blob: f7743198dbcbf4dfee6545b06824dbf2b2f4f455 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The LUCI Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package rpc
import (
cipdcommon ""
bb ""
pb ""
// Allow hostnames permitted by
// (Note that
// the 255 character limit must be seperately applied.)
var hostnameRE = regexp.MustCompile(`^[a-z0-9][a-z0-9-]+(\.[a-z0-9-]+)*$`)
func min(i, j int) int {
if i < j {
return i
return j
// validateExpirationDuration validates the given expiration duration.
func validateExpirationDuration(d *durationpb.Duration) error {
switch {
case d.GetNanos() != 0:
return errors.Reason("nanos must not be specified").Err()
case d.GetSeconds() < 0:
return errors.Reason("seconds must not be negative").Err()
case d.GetSeconds()%60 != 0:
return errors.Reason("seconds must be a multiple of 60").Err()
return nil
// validateRequestedDimension validates the requested dimension.
func validateRequestedDimension(dim *pb.RequestedDimension) error {
var err error
switch {
case teeErr(validateDimension(dim), &err) != nil:
return err
case dim.Key == "caches":
return errors.Annotate(errors.Reason("caches may only be specified in builder configs (cr-buildbucket.cfg)").Err(), "key").Err()
case dim.Key == "pool":
return errors.Annotate(errors.Reason("pool may only be specified in builder configs (cr-buildbucket.cfg)").Err(), "key").Err()
return nil
// validateRequestedDimensions validates the requested dimensions.
func validateRequestedDimensions(dims []*pb.RequestedDimension) error {
// A dim.key set which contains non-empty dim.value
nonEmpty := stringset.New(len(dims))
// A dim.key set which contains empty dim.value
empty := stringset.New(len(dims))
for i, dim := range dims {
if err := validateRequestedDimension(dim); err != nil {
return errors.Annotate(err, "[%d]", i).Err()
if dim.GetValue() == "" {
if nonEmpty.Has(dim.Key) {
return errors.Reason("contain both empty and non-empty value for the same key - %q", dim.Key).Err()
} else {
if empty.Has(dim.Key) {
return errors.Reason("contain both empty and non-empty value for the same key - %q", dim.Key).Err()
return nil
// validateExecutable validates the given executable.
func validateExecutable(exe *pb.Executable) error {
var err error
switch {
case exe.GetCipdPackage() != "":
return errors.Reason("cipd_package must not be specified").Err()
case exe.GetCipdVersion() != "" && teeErr(cipdcommon.ValidateInstanceVersion(exe.CipdVersion), &err) != nil:
return errors.Annotate(err, "cipd_version").Err()
return nil
// validateGerritChange validates a given gerrit change.
func validateGerritChange(ch *pb.GerritChange) error {
switch {
case ch.GetChange() == 0:
return errors.Reason("change must be specified").Err()
case ch.Host == "":
return errors.Reason("host must be specified").Err()
case !hostnameRE.MatchString(ch.Host):
return errors.Reason("host does not match pattern %q", hostnameRE).Err()
case len(ch.Host) > 255:
return errors.Reason("host must not exceed 255 characters").Err()
case ch.Patchset == 0:
return errors.Reason("patchset must be specified").Err()
case ch.Project == "":
return errors.Reason("project must be specified").Err()
return nil
// validateGerritChanges validates the given gerrit changes.
func validateGerritChanges(changes []*pb.GerritChange) error {
for i, ch := range changes {
if err := validateGerritChange(ch); err != nil {
return errors.Annotate(err, "[%d]", i).Err()
return nil
// validateNotificationConfig validates the given notification config.
func validateNotificationConfig(ctx context.Context, n *pb.NotificationConfig) error {
switch {
case n.GetPubsubTopic() == "":
return errors.Reason("pubsub_topic must be specified").Err()
case len(n.UserData) > 4096:
return errors.Reason("user_data cannot exceed 4096 bytes").Err()
// Validate the topic exists and Buildbucket has the publishing permission.
cloudProj, topicID, err := clients.ValidatePubSubTopicName(n.PubsubTopic)
if err != nil {
return errors.Annotate(err, "invalid pubsub_topic %s", n.PubsubTopic).Err()
// Check the global cache first to reduce calls to the actual IAM api.
cache := caching.GlobalCache(ctx, "has_perm_on_pubsub_callback_topic")
if cache == nil {
logging.Warningf(ctx, "global has_perm_on_pubsub_callback_topic cache is not found")
switch hasPerm, err := cache.Get(ctx, n.PubsubTopic); {
case err == caching.ErrCacheMiss:
case err != nil:
logging.Warningf(ctx, "failed to check %s from the global cache", n.PubsubTopic)
case hasPerm != nil:
return nil
// Check perm via the IAM api and save into the cache iff BB has the access on
// that topic. Why not also caching the bad result? Because users will usually
// correct the permission once they receive the bad response and retry again.
// Caching the bad result means we have to figure out a way to invalidate the
// cached item before it expires.
client, err := clients.NewPubsubClient(ctx, cloudProj, "")
if err != nil {
return errors.Annotate(err, "failed to create a pubsub client").Err()
topic := client.Topic(topicID)
switch perms, err := topic.IAM().TestPermissions(ctx, []string{"pubsub.topics.publish"}); {
case err != nil:
return errors.Annotate(err, "failed to check existence for topic %s", topic).Err()
case len(perms) < 1:
return errors.Reason(" account doesn't have the 'pubsub.topics.publish' or 'pubsub.topics.get' permission for %s", info.AppID(ctx), topic).Err()
if err := cache.Set(ctx, n.PubsubTopic, []byte{1}, 10*time.Hour); err != nil {
logging.Warningf(ctx, "failed to save into has_perm_on_pubsub_callback_topic cache for %s", n.PubsubTopic)
return nil
// prohibitedProperties is used to prohibit properties from being set (see
// validateProperties). Contains slices of path components forming a prohibited
// path. For example, to prohibit a property "a.b", add an element ["a", "b"].
var prohibitedProperties = [][]string{
{"$recipe_engine/runtime", "is_experimental"},
{"$recipe_engine/runtime", "is_luci"},
// structContains returns whether the struct contains a value at the given path.
// An empty slice of path components always returns true.
func structContains(s *structpb.Struct, path []string) bool {
for _, p := range path {
v, ok := s.GetFields()[p]
if !ok {
return false
s = v.GetStructValue()
return true
// validateProperties validates the given properties.
func validateProperties(p *structpb.Struct) error {
for _, path := range prohibitedProperties {
if structContains(p, path) {
return errors.Reason("%q must not be specified", strings.Join(path, ".")).Err()
return nil
// validateParent validates the given parent build, if the request contains
// a BUILD token.
// If there is no token present in `ctx`, returns (nil, nil).
// Incorrect tokens, broken tokens, non-BUILD tokens, missing builds, etc.
// all return errors.
func validateParent(ctx context.Context) (*model.Build, error) {
buildTok, err := getBuildbucketToken(ctx, false)
if err == errBadTokenAuth {
return nil, nil
// NOTE: We pass buildid == 0 here because we are relying on the token itself
// to tell us what the parent build ID is. Do not do this in other locations
// or they will be suceptible to accepting tokens generated for other builds.
tok, err := buildtoken.ParseToTokenBody(ctx, buildTok, 0, pb.TokenBody_BUILD)
if err != nil {
// We don't return `err` here because it will include the Unauthenticated
// gRPC tag, which isn't accurate.
return nil, errors.New("invalid parent buildbucket token", grpcutil.InvalidArgumentTag)
pBld, err := common.GetBuild(ctx, tok.BuildId)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if protoutil.IsEnded(pBld.Proto.Status) || protoutil.IsEnded(pBld.Proto.Output.GetStatus()) {
return nil, errors.Reason("%d has ended, cannot add child to it", pBld.ID).Err()
return pBld, nil
// validateSchedule validates the given request.
