blob: 7b278b45b6988e57203595c9289e49298cf81153 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The LUCI Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package tumble
import (
const (
// baseName is the base tumble name. It is also the name of the tumble task
// queue and settings dict.
baseName = "tumble"
// Config is the set of tweakable things for tumble. If you use something other
// than the defaults (e.g. unset values), you must ensure that all aspects of
// your application use the same config.
// The JSON annotations are for settings module storage (see settings.go).
type Config struct {
// NumShards is the number of tumble shards that will process concurrently.
// It defaults to 32.
NumShards uint64 `json:"numShards,omitempty"`
// NumGoroutines is the number of gorountines that will process in parallel
// in a single shard. Each goroutine will process exactly one root entity.
// It defaults to 16.
NumGoroutines int `json:"numGoroutines,omitempty"`
// TemporalMinDelay is the minimum number of seconds to wait before the
// task queue entry for a given shard will run. It defaults to 1 second.
TemporalMinDelay clockflag.Duration `json:"temporalMinDelay,omitempty"`
// TemporalRoundFactor is the number of seconds to batch together in task
// queue tasks. It defaults to 4 seconds.
TemporalRoundFactor clockflag.Duration `json:"temporalRoundFactor,omitempty"`
// ProcessLoopDuration is the maximum lifetime of a process loop. A process
// batch will refrain from re-entering its loop after this much time has
// elapsed.
// This is not a hard termination boundary. If a loop round starts before
// ProcessLoopDuration has been reached, it will be permitted to continue past
// the duration.
// If this is <= 0, the process will loop at most once.
ProcessLoopDuration clockflag.Duration `json:"processLoopDuration,omitempty"`
// DustSettleTimeout is the amount of time to wait in between mutation
// processing iterations.
// This should be chosen as a compromise between higher expectations of the
// eventually-consistent datastore and task processing latency.
DustSettleTimeout clockflag.Duration `json:"dustSettleTimeout,omitempty"`
// MaxNoWorkDelay is the maximum amount of time to wait in between mutation
// processing iterations when there was no work the previous iteration.
// When no work has been done, each round will begin by waiting
// DustSettleTimeout seconds (minimum of 1 second). If no work was done that
// round, this will continue to exponentially grow each successive no-work
// round until capped at MaxNoWorkDelay. If work is encountered during any
// round, the delay is reset.
// If MaxNoWorkDelay is <= 0, the delay will continue exponentially growing
// until the shard terminates.
// This should be chosen as a compromise between higher expectations of the
// eventually-consistent datastore and task processing latency.
MaxNoWorkDelay clockflag.Duration `json:"MaxNoWorkDelay,omitempty"`
// NoWorkDelayGrowth is the exponential growth factor for the delay in
// between processing loop rounds when no work was done.
// If NoWorkDelayGrowth is <= 1, a growth factor of 1 will be used.
NoWorkDelayGrowth int `json:"NoWorkDelayGrowth,omitempty"`
// ProcessMaxBatchSize is the number of mutations that each processor
// goroutine will attempt to include in each commit.
// It defaults to 128. A negative value means no limit.
ProcessMaxBatchSize int `json:"processMaxBatchSize,omitempty"`
// DelayedMutations enables the 'DelayedMutation' mutation subtype.
// If you set this to true, you MUST also add the second index mentioned
// in the package docs.
DelayedMutations bool `json:"delayedMutations,omitempty"`
func (c *Config) TotalShardCount(namespace string) uint64 {
// HACK(hinoka): This namespace requires a lot more shards than your average
// namespace.
if namespace == "luci.chromium" {
return 64
return c.NumShards
// defaultConfig returns the default configuration settings.
var defaultConfig = Config{
NumShards: 32,
TemporalMinDelay: clockflag.Duration(time.Second),
TemporalRoundFactor: clockflag.Duration(4 * time.Second),
// The AppEngine timeout for backend instances is 10 minutes.
// Set this to less than half of that by default to allow for a large margin.
ProcessLoopDuration: clockflag.Duration(4*time.Minute + 30*time.Second),
DustSettleTimeout: clockflag.Duration(2 * time.Second),
MaxNoWorkDelay: clockflag.Duration(2 * time.Second), // == DustSettleTimeout
NoWorkDelayGrowth: 3,
NumGoroutines: 16,
ProcessMaxBatchSize: 128,
// getConfig returns the current configuration.
// It first tries to load it from settings. If no settings is installed, or if
// there is no configuration in settings, defaultConfig is returned.
func getConfig(c context.Context) *Config {
cfg := Config{}
switch err := settings.Get(c, baseName, &cfg); err {
case nil:
case settings.ErrNoSettings:
// Defaults.
cfg = defaultConfig
panic(fmt.Errorf("could not fetch Tumble settings - %s", err))
return &cfg