blob: 551ecd61b78e0c641847c803fc63548cb29b61aa [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The LUCI Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package isolatedclient
import (
isolateservice ""
. ""
// TODO(mknyszek): Add tests for handling http 429.
func TestIsolateServerCaps(t *testing.T) {
ctx := context.Background()
Convey(`An empty archiver should produce sane output.`, t, func() {
server := isolatedfake.New()
ts := httptest.NewServer(server)
defer ts.Close()
client := New(nil, nil, ts.URL, DefaultNamespace, nil, nil)
caps, err := client.ServerCapabilities(ctx)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(caps, ShouldResemble, &isolateservice.HandlersEndpointsV1ServerDetails{ServerVersion: "v1"})
So(server.Error(), ShouldBeNil)
func TestIsolateServerDownloadSmall(t *testing.T) {
Convey(``, t, func() {
testNormalDownload(context.Background(), t, foo, bar)
func TestIsolateServerDownloadLarge(t *testing.T) {
Convey(``, t, func() {
testNormalDownload(context.Background(), t, large)
func TestIsolateServerUploadSmall(t *testing.T) {
Convey(``, t, func() {
testNormalUpload(context.Background(), t, foo, bar)
func TestIsolateServerUploadLarge(t *testing.T) {
Convey(``, t, func() {
testNormalUpload(context.Background(), t, large)
func TestIsolateServerDownloadRetryGCSPartial(t *testing.T) {
// GCS download is teared down in the middle.
Convey(``, t, func() {
for _, namespace := range []string{"default", "default-gzip", "sha256-foo", "sha512-foo"} {
Convey(namespace, func() {
server := isolatedfake.New()
largeHash := server.Inject(namespace, large)
flaky := &killingMux{server: server, tearDown: map[string]int{"/fake/cloudstorage/download": 1024}}
flaky.ts = httptest.NewServer(flaky)
defer flaky.ts.Close()
client := New(nil, nil, flaky.ts.URL, namespace, fastRetry, nil)
var buffer bytes.Buffer
So(client.Fetch(context.Background(), largeHash, &buffer), ShouldBeNil)
So(server.Error(), ShouldBeNil)
So(buffer.Bytes(), ShouldResemble, large)
So(flaky.tearDown, ShouldResemble, map[string]int{})
So(client.Hash(), ShouldEqual, isolated.GetHash(namespace))
func TestIsolateServerUploadRetryGCSPartial(t *testing.T) {
ctx := context.Background()
// GCS upload is teared down in the middle.
Convey(``, t, func() {
server := isolatedfake.New()
namespace := DefaultNamespace
flaky := &killingMux{server: server, tearDown: map[string]int{"/fake/cloudstorage/upload": 1024}}
flaky.ts = httptest.NewServer(flaky)
defer flaky.ts.Close()
client := New(nil, nil, flaky.ts.URL, namespace, fastRetry, nil)
digests, contents, expected := makeItems(namespace, large)
states, err := client.Contains(ctx, digests)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(len(states), ShouldResemble, len(digests))
for _, state := range states {
err = client.Push(ctx, state, NewBytesSource(contents[state.status.Index]))
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(server.Contents(), ShouldResemble, expected)
So(flaky.tearDown, ShouldResemble, map[string]int{})
// Look up again to confirm.
states, err = client.Contains(ctx, digests)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(len(states), ShouldResemble, len(digests))
for _, state := range states {
So(state, ShouldResemble, (*PushState)(nil))
So(server.Error(), ShouldBeNil)
func TestIsolateServerBadURL(t *testing.T) {
Convey(``, t, func() {
if testing.Short() {
client := New(nil, nil, "", DefaultNamespace, fastRetry, nil)
caps, err := client.ServerCapabilities(context.Background())
So(caps, ShouldBeNil)
So(err, ShouldNotBeNil)
func TestRetryDownload(t *testing.T) {
ctx := context.Background()
type testCase struct {
name string
item []byte // item to Inject into the server, and which will be downloaded.
errURL string // a request to this URL is expected, and we will serve a 503 once before succeeding on retries.
fatalURL string // the test will fail if this URL is requested.
retryFactory func() retry.Iterator
failure bool // expected result of calling testFunc.
// testFunc injects and then attempts to download tc.item off the server.
