty(prop datastore.Property) error {
return FromJSONProperty(prop, p)
// ToProto converts TaskDimensions to []*apipb.StringPair
func (p *TaskDimensions) ToProto() []*apipb.StringPair {
if len(*p) == 0 {
return nil
td := []*apipb.StringPair{}
for k, v := range *p {
for _, val := range v {
td = append(td, &apipb.StringPair{
Key: k,
Value: val,
return td
// Env is a list of `(key, value)` pairs with environment variables to set.
// Stored in JSON form in the datastore.
type Env map[string]string
// ToProperty stores the value as a JSON-blob property.
func (p *Env) ToProperty() (datastore.Property, error) {
return ToJSONProperty(p)
// FromProperty loads a JSON-blob property.
func (p *Env) FromProperty(prop datastore.Property) error {
return FromJSONProperty(prop, p)
// ToProto converts Env to []*apipb.StringPair
func (p *Env) ToProto() []*apipb.StringPair {
if len(*p) == 0 {
return nil
sp := []*apipb.StringPair{}
for k, v := range *p {
sp = append(sp, &apipb.StringPair{
Key: k,
Value: v,
return sp
// EnvPrefixes is a list of `(key, []value)` pairs with env prefixes to add.
// Stored in JSON form in the datastore.
type EnvPrefixes map[string][]string
// ToProperty stores the value as a JSON-blob property.
func (p *EnvPrefixes) ToProperty() (datastore.Property, error) {
return ToJSONProperty(p)
// FromProperty loads a JSON-blob property.
func (p *EnvPrefixes) FromProperty(prop datastore.Property) error {
return FromJSONProperty(prop, p)
// ToProto converts EnvPrefixes to []*apipb.StringListPair
func (p EnvPrefixes) ToProto() []*apipb.StringListPair {
return MapToStringListPair((map[string][]string)(p), true)
// NewTaskRequestID generates an ID for a new task.
func NewTaskRequestID(ctx context.Context) int64 {
panic("not implemented")