blob: b7027c4b5888914e3796d58fcb972a94ab5852b1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <vector>
#include "cc/base/cc_export.h"
#include "cc/resources/picture_layer_tiling_set.h"
namespace cc {
// This eviction queue returned tiles from all tilings in a tiling set in
// the following order:
// 1) Eventually rect tiles (EVENTUALLY tiles).
// 1) Eventually rect tiles not required for activation from each tiling in
// the tiling set, in turn, in the following order:
// 1) the first higher than high res tiling, the second one and so on
// 2) the first lower than low res tiling, the second one and so on
// 3) the first between high and low res tiling, the second one and so on
// 4) low res tiling
// 5) high res tiling
// 2) Eventually rect tiles required for activation from the tiling with
// required for activation tiles. In the case of a pending tree tiling
// set that is the high res tiling. In the case of an active tree tiling
// set that is a tiling whose twin tiling is a pending tree high res
// tiling.
// 2) Soon border rect and skewport rect tiles (whose priority bin is SOON
// unless the max tile priority bin is lowered by PictureLayerTilingClient).
// 1) Soon border rect and skewport rect tiles not required for activation
// from each tiling in the tiling set.
// * Tilings are iterated in the same order as in the case of eventually
// rect tiles not required for activation.
// * For each tiling, first soon border rect tiles and then skewport
// rect tiles are returned.
// 2) Soon border rect and skewport rect tiles required for activation from
// the tiling with required for activation tiles.
// * First soon border rect tiles and then skewport rect tiles are
// returned.
// 3) Visible rect tiles (whose priority bin is NOW unless the max tile
// priority bin is lowered by PictureLayerTilingClient).
// 1) Visible rect tiles not required for activation from each tiling in
// the tiling set.
// * Tilings are iterated in the same order as in the case of eventually
// rect tiles not required for activation.
// * For each tiling, first occluded tiles and then unoccluded tiles
// are returned.
// 2) Visible rect tiles required for activation from the tiling with
// required for activation tiles.
// * First occluded tiles and then unoccluded tiles are returned.
// If the max tile priority bin is lowered by PictureLayerTilingClient,
// occlusion is not taken into account as occlusion is meaningful only for
// NOW tiles.
// Within each tiling and tile priority rect, tiles are returned in reverse
// spiral order i.e. in (mostly) decreasing distance-to-visible order.
// If the skip_shared_out_of_order_tiles value passed to the constructor is
// true (like it should be when there is a twin layer with a twin tiling set),
// eviction queue does not return shared which are out of order because their
// priority for tree priority is lowered or raised by a twin layer.
// * If tree_priority is SAME_PRIORITY_FOR_BOTH_TREES, this happens for
// a tile specific lower priority tree eviction queue (because priority for
// tree priority is a merged priority).
// * If tree priority is NEW_CONTENT_TAKES_PRIORITY, this happens for
// an active tree eviction queue (because priority for tree priority is
// the pending priority).
// * If tree_priority is SMOOTHNESS_TAKES_PRIORITY, this happens for a pending
// tree eviction queue (because priority for tree priority is the active
// priority).
// Those skipped shared out of order tiles are when returned only by the twin
// eviction queue.
class CC_EXPORT TilingSetEvictionQueue {
TilingSetEvictionQueue(PictureLayerTilingSet* tiling_set,
TreePriority tree_priority,
bool skip_shared_out_of_order_tiles);
Tile* Top();
const Tile* Top() const;
void Pop();
bool IsEmpty() const;
bool AdvanceToNextEvictionTile();
bool AdvanceToNextPriorityBin();
bool AdvanceToNextTilingRangeType();
bool AdvanceToNextValidTiling();
PictureLayerTilingSet::TilingRange CurrentTilingRange() const;
size_t CurrentTilingIndex() const;
bool IsSharedOutOfOrderTile(const Tile* tile) const;
size_t TilingIndexWithRequiredForActivationTiles() const;
PictureLayerTilingSet* tiling_set_;
WhichTree tree_;
TreePriority tree_priority_;
bool skip_all_shared_tiles_;
bool skip_shared_out_of_order_tiles_;
bool processing_soon_border_rect_;
bool processing_tiling_with_required_for_activation_tiles_;
size_t tiling_index_with_required_for_activation_tiles_;
TilePriority::PriorityBin current_priority_bin_;
PictureLayerTiling* current_tiling_;
size_t current_tiling_index_;
PictureLayerTilingSet::TilingRangeType current_tiling_range_type_;
Tile* current_eviction_tile_;
TilingData::ReverseSpiralDifferenceIterator spiral_iterator_;
TilingData::Iterator visible_iterator_;
std::vector<Tile*> unoccluded_now_tiles_;
} // namespace cc