blob: 6684967cf598d743fc4200e3768a3577f186d109 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2012 The Native Client Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Memoize the data produced by slow operations into Google storage.
Caches computations described in terms of command lines and inputs directories
or files, which yield a set of output file.
import collections
import hashlib
import logging
import os
import platform
import shutil
import subprocess
import sys
sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..'))
import pynacl.directory_storage
import pynacl.file_tools
import pynacl.gsd_storage
import pynacl.hashing_tools
import pynacl.log_tools
import pynacl.working_directory
import command
import substituter
CloudStorageItem = collections.namedtuple('CloudStorageItem',
['dir_item', 'log_url'])
class UserError(Exception):
class HumanReadableSignature(object):
"""Accumator of signature information in human readable form.
A replacement for hashlib that collects the inputs for later display.
def __init__(self):
self._items = []
def update(self, data):
"""Add an item to the signature."""
# Drop paranoid nulls for human readable output.
data = data.replace('\0', '')
def hexdigest(self):
"""Fake version of hexdigest that returns the inputs."""
return ('*' * 30 + ' PACKAGE SIGNATURE ' + '*' * 30 + '\n' +
'\n'.join(self._items) + '\n' +
'=' * 70 + '\n')
class Once(object):
"""Class to memoize slow operations."""
def __init__(self, storage, use_cached_results=True, cache_results=True,
print_url=None, system_summary=None, extra_paths={}):
storage: An storage layer to read/write from (GSDStorage).
use_cached_results: Flag indicating that cached computation results
should be used when possible.
cache_results: Flag that indicates if successful computations should be
written to the cache.
print_url: Function that accepts a CloudStorageItem for printing URL
results, or None if no printing is needed.
extra_paths: Extra substitution paths that can be used by commands.
self._storage = storage
self._directory_storage = pynacl.directory_storage.DirectoryStorageAdapter(
self._use_cached_results = use_cached_results
self._cache_results = cache_results
self._cached_cloud_items = {}
self._print_url = print_url
self._system_summary = system_summary
self._path_hash_cache = {}
self._extra_paths = extra_paths
def KeyForOutput(self, package, output_hash):
"""Compute the key to store a given output in the data-store.
package: Package name.
output_hash: Stable hash of the package output.
Key that this instance of the package output should be stored/retrieved.
return 'object/%s_%s.tgz' % (package, output_hash)
def KeyForBuildSignature(self, build_signature, extra):
"""Compute the key to store a computation result in the data-store.
build_signature: Stable hash of the computation.
extra: extra text to be appended to the key.
Key that this instance of the computation result should be
return 'computed/%s%s.txt' % (build_signature, extra if extra else '')
def KeyForLog(self, package, output_hash):
"""Compute the key to store a given log file in the data-store.
package: Package name.
output_hash: Stable hash of the package output.
Key that this instance of the package log should be stored/retrieved.
return 'log/%s_%s.log' % (package, output_hash)
def GetLogFile(self, work_dir, package):
"""Returns the local log file for a given package.
work_dir: The work directory for the package.
package: The package name.
Path to the local log file within the work directory.
return os.path.join(work_dir, '%s.log' % package)
def WriteOutputFromHash(self, work_dir, package, out_hash, output):
"""Write output from the cache.
work_dir: Working directory path.
package: Package name (for tgz name).
out_hash: Hash of desired output.
output: Output path.
CloudStorageItem on success, None if not.
key = self.KeyForOutput(package, out_hash)
dir_item = self._directory_storage.GetDirectory(key, output)
if not dir_item:
logging.debug('Failed to retrieve %s' % key)
return None
if pynacl.hashing_tools.StableHashPath(output) != out_hash:
logging.warning('Object does not match expected hash, '
'has hashing method changed?')
return None
log_key = self.KeyForLog(package, out_hash)
log_file = self.GetLogFile(work_dir, package)
log_url = self._storage.GetFile(log_key, log_file)
return CloudStorageItem(dir_item, log_url)
def _ProcessCloudItem(self, package, cloud_item):
"""Processes cached directory storage items.
package: Package name for the cached directory item.
cloud_item: CloudStorageItem representing a memoized item in the cloud.