func validateSchedule(ctx context.Context, req *pb.ScheduleBuildRequest, wellKnownExperiments stringset.Set, parent *model.Build) error {
var err error
switch {
case strings.Contains(req.GetRequestId(), "/"):
return errors.Reason("request_id cannot contain '/'").Err()
case req.GetBuilder() == nil && req.GetTemplateBuildId() == 0:
return errors.Reason("builder or template_build_id is required").Err()
case req.Builder != nil && teeErr(protoutil.ValidateRequiredBuilderID(req.Builder), &err) != nil:
return errors.Annotate(err, "builder").Err()
case teeErr(validateRequestedDimensions(req.Dimensions), &err) != nil:
return errors.Annotate(err, "dimensions").Err()
case teeErr(validateExecutable(req.Exe), &err) != nil:
return errors.Annotate(err, "exe").Err()
case teeErr(validateGerritChanges(req.GerritChanges), &err) != nil:
return errors.Annotate(err, "gerrit_changes").Err()
case req.GitilesCommit != nil && teeErr(validateCommitWithRef(req.GitilesCommit), &err) != nil:
return errors.Annotate(err, "gitiles_commit").Err()
case req.Notify != nil && teeErr(validateNotificationConfig(ctx, req.Notify), &err) != nil:
return errors.Annotate(err, "notify").Err()
case req.Priority < 0 || req.Priority > 255:
return errors.Reason("priority must be in [0, 255]").Err()
case req.Properties != nil && teeErr(validateProperties(req.Properties), &err) != nil:
return errors.Annotate(err, "properties").Err()
case parent == nil && req.CanOutliveParent != pb.Trinary_UNSET:
return errors.Reason("can_outlive_parent is specified without parent build token").Err()
case teeErr(validateTags(req.Tags, TagNew), &err) != nil:
return errors.Annotate(err, "tags").Err()
for expName := range req.Experiments {
if err := config.ValidateExperimentName(expName, wellKnownExperiments); err != nil {
return errors.Annotate(err, "experiment %q", expName).Err()
// TODO(crbug/1042991): Validate Properties.
return nil
// templateBuildMask enumerates properties to read from template builds. See
// scheduleRequestFromTemplate.
var templateBuildMask = model.HardcodedBuildMask(
func scheduleRequestFromBuildID(ctx context.Context, bID int64, isRetry bool) (*pb.ScheduleBuildRequest, error) {
bld, err := common.GetBuild(ctx, bID)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := perm.HasInBuilder(ctx, bbperms.BuildsGet, bld.Proto.Builder); err != nil {
return nil, err
b := bld.ToSimpleBuildProto(ctx)
if isRetry && b.Retriable == pb.Trinary_NO {
return nil, appstatus.BadRequest(errors.Reason("build %d is not retriable", bld.ID).Err())
if err := model.LoadBuildDetails(ctx, templateBuildMask, nil, b); err != nil {
return nil, err
ret := &pb.ScheduleBuildRequest{
Builder: b.Builder,
Critical: b.Critical,
Exe: b.Exe,
GerritChanges: b.Input.GerritChanges,
GitilesCommit: b.Input.GitilesCommit,
Properties: b.Input.Properties,
Tags: b.Tags,
Dimensions: b.Infra.GetBuildbucket().GetRequestedDimensions(),
Priority: b.Infra.GetSwarming().GetPriority(),
Retriable: b.Retriable,
ret.Experiments = make(map[string]bool, len(bld.Experiments))
bld.IterExperiments(func(enabled bool, exp string) bool {
ret.Experiments[exp] = enabled
return true
return ret, nil
// scheduleRequestFromTemplate returns a request with fields populated by the
// given template_build_id if there is one. Fields set in the request override
// fields populated from the template. Does not modify the incoming request.
func scheduleRequestFromTemplate(ctx context.Context, req *pb.ScheduleBuildRequest) (*pb.ScheduleBuildRequest, error) {
if req.GetTemplateBuildId() == 0 {
return req, nil
ret, err := scheduleRequestFromBuildID(ctx, req.TemplateBuildId, true)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// proto.Merge concatenates repeated fields. Here the desired behavior is replacement,
// so clear slices from the return value before merging, if specified in the request.
if req.Exe != nil {
ret.Exe = nil
if len(req.GerritChanges) > 0 {
ret.GerritChanges = nil
if req.Properties != nil {
ret.Properties = nil
if len(req.Tags) > 0 {
ret.Tags = nil
if len(req.Dimensions) > 0 {
ret.Dimensions = nil
proto.Merge(ret, req)
ret.TemplateBuildId = 0
return ret, nil
// fetchBuilderConfigs returns the Builder configs referenced by the given
// requests in a map of Bucket ID -> Builder name -> *pb.BuilderConfig,
// a map of buckets to their shadow buckets and a map of Bucket ID -> *pb.Bucket.
// A single returned error means a global error which applies to every request.
// Otherwise, it would be a MultiError where len(MultiError) equals to len(builderIDs).
func fetchBuilderConfigs(ctx context.Context, builderIDs []*pb.BuilderID) (map[string]map[string]*pb.BuilderConfig, map[string]*pb.Bucket, map[string]string, error) {
merr := make(errors.MultiError, len(builderIDs))
var bcks []*model.Bucket
// bckCfgs and bldrCfgs use a double-pointer because GetIgnoreMissing will
// indirectly overwrite the pointer in the model struct when loading from the
// datastore (so, populating Proto and Config fields and using those values
// won't help).
bckCfgs := map[string]**pb.Bucket{} // Bucket ID -> **pb.Bucket
var bldrs []*model.Builder
bldrCfgs := map[string]map[string]**pb.BuilderConfig{} // Bucket ID -> Builder name -> **pb.BuilderConfig
idxMap := map[string]map[string][]int{} // Bucket ID -> Builder name -> a list of index
for i, bldr := range builderIDs {
bucket := protoutil.FormatBucketID(bldr.Project, bldr.Bucket)
if _, ok := bldrCfgs[bucket]; !ok {
bldrCfgs[bucket] = make(map[string]**pb.BuilderConfig)
idxMap[bucket] = map[string][]int{}
if _, ok := bldrCfgs[bucket][bldr.Builder]; ok {
idxMap[bucket][bldr.Builder] = append(idxMap[bucket][bldr.Builder], i)
if _, ok := bckCfgs[bucket]; !ok {
b := &model.Bucket{
Parent: model.ProjectKey(ctx, bldr.Project),
ID: bldr.Bucket,
bckCfgs[bucket] = &b.Proto
bcks = append(bcks, b)
b := &model.Builder{
Parent: model.BucketKey(ctx, bldr.Project, bldr.Bucket),
ID: bldr.Builder,
bldrCfgs[bucket][bldr.Builder] = &b.Config
bldrs = append(bldrs, b)
idxMap[bucket][bldr.Builder] = append(idxMap[bucket][bldr.Builder], i)
// Note; this will fill in bckCfgs and bldrCfgs.
if err := model.GetIgnoreMissing(ctx, bcks, bldrs); err != nil {
return nil, nil, nil, errors.Annotate(err, "failed to fetch entities").Err()
dynamicBuckets := map[string]*pb.Bucket{}
shadowMap := make(map[string]string)
// Check buckets to see if they support dynamically scheduling builds for builders which are not pre-defined.
for _, b := range bcks {
bucket := protoutil.FormatBucketID(b.Parent.StringID(), b.ID)
if b.Proto.GetName() == "" {
for _, bldrIdx := range idxMap[bucket] {
for idx := range bldrIdx {
merr[idx] = appstatus.Errorf(codes.NotFound, "bucket not found: %q", b.ID)
} else {
shadowMap[bucket] = b.Proto.GetShadow()
for _, b := range bldrs {
// Since b.Config isn't a pointer type it will always be non-nil. However, since name is validated
// as required, it can be used as a proxy for determining whether the builder config was found or
// not. If it's unspecified, the builder wasn't found. Builds for builders which aren't pre-configured
// can only be scheduled in buckets which support dynamic builders.
if b.Config.GetName() == "" {
bucket := protoutil.FormatBucketID(b.Parent.Parent().StringID(), b.Parent.StringID())
// TODO(crbug/1042991): Check if bucket is explicitly configured for dynamic builders.
