blob: 91cf8e0b68424fcbc535028bb77c3fe81920f9f7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
module ash.mojom;
import "ui/gfx/geometry/mojo/geometry.mojom";
enum FocusRingType { GLOW, SOLID, DASHED };
// Defines a specific focus ring by specifying:
// - |rects_in_screen| the regions around which to draw the focus ring (in
// screen coordinates).
// - |focus_ring_behavior| whether it should persist or fade.
// - |focus_ring_type| the visual style of the focus ring.
// - |color| the color of the focus ring.
// - |secondary_color| a secondary color, used by some visual styles. The
// default value is SK_ColorTRANSPARENT.
struct FocusRing {
array<gfx.mojom.Rect> rects_in_screen;
FocusRingBehavior behavior;
FocusRingType type;
uint32 color;
uint32 secondary_color = 0; // SK_ColorTRANSPARENT
// Interface for ash client (e.g. Chrome) to control and query accessibility
// focus ring features.
interface AccessibilityFocusRingController {
// Sets the focus ring with the given ID to the specifications of focus_ring.
SetFocusRing(string focus_ring_id, FocusRing focus_ring);
// Hides focus ring on screen with the given ID.
HideFocusRing(string focus_ring_id);
// Draws a highlight at the given rects in screen coordinates. Rects may be
// overlapping and will be merged into one layer. This looks similar to
// selecting a region with the cursor, except it is drawn in the foreground
// rather than behind a text layer.
// TODO(katie): Add |caller_id| to highlights as well if other Accessibility
// tools or extensions want to use this API.
SetHighlights(array<gfx.mojom.Rect> rects_in_screen, uint32 skcolor);
// Hides highlight on screen.
// TODO(katie): Add |caller_id| to highlights as well.