blob: 9c5a49ae3180bbf532eafb2bc7559a444ebcc06a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The LUCI Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
syntax = "proto3";
package buildbucket.v2;
option go_package = ";buildbucketpb";
import "google/api/field_behavior.proto";
import "google/protobuf/duration.proto";
import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto";
import "google/protobuf/struct.proto";
import "";
import "";
import "";
import "";
import "";
import "";
import "";
// A single build, identified by an int64 ID.
// Belongs to a builder.
// RPC: see Builds service for build creation and retrieval.
// Some Build fields are marked as excluded from responses by default.
// Use "mask" request field to specify that a field must be included.
// BigQuery: this message also defines schema of a BigQuery table of completed
// builds. A BigQuery row is inserted soon after build ends, i.e. a row
// represents a state of a build at completion time and does not change after
// that. All fields are included.
// Next id: 36.
message Build {
// Defines what to build/test.
// Behavior of a build executable MAY depend on Input.
// It MAY NOT modify its behavior based on anything outside of Input.
// It MAY read non-Input fields to display for debugging or to pass-through to
// triggered builds. For example the "tags" field may be passed to triggered
// builds, or the "infra" field may be printed for debugging purposes.
message Input {
// Arbitrary JSON object. Available at build run time.
// RPC: By default, this field is excluded from responses.
// V1 equivalent: corresponds to "properties" key in "parameters_json".
google.protobuf.Struct properties = 1;
// The Gitiles commit to run against.
// Usually present in CI builds, set by LUCI Scheduler.
// If not present, the build may checkout "refs/heads/master".
// NOT a blamelist.
// V1 equivalent: supersedes "revision" property and "buildset"
// tag that starts with "commit/gitiles/".
GitilesCommit gitiles_commit = 2 [ (visible_with) = BUILDS_GET_LIMITED_PERMISSION ];
// Gerrit patchsets to run against.
// Usually present in tryjobs, set by CQ, Gerrit, git-cl-try.
// Applied on top of gitiles_commit if specified, otherwise tip of the tree.
// V1 equivalent: supersedes patch_* properties and "buildset"
// tag that starts with "patch/gerrit/".
repeated GerritChange gerrit_changes = 3 [ (visible_with) = BUILDS_GET_LIMITED_PERMISSION ];
// Equivalent to `"luci.non_production" in experiments`.
// See `Builder.experiments` for well-known experiments.
bool experimental = 5;
// The sorted list of experiments enabled on this build.
// See `Builder.experiments` for a detailed breakdown on how experiments
// work, and go/buildbucket-settings.cfg for the current state of global
// experiments.
repeated string experiments = 6;
// Result of the build executable.
message Output {
reserved 4; // critical, was moved to Build.
// Arbitrary JSON object produced by the build.
// In recipes, use to set these,
// for example
// step_result = api.step(['echo'])
//['foo'] = 'bar'
// More docs:
// V1 equivalent: corresponds to "properties" key in
// "result_details_json".
// In V1 output properties are not populated until build ends.
google.protobuf.Struct properties = 1;
// Build checked out and executed on this commit.
// Should correspond to Build.Input.gitiles_commit.
// May be present even if Build.Input.gitiles_commit is not set, for example
// in cron builders.
// V1 equivalent: this supersedes all got_revision output property.
GitilesCommit gitiles_commit = 3;
// Logs produced by the build script, typically "stdout" and "stderr".
repeated Log logs = 5;
// Build status which is reported by the client via StartBuild or UpdateBuild.
Status status = 6;
StatusDetails status_details = 7;
// Deprecated. Use summary_markdown instead.
string summary_html = 8 [deprecated = true];
string summary_markdown = 2;
reserved 13; // infra_failure_reason was moved into status_details.
reserved 14; // cancel_reason was moved into status_details.
// Identifier of the build, unique per LUCI deployment.
// IDs are monotonically decreasing.
int64 id = 1 [ (google.api.field_behavior) = OUTPUT_ONLY,
(visible_with) = BUILDS_LIST_PERMISSION ];
// Required. The builder this build belongs to.