# Store the cached URL as a tuple for book keeping.
self._cached_cloud_items[package] = cloud_item
# If a print URL function has been specified, print the URL now.
if self._print_url is not None:
def WriteResultToCache(self, work_dir, package, build_signature, bskey_extra,
"""Cache a computed result by key.
Also prints URLs when appropriate.
work_dir: work directory for the package builder.
package: Package name (for tgz name).
build_signature: The input hash of the computation.
bskey_extra: Extra text to append to build signature storage key.
output: A path containing the output of the computation.
if not self._cache_results:
out_hash = pynacl.hashing_tools.StableHashPath(output)
output_key = self.KeyForOutput(package, out_hash)
# Try to get an existing copy in a temporary directory.
wd = pynacl.working_directory.TemporaryWorkingDirectory()
with wd as temp_dir:
temp_output = os.path.join(temp_dir, 'out')
dir_item = self._directory_storage.GetDirectory(output_key, temp_output)
log_key = self.KeyForLog(package, out_hash)
log_file = self.GetLogFile(work_dir, package)
log_url = None
if dir_item is None:
# Isn't present. Cache the computed result instead.
dir_item = self._directory_storage.PutDirectory(output, output_key)
if os.path.isfile(log_file):
log_url = self._storage.PutFile(log_file, log_key)'Computed fresh result and cached it.')
# Cached version is present. Replace the current output with that.
if self._use_cached_results:
shutil.move(temp_output, output)
log_url = self._storage.GetFile(log_key, log_file)'Recomputed result matches cached value, '
'using cached value instead.')
log_key_exists = self._storage.Exists(log_key)
if log_key_exists:
log_url = log_key_exists
# Upload an entry mapping from computation input to output hash.
out_hash, self.KeyForBuildSignature(build_signature, bskey_extra))
cloud_item = CloudStorageItem(dir_item, log_url)
self._ProcessCloudItem(package, cloud_item)
except pynacl.gsd_storage.GSDStorageError:'Failed to cache result.')
def ReadMemoizedResultFromCache(self, work_dir, package,
build_signature, bskey_extra, output):
"""Read a cached result (if it exists) from the cache.
Also prints URLs when appropriate.
work_dir: Working directory for the build.
package: Package name (for tgz name).
build_signature: Build signature of the computation.
bskey_extra: Extra text to append to build signature storage key.
output: Output path.
Boolean indicating successful retrieval.
# Check if its in the cache.
if self._use_cached_results:
out_hash = self._storage.GetData(
self.KeyForBuildSignature(build_signature, bskey_extra))
if out_hash is not None:
cloud_item = self.WriteOutputFromHash(work_dir, package,
out_hash, output)
if cloud_item is not None:'Retrieved cached result.')
'@@@STEP_TEXT@(cache hit)@@@')
self._ProcessCloudItem(package, cloud_item)
return True
return False
def GetCachedCloudItems(self):
"""Returns the complete list of all cached cloud items for this run."""
return self._cached_cloud_items.values()
def GetCachedCloudItemForPackage(self, package):
"""Returns cached cloud item for package or None if not processed."""
return self._cached_cloud_items.get(package, None)
def Run(self, package, inputs, output, commands, cmd_options=None,
working_dir=None, memoize=True, signature_file=None, subdir=None,
"""Run an operation once, possibly hitting cache.
package: Name of the computation/module.
inputs: A dict of names mapped to files that are inputs.
output: An output directory.
commands: A list of command.Command objects to run.
working_dir: Working directory to use, or None for a temp dir.
memoize: Boolean indicating the the result should be memoized.
signature_file: File to write human readable build signatures to or None.
subdir: If not None, use this directory instead of the output dir as the
substituter's output path. Must be a subdirectory of output.
bskey_extra: Extra text to append to build signature storage key.