// Currently buckets do not require pre-defined builders iff they have no Swarming config.
if (*bckCfgs[bucket]).GetSwarming() == nil {
delete(bldrCfgs[bucket], b.ID)
if (*bckCfgs[bucket]).GetDynamicBuilderTemplate() != nil {
dynamicBuckets[bucket] = *bckCfgs[bucket]
for _, idx := range idxMap[bucket][b.ID] {
merr[idx] = appstatus.Errorf(codes.NotFound, "builder not found: %q", b.ID)
// deref all the pointers.
ret := make(map[string]map[string]*pb.BuilderConfig, len(bldrCfgs))
for bucket, builders := range bldrCfgs {
m := make(map[string]*pb.BuilderConfig, len(builders))
for builderName, builder := range builders {
m[builderName] = *builder
ret[bucket] = m
// doesn't contain any errors.
if merr.First() == nil {
return ret, dynamicBuckets, shadowMap, nil
return ret, dynamicBuckets, shadowMap, merr.AsError()
// builderMatches returns whether or not the given builder matches the given
// predicate. A match occurs if any regex matches and none of the exclusions
// rule the builder out. If there are no regexes, a match always occurs unless
// an exclusion rules the builder out. The predicate must be validated.
func builderMatches(builder string, pred *pb.BuilderPredicate) bool {
// TODO(crbug/1042991): Cache compiled regexes (possibly in internal/config package).
for _, r := range pred.GetRegexExclude() {
if m, err := regexp.MatchString(fmt.Sprintf("^%s$", r), builder); err == nil && m {
return false
if len(pred.GetRegex()) == 0 {
return true
for _, r := range pred.Regex {
if m, err := regexp.MatchString(fmt.Sprintf("^%s$", r), builder); err == nil && m {
return true
return false
// experimentsMatch returns whether or not the given experimentSet matches the
// given includeOnExperiment or omitOnExperiment.
func experimentsMatch(experimentSet stringset.Set, includeOnExperiment, omitOnExperiment []string) bool {
for _, e := range omitOnExperiment {
if experimentSet.Has(e) {
return false
if len(includeOnExperiment) > 0 {
include := false
for _, e := range includeOnExperiment {
if experimentSet.Has(e) {
include = true
if !include {
return false
return true
// setDimensions computes the dimensions from the given request and builder
// config, setting them in the proto. Mutates the given *pb.Build.
// build.Infra.Swarming must be set (see setInfra).
func setDimensions(req *pb.ScheduleBuildRequest, cfg *pb.BuilderConfig, build *pb.Build, isTaskBackend bool) {
// Requested dimensions override dimensions specified in the builder config by wiping out all
// same-key dimensions (regardless of expiration time) in the builder config.
// For example:
// Case 1:
// Request contains: ("key", "value 1", 60), ("key", "value 2", 120)
// Config contains: ("key", "value 3", 180), ("key", "value 2", 240)
// Then the result is:
// ("key", "value 1", 60), ("key", "value 2", 120)
// Even though the expiration times didn't conflict and theoretically could have been merged.
// Case 2:
// Request contains: ("key", "")
// Config contains: ("key", "value 3", 180), ("key", "value 2", 240)
// Then all dimensions(Key == "key") are excluded.
// If the config contains any reference to the builder dimension, ignore its auto builder dimension setting.
seenBuilder := false
// key -> slice of dimensions (key, value, expiration) with matching keys.
dims := make(map[string][]*pb.RequestedDimension)
// cfg.Dimensions is a slice of strings. Each string has already been validated to match either
// <key>:<value> or <exp>:<key>:<value>, where <exp> is an int64 expiration time, <key> is a
// non-empty string which can't be parsed as int64, and <value> is a string which may be empty.
// <key>:<value> is shorthand for 0:<key>:<value>. An empty <value> means the dimension should be excluded.
for _, d := range cfg.GetDimensions() {
exp, k, v := config.ParseDimension(d)
if k == "builder" {
seenBuilder = true
if v == "" {
// Omit empty <value>.
dim := &pb.RequestedDimension{
Key: k,
Value: v,
if exp > 0 {
dim.Expiration = &durationpb.Duration{
Seconds: exp,
dims[k] = append(dims[k], dim)
if cfg.GetAutoBuilderDimension() == pb.Toggle_YES && !seenBuilder {
dims["builder"] = []*pb.RequestedDimension{
Key: "builder",
Value: cfg.GetName(),
// key -> slice of dimensions (key, value, expiration) with matching keys.
reqDims := make(map[string][]*pb.RequestedDimension, len(cfg.GetDimensions()))
for _, d := range req.GetDimensions() {
if d.GetValue() == "" {
// Exclude same-key dimensions in the builder config if the dimension
// value in the request is empty.
delete(dims, d.Key)
reqDims[d.Key] = append(reqDims[d.Key], d)
for k, d := range reqDims {
dims[k] = d
taskDims := make([]*pb.RequestedDimension, 0, len(reqDims))
for _, d := range dims {
taskDims = append(taskDims, d...)
if isTaskBackend {
build.Infra.Backend.TaskDimensions = taskDims
build.Infra.Swarming.TaskDimensions = taskDims
func sortRequestedDimension(dims []*pb.RequestedDimension) {
sort.Slice(dims, sortby.Chain{
// Sort by key then expiration.
func(i, j int) bool { return dims[i].Key < dims[j].Key },
func(i, j int) bool { return dims[i].Expiration.GetSeconds() < dims[j].Expiration.GetSeconds() },
// setExecutable computes the executable from the given request and builder
// config, setting it in the proto. Mutates the given *pb.Build.
func setExecutable(req *pb.ScheduleBuildRequest, cfg *pb.BuilderConfig, build *pb.Build) {
build.Exe = cfg.GetExe()
if build.Exe == nil {
build.Exe = &pb.Executable{}
if cfg.GetRecipe() != nil {
build.Exe.CipdPackage = cfg.Recipe.CipdPackage
build.Exe.CipdVersion = cfg.Recipe.CipdVersion
if build.Exe.CipdVersion == "" {
build.Exe.CipdVersion = "refs/heads/master"
// The request has highest precedence, but may only override CIPD version.
if req.GetExe().GetCipdVersion() != "" {
build.Exe.CipdVersion = req.Exe.CipdVersion
// activeGlobalExpsForBuilder filters the global experiments, returning the
// experiments that apply to this builder, as well as experiments which are
// ignored.
// If experiments are known, but don't apply to the builder, then they're
// returned in a form where their DefaultValue and MinimumValue are 0.
// Ignored experiments are global experiments which no longer do anything,
// and should be removed from the build (even if specified via
// ScheduleBuildRequest).
func activeGlobalExpsForBuilder(build *pb.Build, globalCfg *pb.SettingsCfg) (active []*pb.ExperimentSettings_Experiment, ignored stringset.Set) {
exps := globalCfg.GetExperiment().GetExperiments()
if len(exps) == 0 {
return nil, nil
active = make([]*pb.ExperimentSettings_Experiment, 0, len(exps))
ignored = stringset.New(0)
bid := protoutil.FormatBuilderID(build.Builder)
for _, exp := range exps {
if exp.Inactive {
if !builderMatches(bid, exp.Builders) {
exp = proto.Clone(exp).(*pb.ExperimentSettings_Experiment)
exp.DefaultValue = 0
exp.MinimumValue = 0
active = append(active, exp)
// setExperiments computes the experiments from the given request, builder and
// global config, setting them in the proto. Mutates the given *pb.Build.
// build.Infra.Buildbucket, build.Input and build.Exe must not be nil (see
// setInfra, setInput and setExecutable respectively). The request must not set
// legacy experiment values (see normalizeSchedule).
func setExperiments(ctx context.Context, req *pb.ScheduleBuildRequest, cfg *pb.BuilderConfig, globalCfg *pb.SettingsCfg, build *pb.Build) {
globalExps, ignoredExps := activeGlobalExpsForBuilder(build, globalCfg)
// Set up the dice-rolling apparatus
exps := make(map[string]int32, len(cfg.GetExperiments())+len(globalExps))
er := make(map[string]pb.BuildInfra_Buildbucket_ExperimentReason, len(exps))
// 1. Populate with defaults
for _, exp := range globalExps {
exps[exp.Name] = exp.DefaultValue
er[exp.Name] = pb.BuildInfra_Buildbucket_EXPERIMENT_REASON_GLOBAL_DEFAULT
// 2. Overwrite with builder config
for name, value := range cfg.GetExperiments() {
er[name] = pb.BuildInfra_Buildbucket_EXPERIMENT_REASON_BUILDER_CONFIG
exps[name] = value
// 3. Overwrite with minimum global experiment values
for _, exp := range globalExps {
if exp.MinimumValue > exps[exp.Name] {
er[exp.Name] = pb.BuildInfra_Buildbucket_EXPERIMENT_REASON_GLOBAL_MINIMUM
exps[exp.Name] = exp.MinimumValue
// 4. Explicit requests have highest precedence
for name, enabled := range req.GetExperiments() {
er[name] = pb.BuildInfra_Buildbucket_EXPERIMENT_REASON_REQUESTED
if enabled {
exps[name] = 100
} else {
exps[name] = 0
// 5. Remove all inactive global expirements
ignoredExps.Iter(func(expName string) bool {
if _, ok := exps[expName]; ok {
er[expName] = pb.BuildInfra_Buildbucket_EXPERIMENT_REASON_GLOBAL_INACTIVE
delete(exps, expName)
return true
selections := make(map[string]bool, len(exps))
// Finally, roll the dice. We order `exps` here for test determinisim.
expNames := make([]string, 0, len(exps))
for exp := range exps {
expNames = append(expNames, exp)
for _, exp := range expNames {
pct := exps[exp]
switch {
case pct >= 100:
selections[exp] = true
case pct <= 0:
selections[exp] = false
selections[exp] = mathrand.Int31n(ctx, 100) < pct
// For now, continue to set legacy field values from the experiments.
build.Canary = selections[bb.ExperimentBBCanarySoftware]
build.Input.Experimental = selections[bb.ExperimentNonProduction]
// Set experimental values.
if len(build.Exe.Cmd) > 0 {
// If the user explicitly set Exe, that counts as a builder
// configuration.
er[bb.ExperimentBBAgent] = pb.BuildInfra_Buildbucket_EXPERIMENT_REASON_BUILDER_CONFIG
// If they explicitly picked recipes, this experiment is false.