// Tuple (builder.project, builder.bucket) defines build ACL
// which may change after build has ended.
BuilderID builder = 2 [ (buildbucket.v2.create_build_field_option).field_behavior = REQUIRED,
// Information of the builder, propagated from builder config.
// The info captures the state of the builder at creation time.
// If any information is updated, all future builds will have the new
// information, while the historical builds persist the old information.
message BuilderInfo {
string description = 1;
// TODO( add builder tags.
BuilderInfo builder_info = 34 [ (google.api.field_behavior) = OUTPUT_ONLY ];
// Human-readable identifier of the build with the following properties:
// - unique within the builder
// - a monotonically increasing number
// - mostly contiguous
// - much shorter than id
// Caution: populated (positive number) iff build numbers were enabled
// in the builder configuration at the time of build creation.
// Caution: Build numbers are not guaranteed to be contiguous.
// There may be gaps during outages.
// Caution: Build numbers, while monotonically increasing, do not
// necessarily reflect source-code order. For example, force builds
// or rebuilds can allocate new, higher, numbers, but build an older-
// than-HEAD version of the source.
int32 number = 3 [ (google.api.field_behavior) = OUTPUT_ONLY,
// Verified LUCI identity that created this build.
string created_by = 4 [ (google.api.field_behavior) = OUTPUT_ONLY ];
// Redirect url for the build.
string view_url = 5;
// Verified LUCI identity that canceled this build.
// Special values:
// * buildbucket: The build is canceled by buildbucket. This can happen if the
// build's parent has ended, and the build cannot outlive its parent.
// * backend: The build's backend task is canceled. For example the build's
// Swarming task is killed.
string canceled_by = 23 [ (google.api.field_behavior) = OUTPUT_ONLY ];
// When the build was created.
google.protobuf.Timestamp create_time = 6
[ (google.api.field_behavior) = OUTPUT_ONLY,
// When the build started.
// Required iff status is STARTED, SUCCESS or FAILURE.
google.protobuf.Timestamp start_time = 7
[ (google.api.field_behavior) = OUTPUT_ONLY,
// When the build ended.
// Present iff status is terminal.
// MUST NOT be before start_time.
google.protobuf.Timestamp end_time = 8
[ (google.api.field_behavior) = OUTPUT_ONLY,
// When the build was most recently updated.
// RPC: can be > end_time if, e.g. new tags were attached to a completed
// build.
google.protobuf.Timestamp update_time = 9
[ (google.api.field_behavior) = OUTPUT_ONLY,
// When the cancel process of the build started.
// Note it's not the time that the cancellation completed, which would be
// tracked by end_time.
// During the cancel process, the build still accepts updates.
// bbagent checks this field at the frequency of
// buildbucket.MinUpdateBuildInterval. When bbagent sees the build is in
// cancel process, there are two states:
// * it has NOT yet started the exe payload,
// * it HAS started the exe payload.
// In the first state, bbagent will immediately terminate the build without
// invoking the exe payload at all.
// In the second state, bbagent will send SIGTERM/CTRL-BREAK to the exe
// (according to the deadline protocol described in
// After grace_period it will then try to kill the exe.
// NOTE: There is a race condition here; If bbagent starts the luciexe and
// then immediately notices that the build is canceled, it's possible that
// bbagent can send SIGTERM/CTRL-BREAK to the exe before that exe sets up
// interrupt handlers. There is a bug on file (
// which we plan to implement at some point as a mitigation for this.
// Additionally, the Buildbucket service itself will launch an asynchronous
// task to terminate the build via the backend API (e.g. Swarming cancellation)
// if bbagent cannot successfully terminate the exe in time.
google.protobuf.Timestamp cancel_time = 32
[ (google.api.field_behavior) = OUTPUT_ONLY,
// Status of the build.
// Must be specified, i.e. not STATUS_UNSPECIFIED.
// RPC: Responses have most current status.
// BigQuery: Final status of the build. Cannot be SCHEDULED or STARTED.
Status status = 12 [ (buildbucket.v2.create_build_field_option).field_behavior = OUTPUT_ONLY,
(visible_with) = BUILDS_LIST_PERMISSION ];
// Human-readable summary of the build in Markdown format
// (
// Explains status.
