blob: 4ab027871e78d9b332742f1d1604e3ff6fbd898c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The LUCI Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
syntax = "proto3";
package buildbucket.v2;
option go_package = ";buildbucketpb";
import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto";
import "google/protobuf/struct.proto";
import "";
import "";
// A single build, identified by an int64 id.
// Belongs to a builder.
// RPC: see Builds service for build creation and retrieval.
// Some Build fields are marked as excluded from responses by default.
// Use build_fields request field to specify that a field must be included.
// BigQuery: this message also defines schema of a BigQuery table of completed builds.
// A BigQuery row is inserted soon after build ends, i.e. a row represents a state of
// a build at completion time and does not change after that.
// All fields are included.
message Build {
// Defines what to build/test.
message Input {
// Arbitrary JSON object. Available at build run time.
// RPC: By default, this field is excluded from responses.
// V1 equivalent: corresponds to "properties" key in "parameters_json".
google.protobuf.Struct properties = 1;
// The Gitiles commit to run against.
// Usually present in CI builds, set by LUCI Scheduler.
// If not present, the build may checkout "refs/heads/master".
// NOT a blamelist.
// V1 equivalent: supersedes "revision" property and "buildset"
// tag that starts with "commit/gitiles/".
GitilesCommit gitiles_commit = 2;
// Gerrit patchsets to run against.
// Usually present in tryjobs, set by CQ, Gerrit, git-cl-try.
// Applied on top of gitiles_commit if specified, otherwise tip of the tree.
// V1 equivalent: supersedes patch_* properties and "buildset"
// tag that starts with "patch/gerrit/".
repeated GerritChange gerrit_changes = 3;
// If true, the build does not affect prod. In recipe land, runtime.is_experimental will
// return true and recipes should not make prod-visible side effects.
// By default, experimental builds are not surfaced in RPCs, PubSub
// notifications (unless it is callback), and reported in metrics / BigQuery tables
// under a different name.
// See also include_experimental fields to in request messages.
bool experimental = 5;
// Output of the build script / recipe.
message Output {
// Arbitrary JSON object produced by the build.
// V1 equivalent: corresponds to "properties" key in
// "result_details_json".
// In V1 output properties are not populated until build ends.
google.protobuf.Struct properties = 1;
// Human-oriented summary of the build provided by the build itself,
// in Markdown format (
// BigQuery: excluded from rows.
string summary_markdown = 2;
// Build checked out and executed on this commit.
// Should correspond to Build.Input.gitiles_commit.
// May be present even if Build.Input.gitiles_commit is not set, for example
// in cron builders.
// V1 equivalent: this supersedes all got_revision output property.
GitilesCommit gitiles_commit = 3;
reserved 5; // view_url
// Identifier of the build, unique per LUCI deployment.
// IDs are monotonically decreasing.
int64 id = 1;
// Required. The builder this build belongs to.
// Tuple (builder.project, builder.bucket) defines build ACL
// which may change after build has ended.
BuilderID builder = 2;
// Human-oriented identifier of the build with the following properties:
// - unique within the builder
// - a monotonically increasing number
// - mostly contiguous
// - much shorter than id
// Caution: populated (positive number) iff build numbers were enabled
// in the builder configuration at the time of build creation.
// Caution: Build numbers are not guaranteed to be contiguous.
// There may be gaps during outages.
// Caution: Build numbers, while monotonically increasing, do not
// necessarily reflect source-code order. For example, force builds
// or rebuilds can allocate new, higher, numbers, but build an older-
// than-HEAD version of the source.
int32 number = 3;
// Verified identity which created this build.
string created_by = 4;
// When the build was created.
google.protobuf.Timestamp create_time = 6;
// When the build started.
// Required iff status is STARTED, SUCCESS or FAILURE.
google.protobuf.Timestamp start_time = 7;
// When the build ended.
// Present iff status is terminal.
// MUST NOT be before start_time.
google.protobuf.Timestamp end_time = 8;
// When the build was most recently updated.
