blob: 9542b846075695991937654a62c0956d195ba3fc [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The LUCI Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package archiver
import (
. ""
// Fake OS imitiates a filesystem by storing file contents in a map.
// It also provides a dummy Readlink implementation.
type fakeOS struct {
writeFiles map[string]*bytes.Buffer
readFiles map[string]io.Reader
// shouldResembleByteMap asserts that actual (a map[string]*bytes.Buffer) contains
// the same data as expected (a map[string][]byte).
// The types of actual and expected differ to make writing tests with fakeOS more convenient.
func shouldResembleByteMap(actual interface{}, expected ...interface{}) string {
act, ok := actual.(map[string]*bytes.Buffer)
if !ok {
return "actual is not a map[string]*bytes.Buffer"
if len(expected) != 1 {
return "expected is not a map[string][]byte"
exp, ok := expected[0].(map[string][]byte)
if !ok {
return "expected is not a map[string][]byte"
if len(act) != len(exp) {
return fmt.Sprintf("len(actual) != len(expected): %v != %v", len(act), len(exp))
for k, v := range act {
if got, want := v.Bytes(), exp[k]; !reflect.DeepEqual(got, want) {
return fmt.Sprintf("actual[%q] != expected[%q]: %q != %q", k, k, got, want)
return ""
func (fos *fakeOS) Readlink(name string) (string, error) {
return "link:" + name, nil
type nopWriteCloser struct {
func (nopWriteCloser) Close() error { return nil }
// implements OpenFile by returning a writer that writes to a bytes.Buffer.
func (fos *fakeOS) OpenFile(name string, flag int, perm os.FileMode) (io.WriteCloser, error) {
if fos.writeFiles == nil {
fos.writeFiles = make(map[string]*bytes.Buffer)
fos.writeFiles[name] = &bytes.Buffer{}
return nopWriteCloser{fos.writeFiles[name]}, nil
// implements Open by returning a pre-configured Reader.
func (fos *fakeOS) Open(name string) (io.ReadCloser, error) {
r, ok := fos.readFiles[name]
if !ok {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("fakeOS: file not found (%s); not implemented.", name))
return ioutil.NopCloser(r), nil
// fakeChecker implements Checker by responding to method invocations by
// invoking the supplied callback with the supplied item, and a hard-coded *PushState.
type fakeChecker struct {
ps *isolatedclient.PushState
type checkerAddItemArgs struct {
item *Item
isolated bool
type checkerAddItemResponse struct {
item *Item
ps *isolatedclient.PushState
func (checker *fakeChecker) AddItem(item *Item, isolated bool, callback CheckerCallback) {
func (checker *fakeChecker) PresumeExists(item *Item) {}
func (checker *fakeChecker) Hash() crypto.Hash {
return crypto.SHA1
func (checker *fakeChecker) Close() error { return nil }
// fakeChecker implements Uploader while recording method arguments.
type fakeUploader struct {
// uploadBytesCalls is a record of the arguments to each call of UploadBytes.
uploadBytesCalls []uploaderUploadBytesArgs
// uploadFileCalls is a record of the arguments to each call of UploadFile.
uploadFileCalls []uploaderUploadFileArgs
Uploader // TODO(mcgreevy): implement other methods.
type uploaderUploadBytesArgs struct {
relPath string
isolJSON []byte
ps *isolatedclient.PushState
type uploaderUploadFileArgs struct {
item *Item
ps *isolatedclient.PushState
func (uploader *fakeUploader) UploadBytes(relPath string, isolJSON []byte, ps *isolatedclient.PushState, done func()) {
uploader.uploadBytesCalls = append(uploader.uploadBytesCalls, uploaderUploadBytesArgs{relPath, isolJSON, ps})
func (uploader *fakeUploader) UploadFile(item *Item, ps *isolatedclient.PushState, done func()) {
uploader.uploadFileCalls = append(uploader.uploadFileCalls, uploaderUploadFileArgs{item, ps})
func (uploader *fakeUploader) Close() error { return nil }
func TestSkipsUpload(t *testing.T) {
Convey(`nil push state signals that upload should be skipped`, t, func() {
isol := &isolated.Isolated{}
// nil PushState means skip the upload.