// Up to 4 KB.
string summary_markdown = 20 [ (buildbucket.v2.create_build_field_option).field_behavior = OUTPUT_ONLY ];
// Markdown reasoning for cancelling the build.
// Human readable and should be following
string cancellation_markdown = 33 [ (buildbucket.v2.create_build_field_option).field_behavior = OUTPUT_ONLY ];
// If NO, then the build status SHOULD NOT be used to assess correctness of
// the input gitiles_commit or gerrit_changes.
// For example, if a pre-submit build has failed, CQ MAY still land the CL.
// For example, if a post-submit build has failed, CLs MAY continue landing.
Trinary critical = 21 [ (visible_with) = BUILDS_GET_LIMITED_PERMISSION ];
// Machine-readable details of the current status.
// Human-readable status reason is available in summary_markdown.
StatusDetails status_details = 22
[ (buildbucket.v2.create_build_field_option).field_behavior = OUTPUT_ONLY,
(visible_with) = BUILDS_LIST_PERMISSION ];
// Input to the build executable.
Input input = 15 [ (buildbucket.v2.create_build_field_option).field_behavior = REQUIRED ];
// Output of the build executable.
// SHOULD depend only on input field and NOT other fields.
// MUST be unset if build status is SCHEDULED.
// RPC: By default, this field is excluded from responses.
// Updated while the build is running and finalized when the build ends.
Output output = 16 [ (buildbucket.v2.create_build_field_option).field_behavior = OUTPUT_ONLY ];
// Current list of build steps.
// Updated as build runs.
// May take up to 1MB after zlib compression.
// MUST be unset if build status is SCHEDULED.
// RPC: By default, this field is excluded from responses.
repeated Step steps = 17 [ (buildbucket.v2.create_build_field_option).field_behavior = OUTPUT_ONLY ];
// Build infrastructure used by the build.
// RPC: By default, this field is excluded from responses.
BuildInfra infra = 18 [ (buildbucket.v2.create_build_field_option).field_behavior = REQUIRED ];
// Arbitrary annotations for the build.
// One key may have multiple values, which is why this is not a map<string,string>.
// Indexed by the server, see also BuildPredicate.tags.
repeated StringPair tags = 19;
// What to run when the build is ready to start.
Executable exe = 24 [ (buildbucket.v2.create_build_field_option).field_behavior = REQUIRED ];
// Equivalent to `"luci.buildbucket.canary_software" in input.experiments`.
// See `Builder.experiments` for well-known experiments.
bool canary = 25;
// Maximum build pending time.
// If the timeout is reached, the build is marked as INFRA_FAILURE status
// and both status_details.{timeout, resource_exhaustion} are set.
google.protobuf.Duration scheduling_timeout = 26;
// Maximum build execution time.
// Not to be confused with scheduling_timeout.
// If the timeout is reached, the task will be signaled according to the
// `deadline` section of
// and status_details.timeout is set.
// The task will have `grace_period` amount of time to handle cleanup
// before being forcefully terminated.
google.protobuf.Duration execution_timeout = 27;
// Amount of cleanup time after execution_timeout.
// After being signaled according to execution_timeout, the task will
// have this duration to clean up before being forcefully terminated.
// The signalling process is explained in the `deadline` section of
google.protobuf.Duration grace_period = 29;
// If set, swarming was requested to wait until it sees at least one bot
// report a superset of the build's requested dimensions.
bool wait_for_capacity = 28;
// Flag to control if the build can outlive its parent.
// This field is only meaningful if the build has ancestors.
// If the build has ancestors and the value is false, it means that the build
// SHOULD reach a terminal status (SUCCESS, FAILURE, INFRA_FAILURE or
// CANCELED) before its parent. If the child fails to do so, Buildbucket will
// cancel it some time after the parent build reaches a terminal status.
// A build that can outlive its parent can also outlive its parent's ancestors.
bool can_outlive_parent = 30 [ (visible_with) = BUILDS_LIST_PERMISSION ];
// IDs of the build's ancestors. This includes all parents/grandparents/etc.
