blob: ccbf9614152604ad193c9e6aaf178d8fa32f4166 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/threading/thread_checker.h"
#include "components/invalidation/public/invalidation.h"
#include "components/invalidation/public/invalidation_handler.h"
#include "components/policy/core/common/cloud/cloud_policy_core.h"
#include "components/policy/core/common/cloud/cloud_policy_store.h"
#include "components/policy/core/common/cloud/enterprise_metrics.h"
#include "components/policy/proto/device_management_backend.pb.h"
#include "google/cacheinvalidation/include/types.h"
namespace base {
class Clock;
class SequencedTaskRunner;
namespace invalidation {
class InvalidationService;
namespace policy {
// Listens for and provides policy invalidations.
class CloudPolicyInvalidator : public syncer::InvalidationHandler,
public CloudPolicyCore::Observer,
public CloudPolicyStore::Observer {
// The number of minutes to delay a policy refresh after receiving an
// invalidation with no payload.
static const int kMissingPayloadDelay;
// The default, min and max values for max_fetch_delay_.
static const int kMaxFetchDelayDefault;
static const int kMaxFetchDelayMin;
static const int kMaxFetchDelayMax;
// The grace period, in seconds, to allow for invalidations to be received
// once the invalidation service starts up.
static const int kInvalidationGracePeriod;
// Time, in seconds, for which unknown version invalidations are ignored after
// fetching a policy.
static const int kUnknownVersionIgnorePeriod;
// The max tolerated discrepancy, in seconds, between policy timestamps and
// invalidation timestamps when determining if an invalidation is expired.
static const int kMaxInvalidationTimeDelta;
// |type| indicates the policy type that this invalidator is responsible for.
// |core| is the cloud policy core which connects the various policy objects.
// It must remain valid until Shutdown is called.
// |task_runner| is used for scheduling delayed tasks. It must post tasks to
// the main policy thread.
// |clock| is used to get the current time.
// |highest_handled_invalidation_version| is the highest invalidation version
// that was handled already before this invalidator was created.
enterprise_management::DeviceRegisterRequest::Type type,
CloudPolicyCore* core,
const scoped_refptr<base::SequencedTaskRunner>& task_runner,
base::Clock* clock,
int64_t highest_handled_invalidation_version,
bool is_fcm_enabled);
~CloudPolicyInvalidator() override;
// Initializes the invalidator. No invalidations will be generated before this
// method is called. This method must only be called once.
// |invalidation_service| is the invalidation service to use and must remain
// valid until Shutdown is called.
void Initialize(invalidation::InvalidationService* invalidation_service);
// Shuts down and disables invalidations. It must be called before the object
// is destroyed.
void Shutdown();
// Whether the invalidator currently has the ability to receive invalidations.
bool invalidations_enabled() {
return invalidations_enabled_;
// Whether to use FCM (Firebase Cloud Messaging) topics when registering
// to invalidations.
bool is_fcm_enabled() { return is_fcm_enabled_; }
// The highest invalidation version that was handled already.
int64_t highest_handled_invalidation_version() const {
return highest_handled_invalidation_version_;
invalidation::InvalidationService* invalidation_service_for_test() const {
return invalidation_service_;
// syncer::InvalidationHandler:
void OnInvalidatorStateChange(syncer::InvalidatorState state) override;
void OnIncomingInvalidation(
const syncer::ObjectIdInvalidationMap& invalidation_map) override;
std::string GetOwnerName() const override;
bool IsPublicTopic(const syncer::Topic& topic) const override;
// CloudPolicyCore::Observer:
void OnCoreConnected(CloudPolicyCore* core) override;
void OnRefreshSchedulerStarted(CloudPolicyCore* core) override;
void OnCoreDisconnecting(CloudPolicyCore* core) override;
// CloudPolicyStore::Observer:
void OnStoreLoaded(CloudPolicyStore* store) override;
void OnStoreError(CloudPolicyStore* store) override;
// Handle an invalidation to the policy.
