blob: 8fe3ab4642b766805698c6b775bfc7a80f18d8e4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The LUCI Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package buildstore
import (
miloProto ""
// This file implements conversion of annotations to buildbot steps and
// properties.
var reLineBreak = regexp.MustCompile(`<br */?>`)
var errAnnotationNotFound = errors.New("annotation not found")
// fetchAnnotationProto fetches an annotation proto from LogDog.
// If the stream is not found, returns errAnnotationNotFound.
func fetchAnnotationProto(c context.Context, addr *types.StreamAddr) (*miloProto.Step, error) {
// The implementation avoids using existing Milo code because the latter is
// likely to change and because it does things that we don't need here e.g.
// caching that wouldn't apply anyway, etc.
// Instead we use LogDog client directly, and thus make it simpler to
// reason what this function actually does.
// This is not performance critical code.
// Create a LogDog client.
transport, err := auth.GetRPCTransport(c, auth.AsUser)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.New("failed to get transport for LogDog server")
client := coordinator.NewClient(&prpc.Client{
C: &http.Client{Transport: transport},
Host: addr.Host,
// Load the last datagram.
var state coordinator.LogStream
logEntry, err := client.Stream(addr.Project, addr.Path).
Tail(c, coordinator.WithState(&state), coordinator.Complete())
switch {
case err == coordinator.ErrNoSuchStream:
return nil, errAnnotationNotFound
case err == coordinator.ErrNoAccess:
// Tag with Milo internal tags.
return nil, errors.Annotate(err, "getting logdog stream").Tag(common.CodeNoAccess).Err()
case err != nil:
return nil, err
case state.Desc.StreamType != logpb.StreamType_DATAGRAM:
return nil, errors.New("not a datagram stream")
case logEntry == nil:
return nil, errAnnotationNotFound
// Decode the datagram as an annotation proto.
var res miloProto.Step
if err := proto.Unmarshal(logEntry.GetDatagram().Data, &res); err != nil {
return nil, err
return &res, nil
// annotationConverter converts annotation steps to buildbot steps.
type annotationConverter struct {
logdogServer, logdogPrefix string
buildCompletedTime time.Time
// addSteps converts annotation substeps to buildbot steps and appends them
// dest.
// c is used only for logging.
func (ac *annotationConverter) addSteps(c context.Context, dest *[]buildbot.Step, src []*miloProto.Step_Substep, stepNamePrefix string) error {
for _, substep := range src {
stepSrc := substep.GetStep()
if stepSrc == nil {
return errors.Reason("unexpected substep type %T", substep.Substep).Err()
stepDst, err := ac.step(c, stepSrc)
if err != nil {
return errors.Annotate(err, "could not convert step %q", stepNamePrefix+stepDst.Name).Err()
stepDst.Name = stepNamePrefix + stepDst.Name
*dest = append(*dest, *stepDst)
ac.addSteps(c, dest, stepSrc.Substep, stepDst.Name+".")
return nil
// step converts an annotation step to a buildbot step.
func (ac *annotationConverter) step(c context.Context, src *miloProto.Step) (*buildbot.Step, error) {
// This implementation is based on
res := &buildbot.Step{
Name: src.Name,
IsStarted: true,
IsFinished: src.Ended != nil,
// Convert step result.
switch {
case src.Status == miloProto.Status_SUCCESS:
res.Results.Result = buildbot.Success
case src.Status == miloProto.Status_FAILURE:
res.Results.Result = buildbot.Failure
if fd := src.GetFailureDetails(); fd != nil {
if fd.Type != miloProto.FailureDetails_GENERAL {
res.Results.Result = buildbot.Exception
if fd.Text != "" {
res.Text = append(res.Text, fd.Text)
case !ac.buildCompletedTime.IsZero():
res.Results.Result = buildbot.Exception
res.Results.Result = buildbot.NoResult
// annotee never initializes src.Link
var allLinks []*miloProto.Link
if src.StdoutStream != nil {
allLinks = append(allLinks, &miloProto.Link{
Label: "stdout",
Value: &miloProto.Link_LogdogStream{src.StdoutStream},
if src.StderrStream != nil {
allLinks = append(allLinks, &miloProto.Link{
Label: "stderr",
Value: &miloProto.Link_LogdogStream{src.StdoutStream},
allLinks = append(allLinks, src.OtherLinks...)
for _, l := range allLinks {
log, err := ac.log(l)
if err != nil {
logging.WithError(err).Errorf(c, "could not convert link %q to buildbot", l.Label)
res.Logs = append(res.Logs, *log)
// Timestamps
if src.Started != nil {
var err error
res.Times.Start.Time, err = ptypes.Timestamp(src.Started)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Annotate(err, "invalid start time").Err()
if src.Ended != nil {
res.Times.Finish.Time, err = ptypes.Timestamp(src.Ended)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Annotate(err, "invalid end time").Err()
} else {
res.Times.Finish.Time = ac.buildCompletedTime
for _, line := range src.Text {
// src.Text may contain <br> ;(
res.Text = append(res.Text, reLineBreak.Split(line, -1)...)
return res, nil
func (ac *annotationConverter) log(src *miloProto.Link) (*buildbot.Log, error) {
// This implementation is based on
// Milo ignores miloProto.Link.AliasLink
// Also we don't have it in practice.
log := &buildbot.Log{Name: src.Label}
switch v := src.Value.(type) {
case *miloProto.Link_LogdogStream:
// This is the typical case.
if v.LogdogStream == nil {
return nil, errors.Reason("LogdogStream link is empty").Err()
stream := *v.LogdogStream
if stream.Server == "" {
stream.Server = ac.logdogServer
if stream.Prefix == "" {
stream.Prefix = ac.logdogPrefix
log.URL = fmt.Sprintf("https://%s/v/?s=%s", stream.Server, url.QueryEscape(stream.Prefix+"/+/"+stream.Name))
case *miloProto.Link_Url:
log.URL = v.Url
return nil, errors.Reason("unexpected link value type %T: %v", v, v).Err()
return log, nil
func extractProperties(s *miloProto.Step) []*buildbot.Property {
props := map[string]*buildbot.Property{}
var extract func(s *miloProto.Step)
extract = func(s *miloProto.Step) {
for _, p := range s.Property {
var v interface{}
if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(p.Value), &v); err != nil {
// p.Value was never properly documented as JSON, so
// there is a possibility that someone puts strings
v = p.Value
props[p.Name] = &buildbot.Property{
Name: p.Name,
Value: v,
Source: s.Name,
for _, substep := range s.GetSubstep() {
if ss := substep.GetStep(); ss != nil {
names := make([]string, 0, len(props))
for n := range props {
names = append(names, n)
ret := make([]*buildbot.Property, len(names))
for i, n := range names {
ret[i] = props[n]
return ret