// This is ordered from top-to-bottom so `ancestor_ids[0]` is the root of
// the builds tree, and `ancestor_ids[-1]` is this build's immediate parent.
// This does not include any "siblings" at higher levels of the tree, just
// the direct chain of ancestors from root to this build.
repeated int64 ancestor_ids = 31 [
(google.api.field_behavior) = OUTPUT_ONLY,
(visible_with) = BUILDS_LIST_PERMISSION ];
// If UNSET, retrying the build is implicitly allowed;
// If YES, retrying the build is explicitly allowed;
// If NO, retrying the build is explicitly disallowed,
// * any UI displaying the build should remove "retry" button(s),
// * ScheduleBuild using the build as template should fail,
// * but the build can still be synthesized by SynthesizeBuild.
Trinary retriable = 35;
message InputDataRef {
message CAS {
// Full name of RBE-CAS instance. `projects/{project_id}/instances/{instance}`.
// e.g. projects/chromium-swarm/instances/default_instance
string cas_instance = 1;
// This is a [Digest][build.bazel.remote.execution.v2.Digest] of a blob on
// RBE-CAS. See the explanations at the original definition.
message Digest {
string hash = 1;
int64 size_bytes = 2;
Digest digest = 2;
message CIPD {
string server = 1;
message PkgSpec {
// Package MAY include CIPD variables, including conditional variables like
// `${os=windows}`. Additionally, version may be a ref or a tag.
string package = 1;
string version = 2;
repeated PkgSpec specs = 2;
oneof data_type {
CAS cas = 1;
CIPD cipd = 2;
// TODO( TBD. `on_path` may need to move out to be incorporated into a field which captures other envvars.
// Subdirectories relative to the root of `ref` which should be set as a prefix to
// the $PATH variable.
// A substitute of `env_prefixes` in SwarmingRpcsTaskProperties field -
repeated string on_path = 3;
reserved 4; // purpose, replaced by agent.data_purposes.
message ResolvedDataRef {
message Timing {
google.protobuf.Duration fetch_duration = 1;
google.protobuf.Duration install_duration = 2;
message CAS {
// TODO( potential fields can be
// int64 cache_hits = ?;
// int64 cache_hit_size = ?:
// int64 cache_misses = ?;
// int64 cache_miss_size = ?;
// need more thinking and better to determine when starting writing code
// to download binaries in bbagent.
Timing timing = 1;
message CIPD {
message PkgSpec {
// True if this package wasn't installed because `package` contained a
// non-applicable conditional (e.g. ${os=windows} on a mac machine).
bool skipped = 1;
string package = 2; // fully resolved
string version = 3; // fully resolved
Trinary was_cached = 4;
Timing timing = 5; // optional
repeated PkgSpec specs = 2;
// TODO( if we have local caches here, report if they were cached
// and how big they were when they were mapped in.
oneof data_type {
CAS cas = 1;
CIPD cipd = 2;
// Build infrastructure that was used for a particular build.
message BuildInfra {
// Buildbucket-specific information, captured at the build creation time.
message Buildbucket {
// bbagent will interpret Agent.input, as well as update Agent.output.
message Agent {
// Source describes where the Agent should be fetched from.
message Source {
message CIPD {
// The CIPD package to use for the agent.
// Must end in "/${platform}" with no other CIPD variables.
// If using an experimental agent binary, please make sure the package
// prefix has been configured here -
string package = 1;
// The CIPD version to use for the agent.
string version = 2;
// The CIPD server to use.
string server = 3;
// maps ${platform} -> instance_id for resolved agent packages.
// Will be overwritten at CreateBuild time, should be left empty
// when creating a new Build.
map<string, string> resolved_instances = 4 [ (google.api.field_behavior) = OUTPUT_ONLY ];
oneof data_type {
CIPD cipd = 1;
// Other source mechanisms could be added in the future, such as GCS
// CAS or direct-download URLs. These would need to have a map of
// platform -> details.
message Input {
// Maps relative-to-root directory to the data.