void HandleInvalidation(const syncer::Invalidation& invalidation);
// Update object registration with the invalidation service based on the
// given policy data.
void UpdateRegistration(const enterprise_management::PolicyData* policy);
// Registers the given object with the invalidation service.
void Register(const invalidation::ObjectId& object_id);
// Unregisters the current object with the invalidation service.
void Unregister();
// Update |max_fetch_delay_| based on the given policy map.
void UpdateMaxFetchDelay(const PolicyMap& policy_map);
void set_max_fetch_delay(int delay);
// Updates invalidations_enabled_ and calls the invalidation handler if the
// value changed.
void UpdateInvalidationsEnabled();
// Refresh the policy.
// |is_missing_payload| is set to true if the callback is being invoked in
// response to an invalidation with a missing payload.
void RefreshPolicy(bool is_missing_payload);
// Acknowledge the latest invalidation.
void AcknowledgeInvalidation();
// Determines if the given policy is different from the policy passed in the
// previous call.
bool IsPolicyChanged(const enterprise_management::PolicyData* policy);
// Determine if an invalidation has expired.
// |version| is the version of the invalidation, or zero for unknown.
bool IsInvalidationExpired(int64_t version);
// Get the kMetricPolicyRefresh histogram metric which should be incremented
// when a policy is stored.
MetricPolicyRefresh GetPolicyRefreshMetric(bool policy_changed);
// Get the kMetricPolicyInvalidations histogram metric which should be
// incremented when an invalidation is received.
PolicyInvalidationType GetInvalidationMetric(bool is_missing_payload,
bool is_expired);
// Determine if invalidations have been enabled longer than the grace period.
bool GetInvalidationsEnabled();
// The state of the object.
enum State {
State state_;
// The policy type this invalidator is responsible for.
const enterprise_management::DeviceRegisterRequest::Type type_;
// The cloud policy core.
CloudPolicyCore* core_;
// Schedules delayed tasks.
const scoped_refptr<base::SequencedTaskRunner> task_runner_;
// The clock.
base::Clock* clock_;
// The invalidation service.
invalidation::InvalidationService* invalidation_service_;
// Whether the invalidator currently has the ability to receive invalidations.
// This is true if the invalidation service is enabled and the invalidator
// has registered for a policy object.
bool invalidations_enabled_;
// The time that invalidations became enabled.
base::Time invalidations_enabled_time_;
// Whether the invalidation service is currently enabled.
bool invalidation_service_enabled_;
// Whether this object has registered for policy invalidations.
bool is_registered_;
// The object id representing the policy in the invalidation service.
invalidation::ObjectId object_id_;
// Whether the policy is current invalid. This is set to true when an
// invalidation is received and reset when the policy fetched due to the
// invalidation is stored.
bool invalid_;
// The version of the latest invalidation received. This is compared to
// the invalidation version of policy stored to determine when the
// invalidated policy is up to date.
int64_t invalidation_version_;
// The number of invalidations with unknown version received. Since such
// invalidations do not provide a version number, this count is used to set
// invalidation_version_ when such invalidations occur.
int unknown_version_invalidation_count_;
// The highest invalidation version that was handled already.
int64_t highest_handled_invalidation_version_;
// The most up to date invalidation.
std::unique_ptr<syncer::Invalidation> invalidation_;
// The maximum random delay, in ms, between receiving an invalidation and
// fetching the new policy.
int max_fetch_delay_;
// The hash value of the current policy. This is used to determine if a new
// policy is different from the current one.
uint32_t policy_hash_value_;
// Whether the CloudPolicyInvalidator should use FCM (Firebase Cloud
// Messaging) topics.
const bool is_fcm_enabled_;
// A thread checker to make sure that callbacks are invoked on the correct
// thread.
base::ThreadChecker thread_checker_;
// WeakPtrFactory used to create callbacks to this object.
base::WeakPtrFactory<CloudPolicyInvalidator> weak_factory_;
} // namespace policy