if working_dir is None:
wdm = pynacl.working_directory.TemporaryWorkingDirectory()
wdm = pynacl.working_directory.FixedWorkingDirectory(working_dir)
nonpath_subst = { 'package': package }
with wdm as work_dir:
# Compute the build signature with modified inputs.
build_signature = self.BuildSignature(
package, inputs=inputs, commands=commands)
# Optionally write human readable version of signature.
if signature_file:
package, inputs=inputs, commands=commands,
# We're done if it's in the cache.
if (memoize and self.ReadMemoizedResultFromCache(work_dir, package,
bskey_extra, output)):
if subdir:
assert subdir.startswith(output)
# Filter out commands that have a run condition of False.
# This must be done before any commands are invoked in case the run
# conditions rely on any pre-existing states.
commands = [command for command in commands
if command.CheckRunCond(cmd_options)]
# Create a logger that will save the log for each command.
# This logger will process any messages and then pass the results
# up to the base logger.
base_logger = pynacl.log_tools.GetConsoleLogger()
cmd_logger = base_logger.getChild('OnceCmdLogger')
log_file = self.GetLogFile(work_dir, package)
file_log_handler = logging.FileHandler(log_file, 'wb')
logging.Formatter(fmt='[%(levelname)s - %(asctime)s] %(message)s'))
# Log some helpful information
cmd_logger.propagate = False
cmd_logger.debug('Hostname: %s', platform.node())
cmd_logger.debug('Machine: %s', platform.machine())
cmd_logger.debug('Platform: %s', sys.platform)
cmd_logger.propagate = True
for command in commands:
paths = inputs.copy()
# Add the extra paths supplied by our caller, and the original working
# directory
paths.update({'work_dir': work_dir})
paths['output'] = subdir if subdir else output
nonpath_subst['build_signature'] = build_signature
subst = substituter.Substituter(work_dir, paths, nonpath_subst)
command.Invoke(cmd_logger, subst)
# Uninstall the file log handler
# Confirm that we aren't hitting something we've cached.
for path in self._path_hash_cache:
if not os.path.relpath(output, path).startswith(os.pardir + os.sep):
raise UserError(
'Package %s outputs to a directory already used as an input: %s' %
(package, path))
if memoize:
self.WriteResultToCache(work_dir, package, build_signature, bskey_extra,
def SystemSummary(self):
"""Gather a string describing intrinsic properties of the current machine.
Ideally this would capture anything relevant about the current machine that
would cause build output to vary (other than build recipe + inputs).
if self._system_summary is not None:
return self._system_summary
# Note there is no attempt to canonicalize these values. If two
# machines that would in fact produce identical builds differ in
# these values, it just means that a superfluous build will be
# done once to get the mapping from new input hash to preexisting
# output hash into the cache.
assert len(sys.platform) != 0, len(platform.machine()) != 0
# Use environment from command so we can access MinGW on windows.
env = command.PlatformEnvironment([])
def GetCompilerVersion(compiler_name):
compiler_file = pynacl.file_tools.Which(
compiler_name, paths=env['PATH'].split(os.pathsep))
p = subprocess.Popen([compiler_file, '-v'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
stderr=subprocess.PIPE, env=env)
_, compiler_version = p.communicate()
assert p.returncode == 0
except pynacl.file_tools.ExecutableNotFound:
compiler_version = 0
return compiler_version
items = [
('platform', sys.platform),
('machine', platform.machine()),
('gcc-v', GetCompilerVersion('gcc')),
('arm-gcc-v', GetCompilerVersion('arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc')),
self._system_summary = str(items)
return self._system_summary
def BuildSignature(self, package, inputs, commands, hasher=None):
"""Compute a total checksum for a computation.
The computed hash includes system properties, inputs, and the commands run.
package: The name of the package computed.
inputs: A dict of names -> files/directories to be included in the
inputs set.
commands: A list of command.Command objects describing the commands run
for this computation.
hasher: Optional hasher to use.
A hex formatted sha1 to use as a computation key or a human readable
if hasher is None:
h = hashlib.sha1()
h = hasher
h.update('package:' + package)
h.update('summary:' + self.SystemSummary())
for command in commands:
for key in sorted(inputs.keys()):
h.update('item_name:' + key + '\x00')
if inputs[key] in self._path_hash_cache:
path_hash = self._path_hash_cache[inputs[key]]
path_hash = 'item:' + pynacl.hashing_tools.StableHashPath(inputs[key])
self._path_hash_cache[inputs[key]] = path_hash
return h.hexdigest()