blob: abc8b40a89b0ddaac70d942b2ab7df623b490fc6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The LUCI Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package graph
import (
. ""
func mkGraph(adj map[string][]string) *Graph {
groups := make([]*protocol.AuthGroup, 0, len(adj))
for name, nested := range adj {
groups = append(groups, &protocol.AuthGroup{
Name: name,
Nested: nested,
g, err := Build(groups)
if err != nil {
return g
func names(g *Graph, ns NodeSet) []string {
nm := make([]string, 0, len(ns))
g.Visit(ns, func(n *Node) error {
nm = append(nm, n.Name)
return nil
return nm
func descendants(g *Graph, node string) []string {
for _, n := range g.Nodes {
if n.Name == node {
return names(g, g.Descendants(n.Index))
return nil
func ancestors(g *Graph, node string) []string {
for _, n := range g.Nodes {
if n.Name == node {
return names(g, g.Ancestors(n.Index))
return nil
func TestGraph(t *testing.T) {
Convey("Linear", t, func() {
g := mkGraph(map[string][]string{
"1": {"2"},
"2": {"3"},
"3": nil,
So(descendants(g, "1"), ShouldResemble, []string{"1", "2", "3"})
So(descendants(g, "2"), ShouldResemble, []string{"2", "3"})
So(descendants(g, "3"), ShouldResemble, []string{"3"})
So(ancestors(g, "1"), ShouldResemble, []string{"1"})
So(ancestors(g, "2"), ShouldResemble, []string{"1", "2"})
So(ancestors(g, "3"), ShouldResemble, []string{"1", "2", "3"})
Convey("Tree", t, func() {
g := mkGraph(map[string][]string{
"root": {"l1", "r1"},
"l1": {"l2", "r2"},
"r1": nil,
"l2": nil,
"r2": nil,
So(descendants(g, "root"), ShouldResemble, []string{"l1", "l2", "r1", "r2", "root"})
So(descendants(g, "l1"), ShouldResemble, []string{"l1", "l2", "r2"})
So(ancestors(g, "r2"), ShouldResemble, []string{"l1", "r2", "root"})
Convey("Diamond", t, func() {
g := mkGraph(map[string][]string{
"root": {"l", "r"},
"l": {"leaf"},
"r": {"leaf"},
"leaf": nil,
So(descendants(g, "root"), ShouldResemble, []string{"l", "leaf", "r", "root"})
So(ancestors(g, "leaf"), ShouldResemble, []string{"l", "leaf", "r", "root"})
Convey("Cycle", t, func() {
// Cycles aren't allowed in AuthDB, but we make sure if they happen for
// whatever reason, Graph doesn't get stuck in an endless loop.
g := mkGraph(map[string][]string{
"1": {"2"},
"2": {"1"},
// Note: in presence of cycles the results of calls below generally depend
// on order they were called.
So(descendants(g, "1"), ShouldResemble, []string{"1", "2"})
So(descendants(g, "2"), ShouldResemble, []string{"2"})
So(ancestors(g, "1"), ShouldResemble, []string{"1", "2"})
So(ancestors(g, "2"), ShouldResemble, []string{"2"})
Convey("Bad nested group reference", t, func() {
g := mkGraph(map[string][]string{"1": {"missing"}})
So(descendants(g, "1"), ShouldResemble, []string{"1"})
func TestNodeSet(t *testing.T) {
Convey("Works", t, func() {
ns1 := make(NodeSet, 0)
ns2 := make(NodeSet, 0)
ns3 := make(NodeSet, 0)
sorted := ns3.Sort()
So(sorted, ShouldResemble, SortedNodeSet{3, 5, 10})
So(sorted.Has(1), ShouldBeFalse)
So(sorted.Has(3), ShouldBeTrue)
So(sorted.Has(5), ShouldBeTrue)
So(sorted.Has(10), ShouldBeTrue)
So(sorted.Has(11), ShouldBeFalse)
So(sorted.Intersects(SortedNodeSet{}), ShouldBeFalse)
So(sorted.Intersects(SortedNodeSet{1}), ShouldBeFalse)
So(sorted.Intersects(SortedNodeSet{1, 2}), ShouldBeFalse)
So(sorted.Intersects(SortedNodeSet{1, 2, 4}), ShouldBeFalse)
So(sorted.Intersects(SortedNodeSet{1, 2, 4, 11}), ShouldBeFalse)
So(sorted.Intersects(SortedNodeSet{11}), ShouldBeFalse)
So(sorted.Intersects(SortedNodeSet{3}), ShouldBeTrue)
So(sorted.Intersects(SortedNodeSet{1, 2, 3}), ShouldBeTrue)
So(sorted.Intersects(SortedNodeSet{10, 11}), ShouldBeTrue)
So(sorted.Intersects(SortedNodeSet{5}), ShouldBeTrue)
So(sorted.MapKey(), ShouldResemble, "\x03\x00\x05\x00\x0a\x00")
func TestQueryable(t *testing.T) {
Convey("Globs map", t, func() {
q, err := BuildQueryable([]*protocol.AuthGroup{
Name: "root",
Globs: []string{"user:*", "user:*"},
Nested: []string{"child1"},
Name: "child1",
Globs: []string{"user:*"},
Nested: []string{"child2", "no globs"},
Name: "child2",
Globs: []string{"user:*"},
Name: "no globs",
Name: "separate",
Globs: []string{"user:*", "user:*"},
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(stringifyGlobMap(q.globs), ShouldResemble, map[NodeIndex]string{
0: "user:^((.*@1\\.example\\.com)|(.*@2\\.example\\.com)|(.*@3\\.example\\.com))$",
1: "user:^((.*@2\\.example\\.com)|(.*@3\\.example\\.com))$",
2: "user:^.*@3\\.example\\.com$",
4: "user:^((.*@2\\.example\\.com)|(.*@3\\.example\\.com))$",
// Identical GlobSet's are shared by reference.
