blob: 5fa8c0b064e2f37ebda35e9731c125a16ca08258 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The LUCI Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Package paged implements a helper for making paginated Datastore queries.
package paged
import (
// Response is an interface implemented by ListResponses which support page
// tokens.
type Response interface {
// GetNextPageToken returns a token to use to fetch the next page of results.
GetNextPageToken() string
// cursorCBType is the reflect.Type of a datastore.CursorCB.
var cursorCBType = reflect.TypeOf((datastore.CursorCB)(nil))
// returnedNil is a []reflect.Value{} containing one nil error.
var returnedNil = reflect.ValueOf(func() error { return nil }).Call([]reflect.Value{})
// returnedStop is a []reflect.Value{} containing one datastore.Stop error.
var returnedStop = reflect.ValueOf(func() error { return datastore.Stop }).Call([]reflect.Value{})
// Query executes a query to fetch the given page of results, invoking a
// callback function for each key or entity returned by the query. If the page
// isn't the last of the query, the given response will have its next page token
// set appropriately.
// A non-positive limit means to fetch all results starting at the given page
// token in a single page. An empty page token means to start at the first page.
// The callback must be a function of one argument, the type of which is either
// *datastore.Key (implies keys-only query) or a pointer to a struct to decode
// the returned entity into. The callback should return an error, which if not
// nil halts the query, and if the error is not datastore.Stop, causes this
// function to return an error as well. See datastore.Run for more information.
// No maximum page size is imposed, use datastore.Stop to enforce one.
func Query(ctx context.Context, lim int32, tok string, rsp Response, q *datastore.Query, cb any) error {
// Validate as much about the callback as this function relies on.
// The rest is validated by datastore.Run.
v := reflect.ValueOf(cb)
if v.Kind() != reflect.Func {
return errors.Reason("callback must be a function").Err()
t := v.Type()
switch {
case t.NumIn() != 1:
return errors.Reason("callback function must accept one argument").Err()
case t.NumOut() != 1:
return errors.Reason("callback function must return one value").Err()
// Modify the query with the request parameters.
if tok != "" {
cur, err := datastore.DecodeCursor(ctx, tok)
if err != nil {
return status.Errorf(codes.InvalidArgument, "invalid page token %q", tok)
q = q.Start(cur)
if lim > 0 {
// Peek ahead at the next result to determine if the cursor for the given page size
// is worth returning. The cursor should be omitted if there are no further results.
q = q.Limit(lim + 1)
// Wrap the callback with a custom function that grabs the cursor (if necessary) before
// invoking the callback for each result up to the page size specified in the request.
// This is the type of function datastore.Run will receive as an argument.
// TODO(smut): Move this block to gae/datastore, since it doesn't depend on PagedRequest.
t = reflect.FuncOf([]reflect.Type{t.In(0), cursorCBType}, []reflect.Type{t.Out(0)}, false)
var cur datastore.Cursor
// If the query is not limited and the callback never returns datastore.Stop, the query runs
// until the end so it's not necessary to set the next page token. If the callback does
// return datastore.Stop, save the cursor but peek at the next result. Only set the next
// page token if there is a next result.
// If the query is limited, the limit is set to one more than the specified value in order
// to peek at the next result by default. Save the cursor at the limit but peek at the next
// result. Only set the next page token if there is a next result. The callback may return
// datastore.Stop ahead of the limit. If it does, save the cursor but peek at the next result
// Only set the next page token if there is a next result.
i := int32(0)
curCB := reflect.MakeFunc(t, func(args []reflect.Value) []reflect.Value {
if cur != nil {
// Cursor is set below, when the result is at the limit or datastore.Stop
// is returned by the callback. Since the query is still running, there
// are more results. Set the page token and halt the query. Don't invoke
// the callback since it isn't expecting any more results.
f := reflect.ValueOf(rsp).Elem().FieldByName("NextPageToken")
return returnedStop
// Invoke the callback. Per t, it returns one argument (the error).
ret := v.Call([]reflect.Value{args[0]})
// Save the cursor if the callback wants to stop or the query is limited and
// this is the last requested result. In either case peek at the next result.
if ret[0].Interface() == datastore.Stop || (i == lim && ret[0].IsNil()) {
var err error
cur, err = args[1].Interface().(datastore.CursorCB)()
if err != nil {
return []reflect.Value{reflect.ValueOf(errors.Annotate(err, "failed to fetch cursor").Err())}
return returnedNil
return ret
if err := datastore.Run(ctx, q, curCB); err != nil {
return errors.Annotate(err, "failed to fetch entities").Err()
return nil