// RPC: can be > end_time if, e.g. new tags were attached to a completed
// build.
google.protobuf.Timestamp update_time = 9;
// Status of the build.
// Must be specified, i.e. not STATUS_UNSPECIFIED.
// RPC: Responses have most current status.
// BigQuery: Final status of the build. Cannot be SCHEDULED or STARTED.
Status status = 12;
// Explanation of the current status.
oneof status_reason {
// Why status is INFRA_FAILURE.
InfraFailureReason infra_failure_reason = 13;
// Why status is CANCELED.
CancelReason cancel_reason = 14;
// Input to the build script / recipe.
Input input = 15;
// Output of the build script / recipe.
// SHOULD depend only on input field and NOT other fields.
// RPC: By default, this field is excluded from responses.
// Updated while the build is running and finalized when the build ends.
Output output = 16;
// Current list of build steps.
// Updated as build runs.
// RPC: By default, this field is excluded from responses.
repeated Step steps = 17;
// Build infrastructure used by the build.
// RPC: By default, this field is excluded from responses.
BuildInfra infra = 18;
// Arbitrary annotations for the build.
// One key may have multiple values, which is why this is not a map<string,string>.
// Indexed by the server, see also BuildFilter.tags.
repeated StringPair tags = 19;
// Explains why status is CANCELED.
message CancelReason {
// Human-oriented reasoning.
string message = 1;
// Verified identity who canceled this build.
string canceled_by = 2;
// Explains why status is INFRA_FAILURE.
message InfraFailureReason {
// Human-oriented explanation of the infrastructure failure.
string message = 1;
// Indicates that the failure was due to a resource exhaustion / quota denial.
bool resource_exhaustion = 2;
// Build infrastructure that was used for a particular build.
message BuildInfra {
// Buildbucket-specific information, captured at the build creation time.
message Buildbucket {
// Version of swarming task template. Defines
// versions of kitchen, git, git wrapper, python, vpython, etc.
string service_config_revision = 2;
// Whether canary version of the swarming task template was used for this
// build.
bool canary = 4;
// Swarming-specific information.
message Swarming {
// Swarming hostname, e.g. "".
// Populated at the build creation time.
string hostname = 1;
// Swarming task id.
// Not guaranteed to be populated at the build creation time.
string task_id = 2;
// Task service account email address.
// This is the service account used for all authenticated requests by the
// build.
string task_service_account = 3;
// Priority of the task. The lower the more important.
// Valid values are [1..255].
int32 priority = 4;
// Swarming dimensions for the task.
repeated StringPair task_dimensions = 5;
// Swarming dimensions of the bot used for the task.
repeated StringPair bot_dimensions = 6;
// LogDog-specific information.
message LogDog {
// LogDog hostname, e.g. "".
string hostname = 1;
// LogDog project, e.g. "chromium".
// Typically matches Build.builder.project.
string project = 2;
// A slash-separated path prefix shared by all logs and artifacts of this
// build.
// No other build can have the same prefix.
// Can be used to discover logs and/or load log contents.
// Can be used to construct URL of a page that displays stdout/stderr of all
// steps of a build. In pseudo-JS:
// q_stdout = `${project}/${prefix}/+/**/stdout`;
// q_stderr = `${project}/${prefix}/+/**/stderr`;
// url = `https://${host}/v/?s=${urlquote(q_stdout)}&s=${urlquote(q_stderr)}`;
string prefix = 3;
// Recipe-specific information.
message Recipe {
// CIPD package name containing the recipe used to run this build.
string cipd_package = 1;
// Name of the recipe used to run this build.
string name = 2;
Buildbucket buildbucket = 1;
Swarming swarming = 2;
LogDog logdog = 3;
Recipe recipe = 4;
// Identifies a builder.
// Canonical string representation: “{project}/{bucket}/{builder}”.
message BuilderID {
// Project ID, e.g. "chromium". Unique within a LUCI deployment.
string project = 1;
// Bucket name, e.g. "try". Unique within the project.
// Together with project, defines an ACL.
string bucket = 2;
// Builder name, e.g. "linux-rel". Unique within the bucket.
string builder = 3;