// If they explicitly picked luciexe, this experiment is true
selections[bb.ExperimentBBAgent] = build.Exe.Cmd[0] != "recipes"
} else if selections[bb.ExperimentBBAgent] {
// User didn't explicitly set Exe, bbagent was selected
build.Exe.Cmd = []string{"luciexe"}
} else {
// User didn't explicitly set Exe, bbagent was not selected
build.Exe.Cmd = []string{"recipes"}
for exp, en := range selections {
if !en {
build.Input.Experiments = append(build.Input.Experiments, exp)
if len(er) > 0 {
build.Infra.Buildbucket.ExperimentReasons = er
// defBuilderCacheTimeout is the default value for WaitForWarmCache in the
// pb.BuildInfra_Swarming_CacheEntry whose Name is "builder" (see setInfra).
var defBuilderCacheTimeout = durationpb.New(4 * time.Minute)
// commonCacheToSwarmingCache returns the equivalent
// []*pb.BuildInfra_Swarming_CacheEntry for the given []*pb.CacheEntry.
func commonCacheToSwarmingCache(cache []*pb.CacheEntry) []*pb.BuildInfra_Swarming_CacheEntry {
var swarmingCache []*pb.BuildInfra_Swarming_CacheEntry
for _, c := range cache {
cacheEntry := &pb.BuildInfra_Swarming_CacheEntry{
EnvVar: c.GetEnvVar(),
Name: c.GetName(),
Path: c.GetPath(),
WaitForWarmCache: c.GetWaitForWarmCache(),
swarmingCache = append(swarmingCache, cacheEntry)
return swarmingCache
// builderCacheToCommonCache returns the equivalent
// *pb.CacheEntry for the given *pb.BuilderConfig_CacheEntry.
func builderCacheToCommonCache(cache *pb.BuilderConfig_CacheEntry) *pb.CacheEntry {
if cache == nil {
return nil
commonCache := &pb.CacheEntry{
EnvVar: cache.GetEnvVar(),
Name: cache.GetName(),
Path: cache.GetPath(),
if commonCache.Name == "" {
commonCache.Name = commonCache.Path
if cache.WaitForWarmCacheSecs > 0 {
commonCache.WaitForWarmCache = &durationpb.Duration{
Seconds: int64(cache.WaitForWarmCacheSecs),
return commonCache
// setInfra computes the infra values from the given request and builder config,
// setting them in the proto. Mutates the given *pb.Build. build.Builder must be
// set. Does not set build.Infra.Logdog.Prefix, which can only be determined at
// creation time.
func setInfra(ctx context.Context, req *pb.ScheduleBuildRequest, cfg *pb.BuilderConfig, build *pb.Build, globalCfg *pb.SettingsCfg) {
appID := info.AppID(ctx) // e.g. cr-buildbucket
build.Infra = &pb.BuildInfra{
Bbagent: &pb.BuildInfra_BBAgent{
CacheDir: "cache",
PayloadPath: "kitchen-checkout",
Buildbucket: &pb.BuildInfra_Buildbucket{
Hostname: fmt.Sprintf("", appID),
RequestedDimensions: req.GetDimensions(),
RequestedProperties: req.GetProperties(),
KnownPublicGerritHosts: globalCfg.GetKnownPublicGerritHosts(),
BuildNumber: cfg.GetBuildNumbers() == pb.Toggle_YES,
Logdog: &pb.BuildInfra_LogDog{
Hostname: globalCfg.GetLogdog().GetHostname(),
Project: build.Builder.GetProject(),
Resultdb: &pb.BuildInfra_ResultDB{
Hostname: globalCfg.GetResultdb().GetHostname(),
Enable: cfg.GetResultdb().GetEnable(),
BqExports: cfg.GetResultdb().GetBqExports(),
if cfg.GetRecipe() != nil {
build.Infra.Recipe = &pb.BuildInfra_Recipe{
CipdPackage: cfg.Recipe.CipdPackage,
Name: cfg.Recipe.Name,
func setSwarmingOrBackend(ctx context.Context, req *pb.ScheduleBuildRequest, cfg *pb.BuilderConfig, build *pb.Build, globalCfg *pb.SettingsCfg) {
experiments := stringset.NewFromSlice(build.GetInput().GetExperiments()...)
// constructing common TaskBackend/Swarming task fields
priority := int32(cfg.GetPriority())
if priority == 0 {
priority = 30
if req.GetPriority() > 0 {
priority = req.Priority
// Request > experimental > proto precedence.
if experiments.Has(bb.ExperimentNonProduction) && req.GetPriority() == 0 {
priority = 255
taskServiceAccount := cfg.GetServiceAccount()
globalCaches := globalCfg.GetSwarming().GetGlobalCaches()
taskCaches := make([]*pb.CacheEntry, len(cfg.GetCaches()), len(cfg.GetCaches())+len(globalCaches))
names := stringset.New(len(cfg.GetCaches()))
paths := stringset.New(len(cfg.GetCaches()))
for i, c := range cfg.GetCaches() {
taskCaches[i] = builderCacheToCommonCache(c)
// Requested caches have precedence over global caches.
// Apply global caches whose names and paths weren't overridden.
for _, c := range globalCaches {
if !names.Has(c.GetName()) && !paths.Has(c.GetPath()) {
taskCaches = append(taskCaches, builderCacheToCommonCache(c))
if !paths.Has("builder") {
taskCaches = append(taskCaches, &pb.CacheEntry{
Name: fmt.Sprintf("builder_%x_v2", sha256.Sum256([]byte(protoutil.FormatBuilderID(build.Builder)))),
Path: "builder",
WaitForWarmCache: defBuilderCacheTimeout,
sort.Slice(taskCaches, func(i, j int) bool {
return taskCaches[i].Path < taskCaches[j].Path
// Need to configure build.Infra for a backend or swarming.
isTaskBackend := false
backendAltExpIsTrue := experiments.Has(bb.ExperimentBackendAlt)
switch {
case backendAltExpIsTrue && (cfg.GetBackendAlt() != nil || cfg.GetBackend() != nil):
cfgToPass := cfg.GetBackend()
if cfg.GetBackendAlt() != nil {
cfgToPass = cfg.BackendAlt
setInfraBackend(ctx, globalCfg, build, cfgToPass, taskCaches, taskServiceAccount, priority, req.GetPriority())
isTaskBackend = true
case backendAltExpIsTrue:
// Derive backend settings using swarming info.
// This is a temporary solution for raw swarming -> task backend migration,
// which allows Buildbucket to do the migration behind the scene without
// any change on builder configs.
