blob: 3d1640c395cc5b95e152e9c58bd29c10f6a4db79 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <queue>
#include <vector>
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/time/default_tick_clock.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "cc/cc_export.h"
#include "cc/metrics/compositor_frame_reporter.h"
#include "cc/metrics/event_metrics.h"
#include "cc/metrics/frame_sequence_metrics.h"
namespace viz {
struct FrameTimingDetails;
namespace cc {
class DroppedFrameCounter;
class EventLatencyTracker;
class UkmManager;
struct BeginMainFrameMetrics;
struct FrameInfo;
// This is used for managing simultaneous CompositorFrameReporter instances
// in the case that the compositor has high latency. Calling one of the
// event functions will begin recording the time of the corresponding
// phase and trace it. If the frame is eventually submitted, then the
// recorded times of each phase will be reported in UMA.
// See CompositorFrameReporter.
class CC_EXPORT CompositorFrameReportingController {
// Used as indices for accessing CompositorFrameReporters.
enum PipelineStage {
kBeginImplFrame = 0,
CompositorFrameReportingController(bool should_report_histograms,
bool should_report_ukm,
int layer_tree_host_id);
virtual ~CompositorFrameReportingController();
const CompositorFrameReportingController&) = delete;
CompositorFrameReportingController& operator=(
const CompositorFrameReportingController&) = delete;
// Events to signal Beginning/Ending of phases.
virtual void WillBeginImplFrame(const viz::BeginFrameArgs& args);
virtual void WillBeginMainFrame(const viz::BeginFrameArgs& args);
virtual void BeginMainFrameAborted(const viz::BeginFrameId& id,
CommitEarlyOutReason reason);
virtual void WillInvalidateOnImplSide();
virtual void WillCommit();
virtual void DidCommit();
virtual void WillActivate();
virtual void DidActivate();
virtual void DidSubmitCompositorFrame(
uint32_t frame_token,
base::TimeTicks submit_time,
const viz::BeginFrameId& current_frame_id,
const viz::BeginFrameId& last_activated_frame_id,
EventMetricsSet events_metrics,
bool has_missing_content);
virtual void DidNotProduceFrame(const viz::BeginFrameId& id,
FrameSkippedReason skip_reason);
virtual void OnFinishImplFrame(const viz::BeginFrameId& id);
virtual void DidPresentCompositorFrame(
uint32_t frame_token,
const viz::FrameTimingDetails& details);
void OnStoppedRequestingBeginFrames();
void NotifyReadyToCommit(std::unique_ptr<BeginMainFrameMetrics> details);
void SetUkmManager(UkmManager* manager);
void AddActiveTracker(FrameSequenceTrackerType type);
void RemoveActiveTracker(FrameSequenceTrackerType type);
void SetScrollingThread(FrameInfo::SmoothEffectDrivingThread thread);
void SetThreadAffectsSmoothness(
FrameInfo::SmoothEffectDrivingThread thread_type,
bool affects_smoothness);
bool is_main_thread_driving_smoothness() const {
return is_main_thread_driving_smoothness_;
void set_tick_clock(const base::TickClock* tick_clock) {
tick_clock_ = tick_clock;
std::unique_ptr<CompositorFrameReporter>* reporters() { return reporters_; }
void SetDroppedFrameCounter(DroppedFrameCounter* counter);
void SetFrameSequenceTrackerCollection(
FrameSequenceTrackerCollection* frame_sequence_trackers) {
global_trackers_.frame_sequence_trackers = frame_sequence_trackers;
void set_event_latency_tracker(EventLatencyTracker* event_latency_tracker) {
global_trackers_.event_latency_tracker = event_latency_tracker;
void BeginMainFrameStarted(base::TimeTicks begin_main_frame_start_time) {
begin_main_frame_start_time_ = begin_main_frame_start_time;
struct SubmittedCompositorFrame {
uint32_t frame_token;
std::unique_ptr<CompositorFrameReporter> reporter;
SubmittedCompositorFrame(uint32_t frame_token,
std::unique_ptr<CompositorFrameReporter> reporter);
SubmittedCompositorFrame(SubmittedCompositorFrame&& other);
base::TimeTicks Now() const;
bool HasReporterAt(PipelineStage stage) const;
bool next_activate_has_invalidation() const {
return next_activate_has_invalidation_;
void AdvanceReporterStage(PipelineStage start, PipelineStage target);
bool CanSubmitImplFrame(const viz::BeginFrameId& id) const;
bool CanSubmitMainFrame(const viz::BeginFrameId& id) const;
std::unique_ptr<CompositorFrameReporter> RestoreReporterAtBeginImpl(
const viz::BeginFrameId& id);
CompositorFrameReporter::SmoothThread GetSmoothThread() const;
CompositorFrameReporter::SmoothThread GetSmoothThreadAtTime(
base::TimeTicks timestamp) const;
// Checks whether there are reporters containing updates from the main
// thread, and returns a pointer to that reporter (if any). Otherwise
// returns nullptr.