checker := &fakeChecker{ps: nil}
uploader := &fakeUploader{}
namespace := isolatedclient.DefaultNamespace
h := isolated.GetHash(namespace)
ut := newUploadTracker(checker, uploader, isol)
fos := &fakeOS{}
ut.lOS = fos // Override filesystem calls with fake.
parts := partitionedDeps{} // no actual deps.
err := ut.UploadDeps(parts)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
// No deps, so Files should be empty.
wantFiles := map[string]isolated.File{}
So(ut.isol.Files, ShouldResemble, wantFiles)
isolSummary, err := ut.Finalize("/a/isolatedPath")
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
// In this test, the only item that is checked and uploaded is the generated isolated file.
wantIsolJSON := []byte(`{"algo":"","version":""}`)
So(fos.writeFiles, shouldResembleByteMap, map[string][]byte{"/a/isolatedPath": wantIsolJSON})
So(isolSummary.Digest, ShouldResemble, isolated.HashBytes(h, wantIsolJSON))
So(isolSummary.Name, ShouldEqual, "isolatedPath")
So(uploader.uploadBytesCalls, ShouldEqual, nil)
func TestDontSkipUpload(t *testing.T) {
Convey(`passing non-nil push state signals that upload should be performed`, t, func() {
isol := &isolated.Isolated{}
// non-nil PushState means don't skip the upload.
checker := &fakeChecker{ps: &isolatedclient.PushState{}}
uploader := &fakeUploader{}
namespace := isolatedclient.DefaultNamespace
ut := newUploadTracker(checker, uploader, isol)
fos := &fakeOS{}
ut.lOS = fos // Override filesystem calls with fake.
parts := partitionedDeps{} // no actual deps.
err := ut.UploadDeps(parts)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
// No deps, so Files should be empty.
wantFiles := map[string]isolated.File{}
So(ut.isol.Files, ShouldResemble, wantFiles)
isolSummary, err := ut.Finalize("/a/isolatedPath")
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
// In this test, the only item that is checked and uploaded is the generated isolated file.
wantIsolJSON := []byte(`{"algo":"","version":""}`)
So(fos.writeFiles, shouldResembleByteMap, map[string][]byte{"/a/isolatedPath": wantIsolJSON})
h := isolated.GetHash(namespace)
So(isolSummary.Digest, ShouldResemble, isolated.HashBytes(h, wantIsolJSON))
So(isolSummary.Name, ShouldEqual, "isolatedPath")
// Upload was not skipped.
So(uploader.uploadBytesCalls, ShouldResemble, []uploaderUploadBytesArgs{
{"isolatedPath", wantIsolJSON,},
func TestHandlesSymlinks(t *testing.T) {
Convey(`Symlinks should be stored in the isolated json`, t, func() {
isol := &isolated.Isolated{}
// The checker and uploader will only be used for uploading the isolated JSON.
// The symlinks themselves do not need to be checked or uploaded.
// non-nil PushState means don't skip the upload.
checker := &fakeChecker{ps: &isolatedclient.PushState{}}
uploader := &fakeUploader{}
namespace := isolatedclient.DefaultNamespace
ut := newUploadTracker(checker, uploader, isol)
fos := &fakeOS{}
ut.lOS = fos // Override filesystem calls with fake.
parts := partitionedDeps{
links: itemGroup{
items: []*Item{
{Path: "/a/b/c", RelPath: "c"},
totalSize: 9,
err := ut.UploadDeps(parts)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
path := "link:/a/b/c"
wantFiles := map[string]isolated.File{"c": {Link: &path}}
So(ut.isol.Files, ShouldResemble, wantFiles)
// Symlinks are not uploaded.