// TODO( Remove this after the migration is completed and
// all builder configs are updated with backend/backend_alt configs.
derivedBackendCfg := deriveBackendCfgFromSwarming(cfg, globalCfg)
if derivedBackendCfg != nil {
setInfraBackend(ctx, globalCfg, build, derivedBackendCfg, taskCaches, taskServiceAccount, priority, req.GetPriority())
isTaskBackend = true
if !isTaskBackend {
build.Infra.Swarming = &pb.BuildInfra_Swarming{
Caches: commonCacheToSwarmingCache(taskCaches),
Hostname: cfg.GetSwarmingHost(),
ParentRunId: req.GetSwarming().GetParentRunId(),
Priority: priority,
TaskServiceAccount: taskServiceAccount,
setDimensions(req, cfg, build, isTaskBackend)
func deriveBackendCfgFromSwarming(cfg *pb.BuilderConfig, globalCfg *pb.SettingsCfg) *pb.BuilderConfig_Backend {
var target string
for host, backend := range globalCfg.SwarmingBackends {
if host == cfg.GetSwarmingHost() {
target = backend
if target == "" {
return nil
return &pb.BuilderConfig_Backend{
Target: target,
// setInput computes the input values from the given request and builder config,
// setting them in the proto. Mutates the given *pb.Build. May panic if the
// builder config is invalid.
func setInput(ctx context.Context, req *pb.ScheduleBuildRequest, cfg *pb.BuilderConfig, build *pb.Build) {
build.Input = &pb.Build_Input{
Properties: &structpb.Struct{},
if cfg.GetRecipe() != nil {
// TODO(crbug/1042991): Deduplicate property parsing logic with config validation for properties.
build.Input.Properties.Fields = make(map[string]*structpb.Value, len(cfg.Recipe.Properties)+len(cfg.Recipe.PropertiesJ)+1)
for _, prop := range cfg.Recipe.Properties {
k, v := strpair.Parse(prop)
build.Input.Properties.Fields[k] = &structpb.Value{
Kind: &structpb.Value_StringValue{
StringValue: v,
// Values are JSON-encoded strings which need to be unmarshalled to structpb.Struct.
// jsonpb unmarshals dicts to structpb.Struct, but cannot unmarshal directly to
// structpb.Value, so create a dummy dict in order to get the structpb.Value.
// TODO(crbug/1042991): Deduplicate legacy property parsing with buildbucket/cli.
for _, prop := range cfg.Recipe.PropertiesJ {
k, v := strpair.Parse(prop)
s := &structpb.Struct{}
v = fmt.Sprintf("{\"%s\": %s}", k, v)
if err := protojson.Unmarshal([]byte(v), s); err != nil {
// Builder config should have been validated already.
panic(errors.Annotate(err, "error parsing %q", v).Err())
build.Input.Properties.Fields[k] = s.Fields[k]
build.Input.Properties.Fields["recipe"] = &structpb.Value{
Kind: &structpb.Value_StringValue{
StringValue: cfg.Recipe.Name,
} else if cfg.GetProperties() != "" {
if err := protojson.Unmarshal([]byte(cfg.Properties), build.Input.Properties); err != nil {
// Builder config should have been validated already.
panic(errors.Annotate(err, "error unmarshaling builder properties for %q", cfg.GetName()).Err())
if build.Input.Properties.Fields == nil {
build.Input.Properties.Fields = make(map[string]*structpb.Value, len(req.GetProperties().GetFields()))
allowedOverrides := stringset.NewFromSlice(cfg.GetAllowedPropertyOverrides()...)
anyOverride := allowedOverrides.Has("*")
for k, v := range req.GetProperties().GetFields() {
if build.Input.Properties.Fields[k] != nil && !anyOverride && !allowedOverrides.Has(k) {
logging.Warningf(ctx, "ScheduleBuild: Unpermitted Override for property %q for builder %q (ignored)", k, protoutil.FormatBuilderID(build.Builder))
build.Input.Properties.Fields[k] = v
build.Input.GitilesCommit = req.GetGitilesCommit()
build.Input.GerritChanges = req.GetGerritChanges()
// setTags computes the tags from the given request, setting them in the proto.
// Mutates the given *pb.Build.
func setTags(req *pb.ScheduleBuildRequest, build *pb.Build, pRunID string) {
tags := protoutil.StringPairMap(req.GetTags())
if req.GetBuilder() != nil {
tags.Add("builder", req.Builder.Builder)
if gc := req.GetGitilesCommit(); gc != nil {
if buildset := protoutil.GitilesBuildSet(gc); buildset != "" {
tags.Add("buildset", buildset)
tags.Add("gitiles_ref", gc.Ref)
for _, ch := range req.GetGerritChanges() {
tags.Add("buildset", protoutil.GerritBuildSet(ch))
// Make `parent_task_id` a tag if buildbucket tracks the build's parent/child
// relationship.
if len(build.AncestorIds) > 0 {
// TODO( Remove this to always use the parent build's
// task_id to populate the tag.
if req.GetSwarming().GetParentRunId() != "" {
tags.Add("parent_task_id", req.Swarming.ParentRunId)
} else if pRunID != "" {
tags.Add("parent_task_id", pRunID)
build.Tags = protoutil.StringPairs(tags)
// defGracePeriod is the default value for pb.Build.GracePeriod.
// See setTimeouts.
var defGracePeriod = durationpb.New(30 * time.Second)
// setTimeouts computes the timeouts from the given request and builder config,
// setting them in the proto. Mutates the given *pb.Build.
func setTimeouts(req *pb.ScheduleBuildRequest, cfg *pb.BuilderConfig, build *pb.Build) {
// Timeouts in the request have highest precedence, followed by
// values in the builder config, followed by default values.
switch {
case req.GetExecutionTimeout() != nil:
build.ExecutionTimeout = req.ExecutionTimeout
case cfg.GetExecutionTimeoutSecs() > 0:
build.ExecutionTimeout = &durationpb.Duration{
Seconds: int64(cfg.ExecutionTimeoutSecs),
build.ExecutionTimeout = durationpb.New(config.DefExecutionTimeout)
switch {
case req.GetGracePeriod() != nil:
build.GracePeriod = req.GracePeriod
case cfg.GetGracePeriod() != nil:
build.GracePeriod = cfg.GracePeriod
build.GracePeriod = defGracePeriod
switch {
case req.GetSchedulingTimeout() != nil:
build.SchedulingTimeout = req.SchedulingTimeout
case cfg.GetExpirationSecs() > 0:
build.SchedulingTimeout = &durationpb.Duration{
Seconds: int64(cfg.ExpirationSecs),
build.SchedulingTimeout = durationpb.New(config.DefSchedulingTimeout)
// buildFromScheduleRequest returns a build proto created from the given
// request and builder config. Sets fields except those which can only be
// determined at creation time.
func buildFromScheduleRequest(ctx context.Context, req *pb.ScheduleBuildRequest, ancestors []int64, pRunID string, cfg *pb.BuilderConfig, globalCfg *pb.SettingsCfg) (b *pb.Build) {
b = &pb.Build{
Builder: req.Builder,
Critical: cfg.GetCritical(),
WaitForCapacity: cfg.GetWaitForCapacity() == pb.Trinary_YES,
Retriable: cfg.GetRetriable(),
if cfg.GetDescriptionHtml() != "" {
b.BuilderInfo = &pb.Build_BuilderInfo{
Description: cfg.GetDescriptionHtml(),
if req.Critical != pb.Trinary_UNSET {
b.Critical = req.Critical
if req.Retriable != pb.Trinary_UNSET {
b.Retriable = req.Retriable
if len(ancestors) > 0 {
b.AncestorIds = ancestors
// Temporarily accept req.CanOutliveParent to be unset, and treat it
// the same as pb.Trinary_YES.
// This is to prevent breakage due to unmatched timelines of deployments
// (for example recipes rolls and bb CLI rolls).
// TODO( after the parent tracking feature is stabled,
// we should require req.CanOutliveParent to be set.
b.CanOutliveParent = req.GetCanOutliveParent() != pb.Trinary_NO
setExecutable(req, cfg, b)
setInfra(ctx, req, cfg, b, globalCfg) // Requires setExecutable.
setInput(ctx, req, cfg, b)
setTags(req, b, pRunID)
setTimeouts(req, cfg, b)
setExperiments(ctx, req, cfg, globalCfg, b) // Requires setExecutable, setInfra, setInput.
setSwarmingOrBackend(ctx, req, cfg, b, globalCfg) // Requires setExecutable, setInfra, setInput, setExperiments.
if err := setInfraAgent(b, globalCfg); err != nil { // Requires setExecutable, setInfra, setExperiments, setSwarmingOrBackend.
// TODO( bubble up the error after TaskBackend workflow is ready.
// The current ScheduleBuild doesn't need this info. Swallow it to not interrupt the normal workflow.
logging.Warningf(ctx, "Failed to set build.Infra.Buildbucket.Agent for build %d: %s", b.Id, err)
// Sets the Backend.Config CIPD agent related fields only for swarming task backends
if b.Infra.Backend != nil && strings.Contains(b.Infra.Backend.Task.Id.Target, "swarming") {
setInfraBackendConfigAgent(b) // Requires setInfra, setInfraAgent
// setInfraAgent populate the agent info from the given settings.