// Failure may be induced at various points in this process by setting tc.errURL and tc.retryFactory.
// Requests to tc.errURL will return a 503 once before succeeding.
// tc.retryFactory will be used to decide whether to retry these failed requests.
// testFunc will return a failStep which indicates which step in the process failed.
testFunc := func(tc testCase) bool {
// Construct a server which will serve a single 503 for requests to tc.errURL before succeeding.
server := isolatedfake.New()
namespace := DefaultNamespace
itemHash := server.Inject(namespace, tc.item)
flaky := &killingMux{server: server, http503: make(map[string]int)}
if tc.errURL != "" {
flaky.http503[tc.errURL] = 10
flaky.ts = httptest.NewServer(flaky)
defer flaky.ts.Close()
client := New(nil, nil, flaky.ts.URL, namespace, tc.retryFactory, nil)
var buffer bytes.Buffer
err := client.Fetch(ctx, itemHash, &buffer)
So(server.Error(), ShouldBeNil)
if err != nil {
return true
So(buffer.Bytes(), ShouldResemble, tc.item)
_, fatalURLSeen := flaky.seenURLs[tc.fatalURL]
So(fatalURLSeen, ShouldBeFalse)
So(flaky.http503, ShouldResemble, map[string]int{})
return false
Convey(``, t, func() {
testCases := []testCase{
name: "retry retrieve",
item: small,
errURL: "/_ah/api/isolateservice/v1/retrieve",
retryFactory: fastRetry,
failure: false,
name: "no retry retrieve",
item: small,
errURL: "/_ah/api/isolateservice/v1/retrieve",
retryFactory: noRetry,
failure: true,
name: "large files should give up being retrieved just like small ones",
item: large,
errURL: "/_ah/api/isolateservice/v1/retrieve",
retryFactory: noRetry,
failure: true,
name: "gs download failure is irrelevant for small files",
item: small,
fatalURL: "/fake/cloudstorage/download",
retryFactory: noRetry,
failure: false,
name: "gs download failure is relevant for large files",
item: large,
errURL: "/fake/cloudstorage/download",
retryFactory: noRetry,
failure: true,
name: "retry gs download",
item: large,
errURL: "/fake/cloudstorage/download",
retryFactory: fastRetry,
failure: false,
for _, tc := range testCases {
tc := tc
Convey(, func() {
So(testFunc(tc), ShouldEqual, tc.failure)
func TestRetryUpload(t *testing.T) {
ctx := context.Background()
// failStep indicates the point at which testFunc failed.
type failStep int
const (
success failStep = iota
failedContains failStep = iota
failedPush failStep = iota
type testCase struct {
name string
items [][]byte // items to upload
errURL string // a request to this URL is expected, and we will serve a 503 once before succeeding on retries.
fatalURL string // the test will fail if this URL is requested.
retryFactory func() retry.Iterator
result failStep // expected result of calling testFunc.
// testFunc checks for items on the server, and then uploads those that are missing (i.e. all of them).
// Failure may be induced at various points in this process by setting tc.errURL and tc.retryFactory.
// Requests to tc.errURL will return a 503 once before succeeding.
// tc.retryFactory will be used to decide whether to retry these failed requests.
// testFunc will return a failStep which indicates which step in the process failed.
testFunc := func(tc testCase) failStep {
// Construct a server which will serve a single 503 for requests to tc.errURL before succeeding.
server := isolatedfake.New()
namespace := DefaultNamespace
flaky := &killingMux{server: server, http503: make(map[string]int)}
if tc.errURL != "" {
flaky.http503[tc.errURL] = 10
flaky.ts = httptest.NewServer(flaky)
defer flaky.ts.Close()
client := New(nil, nil, flaky.ts.URL, namespace, tc.retryFactory, nil)
digests, contents, expected := makeItems(namespace, tc.items...)