// For now, data is only allowed at the 'leaves', e.g. you cannot
// specify data at "a/b/c" and "a/b" (but "a/b/c" and "a/q" would be OK).
// All directories beginning with "luci." are reserved for Buildbucket's own use.
// TODO( Enforce the above constraints in a later phase.
// Currently users don't have the flexibility to set the parent directory path.
map<string, InputDataRef> data = 1;
// Maps relative-to-root directory to the cipd package itself.
// This is the CIPD client itself and should be downloaded first so that
// the packages in the data field above can be downloaded.
map<string, InputDataRef> cipd_source = 2;
message Output {
// Maps relative-to-root directory to the fully-resolved ref.
// This will always have 1:1 mapping to
map<string, ResolvedDataRef> resolved_data = 1;
Status status = 2;
StatusDetails status_details = 3;
// Deprecated. Use summary_markdown instead.
string summary_html = 4 [deprecated = true];
// The agent's resolved CIPD ${platform} (e.g. "linux-amd64",
// "windows-386", etc.).
// This is trivial for bbagent to calculate (unlike trying to embed
// its cipd package version inside or along with the executable).
// Buildbucket is doing a full package -> instance ID resolution at
// CreateBuild time anyway, so Agent.Source.resolved_instances
// will give the mapping from `agent_platform` to a precise instance_id
// which was used.
string agent_platform = 5;
// Total installation duration for all input data. Currently only record
// cipd packages installation time.
google.protobuf.Duration total_duration = 6;
string summary_markdown = 7;
// TODO( for a long-term solution, we may need to add
// a top-level `on_path` array field in the input and read the value from
// configuration files (eg.settings.cfg, builder configs). So it can store
// the intended order of PATH env var. Then the per-inputDataRef level
// `on_path` field will be deprecated.
// Currently, the new BBagent flow merges all inputDataRef-level `on_path`
// values and sort. This mimics the same behavior of PyBB backend in order
// to have the cipd_installation migration to roll out first under a minimal risk.
Input input = 1 [ (buildbucket.v2.create_build_field_option).field_behavior = REQUIRED ];
Output output = 2 [ (buildbucket.v2.create_build_field_option).field_behavior = OUTPUT_ONLY ];
Source source = 3 [ (buildbucket.v2.create_build_field_option).field_behavior = REQUIRED ];
enum Purpose {
// No categorized/known purpose.
// This path contains the contents of the build's `exe.cipd_package`.
// This path contains data specifically for bbagent's own use.
// There's a proposal currently to add `nsjail` support to bbagent, and it
// would need to bring a copy of `nsjail` in order to run the user binary
// but we wouldn't necessarily want to expose it to the user binary.
// Maps the relative-to-root directory path in both `input` and `output`
// to the Purpose of the software in that directory.
// If a path is not listed here, it is the same as PURPOSE_UNSPECIFIED.
map<string, Purpose> purposes = 4;
// Cache for the cipd client.
// The cache name should be in the format like `cipd_client_<sha(client_version)>`.
CacheEntry cipd_client_cache = 5;
// Cache for the cipd packages.
// The cache name should be in the format like `cipd_cache_<sha(task_service_account)>`.
CacheEntry cipd_packages_cache = 6;
reserved 4; // field "canary" was moved to Build message.
// Version of swarming task template. Defines
// versions of kitchen, git, git wrapper, python, vpython, etc.
string service_config_revision = 2;
// Properties that were specified in ScheduleBuildRequest to create this
// build.
// In particular, CQ uses this to decide whether the build created by
// someone else is appropriate for CQ, e.g. it was created with the same
// properties that CQ would use.
google.protobuf.Struct requested_properties = 5;
// Dimensions that were specified in ScheduleBuildRequest to create this
// build.
repeated RequestedDimension requested_dimensions = 6;
// Buildbucket hostname, e.g. "".
string hostname = 7;
enum ExperimentReason {
// This value is unused (i.e. if you see this, it's a bug).
// This experiment was configured from the 'default_value' of a global
// experiment.
// See go/buildbucket-settings.cfg for the list of global experiments.
// This experiment was configured from the Builder configuration.