a := q.globs[1]["user"]
b := q.globs[4]["user"]
So(a == b, ShouldBeTrue)
So(q.IsMember("", "root"), ShouldEqual, IdentIsMember)
So(q.IsMember("", "child1"), ShouldEqual, IdentIsMember)
So(q.IsMember("", "child2"), ShouldEqual, IdentIsMember)
So(q.IsMember("", "no globs"), ShouldEqual, IdentIsNotMember)
So(q.IsMember("", "root"), ShouldEqual, IdentIsMember)
So(q.IsMember("", "child1"), ShouldEqual, IdentIsNotMember)
So(q.IsMember("", "child2"), ShouldEqual, IdentIsNotMember)
Convey("Memberships map", t, func() {
q, err := BuildQueryable([]*protocol.AuthGroup{
Name: "root", // 0
Members: []string{""},
Nested: []string{"child1", "child2"},
Name: "child1", // 1
Members: []string{"", ""},
Nested: []string{"child2"},
Name: "child2", // 2
Members: []string{""},
Name: "standalone", // 3
Members: []string{
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(q.memberships, ShouldResemble, map[identity.Identity]SortedNodeSet{
"": {0, 1, 3},
"": {0, 1, 3},
"": {0, 1, 2, 3},
"": {3},
// Identical SortedNodeSet's are shared by reference.
a := q.memberships[""]
b := q.memberships[""]
So(&a[0] == &b[0], ShouldBeTrue)
So(q.IsMember("", "root"), ShouldEqual, IdentIsMember)
So(q.IsMember("", "child1"), ShouldEqual, IdentIsMember)
So(q.IsMember("", "child2"), ShouldEqual, IdentIsNotMember)
So(q.IsMember("", "standalone"), ShouldEqual, IdentIsMember)
So(q.IsMember("", "unknown"), ShouldEqual, GroupIsUnknown)
Convey("IsMemberOfAny", t, func() {
q, err := BuildQueryable([]*protocol.AuthGroup{
Name: "root",
Members: []string{""},
Nested: []string{"child1", "child2"},
Name: "child1",
Nested: []string{"child2"},
Name: "child2",
Members: []string{""},
Globs: []string{"user:*"},
Name: "standalone",
Members: []string{""},
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
root, _ := q.GroupIndex("root")
standalone, _ := q.GroupIndex("standalone")
q1 := q.MembershipsQueryCache("")
So(q1.IsMemberOfAny([]NodeIndex{root, standalone}), ShouldBeTrue)
q2 := q.MembershipsQueryCache("")
So(q2.IsMemberOfAny([]NodeIndex{root, standalone}), ShouldBeTrue)
So(q2.IsMemberOfAny([]NodeIndex{standalone}), ShouldBeFalse)
q3 := q.MembershipsQueryCache("")
So(q3.IsMemberOfAny([]NodeIndex{root, standalone}), ShouldBeTrue)
func stringifyGlobMap(gl map[NodeIndex]globset.GlobSet) map[NodeIndex]string {
globs := map[NodeIndex]string{}
for idx, globSet := range gl {
g := ""
for k, v := range globSet {
g += fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", k, v)
globs[idx] = g
return globs
func BenchmarkSortedNodeSetHas(b *testing.B) {
rnd := rand.New(rand.NewSource(123))
ns := genRandomSortedNodeSet(rnd, 50, nil)
median := ns[len(ns)/2]
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
func BenchmarkSortedNodeSetIntersect(b *testing.B) {
rnd := rand.New(rand.NewSource(123))
ns1 := genRandomSortedNodeSet(rnd, 50, func(i NodeIndex) NodeIndex {
return i * 2
ns2 := genRandomSortedNodeSet(rnd, 5, func(i NodeIndex) NodeIndex {
return i*2 + 1
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
func genRandomSortedNodeSet(rnd *rand.Rand, l int, f func(NodeIndex) NodeIndex) (ns SortedNodeSet) {
if f == nil {
f = func(i NodeIndex) NodeIndex { return i }
var last NodeIndex
for i := 0; i < l; i++ {
ns = append(ns, f(last))
last += NodeIndex(rnd.Intn(10))