CompositorFrameReporter* GetOutstandingUpdatesFromMain(
const viz::BeginFrameId& id) const;
// If the display-compositor skips over some frames (e.g. when the gpu is
// busy, or the client is non-responsive), then it will not issue any
// |BeginFrameArgs| for those frames. However, |CompositorFrameReporter|
// instances should still be created for these frames. The following
// functions accomplish this.
void ProcessSkippedFramesIfNecessary(const viz::BeginFrameArgs& args);
void CreateReportersForDroppedFrames(
const viz::BeginFrameArgs& old_args,
const viz::BeginFrameArgs& new_args) const;
// The arg is a reference to the unique_ptr, because depending on the state
// that reporter is in, its ownership might be pass or not.
void SetPartialUpdateDeciderWhenWaitingOnMain(
std::unique_ptr<CompositorFrameReporter>& reporter);
void TrackSwapTiming(const viz::FrameTimingDetails& details);
void ReportMultipleSwaps(base::TimeTicks begin_frame_time,
base::TimeDelta interval);
void AddSortedFrame(const viz::BeginFrameArgs& args,
const FrameInfo& frame_info);
const bool should_report_histograms_;
const int layer_tree_host_id_;
viz::BeginFrameId last_submitted_frame_id_;
bool next_activate_has_invalidation_ = false;
ActiveTrackers active_trackers_;
FrameInfo::SmoothEffectDrivingThread scrolling_thread_ =
bool is_compositor_thread_driving_smoothness_ = false;
bool is_main_thread_driving_smoothness_ = false;
// Sorted history of smooththread. Element i indicating the smooththread
// from timestamp of element i-1 until timestamp of element i.
std::map<base::TimeTicks, CompositorFrameReporter::SmoothThread>
// The latency reporter passed to each CompositorFrameReporter. Owned here
// because it must be common among all reporters.
// DO NOT reorder this line and the ones below. The latency_ukm_reporter_
// must outlive the objects in |submitted_compositor_frames_|.
std::unique_ptr<LatencyUkmReporter> latency_ukm_reporter_;
// Mapping of frame token to pipeline reporter for submitted compositor
// frames.
// DO NOT reorder this line and the one above. The latency_ukm_reporter_
// must outlive the objects in |submitted_compositor_frames_|.
base::circular_deque<SubmittedCompositorFrame> submitted_compositor_frames_;
// Contains information about the latest frame that was started, and the state
// during that frame. This is used to process skipped frames, as well as
// making sure a CompositorFrameReporter object for a delayed main-frame is
// created with the correct state.
struct {
viz::BeginFrameArgs args;
FrameInfo::SmoothEffectDrivingThread scrolling_thread =
ActiveTrackers active_trackers;
CompositorFrameReporter::SmoothThread smooth_thread =
} last_started_compositor_frame_;
base::TimeTicks begin_main_frame_start_time_;
raw_ptr<const base::TickClock> tick_clock_ =
GlobalMetricsTrackers global_trackers_;
// When a frame with events metrics fails to be presented, its events metrics
// will be added to this map. The first following presented frame will get
// these metrics and report them.
std::map<viz::BeginFrameId, EventMetrics::List>
// Tracking the swap times in a queue to measure delta of multiple swaps in
// each vsync.
std::queue<base::TimeTicks> latest_swap_times_;
// interval of last begin frame args.
base::TimeDelta last_interval_;
} // namespace cc