blob: adce3795b662d46b1c695805a83f2c2250e17595 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The LUCI Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package cloud
import (
ds ""
. ""
func mkProperties(index bool, forceMulti bool, vals ...interface{}) ds.PropertyData {
indexSetting := ds.ShouldIndex
if !index {
indexSetting = ds.NoIndex
if len(vals) == 1 && !forceMulti {
var prop ds.Property
prop.SetValue(vals[0], indexSetting)
return prop
result := make(ds.PropertySlice, len(vals))
for i, v := range vals {
result[i].SetValue(v, indexSetting)
return result
func mkp(vals ...interface{}) ds.PropertyData { return mkProperties(true, false, vals...) }
func mkpNI(vals ...interface{}) ds.PropertyData { return mkProperties(false, false, vals...) }
// shouldBeUntypedNil asserts that actual is nil, with a nil type pointer
// For example:
func shouldBeUntypedNil(actual interface{}, _ ...interface{}) string {
if actual == nil {
return ""
return fmt.Sprintf(`Expected: (%T, %v)
Actual: (%T, %v)`, nil, nil, actual, actual)
func TestBoundDatastore(t *testing.T) {
Convey("boundDatastore", t, func() {
bds := &boundDatastore{}
Convey("*datastore.Entity", func() {
ent := &datastore.Entity{
Key: &datastore.Key{
ID: 1,
Kind: "kind",
Properties: []datastore.Property{
Name: "bool",
Value: true,
Name: "entity",
Value: &datastore.Entity{
Properties: []datastore.Property{
Name: "[]byte",
NoIndex: true,
Value: []byte("byte"),
Name: "[]interface",
NoIndex: true,
Value: []interface{}{"interface"},
Name: "geopoint",
NoIndex: true,
Value: datastore.GeoPoint{
Lat: 1,
Lng: 1,
Name: "float64",
Value: 1.0,
Name: "int64",
Value: int64(1),
Name: "key",
Value: &datastore.Key{
ID: 2,
Kind: "kind",
Name: "string",
Value: "string",
Name: "time",
Value: ds.RoundTime(testclock.TestRecentTimeUTC),
pm := ds.PropertyMap{
"__key__": ds.MkProperty(bds.kc.NewKey("kind", "", 1, nil)),
"bool": ds.MkProperty(true),
"entity": ds.MkProperty(ds.PropertyMap{
"[]byte": ds.MkPropertyNI([]byte("byte")),
"[]interface": ds.PropertySlice{
"geopoint": ds.MkPropertyNI(ds.GeoPoint{Lat: 1, Lng: 1}),
"float64": ds.MkProperty(1.0),
"int64": ds.MkProperty(int64(1)),
"key": ds.MkProperty(bds.kc.NewKey("kind", "", 2, nil)),
"string": ds.MkProperty("string"),
"time": ds.MkProperty(ds.RoundTime(testclock.TestRecentTimeUTC)),
Convey("gaeEntityToNative", func() {
So(bds.gaeEntityToNative(pm), ShouldResemble, ent)
Convey("nativeEntityToGAE", func() {
So(bds.nativeEntityToGAE(ent), ShouldResemble, pm)
Convey("gaeEntityToNative, nativeEntityToGAE", func() {
So(bds.nativeEntityToGAE(bds.gaeEntityToNative(pm)), ShouldResemble, pm)
Convey("nativeEntityToGAE, gaeEntityToNative", func() {
So(bds.gaeEntityToNative(bds.nativeEntityToGAE(ent)), ShouldResemble, ent)
// TestDatastore tests the cloud datastore implementation.
// Run the emulator:
// $ gcloud beta emulators datastore start
// Export the DATASTORE_EMULATOR_HOST environment variable, which the above
// command printed. By default:
// $ export DATASTORE_EMULATOR_HOST=localhost:8080
// If the emulator environment is not detected, this test will be skipped.
func TestDatastore(t *testing.T) {
// See if an emulator is running. If no emulator is running, we will skip this
// test suite.
emulatorHost := os.Getenv("DATASTORE_EMULATOR_HOST")
if emulatorHost == "" {
t.Logf("No emulator detected (DATASTORE_EMULATOR_HOST). Skipping test suite.")
Convey(fmt.Sprintf(`A cloud installation using datastore emulator %q`, emulatorHost), t, func() {
c := context.Background()
client, err := datastore.NewClient(c, "luci-gae-test")
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
defer client.Close()
testTime := ds.RoundTime(time.Date(2016, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC))
_ = testTime
cfg := Config{ProjectID: "luci-gae-test", DS: client}
c = cfg.Use(c, nil)
Convey(`Supports namespaces`, func() {
namespaces := []string{"foo", "bar", "baz"}
// Clear all used entities from all namespaces.
for _, ns := range namespaces {
nsCtx := info.MustNamespace(c, ns)
keys := make([]*ds.Key, len(namespaces))
for i := range keys {
keys[i] = ds.MakeKey(nsCtx, "Test", i+1)
So(errors.Filter(ds.Delete(nsCtx, keys), ds.ErrNoSuchEntity), ShouldBeNil)
// Put one entity per namespace.
