blob: 7880b50a70f3ae0523cfdb985ec0e26f7c892cc4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ash/system/network/network_icon.h"
#include "ash/public/cpp/ash_features.h"
#include "ash/public/cpp/network_icon_image_source.h"
#include "ash/resources/vector_icons/vector_icons.h"
#include "ash/strings/grit/ash_strings.h"
#include "ash/system/network/network_icon_animation.h"
#include "ash/system/network/network_icon_animation_observer.h"
#include "ash/system/tray/tray_constants.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/ptr_util.h"
#include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h"
#include "chromeos/network/network_state.h"
#include "chromeos/network/network_state_handler.h"
#include "chromeos/network/tether_constants.h"
#include "components/vector_icons/vector_icons.h"
#include "third_party/cros_system_api/dbus/service_constants.h"
#include "ui/base/l10n/l10n_util.h"
#include "ui/gfx/image/image_skia_operations.h"
#include "ui/gfx/image/image_skia_source.h"
#include "ui/gfx/paint_vector_icon.h"
#include "ui/gfx/skia_util.h"
#include "ui/gfx/vector_icon_types.h"
using chromeos::NetworkConnectionHandler;
using chromeos::NetworkHandler;
using chromeos::NetworkState;
using chromeos::NetworkStateHandler;
using chromeos::NetworkTypePattern;
namespace ash {
namespace network_icon {
namespace {
// class used for maintaining a map of network state and images.
class NetworkIconImpl {
NetworkIconImpl(const std::string& path,
IconType icon_type,
const std::string& network_type);
// Determines whether or not the associated network might be dirty and if so
// updates and generates the icon. Does nothing if network no longer exists.
void Update(const chromeos::NetworkState* network, bool show_vpn_badge);
const gfx::ImageSkia& image() const { return image_; }
// Updates |strength_index_| for wireless networks. Returns true if changed.
bool UpdateWirelessStrengthIndex(const chromeos::NetworkState* network);
// Updates the local state for cellular networks. Returns true if changed.
bool UpdateCellularState(const chromeos::NetworkState* network);
// Gets |badges| based on |network| and the current state.
void GetBadges(const NetworkState* network, Badges* badges);
// Gets the appropriate icon and badges and composites the image.
void GenerateImage(const chromeos::NetworkState* network);
// Network path, used for debugging.
std::string network_path_;
// Defines color theme and VPN badging
const IconType icon_type_;
// Cached state of the network when the icon was last generated.
std::string connection_state_;
int strength_index_ = -1;
Badge technology_badge_ = {};
bool show_vpn_badge_ = false;
bool is_roaming_ = false;
bool behind_captive_portal_ = false;
// Generated icon image.
gfx::ImageSkia image_;
// Maintain a static (global) icon map. Note: Icons are never destroyed;
// it is assumed that a finite and reasonable number of network icons will be
// created during a session.
typedef std::map<std::string, NetworkIconImpl*> NetworkIconMap;
NetworkIconMap* GetIconMapInstance(IconType icon_type, bool create) {
typedef std::map<IconType, NetworkIconMap*> IconTypeMap;
static IconTypeMap* s_icon_map = nullptr;
if (s_icon_map == nullptr) {
if (!create)
return nullptr;
s_icon_map = new IconTypeMap;
if (s_icon_map->count(icon_type) == 0) {
if (!create)
return nullptr;
(*s_icon_map)[icon_type] = new NetworkIconMap;
return (*s_icon_map)[icon_type];
NetworkIconMap* GetIconMap(IconType icon_type) {
return GetIconMapInstance(icon_type, true);
void PurgeIconMap(IconType icon_type,
const std::set<std::string>& network_paths) {
NetworkIconMap* icon_map = GetIconMapInstance(icon_type, false);
if (!icon_map)
for (NetworkIconMap::iterator loop_iter = icon_map->begin();
loop_iter != icon_map->end();) {
NetworkIconMap::iterator cur_iter = loop_iter++;
if (network_paths.count(cur_iter->first) == 0) {
delete cur_iter->second;
// Utilities for generating icon images.
// Amount to fade icons while connecting.
const double kConnectingImageAlpha = 0.5;
// Number of discrete images to use for alpha fade animation
const int kNumFadeImages = 10;
bool IsTrayIcon(IconType icon_type) {
return icon_type == ICON_TYPE_TRAY_REGULAR ||
icon_type == ICON_TYPE_TRAY_OOBE;
SkColor GetDefaultColorForIconType(IconType icon_type) {
if (icon_type == ICON_TYPE_TRAY_REGULAR)
return kTrayIconColor;
if (icon_type == ICON_TYPE_TRAY_OOBE)
return kOobeTrayIconColor;
return kUnifiedMenuIconColor;
bool IconTypeIsDark(IconType icon_type) {
// Dark icon is used for OOBE tray icon because the background is white.
return icon_type == ICON_TYPE_TRAY_OOBE;
bool IconTypeHasVPNBadge(IconType icon_type) {
return (icon_type != ICON_TYPE_LIST && icon_type != ICON_TYPE_MENU_LIST);
gfx::Size GetSizeForBaseIconSize(const gfx::Size& base_icon_size) {
return base_icon_size;
gfx::ImageSkia CreateNetworkIconImage(const gfx::ImageSkia& icon,
const Badges& badges) {
return gfx::CanvasImageSource::MakeImageSkia<NetworkIconImageSource>(
GetSizeForBaseIconSize(icon.size()), icon, badges);
// Utilities for extracting icon images.