// Mutates the given *pb.Build.
// The build.Builder, build.Canary, build.Exe build.Infra.Buildbucket
// and one of build.Infra.Swarming or build.Infra.Backend must be set.
func setInfraAgent(build *pb.Build, globalCfg *pb.SettingsCfg) error {
build.Infra.Buildbucket.Agent = &pb.BuildInfra_Buildbucket_Agent{}
experiments := stringset.NewFromSlice(build.GetInput().GetExperiments()...)
builderID := protoutil.FormatBuilderID(build.Builder)
// TODO( In the future, bbagent will entirely manage the
// user executable payload, which means Buildbucket should not specify the
// payload path.
// We should change the purpose field and use symbolic paths in the input
// like "$exe" and "$agentUtils".
// Reference:
build.Infra.Buildbucket.Agent.Purposes = map[string]pb.BuildInfra_Buildbucket_Agent_Purpose{
"kitchen-checkout": pb.BuildInfra_Buildbucket_Agent_PURPOSE_EXE_PAYLOAD,
setInfraAgentInputData(build, globalCfg, experiments, builderID)
if len(build.Infra.Buildbucket.Agent.Input.Data) > 0 {
return setInfraAgentSource(build, globalCfg, experiments, builderID)
func addInfraAgentInputData(build *pb.Build, builderID, cipdServer, basePath string, experiments stringset.Set, packages []*pb.SwarmingSettings_Package) {
inputData := build.Infra.Buildbucket.Agent.Input.Data
purposes := build.Infra.Buildbucket.Agent.Purposes
for _, p := range packages {
if !builderMatches(builderID, p.Builders) {
if !experimentsMatch(experiments, p.GetIncludeOnExperiment(), p.GetOmitOnExperiment()) {
path := basePath
if p.Subdir != "" {
path = fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", path, p.Subdir)
if _, ok := inputData[path]; !ok {
inputData[path] = &pb.InputDataRef{
DataType: &pb.InputDataRef_Cipd{
Cipd: &pb.InputDataRef_CIPD{
Server: cipdServer,
OnPath: []string{path, fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", path, "bin")},
if basePath == BbagentUtilPkgDir {
purposes[path] = pb.BuildInfra_Buildbucket_Agent_PURPOSE_BBAGENT_UTILITY
inputData[path].GetCipd().Specs = append(inputData[path].GetCipd().Specs, &pb.InputDataRef_CIPD_PkgSpec{
Package: p.PackageName,
Version: extractCipdVersion(p, build),
// setInfraAgentInputData populate input cipd info from the given settings.
// In the future, they can be also from per-builder-level or per-request-level.
// Mutates the given *pb.Build.
// The build.Builder, build.Canary, build.Exe, and build.Infra.Buildbucket.Agent must be set
func setInfraAgentInputData(build *pb.Build, globalCfg *pb.SettingsCfg, experiments stringset.Set, builderID string) {
inputData := make(map[string]*pb.InputDataRef)
build.Infra.Buildbucket.Agent.Input = &pb.BuildInfra_Buildbucket_Agent_Input{
Data: inputData,
// add cipd client.
cipdServer := globalCfg.GetCipd().GetServer()
version := globalCfg.GetCipd().GetSource().GetVersion()
if build.Canary && globalCfg.GetCipd().GetSource().GetVersionCanary() != "" {
version = globalCfg.GetCipd().GetSource().GetVersionCanary()
if version != "" {
build.Infra.Buildbucket.Agent.Input.CipdSource = map[string]*pb.InputDataRef{
CipdClientDir: {
DataType: &pb.InputDataRef_Cipd{
Cipd: &pb.InputDataRef_CIPD{
Server: cipdServer,
Specs: []*pb.InputDataRef_CIPD_PkgSpec{
Package: globalCfg.GetCipd().GetSource().GetPackageName(),
Version: version,
OnPath: []string{CipdClientDir, fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", CipdClientDir, "bin")},
build.Infra.Buildbucket.Agent.CipdClientCache = &pb.CacheEntry{
// Sha the version to make sure the cache name matches
// "^[a-z0-9_]{1,4096}$".
Name: fmt.Sprintf("cipd_client_%x", sha256.Sum256([]byte(version))),
Path: "cipd_client",
// add user packages.
addInfraAgentInputData(build, builderID, cipdServer, UserPackageDir, experiments, globalCfg.GetSwarming().GetUserPackages())
// add bbagent utility packages.
addInfraAgentInputData(build, builderID, cipdServer, BbagentUtilPkgDir, experiments, globalCfg.GetSwarming().GetBbagentUtilityPackages())
if build.Exe.GetCipdPackage() != "" || build.Exe.GetCipdVersion() != "" {
inputData["kitchen-checkout"] = &pb.InputDataRef{
DataType: &pb.InputDataRef_Cipd{
Cipd: &pb.InputDataRef_CIPD{
Server: cipdServer,
Specs: []*pb.InputDataRef_CIPD_PkgSpec{
Package: build.Exe.GetCipdPackage(),
Version: build.Exe.GetCipdVersion(),
// setInfraAgentSource extracts bbagent source info from the given settings.
// In the future, they can be also from per-builder-level or per-request-level.
// Mutates the given *pb.Build.
// The build.Canary, build.Infra.Buildbucket.Agent must be set
func setInfraAgentSource(build *pb.Build, globalCfg *pb.SettingsCfg, experiments stringset.Set, builderID string) error {
bbagent := globalCfg.GetSwarming().GetBbagentPackage()
bbagentAlternatives := make([]*pb.SwarmingSettings_Package, 0, len(globalCfg.GetSwarming().GetAlternativeAgentPackages()))
for _, p := range globalCfg.GetSwarming().GetAlternativeAgentPackages() {
if !builderMatches(builderID, p.Builders) {
if !experimentsMatch(experiments, p.GetIncludeOnExperiment(), p.GetOmitOnExperiment()) {
bbagentAlternatives = append(bbagentAlternatives, p)
if len(bbagentAlternatives) > 1 {
return errors.Reason("cannot decide buildbucket agent source").Err()
if len(bbagentAlternatives) == 1 {
bbagent = bbagentAlternatives[0]
if bbagent == nil {
return nil
if !strings.HasSuffix(bbagent.PackageName, "/${platform}") {
return errors.New("bad settings: bbagent package name must end with '/${platform}'")
cipdHost := globalCfg.GetCipd().GetServer()
build.Infra.Buildbucket.Agent.Source = &pb.BuildInfra_Buildbucket_Agent_Source{
DataType: &pb.BuildInfra_Buildbucket_Agent_Source_Cipd{
Cipd: &pb.BuildInfra_Buildbucket_Agent_Source_CIPD{
Package: bbagent.PackageName,
Version: extractCipdVersion(bbagent, build),
Server: cipdHost,
return nil
// setInfraBackendConfigAgent extracts bbagent source info from the build proto.
// Mutates the given *pb.Build.
// The build.Infra.Buildbucket.Agent must be set
func setInfraBackendConfigAgent(b *pb.Build) {
agentSource := b.Infra.Buildbucket.GetAgent().GetSource()
b.Infra.Backend.Config.Fields["agent_binary_cipd_pkg"] = structpb.NewStringValue(agentSource.GetCipd().Package)
b.Infra.Backend.Config.Fields["agent_binary_cipd_vers"] = structpb.NewStringValue(agentSource.GetCipd().Version)
b.Infra.Backend.Config.Fields["agent_binary_cipd_server"] = structpb.NewStringValue(agentSource.GetCipd().Server)
// TODO( Remove this harcoding and use
// globalCfg.GetSwarming().GetBbagentPackage().binary_agent_name.
b.Infra.Backend.Config.Fields["agent_binary_cipd_filename"] = structpb.NewStringValue("bbagent${EXECUTABLE_SUFFIX}")
func setInfraBackend(ctx context.Context, globalCfg *pb.SettingsCfg, build *pb.Build, backend *pb.BuilderConfig_Backend, taskCaches []*pb.CacheEntry, taskServiceAccount string, priority, reqPriority int32) {
config := &structpb.Struct{}
if backend.GetConfigJson() != "" { // bypass empty config_json
err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(backend.ConfigJson), config)
if err != nil {
logging.Warningf(ctx, err.Error())
if config.GetFields() == nil {
config.Fields = make(map[string]*structpb.Value)
if config.Fields["service_account"].GetStringValue() == "" && taskServiceAccount != "" {
config.Fields["service_account"] = structpb.NewStringValue(taskServiceAccount)
// If request has a priority, use that
// else if backend config_json did not have a priority
// we use the builder one (or value 30 if builder was not set)
if config.Fields["priority"].GetNumberValue() == 0 || reqPriority > 0 {
config.Fields["priority"] = structpb.NewNumberValue(float64(priority))
hostname, err := clients.ComputeHostnameFromTarget(backend.GetTarget(), globalCfg)
if err != nil {
logging.Warningf(ctx, err.Error())
build.Infra.Backend = &pb.BuildInfra_Backend{
Caches: taskCaches,
Config: config,
Task: &pb.Task{
Id: &pb.TaskID{
Target: backend.GetTarget(),
UpdateId: 0,
Hostname: hostname,
// setExperimentsFromProto sets experiments in the model (see model/build.go).
