blob: 791c440dafdcb72d49e4e1f0baf95738eee9bef1 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# Reset sources_assignment_filter for the file to prevent
# regression during the migration of Chromium away from the feature.
# See build/ for more information.
# TODO( remove this when migration is done.
if (is_android) {
static_library("test_config") {
testonly = true
sources = [
deps = [
static_library("test_support") {
testonly = true
sources = [
if (is_win) {
sources += [
if (is_linux) {
sources += [ "" ]
if (is_mac) {
sources += [
if (is_android) {
sources += [
if (is_ios) {
sources += [
} else if (!is_nacl_nonsfi) {
sources += [
configs += [ "//build/config:precompiled_headers" ]
data = [
# The isolate needs this script for setting up the test. It's not actually
# needed to run this target locally.
public_deps = [
deps = [
if (is_posix || is_fuchsia) {
sources += [
if (is_fuchsia) {
deps += [ "//third_party/fuchsia-sdk/sdk:zx" ]
if (is_linux) {
public_deps += [ ":fontconfig_util_linux" ]
data_deps = [
if (current_toolchain == host_toolchain) {
data_deps += [ ":do_generate_fontconfig_caches" ]
if (is_ios) {
sources += [ "" ]
deps += [ ":google_test_runner_shared_headers" ]
if (is_mac) {
libs = [ "AppKit.framework" ]
if (is_android) {
sources += [ "" ]
deps += [
public_deps += [ ":test_support_java" ]
if (is_nacl_nonsfi) {
sources += [
sources -= [
public_deps -= [ "//base:i18n" ]
deps -= [
config("base_test_implementation") {
defines = [ "IS_BASE_TEST_IMPL" ]
config("perf_test_config") {
defines = [ "PERF_TEST" ]
# This is a source set instead of a static library because it seems like some
# linkers get confused when "main" is in a static library, and if you link to
# this, you always want the object file anyway.
source_set("test_support_perf") {
testonly = true
sources = [
deps = [
public_configs = [ ":perf_test_config" ]
static_library("test_launcher_nacl_nonsfi") {
testonly = true
sources = [
deps = [
static_library("run_all_unittests") {
testonly = true
sources = [
deps = [
# These sources are linked into both the base_unittests binary and the test
# shared library target below.
source_set("native_library_test_utils") {
testonly = true
sources = [
# This shared library is dynamically loaded by ImmediateCrash unittests.
shared_library("immediate_crash_test_helper") {
sources = [
# Note: the helper has a header-only dependency on //base/immediate_helper.h.
# However, the build rule intentionally omits an explicit //base dependency
# to avoid potential ODR violations and minimize the amount of code linked in.
# Try to minimize the risk of non-official builds generating different code.
if (!is_official_build) {
configs -= [ "//build/config/compiler:default_optimization" ]
configs += [ "//build/config/compiler:optimize_max" ]
# Disable sanitization: sanitized builds are assumed to be saner than normal,
# and can affect codegen in surprising ways, which breaks the tests.
configs -= [ "//build/config/sanitizers:default_sanitizer_flags" ]
if (is_android) {
configs -= [ "//build/config/android:hide_all_but_jni_onload" ]
# This shared library is dynamically loaded by NativeLibrary unittests.
shared_library("test_shared_library") {
testonly = true
sources = [
deps = [
static_library("run_all_base_unittests") {
# Only targets in base should depend on this, targets outside base
# should depend on run_all_unittests above.
visibility = [ "//base/*" ]
testonly = true
sources = [
deps = [
if (is_linux) {
source_set("fontconfig_util_linux") {
sources = [
data_deps = [
deps = [
copy("fonts_conf") {
sources = [
outputs = [
if (current_toolchain == host_toolchain) {
executable("generate_fontconfig_caches") {
testonly = true
sources = [
deps = [
compiled_action("do_generate_fontconfig_caches") {
testonly = true
tool = ":generate_fontconfig_caches"
# The copied test fonts are inputs to generate_fontconfig_caches, so must
# be listed in deps, not data_deps (
deps = [
args = []
outputs = [
if (is_fuchsia || is_linux) {
shared_library("malloc_wrapper") {
testonly = true
sources = [
deps = [
if (is_android) {
generate_jni("base_unittests_jni_headers") {
testonly = true
sources = [
generate_jni("test_support_jni_headers") {
testonly = true
sources = [
android_library("test_support_java") {
testonly = true
deps = [
srcjar_deps = [ ":test_support_java_aidl" ]
java_files = [
android_aidl("test_support_java_aidl") {
testonly = true
import_include = [
sources = [
if (is_ios) {
source_set("google_test_runner_shared_headers") {
sources = [
source_set("google_test_runner") {
sources = [
deps = [
libs = [ "UIKit.framework" ]
configs += [
# Trivial executable which outputs space-delimited argv to stdout,
# used for testing.
executable("test_child_process") {
testonly = true
sources = [