ImageType ImageTypeForNetworkType(const std::string& type) {
if (NetworkTypePattern::WiFi().MatchesType(type))
return ARCS;
if (NetworkTypePattern::Mobile().MatchesType(type))
return BARS;
return NONE;
// Returns the network type, performing a check to see if Wi-Fi networks
// have an associated Tether network. Used to display the correct icon.
std::string GetEffectiveNetworkType(const NetworkState* network,
IconType icon_type) {
if (IsTrayIcon(icon_type) && network->type() == shill::kTypeWifi &&
!network->tether_guid().empty()) {
return chromeos::kTypeTether;
return network->type();
ImageType ImageTypeForNetwork(const NetworkState* network, IconType icon_type) {
return ImageTypeForNetworkType(GetEffectiveNetworkType(network, icon_type));
gfx::Size GetSizeForIconType(IconType icon_type) {
int size = kMenuIconSize;
if (IsTrayIcon(icon_type)) {
size = kUnifiedTrayIconSize;
} else if (icon_type == ICON_TYPE_DEFAULT_VIEW) {
size = kUnifiedFeaturePodVectorIconSize;
return gfx::Size(size, size);
int GetPaddingForIconType(IconType icon_type) {
if (IsTrayIcon(icon_type))
return kUnifiedTrayNetworkIconPadding;
return kTrayNetworkIconPadding;
gfx::ImageSkia GetImageForIndex(ImageType image_type,
IconType icon_type,
int index) {
return gfx::CanvasImageSource::MakeImageSkia<SignalStrengthImageSource>(
image_type, GetDefaultColorForIconType(icon_type),
GetSizeForIconType(icon_type), index, GetPaddingForIconType(icon_type));
// Returns an image to represent either a fully connected network or a
// disconnected network.
const gfx::ImageSkia GetBasicImage(bool connected,
IconType icon_type,
const std::string& network_type) {
DCHECK_NE(shill::kTypeVPN, network_type);
return GetImageForIndex(ImageTypeForNetworkType(network_type), icon_type,
connected ? kNumNetworkImages - 1 : 0);
gfx::ImageSkia* ConnectingWirelessImage(ImageType image_type,
IconType icon_type,
double animation) {
static const int kImageCount = kNumNetworkImages - 1;
static gfx::ImageSkia* s_bars_images_dark[kImageCount];
static gfx::ImageSkia* s_bars_images_light[kImageCount];
static gfx::ImageSkia* s_arcs_images_dark[kImageCount];
static gfx::ImageSkia* s_arcs_images_light[kImageCount];
int index = animation * nextafter(static_cast<float>(kImageCount), 0);
index = std::max(std::min(index, kImageCount - 1), 0);
gfx::ImageSkia** images;
bool dark = IconTypeIsDark(icon_type);
if (image_type == BARS)
images = dark ? s_bars_images_dark : s_bars_images_light;
images = dark ? s_arcs_images_dark : s_arcs_images_light;
if (!images[index]) {
// Lazily cache images.
// TODO(estade): should the alpha be applied in SignalStrengthImageSource?
gfx::ImageSkia source = GetImageForIndex(image_type, icon_type, index + 1);
images[index] =
new gfx::ImageSkia(gfx::ImageSkiaOperations::CreateTransparentImage(
source, kConnectingImageAlpha));
return images[index];
gfx::ImageSkia ConnectingVpnImage(double animation) {
float floored_animation_value =
std::floor(animation * kNumFadeImages) / kNumFadeImages;
return gfx::CreateVectorIcon(
SkColorSetA(kMenuIconColor, kConnectingImageAlpha), kMenuIconColor));
int StrengthIndex(int strength) {
if (strength <= 0)
return 0;
if (strength >= 100)
return kNumNetworkImages - 1;
// Return an index in the range [1, kNumNetworkImages - 1].