// build.Proto.Input.Experiments and
// build.Proto.Infra.Buildbucket.ExperimentReasons must be set (see setExperiments).
func setExperimentsFromProto(build *model.Build) {
setExps := stringset.NewFromSlice(build.Proto.Input.Experiments...)
for exp := range build.Proto.Infra.Buildbucket.ExperimentReasons {
if !setExps.Has(exp) {
build.Experiments = append(build.Experiments, fmt.Sprintf("-%s", exp))
for _, exp := range build.Proto.Input.Experiments {
build.Experiments = append(build.Experiments, fmt.Sprintf("+%s", exp))
build.Canary = build.Proto.Canary
build.Experimental = build.Proto.Input.Experimental
func getParentInfo(ctx context.Context, pBld *model.Build) (ancestors []int64, pRunID string, err error) {
switch {
case pBld == nil:
ancestors = make([]int64, 0)
case len(pBld.AncestorIds) > 0:
ancestors = append(pBld.AncestorIds, pBld.ID)
ancestors = append(ancestors, pBld.ID)
if pBld != nil {
parentBuildMask := model.HardcodedBuildMask("infra.swarming.task_id")
pBuild := pBld.ToSimpleBuildProto(ctx)
if err = model.LoadBuildDetails(ctx, parentBuildMask, nil, pBuild); err != nil {
pRunID = pBuild.GetInfra().GetSwarming().GetTaskId()
if pRunID != "" {
pRunID = pRunID[:len(pRunID)-1] + "1"
// getShadowBuckets gets the shadow buckets.
// For the requests with `ShadowInput`, the build should be scheduled in the
// shadow bucket of the requested bucket. So we need to get the shadow buckets
// for validation.
func getShadowBuckets(ctx context.Context, reqs []*pb.ScheduleBuildRequest) (map[string]string, error) {
bcksWithShadow := stringset.New(0)
var buckets []*model.Bucket
for _, req := range reqs {
if req.GetShadowInput() == nil {
k := protoutil.FormatBucketID(req.Builder.Project, req.Builder.Bucket)
if bcksWithShadow.Add(k) {
buckets = append(buckets, &model.Bucket{
Parent: model.ProjectKey(ctx, req.Builder.Project),
ID: req.Builder.Bucket,
if len(bcksWithShadow) == 0 {
return nil, nil
if err := model.GetIgnoreMissing(ctx, buckets); err != nil {
return nil, errors.Annotate(err, "failed to fetch bucket entities").Err()
shadows := make(map[string]string)
for _, b := range buckets {
if b == nil {
k := protoutil.FormatBucketID(b.Parent.StringID(), b.ID)
shadows[k] = b.Proto.GetShadow()
return shadows, nil
// scheduleBuilds handles requests to schedule builds. Requests must be validated and authorized.
// The length of returned builds always equal to len(reqs).
// A single returned error means a global error which applies to every request.
// Otherwise, it would be a MultiError where len(MultiError) equals to len(reqs).
func scheduleBuilds(ctx context.Context, globalCfg *pb.SettingsCfg, reqs ...*pb.ScheduleBuildRequest) ([]*model.Build, error) {
if len(reqs) == 0 {
return []*model.Build{}, nil
dryRun := reqs[0].DryRun
for _, req := range reqs {
if req.DryRun != dryRun {
return nil, appstatus.BadRequest(errors.Reason("all requests must have the same dry_run value").Err())
merr := make(errors.MultiError, len(reqs))
// Bucket -> Builder -> *pb.BuilderConfig.
bldrIDs := make([]*pb.BuilderID, 0, len(reqs))
for _, req := range reqs {
bldrIDs = append(bldrIDs, req.Builder)
cfgs, dynamicBuckets, shadowMap, err := fetchBuilderConfigs(ctx, bldrIDs)
if me, ok := err.(errors.MultiError); ok {
merr = mergeErrs(merr, me, "error fetching builders", func(i int) int { return i })
} else if err != nil {
return nil, err
validReq, idxMapBlds := getValidReqs(reqs, merr)
blds := make([]*model.Build, len(validReq))
resultdbOpts := make([]resultdb.CreateOptions, len(validReq))
pBld, err := validateParent(ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
ancestors, pRunID, err := getParentInfo(ctx, pBld)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var pInfra *model.BuildInfra
for i := range blds {
origI := idxMapBlds[i]
bucket := fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", validReq[i].Builder.Project, validReq[i].Builder.Bucket)
cfg := cfgs[bucket][validReq[i].Builder.Builder]
inDynamicBucket := false
if bkt, ok := dynamicBuckets[bucket]; ok {
inDynamicBucket = true
cfg = bkt.GetDynamicBuilderTemplate().GetTemplate()
var build *pb.Build
if reqs[origI].ShadowInput != nil {
// Schedule a build with shadow info.
if shadowMap[bucket] == "" || shadowMap[bucket] == validReq[i].Builder.Bucket {
// Scheduling a shadow build in the original bucket is prohibited.
// In theory this part of code should not be reached, since validateScheduleBuild
// has checked.
// But still check here just in case a builder config happened to be
// updated between validateScheduleBuild and here.
merr[origI] = errors.Reason("scheduling a shadow build in the original bucket is not allowed").Err()
blds[i] = nil
// Schedule a build with shadow info.
build = scheduleShadowBuild(ctx, reqs[origI], ancestors, shadowMap[bucket], globalCfg, cfg)
if pBld != nil {
if pInfra == nil {
entities, err := common.GetBuildEntities(ctx, pBld.ID, model.BuildInfraKind)
if err != nil {
merr[origI] = errors.Reason("failed to get BuildInfra for build %d", pBld.ID).Err()
blds[i] = nil
pInfra = entities[0].(*model.BuildInfra)
// Inherit agent input and agent source from the parent build.
build.Infra.Buildbucket.Agent.Input = pInfra.Proto.Buildbucket.Agent.Input
build.Infra.Buildbucket.Agent.Source = pInfra.Proto.Buildbucket.Agent.Source
build.Exe = pBld.Proto.Exe
if len(build.Infra.Buildbucket.Agent.Input.Data) > 0 {
} else {
// TODO( Parallelize build creation from requests if necessary.
build = buildFromScheduleRequest(ctx, reqs[origI], ancestors, pRunID, cfg, globalCfg)
blds[i] = &model.Build{
Proto: build,
resultdbOpts[i] = resultdb.CreateOptions{
// Build is an export root in ResultDB if it has no parent, or if
// explicitly requested.
IsExportRoot: pBld == nil || validReq[i].GetResultdb().GetIsExportRootOverride(),
blds[i].IsLuci = cfg != nil || inDynamicBucket
blds[i].PubSubCallback.Topic = validReq[i].GetNotify().GetPubsubTopic()
blds[i].PubSubCallback.UserData = validReq[i].GetNotify().GetUserData()
// Tags are stored in the outer struct (see model/build.go).
tags := protoutil.StringPairMap(blds[i].Proto.Tags).Format()
tags = stringset.NewFromSlice(tags...).ToSlice() // Deduplicate tags.
blds[i].Tags = tags
exp := make(map[int64]struct{})
for _, d := range blds[i].Proto.Infra.GetSwarming().GetTaskDimensions() {
exp[d.Expiration.GetSeconds()] = struct{}{}
if len(exp) > 6 {
merr[origI] = appstatus.BadRequest(errors.Reason("build %d contains more than 6 unique expirations", i).Err())
if dryRun {
if merr.First() == nil {
return blds, nil
return blds, merr
reqIDs := make([]string, 0, len(reqs))
for _, req := range reqs {
reqIDs = append(reqIDs, req.RequestId)
bc := &buildCreator{
blds: blds,
resultdbOpts: resultdbOpts,
idxMapBldToReq: idxMapBlds,
reqIDs: reqIDs,
merr: merr,
return bc.createBuilds(ctx)
// normalizeSchedule converts deprecated fields to non-deprecated ones.