So(uploader.uploadBytesCalls, ShouldEqual, nil)
isolSummary, err := ut.Finalize("/a/isolatedPath")
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
// In this test, the only item that is checked and uploaded is the generated isolated file.
wantIsolJSON := []byte(`{"algo":"","files":{"c":{"l":"link:/a/b/c"}},"version":""}`)
So(fos.writeFiles, shouldResembleByteMap, map[string][]byte{"/a/isolatedPath": wantIsolJSON})
h := isolated.GetHash(namespace)
So(isolSummary.Digest, ShouldResemble, isolated.HashBytes(h, wantIsolJSON))
So(isolSummary.Name, ShouldEqual, "isolatedPath")
So(uploader.uploadBytesCalls, ShouldResemble, []uploaderUploadBytesArgs{
{"isolatedPath", wantIsolJSON,},
func TestHandlesIndividualFiles(t *testing.T) {
Convey(`Individual files should be stored in the isolated json and uploaded`, t, func() {
isol := &isolated.Isolated{}
// non-nil PushState means don't skip the upload.
pushState := &isolatedclient.PushState{}
checker := &fakeChecker{ps: pushState}
uploader := &fakeUploader{}
namespace := isolatedclient.DefaultNamespace
ut := newUploadTracker(checker, uploader, isol)
fos := &fakeOS{
readFiles: map[string]io.Reader{
"/a/b/foo": strings.NewReader("foo contents"),
"/a/b/bar": strings.NewReader("bar contents"),
ut.lOS = fos // Override filesystem calls with fake.
parts := partitionedDeps{
indivFiles: itemGroup{
items: []*Item{
{Path: "/a/b/foo", RelPath: "foo", Size: 1, Mode: 004},
{Path: "/a/b/bar", RelPath: "bar", Size: 2, Mode: 006},
totalSize: 3,
err := ut.UploadDeps(parts)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
h := isolated.GetHash(namespace)
fooHash := isolated.HashBytes(h, []byte("foo contents"))
barHash := isolated.HashBytes(h, []byte("bar contents"))
wantFiles := map[string]isolated.File{
"foo": {
Digest: fooHash,
Mode: Int(4),
Size: Int64(1)},
"bar": {
Digest: barHash,
Mode: Int(6),
Size: Int64(2)},
So(ut.isol.Files, ShouldResemble, wantFiles)
So(uploader.uploadBytesCalls, ShouldEqual, nil)
isolSummary, err := ut.Finalize("/a/isolatedPath")
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
wantIsolJSONTmpl := `{"algo":"","files":{"bar":{"h":"%s","m":6,"s":2},"foo":{"h":"%s","m":4,"s":1}},"version":""}`
wantIsolJSON := []byte(fmt.Sprintf(wantIsolJSONTmpl, barHash, fooHash))
So(fos.writeFiles, shouldResembleByteMap, map[string][]byte{"/a/isolatedPath": wantIsolJSON})
So(isolSummary.Digest, ShouldResemble, isolated.HashBytes(h, wantIsolJSON))
So(isolSummary.Name, ShouldEqual, "isolatedPath")
So(uploader.uploadBytesCalls, ShouldResemble, []uploaderUploadBytesArgs{
{"isolatedPath", wantIsolJSON,},
So(uploader.uploadFileCalls, ShouldResemble, []uploaderUploadFileArgs{
item: &Item{
Path: "/a/b/foo",
RelPath: "foo",
Size: 1,
Mode: os.FileMode(4),
Digest: fooHash,
ps: pushState,
item: &Item{
Path: "/a/b/bar",
RelPath: "bar",
Size: 2,
Mode: os.FileMode(6),
Digest: barHash,
ps: pushState,
// Int is a helper routine that allocates a new int value to store v and returns a pointer to it.
func Int(i int) *int { return &i }
// Int64 is a helper routine that allocates a new int64 value to store v and returns a pointer to it.
func Int64(i int64) *int64 { return &i }