for i, ns := range namespaces {
nsCtx := info.MustNamespace(c, ns)
pmap := ds.PropertyMap{"$kind": mkp("Test"), "$id": mkp(i + 1), "Value": mkp(i)}
So(ds.Put(nsCtx, pmap), ShouldBeNil)
// Make sure that entity only exists in that namespace.
for _, ns := range namespaces {
nsCtx := info.MustNamespace(c, ns)
for i := range namespaces {
pmap := ds.PropertyMap{"$kind": mkp("Test"), "$id": mkp(i + 1)}
err := ds.Get(nsCtx, pmap)
if namespaces[i] == ns {
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
} else {
So(err, ShouldEqual, ds.ErrNoSuchEntity)
Convey(`In a clean random testing namespace`, func() {
// Enter a namespace for this round of tests.
randNamespace := make([]byte, 32)
if _, err := rand.Read(randNamespace); err != nil {
c = info.MustNamespace(c, fmt.Sprintf("testing-%s", hex.EncodeToString(randNamespace)))
// Execute a kindless query to clear the namespace.
q := ds.NewQuery("").KeysOnly(true)
var allKeys []*ds.Key
So(ds.GetAll(c, q, &allKeys), ShouldBeNil)
So(ds.Delete(c, allKeys), ShouldBeNil)
Convey(`Can allocate an ID range`, func() {
var keys []*ds.Key
keys = append(keys, ds.NewIncompleteKeys(c, 10, "Bar", ds.MakeKey(c, "Foo", 12))...)
keys = append(keys, ds.NewIncompleteKeys(c, 10, "Baz", ds.MakeKey(c, "Foo", 12))...)
seen := map[string]struct{}{}
So(ds.AllocateIDs(c, keys), ShouldBeNil)
for _, k := range keys {
So(k.IsIncomplete(), ShouldBeFalse)
seen[k.String()] = struct{}{}
So(ds.AllocateIDs(c, keys), ShouldBeNil)
for _, k := range keys {
So(k.IsIncomplete(), ShouldBeFalse)
_, ok := seen[k.String()]
So(ok, ShouldBeFalse)
Convey(`Can get, put, and delete entities`, func() {
// Put: "foo", "bar", "baz".
put := []ds.PropertyMap{
{"$kind": mkp("test"), "$id": mkp("foo"), "Value": mkp(1337)},
{"$kind": mkp("test"), "$id": mkp("bar"), "Value": mkp(42)},
{"$kind": mkp("test"), "$id": mkp("baz"), "Value": mkp(0xd065)},
So(ds.Put(c, put), ShouldBeNil)
delete(put[0], "$key")
delete(put[1], "$key")
delete(put[2], "$key")
// Delete: "bar".
So(ds.Delete(c, ds.MakeKey(c, "test", "bar")), ShouldBeNil)
// Get: "foo", "bar", "baz"
get := []ds.PropertyMap{
{"$kind": mkp("test"), "$id": mkp("foo")},
{"$kind": mkp("test"), "$id": mkp("bar")},
{"$kind": mkp("test"), "$id": mkp("baz")},
err := ds.Get(c, get)
So(err, ShouldHaveSameTypeAs, errors.MultiError(nil))
merr := err.(errors.MultiError)
So(len(merr), ShouldEqual, 3)
So(merr[0], ShouldBeNil)
So(merr[1], ShouldEqual, ds.ErrNoSuchEntity)
So(merr[2], ShouldBeNil)
// put[1] will not be retrieved (delete)
put[1] = get[1]
So(get, ShouldResemble, put)
Convey(`Can put and get all supported entity fields.`, func() {
put := ds.PropertyMap{
"$id": mkpNI("foo"),
"$kind": mkpNI("FooType"),
"Number": mkp(1337),
"String": mkpNI("hello"),
"Bytes": mkp([]byte("world")),
"Time": mkp(testTime),
"Float": mkpNI(3.14),
"Key": mkp(ds.MakeKey(c, "Parent", "ParentID", "Child", 1337)),
"Null": mkp(nil),
"NullSlice": mkp(nil, nil),
"ComplexSlice": mkp(1337, "string", []byte("bytes"), testTime, float32(3.14),
float64(2.71), true, nil, ds.MakeKey(c, "SomeKey", "SomeID")),
"Single": mkp("single"),
"SingleSlice": mkProperties(true, true, "single"), // Force a single "multi" value.