states, err := client.Contains(ctx, digests)
if err != nil {
return failedContains
So(len(states), ShouldResemble, len(digests))
for _, state := range states {
err = client.Push(ctx, state, NewBytesSource(contents[state.status.Index]))
if err != nil {
return failedPush
So(server.Contents(), ShouldResemble, expected)
states, err = client.Contains(ctx, digests)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(len(states), ShouldResemble, len(digests))
for _, state := range states {
So(state, ShouldBeNil)
So(server.Error(), ShouldBeNil)
_, fatalURLSeen := flaky.seenURLs[tc.fatalURL]
So(fatalURLSeen, ShouldBeFalse)
So(flaky.http503, ShouldResemble, map[string]int{})
return success
Convey(``, t, func() {
testCases := []testCase{
name: "retry contains",
items: [][]byte{small},
errURL: "/_ah/api/isolateservice/v1/preupload",
retryFactory: fastRetry,
result: success,
name: "skip retry of contains",
items: [][]byte{small},
errURL: "/_ah/api/isolateservice/v1/preupload",
retryFactory: noRetry,
result: failedContains,
name: "retry store_inline",
items: [][]byte{small},
errURL: "/_ah/api/isolateservice/v1/store_inline",
retryFactory: fastRetry,
result: success,
name: "skip retry of store_inline",
items: [][]byte{small},
errURL: "/_ah/api/isolateservice/v1/store_inline",
retryFactory: noRetry,
result: failedPush,
name: "store_inline failure is irrelevant for large files",
items: [][]byte{large},
fatalURL: "/_ah/api/isolateservice/v1/store_inline",
retryFactory: noRetry,
result: success,
name: "retry gs upload",
items: [][]byte{large},
errURL: "/fake/cloudstorage/upload",
retryFactory: fastRetry,
result: success,
name: "skip retry of gs upload",
items: [][]byte{large},
errURL: "/fake/cloudstorage/upload",
retryFactory: noRetry,
result: failedPush,
name: "gs upload failure is irrelevant for small files",
items: [][]byte{small},
fatalURL: "/fake/cloudstorage/upload",
retryFactory: noRetry,
result: success,
name: "retry finalize",
items: [][]byte{large}, // Must use large, because finalize is not called for small objects.
errURL: "/_ah/api/isolateservice/v1/finalize_gs_upload",
retryFactory: fastRetry,
result: success,
name: "skip retry of finalize",
items: [][]byte{large},
errURL: "/_ah/api/isolateservice/v1/finalize_gs_upload",
retryFactory: noRetry,
result: failedPush,
for _, tc := range testCases {
tc := tc
Convey(, func() {
So(testFunc(tc), ShouldEqual, tc.result)
// Private stuff.
func noRetry() retry.Iterator {
return &retry.Limited{
Retries: 0,
func fastRetry() retry.Iterator {
return &retry.Limited{
Retries: 10,
var (
bar = []byte("bar")
foo = []byte("foo")
small = []byte("small")
large []byte
func init() {
src := rand.New(rand.NewSource(0))
// It has to be exactly 64kb + 1; as the internal buffering is 64kb. This is
// needed to reproduce
large = make([]byte, 64*1024+1)
for i := 0; i < len(large); i++ {
large[i] = byte(src.Uint32())
func makeItems(namespace string, contents ...[]byte) ([]*isolateservice.HandlersEndpointsV1Digest, [][]byte, map[string]map[isolated.HexDigest][]byte) {
digests := make([]*isolateservice.HandlersEndpointsV1Digest, 0, len(contents))
expected := map[string]map[isolated.HexDigest][]byte{
namespace: make(map[isolated.HexDigest][]byte, len(contents)),
h := isolated.GetHash(namespace)
for _, content := range contents {
hex := isolated.HashBytes(h, content)
digests = append(digests, &isolateservice.HandlersEndpointsV1Digest{Digest: string(hex), IsIsolated: false, Size: int64(len(content))})
expected[namespace][hex] = content
return digests, contents, expected
func testNormalDownload(ctx context.Context, t *testing.T, contents ...[]byte) {
Convey(``, func() {
server := isolatedfake.New()
namespace := DefaultNamespace
hashes := make([]isolated.HexDigest, 0, len(contents))
for _, file := range contents {
hashes = append(hashes, server.Inject(namespace, file))
ts := httptest.NewServer(server)
defer ts.Close()
client := New(nil, nil, ts.URL, namespace, noRetry, nil)
for i, hash := range hashes {
var buffer bytes.Buffer
err := client.Fetch(ctx, hash, &buffer)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(buffer.Bytes(), ShouldResemble, contents[i])
So(server.Error(), ShouldBeNil)
func testNormalUpload(ctx context.Context, t *testing.T, contents ...[]byte) {
Convey(``, func() {
namespace := DefaultNamespace
digests, _, expected := makeItems(namespace, contents...)