// This experiment was configured from the 'minimum_value' of a global
// experiment.
// See go/buildbucket-settings.cfg for the list of global experiments.
// This experiment was explicitly set from the ScheduleBuildRequest.
// This experiment is inactive and so was removed from the Build.
// See go/buildbucket-settings.cfg for the list of global experiments.
// This contains a map of all the experiments involved for this build, as
// well as which bit of configuration lead to them being set (or unset).
// Note that if the reason here is EXPERIMENT_REASON_GLOBAL_INACTIVE,
// then that means that the experiment is completely disabled and has no
// effect, but your builder or ScheduleBuildRequest still indicated that
// the experiment should be set. If you see this, then please remove it
// from your configuration and/or requests.
map<string, ExperimentReason> experiment_reasons = 8;
// The agent binary (bbagent or kitchen) resolutions Buildbucket made for this build.
// This includes all agent_executable references supplied to
// the TaskBackend in "original" (CIPD) form, to facilitate debugging.
// DEPRECATED: Use agent.source instead.
map<string, ResolvedDataRef> agent_executable = 9 [deprecated = true];
Agent agent = 10 [ (buildbucket.v2.create_build_field_option).field_behavior = REQUIRED ];
repeated string known_public_gerrit_hosts = 11;
// Flag for if the build should have a build number.
bool build_number = 12;
// Swarming-specific information.
// Next ID: 10.
message Swarming {
// Describes a cache directory persisted on a bot.
// If a build requested a cache, the cache directory is available on build
// startup. If the cache was present on the bot, the directory contains
// files from the previous run on that bot.
// The build can read/write to the cache directory while it runs.
// After build completes, the cache directory is persisted.
// The next time another build requests the same cache and runs on the same
// bot, the files will still be there (unless the cache was evicted,
// perhaps due to disk space reasons).
// One bot can keep multiple caches at the same time and one build can request
// multiple different caches.
// A cache is identified by its name and mapped to a path.
// If the bot is running out of space, caches are evicted in LRU manner
// before the next build on this bot starts.
// Builder cache.
// Buildbucket implicitly declares cache
// {"name": "<hash(project/bucket/builder)>", "path": "builder"}.
// This means that any LUCI builder has a "personal disk space" on the bot.
// Builder cache is often a good start before customizing caching.
// In recipes, it is available at api.buildbucket.builder_cache_path.
message CacheEntry {
// Identifier of the cache. Required. Length is limited to 128.
// Must be unique in the build.
// If the pool of swarming bots is shared among multiple LUCI projects and
// projects use same cache name, the cache will be shared across projects.
// To avoid affecting and being affected by other projects, prefix the
// cache name with something project-specific, e.g. "v8-".
string name = 1;
// Relative path where the cache in mapped into. Required.
// Must use POSIX format (forward slashes).
// In most cases, it does not need slashes at all.
// In recipes, use api.path.cache_dir.join(path) to get absolute path.
// Must be unique in the build.
string path = 2;
// Duration to wait for a bot with a warm cache to pick up the
// task, before falling back to a bot with a cold (non-existent) cache.
// The default is 0, which means that no preference will be chosen for a
// bot with this or without this cache, and a bot without this cache may
// be chosen instead.
// If no bot has this cache warm, the task will skip this wait and will
// immediately fallback to a cold cache request.
// The value must be multiples of 60 seconds.
google.protobuf.Duration wait_for_warm_cache = 3;
// Environment variable with this name will be set to the path to the cache
// directory.
string env_var = 4;
// Swarming hostname, e.g. "".
// Populated at the build creation time.
string hostname = 1 [ (buildbucket.v2.create_build_field_option).field_behavior = REQUIRED ];
// Swarming task id.
// Not guaranteed to be populated at the build creation time.
string task_id = 2 [ (google.api.field_behavior) = OUTPUT_ONLY ];
// Swarming run id of the parent task from which this build is triggered.
// If set, swarming promises to ensure this build won't outlive its parent
// swarming task (which may or may not itself be a Buildbucket build).
// Populated at the build creation time.
string parent_run_id = 9;
// Task service account email address.