"EmptySlice": ds.PropertySlice(nil),
So(ds.Put(c, put), ShouldBeNil)
delete(put, "$key")
get := ds.PropertyMap{
"$id": mkpNI("foo"),
"$kind": mkpNI("FooType"),
So(ds.Get(c, get), ShouldBeNil)
So(get, ShouldResemble, put)
Convey(`Can Get empty []byte slice as nil`, func() {
put := ds.PropertyMap{
"$id": mkpNI("foo"),
"$kind": mkpNI("FooType"),
"Empty": mkp([]byte(nil)),
"Nilly": mkp([]byte{}),
get := ds.PropertyMap{
"$id": put["$id"],
"$kind": put["$kind"],
exp := put.Clone()
exp["Nilly"] = mkp([]byte(nil))
So(ds.Put(c, put), ShouldBeNil)
So(ds.Get(c, get), ShouldBeNil)
So(get, ShouldResemble, exp)
Convey(`With several entities installed`, func() {
So(ds.Put(c, []ds.PropertyMap{
{"$kind": mkp("Test"), "$id": mkp("foo"), "FooBar": mkp(true)},
{"$kind": mkp("Test"), "$id": mkp("bar"), "FooBar": mkp(true)},
{"$kind": mkp("Test"), "$id": mkp("baz")},
{"$kind": mkp("Test"), "$id": mkp("qux")},
{"$kind": mkp("Test"), "$id": mkp("quux"), "$parent": mkp(ds.MakeKey(c, "Test", "baz"))},
{"$kind": mkp("Test"), "$id": mkp("quuz"), "$parent": mkp(ds.MakeKey(c, "Test", "baz"))},
}), ShouldBeNil)
q := ds.NewQuery("Test")
Convey(`Can query for entities with FooBar == true.`, func() {
var results []ds.PropertyMap
q = q.Eq("FooBar", true)
So(ds.GetAll(c, q, &results), ShouldBeNil)
So(results, ShouldResemble, []ds.PropertyMap{
{"$key": mkpNI(ds.MakeKey(c, "Test", "bar")), "FooBar": mkp(true)},
{"$key": mkpNI(ds.MakeKey(c, "Test", "foo")), "FooBar": mkp(true)},
Convey(`Can query for entities whose __key__ > "baz".`, func() {
var results []ds.PropertyMap
q = q.Gt("__key__", ds.MakeKey(c, "Test", "baz"))
So(ds.GetAll(c, q, &results), ShouldBeNil)
So(results, ShouldResemble, []ds.PropertyMap{
{"$key": mkpNI(ds.MakeKey(c, "Test", "baz", "Test", "quux"))},
{"$key": mkpNI(ds.MakeKey(c, "Test", "baz", "Test", "quuz"))},
{"$key": mkpNI(ds.MakeKey(c, "Test", "foo")), "FooBar": mkp(true)},
{"$key": mkpNI(ds.MakeKey(c, "Test", "qux"))},
Convey(`Can query for entities whose ancestor is "baz".`, func() {
var results []ds.PropertyMap
q := ds.NewQuery("Test").Ancestor(ds.MakeKey(c, "Test", "baz"))
So(ds.GetAll(c, q, &results), ShouldBeNil)
So(results, ShouldResemble, []ds.PropertyMap{
{"$key": mkpNI(ds.MakeKey(c, "Test", "baz"))},
{"$key": mkpNI(ds.MakeKey(c, "Test", "baz", "Test", "quux"))},
{"$key": mkpNI(ds.MakeKey(c, "Test", "baz", "Test", "quuz"))},
Convey(`Can transactionally get and put.`, func() {
err := ds.RunInTransaction(c, func(c context.Context) error {
pmap := ds.PropertyMap{"$kind": mkp("Test"), "$id": mkp("qux")}
if err := ds.Get(c, pmap); err != nil {
return err
pmap["ExtraField"] = mkp("Present!")
return ds.Put(c, pmap)
}, nil)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
pmap := ds.PropertyMap{"$kind": mkp("Test"), "$id": mkp("qux")}
err = ds.RunInTransaction(c, func(c context.Context) error {
return ds.Get(c, pmap)
}, nil)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(pmap, ShouldResemble, ds.PropertyMap{"$kind": mkp("Test"), "$id": mkp("qux"), "ExtraField": mkp("Present!")})
Convey(`Can fail in a transaction with no effect.`, func() {
testError := errors.New("test error")
noTxnPM := ds.PropertyMap{"$kind": mkp("Test"), "$id": mkp("no txn")}
err := ds.RunInTransaction(c, func(c context.Context) error {
So(ds.CurrentTransaction(c), ShouldNotBeNil)
pmap := ds.PropertyMap{"$kind": mkp("Test"), "$id": mkp("quux")}
if err := ds.Put(c, pmap); err != nil {
return err
// Put an entity outside of the transaction so we can confirm that
// it was added even when the transaction fails.
if err := ds.Put(ds.WithoutTransaction(c), noTxnPM); err != nil {
return err
return testError
}, nil)
So(err, ShouldEqual, testError)
// Confirm that noTxnPM was added.
So(ds.CurrentTransaction(c), shouldBeUntypedNil)
So(ds.Get(c, noTxnPM), ShouldBeNil)
pmap := ds.PropertyMap{"$kind": mkp("Test"), "$id": mkp("quux")}
err = ds.RunInTransaction(c, func(c context.Context) error {
return ds.Get(c, pmap)
}, nil)
So(err, ShouldEqual, ds.ErrNoSuchEntity)