// In particular, this currently converts the Canary and Experimental fields to
// the non-deprecated Experiments field.
func normalizeSchedule(req *pb.ScheduleBuildRequest) {
if req.Experiments == nil {
req.Experiments = map[string]bool{}
if _, has := req.Experiments[bb.ExperimentBBCanarySoftware]; !has {
if req.Canary == pb.Trinary_YES {
req.Experiments[bb.ExperimentBBCanarySoftware] = true
} else if req.Canary == pb.Trinary_NO {
req.Experiments[bb.ExperimentBBCanarySoftware] = false
req.Canary = pb.Trinary_UNSET
if _, has := req.Experiments[bb.ExperimentNonProduction]; !has {
if req.Experimental == pb.Trinary_YES {
req.Experiments[bb.ExperimentNonProduction] = true
} else if req.Experimental == pb.Trinary_NO {
req.Experiments[bb.ExperimentNonProduction] = false
req.Experimental = pb.Trinary_UNSET
// validateScheduleBuild validates and authorizes the given request, returning
// a normalized version of the request and field mask.
func validateScheduleBuild(ctx context.Context, wellKnownExperiments stringset.Set, req *pb.ScheduleBuildRequest, parent *model.Build, shadowBuckets map[string]string) (*pb.ScheduleBuildRequest, *model.BuildMask, error) {
var err error
if err = validateSchedule(ctx, req, wellKnownExperiments, parent); err != nil {
return nil, nil, appstatus.BadRequest(err)
m, err := model.NewBuildMask("", req.Fields, req.Mask)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, appstatus.BadRequest(errors.Annotate(err, "invalid mask").Err())
if req, err = scheduleRequestFromTemplate(ctx, req); err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
bkt := req.Builder.Bucket
if req.GetShadowInput() != nil {
k := protoutil.FormatBucketID(req.Builder.Project, req.Builder.Bucket)
shadow := shadowBuckets[k]
if shadow == "" || shadow == req.Builder.Bucket {
return nil, nil, appstatus.BadRequest(errors.Reason("scheduling a shadow build in the original bucket is not allowed").Err())
bkt = shadow
if err = perm.HasInBucket(ctx, bbperms.BuildsAdd, req.Builder.Project, bkt); err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
return req, m, nil
// ScheduleBuild handles a request to schedule a build. Implements pb.BuildsServer.
func (*Builds) ScheduleBuild(ctx context.Context, req *pb.ScheduleBuildRequest) (*pb.Build, error) {
globalCfg, err := config.GetSettingsCfg(ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Annotate(err, "error fetching service config").Err()
wellKnownExperiments := protoutil.WellKnownExperiments(globalCfg)
pBld, err := validateParent(ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// get shadow buckets.
shadowBuckets, err := getShadowBuckets(ctx, []*pb.ScheduleBuildRequest{req})
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Annotate(err, "error in getting shadow buckets").Err()
req, m, err := validateScheduleBuild(ctx, wellKnownExperiments, req, pBld, shadowBuckets)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
blds, err := scheduleBuilds(ctx, globalCfg, req)
if err != nil {
if merr, ok := err.(errors.MultiError); ok {
return nil, merr.First()
return nil, err
if req.DryRun {
// Dry run build is not saved in datastore, return the proto right away.
return blds[0].Proto, nil
// No need to redact the response here, because we're effectively just sending
// the caller's inputs back to them.
return blds[0].ToProto(ctx, m, nil)
// scheduleBuilds handles requests to schedule builds.
// The length of returned builds and errors (if any) always equal to the len(reqs).
// The returned error type is always MultiError.
func (*Builds) scheduleBuilds(ctx context.Context, globalCfg *pb.SettingsCfg, reqs []*pb.ScheduleBuildRequest) ([]*pb.Build, errors.MultiError) {
// The ith error is the error associated with the ith request.
merr := make(errors.MultiError, len(reqs))
// The ith mask is the field mask derived from the ith request.
masks := make([]*model.BuildMask, len(reqs))
wellKnownExperiments := protoutil.WellKnownExperiments(globalCfg)
errorInBatch := func(err error, attach func(error) error) errors.MultiError {
for i, e := range merr {
if e == nil {
merr[i] = attach(err)
return merr
// Validate parent.
pBld, err := validateParent(ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, errorInBatch(err, func(err error) error {
return appstatus.BadRequest(errors.Annotate(err, "error in schedule batch").Err())
// get shadow buckets.
shadowBuckets, err := getShadowBuckets(ctx, reqs)
if err != nil {
return nil, errorInBatch(err, func(err error) error {
return appstatus.BadRequest(errors.Annotate(err, "error in schedule batch").Err())
// Validate requests.
_ = parallel.WorkPool(min(64, len(reqs)), func(work chan<- func() error) {
for i, req := range reqs {
i := i
req := req
work <- func() error {
reqs[i], masks[i], merr[i] = validateScheduleBuild(ctx, wellKnownExperiments, req, pBld, shadowBuckets)
return nil
validReqs, idxMapValidReqs := getValidReqs(reqs, merr)
// Non-MultiError error should apply to every item and fail all requests.
blds, err := scheduleBuilds(ctx, globalCfg, validReqs...)
if err != nil {
if me, ok := err.(errors.MultiError); ok {
merr = mergeErrs(merr, me, "", func(i int) int { return idxMapValidReqs[i] })
} else {
return nil, errorInBatch(err, func(err error) error {
if _, isAppStatusErr := appstatus.Get(err); isAppStatusErr {
return err
} else {
return appstatus.Errorf(codes.Internal, "error in schedule batch: %s", err)
ret := make([]*pb.Build, len(blds))
_ = parallel.WorkPool(min(64, len(blds)), func(work chan<- func() error) {
for i, bld := range blds {
if bld == nil {
i := i
origI := idxMapValidReqs[i]
bld := bld
work <- func() error {
// Note: We don't redact the Build response here because we expect any user with
// BuildsAdd permission should also have BuildsGet.
// TODO(crbug/1042991): Don't re-read freshly written entities (see ToProto).
ret[i], merr[origI] = bld.ToProto(ctx, masks[origI], nil)
return nil
if merr.First() == nil {
return ret, nil
origRet := make([]*pb.Build, len(reqs))
for i, origI := range idxMapValidReqs {
if merr[origI] == nil {
origRet[origI] = ret[i]
return origRet, merr
// mergeErrs merges errs into origErrs according to the idxMapper.
func mergeErrs(origErrs, errs errors.MultiError, reason string, idxMapper func(int) int) errors.MultiError {
for i, err := range errs {
if err != nil {
origErrs[idxMapper(i)] = errors.Annotate(err, reason).Err()
return origErrs
// getValidReqs returns a list of valid ScheduleBuildRequest where its corresponding error is nil,
// as well as an index map where idxMap[returnedIndex] == originalIndex.
func getValidReqs(reqs []*pb.ScheduleBuildRequest, errs errors.MultiError) ([]*pb.ScheduleBuildRequest, []int) {
if len(reqs) != len(errs) {
panic("The length of reqs and the length of errs must be the same.")
var validReqs []*pb.ScheduleBuildRequest
var idxMap []int
for i, req := range reqs {
if errs[i] == nil {
idxMap = append(idxMap, i)
validReqs = append(validReqs, req)
return validReqs, idxMap
func extractCipdVersion(p *pb.SwarmingSettings_Package, b *pb.Build) string {
if b.Canary && p.VersionCanary != "" {
return p.VersionCanary
return p.Version
// setCipdPackagesCache sets the named cache for bbagent downloaded cipd packages.
// One of build.Infra.Swarming and build.Infra.Backend must be set.
func setCipdPackagesCache(build *pb.Build) {
var taskServiceAccount string
if build.Infra.Swarming != nil {
taskServiceAccount = build.Infra.Swarming.TaskServiceAccount
} else if build.Infra.Backend.GetConfig() != nil {
taskServiceAccount = build.Infra.Backend.Config.Fields["service_account"].GetStringValue()
build.Infra.Buildbucket.Agent.CipdPackagesCache = &pb.CacheEntry{
Name: fmt.Sprintf("cipd_cache_%x", sha256.Sum256([]byte(taskServiceAccount))),
Path: "cipd_cache",