blob: ee1f3e30901e6397d8875626ad60681a0c7ac565 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The LUCI Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Package memlock allows multiple appengine handlers to coordinate best-effort
// mutual execution via memcache. "best-effort" here means "best-effort"...
// memcache is not reliable. However, colliding on memcache is a lot cheaper
// than, for example, colliding with datastore transactions.
package memlock
import (
mc ""
// ErrFailedToLock is returned from TryWithLock when it fails to obtain a lock
// prior to invoking the user-supplied function.
var ErrFailedToLock = errors.New("memlock: failed to obtain lock")
// ErrEmptyClientID is returned from TryWithLock when you specify an empty
// clientID.
var ErrEmptyClientID = errors.New("memlock: empty clientID")
// memlockKeyPrefix is the memcache Key prefix for all user-supplied keys.
const memlockKeyPrefix = "memlock:"
type checkOp string
// var so we can override it in the tests
var delay = time.Second
type testStopCBKeyType int
var testStopCBKey testStopCBKeyType
const (
release checkOp = "release"
refresh = "refresh"
// memcacheLockTime is the expiration time of the memcache entry. If the lock
// is correctly released, then it will be released before this time. It's a
// var so we can override it in the tests.
var memcacheLockTime = 16 * time.Second
// TryWithLock attempts to obtains the lock once, and then invokes f if
// successful. The context provided to f will be canceled (e.g. ctx.Done() will
// be closed) if memlock detects that we've lost the lock.
// TryWithLock function returns ErrFailedToLock if it fails to obtain the lock,
// otherwise returns the error that f returns.
// `key` is the memcache key to use (i.e. the name of the lock). Clients locking
// the same data must use the same key. clientID is the unique identifier for
// this client (lock-holder). If it's empty then TryWithLock() will return
// ErrEmptyClientID.
// Note that the lock provided by TryWithLock is a best-effort lock... some
// other form of locking or synchronization should be used inside of f (such as
// Datastore transactions) to ensure that f is, in fact, operating exclusively.
// The purpose of TryWithLock is to have a cheap filter to prevent unnecessary
// contention on heavier synchronization primitives like transactions.
func TryWithLock(ctx context.Context, key, clientID string, f func(context.Context) error) error {
if len(clientID) == 0 {
return ErrEmptyClientID
log := logging.Get(
logging.SetFields(ctx, logging.Fields{
"key": key,
"clientID": clientID,
key = memlockKeyPrefix + key
cid := []byte(clientID)
// checkAnd gets the current value from memcache, and then attempts to do the
// checkOp (which can either be `refresh` or `release`). These pieces of
// functionality are necessarially intertwined, because CAS only works with
// the exact-same *Item which was returned from a Get.
// refresh will attempt to CAS the item with the same content to reset it's
// timeout.
// release will attempt to CAS the item to remove it's contents (clientID).
// another lock observing an empty clientID will know that the lock is
// obtainable.
checkAnd := func(op checkOp) bool {
limitedRetry := func() retry.Iterator {
return &retry.Limited{
Delay: time.Second,
Retries: 5,
var itm mc.Item
if err := retry.Retry(ctx, limitedRetry, func() (err error) {
itm, err = mc.GetKey(ctx, key)
}, retry.LogCallback(ctx, "getting lock from memcache")); err != nil {
log.Warningf("permanent error getting: %s", err)
return false
if len(itm.Value()) > 0 && !bytes.Equal(itm.Value(), cid) {
log.Infof("lock owned by %q", string(itm.Value()))
return false
if op == refresh {
} else {
if len(itm.Value()) == 0 {
// it's already unlocked, no need to CAS
log.Infof("lock already released")
return true
if err := mc.CompareAndSwap(ctx, itm); err != nil {
log.Warningf("failed to %s lock: %q", op, err)
return false
return true
// Now the actual logic begins. First we 'Add' the item, which will set it if
// it's not present in the memcache, otherwise leaves it alone.
err := mc.Add(ctx, mc.NewItem(ctx, key).SetValue(cid).SetExpiration(memcacheLockTime))
if err != nil {
if err != mc.ErrNotStored {
log.Warningf("error adding: %s", err)
if !checkAnd(refresh) {
return ErrFailedToLock
// At this point we nominally have the lock (at least for memcacheLockTime).
finished := make(chan struct{})
subCtx, cancelFunc := context.WithCancel(ctx)
defer func() {
testStopCB, _ := ctx.Value(testStopCBKey).(func())
// This goroutine checks to see if we still possess the lock, and refreshes it
// if we do.
go func() {
defer func() {
tmr := clock.NewTimer(subCtx)
defer tmr.Stop()
for {
if tr := <-tmr.GetC(); tr.Incomplete() {
if tr.Err != context.Canceled {
log.Debugf("context done: %s", tr.Err)
if !checkAnd(refresh) {
log.Warningf("lost lock: %s", err)
if testStopCB != nil {
return f(subCtx)