server := isolatedfake.New()
ts := httptest.NewServer(server)
defer ts.Close()
client := New(nil, nil, ts.URL, namespace, noRetry, nil)
states, err := client.Contains(ctx, digests)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(len(states), ShouldResemble, len(digests))
for _, state := range states {
// The data is automatically compressed.
err = client.Push(ctx, state, NewBytesSource(contents[state.status.Index]))
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(server.Error(), ShouldBeNil)
So(server.Contents(), ShouldResemble, expected)
states, err = client.Contains(ctx, digests)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(len(states), ShouldResemble, len(digests))
for _, state := range states {
So(state, ShouldBeNil)
So(server.Error(), ShouldBeNil)
// killingMux inserts tears down connection in the middle of a transfer.
type killingMux struct {
lock sync.Mutex
server http.Handler
http503 map[string]int // Number of bytes should be read before returning HTTP 500.
tearDown map[string]int // Number of bytes should be read before killing the connection.
seenURLs map[string]struct{}
ts *httptest.Server
func readBytes(r io.Reader, toRead int) {
b := make([]byte, toRead)
read := 0
for read < toRead {
n, _ := r.Read(b[:toRead-read])
if n == 0 {
read += n
func (k *killingMux) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
f := func() bool {
defer k.lock.Unlock()
if k.seenURLs == nil {
k.seenURLs = make(map[string]struct{})
k.seenURLs[req.URL.Path] = struct{}{}
if toRead, ok := k.http503[req.URL.Path]; ok {
delete(k.http503, req.URL.Path)
readBytes(req.Body, toRead)
return false
if toRead, ok := k.tearDown[req.URL.Path]; ok {
delete(k.tearDown, req.URL.Path)
readBytes(req.Body, toRead)
return false
return true
if f() {
log.Printf("%-4s %s", req.Method, req.URL.Path)
k.server.ServeHTTP(w, req)
type testReadCloser struct {
CloseErr error // The error to return on close, if any.
Closed bool // True if close has been called.
func (t *testReadCloser) Close() error {
t.Closed = true
return t.CloseErr
func TestCompressor(t *testing.T) {
errBang := errors.New("bang")
testCases := []struct {
Desc string
Src io.Reader // The Closer is added by the test.
ReadN int64 // Bytes to read (negative to read all, zero to read none).
WantReadErr error // The expected error from reading.
CloseErr error // The error to return from close.
WantCloseErr error // The expected error from close.
Desc: "all contents read",
Src: strings.NewReader("I am a simple sample reader"),
ReadN: -1,
Desc: "no contents read",
Src: strings.NewReader("I am a simple sample reader"),
ReadN: 0,
Desc: "partial contents read",
Src: strings.NewReader("I am a simple sample reader"),
ReadN: 10,
Desc: "error on source close",
Src: strings.NewReader("I am a simple sample reader"),
ReadN: -1,
CloseErr: errBang,
WantCloseErr: errBang,
Desc: "error on read",
Src: iotest.TimeoutReader(iotest.OneByteReader(strings.NewReader("asd"))),
ReadN: -1,
WantReadErr: iotest.ErrTimeout,
for _, tc := range testCases {
tc := tc
t.Run(tc.Desc, func(t *testing.T) {
src := &testReadCloser{
Reader: tc.Src,
CloseErr: tc.CloseErr,
namespace := DefaultNamespace
comp := newCompressed(namespace, src)
var readErr error
switch {
case tc.ReadN < 0:
_, readErr = ioutil.ReadAll(comp)
case tc.ReadN > 0:
_, readErr = io.CopyN(ioutil.Discard, comp, tc.ReadN)
if readErr != tc.WantReadErr {
t.Fatalf("Read error: got: %v; want: %v", readErr, tc.WantReadErr)
if err := comp.Close(); err != tc.WantCloseErr {
t.Fatalf("Close error: got: %v; want: %v", err, tc.WantCloseErr)
if !src.Closed {
t.Errorf("Underlying source was not closed")