// This is the service account used for all authenticated requests by the
// build.
string task_service_account = 3;
// Priority of the task. The lower the more important.
// Valid values are [20..255].
int32 priority = 4;
// Swarming dimensions for the task.
repeated RequestedDimension task_dimensions = 5;
// Swarming dimensions of the bot used for the task.
repeated StringPair bot_dimensions = 6;
// Caches requested by this build.
repeated CacheEntry caches = 7;
// LogDog-specific information.
message LogDog {
// LogDog hostname, e.g. "".
string hostname = 1 [ (buildbucket.v2.create_build_field_option).field_behavior = REQUIRED ];
// LogDog project, e.g. "chromium".
// Typically matches Build.builder.project.
string project = 2;
// A slash-separated path prefix shared by all logs and artifacts of this
// build.
// No other build can have the same prefix.
// Can be used to discover logs and/or load log contents.
string prefix = 3;
// Recipe-specific information.
message Recipe {
// CIPD package name containing the recipe used to run this build.
string cipd_package = 1;
// Name of the recipe used to run this build.
string name = 2;
// ResultDB-specific information.
message ResultDB {
// Hostname of the ResultDB instance, such as "".
string hostname = 1 [ (buildbucket.v2.create_build_field_option).field_behavior = REQUIRED ];
// Name of the invocation for results of this build.
// Typically "invocations/build:<build_id>".
string invocation = 2 [(google.api.field_behavior) = OUTPUT_ONLY];
// Whether to enable ResultDB:Buildbucket integration.
bool enable = 3;
// Configuration for exporting test results to BigQuery.
// This can have multiple values to export results to multiple BigQuery
// tables, or to support multiple test result predicates.
repeated luci.resultdb.v1.BigQueryExport bq_exports = 4;
// Deprecated. Any values specified here are ignored.
luci.resultdb.v1.HistoryOptions history_options = 5;
// Led specific information.
message Led {
// The original bucket this led build is shadowing.
string shadowed_bucket = 1;
// BBAgent-specific information.
// All paths are relateive to bbagent's working directory, and must be delimited
// with slashes ("/"), regardless of the host OS.
message BBAgent {
// BBAgent-specific input.
message Input {
// CIPD Packages to make available for this build.
message CIPDPackage {
// Name of this CIPD package.
// Required.
string name = 1;
// CIPD package version.
// Required.
string version = 2;
// CIPD server to fetch this package from.
// Required.
string server = 3;
// Path where this CIPD package should be installed.
// Required.
string path = 4;
repeated CIPDPackage cipd_packages = 1;
// Path to the base of the user executable package.
// Required.
string payload_path = 1;
// Path to a directory where each subdirectory is a cache dir.
// Required.
string cache_dir = 2;
// List of Gerrit hosts to force git authentication for.
// By default public hosts are accessed anonymously, and the anonymous access
// has very low quota. Context needs to know all such hostnames in advance to
// be able to force authenticated access to them.
repeated string known_public_gerrit_hosts = 3 [deprecated = true];
// DEPRECATED: Use build.Infra.Buildbucket.Agent.Input instead.
Input input = 4 [deprecated = true];
// Backend-specific information.
message Backend {
// Configuration supplied to the backend at the time it was instructed to
// run this build.
google.protobuf.Struct config = 1;
// Current backend task status.
// Updated as build runs.
Task task = 2;
// Caches requested by this build.
repeated CacheEntry caches = 3;
// Dimensions for the task.
repeated RequestedDimension task_dimensions = 5;
// Hostname is the hostname for the backend itself.
string hostname = 6;
Buildbucket buildbucket = 1 [ (buildbucket.v2.create_build_field_option).field_behavior = REQUIRED ];
Swarming swarming = 2;
LogDog logdog = 3 [ (buildbucket.v2.create_build_field_option).field_behavior = REQUIRED ];
Recipe recipe = 4;
ResultDB resultdb = 5 [ (visible_with) = BUILDS_GET_LIMITED_PERMISSION ];
BBAgent bbagent = 6;
Backend backend = 7;
// It should only be set for led builds.
Led led = 8;