// This logic is equivalent to cr_network_icon.js:strengthToIndex_().
int zero_based_index = (strength - 1) * (kNumNetworkImages - 1) / 100;
return zero_based_index + 1;
Badge BadgeForNetworkTechnology(const NetworkState* network,
IconType icon_type) {
Badge badge = {nullptr, GetDefaultColorForIconType(icon_type)};
const std::string& technology = network->network_technology();
if (technology == shill::kNetworkTechnologyEvdo) {
badge.icon = &kNetworkBadgeTechnologyEvdoIcon;
} else if (technology == shill::kNetworkTechnology1Xrtt) {
badge.icon = &kNetworkBadgeTechnology1xIcon;
} else if (technology == shill::kNetworkTechnologyGprs ||
technology == shill::kNetworkTechnologyGsm) {
badge.icon = &kNetworkBadgeTechnologyGprsIcon;
} else if (technology == shill::kNetworkTechnologyEdge) {
badge.icon = &kNetworkBadgeTechnologyEdgeIcon;
} else if (technology == shill::kNetworkTechnologyUmts) {
badge.icon = &kNetworkBadgeTechnology3gIcon;
} else if (technology == shill::kNetworkTechnologyHspa) {
badge.icon = &kNetworkBadgeTechnologyHspaIcon;
} else if (technology == shill::kNetworkTechnologyHspaPlus) {
badge.icon = &kNetworkBadgeTechnologyHspaPlusIcon;
} else if (technology == shill::kNetworkTechnologyLte) {
badge.icon = &kNetworkBadgeTechnologyLteIcon;
} else if (technology == shill::kNetworkTechnologyLteAdvanced) {
badge.icon = &kNetworkBadgeTechnologyLteAdvancedIcon;
} else {
return {};
return badge;
gfx::ImageSkia GetIcon(const NetworkState* network,
IconType icon_type,
int strength_index) {
if (network->Matches(NetworkTypePattern::Ethernet())) {
return gfx::CreateVectorIcon(vector_icons::kEthernetIcon,
if (network->Matches(NetworkTypePattern::Wireless())) {
return GetImageForIndex(ImageTypeForNetwork(network, icon_type), icon_type,
if (network->Matches(NetworkTypePattern::VPN())) {
return gfx::CreateVectorIcon(kNetworkVpnIcon,
NOTREACHED() << "Request for icon for unsupported type: " << network->type();
return gfx::ImageSkia();
gfx::ImageSkia GetConnectingVpnImage(IconType icon_type) {
double animation = NetworkIconAnimation::GetInstance()->GetAnimation();
gfx::ImageSkia icon = ConnectingVpnImage(animation);
return CreateNetworkIconImage(icon, Badges());
} // namespace
// NetworkIconImpl
NetworkIconImpl::NetworkIconImpl(const std::string& path,
IconType icon_type,
const std::string& network_type)
: network_path_(path), icon_type_(icon_type) {
// Default image is null.
void NetworkIconImpl::Update(const NetworkState* network, bool show_vpn_badge) {
// Determine whether or not we need to update the icon.
bool dirty = image_.isNull();
std::string connection_state = network->connection_state();
if (connection_state != connection_state_) {
connection_state_ = connection_state;
dirty = true;
bool behind_captive_portal = network->IsCaptivePortal();
if (behind_captive_portal != behind_captive_portal_) {
behind_captive_portal_ = behind_captive_portal;
dirty = true;
if (network->Matches(NetworkTypePattern::Wireless()))
dirty |= UpdateWirelessStrengthIndex(network);
if (network->Matches(NetworkTypePattern::Cellular()))
dirty |= UpdateCellularState(network);
bool new_show_vpn_badge = show_vpn_badge && IconTypeHasVPNBadge(icon_type_);
if (new_show_vpn_badge != show_vpn_badge_) {
show_vpn_badge_ = new_show_vpn_badge;
dirty = true;
if (dirty) {
// Set the icon and badges based on the network and generate the image.
bool NetworkIconImpl::UpdateWirelessStrengthIndex(const NetworkState* network) {
int index = StrengthIndex(network->signal_strength());
if (index != strength_index_) {
strength_index_ = index;
return true;
return false;
bool NetworkIconImpl::UpdateCellularState(const NetworkState* network) {
bool dirty = false;
const Badge technology_badge = BadgeForNetworkTechnology(network, icon_type_);
if (technology_badge != technology_badge_) {
technology_badge_ = technology_badge;
dirty = true;
bool is_roaming = network->IndicateRoaming();
if (is_roaming != is_roaming_) {
is_roaming_ = is_roaming;
dirty = true;
return dirty;
void NetworkIconImpl::GetBadges(const NetworkState* network, Badges* badges) {
const std::string& type = network->type();
const SkColor icon_color = GetDefaultColorForIconType(icon_type_);
if (type == shill::kTypeWifi) {
if (network->security_class() != shill::kSecurityNone &&
!IsTrayIcon(icon_type_)) {
badges->bottom_right = {&kUnifiedNetworkBadgeSecureIcon, icon_color};
} else if (type == shill::kTypeWimax) {
technology_badge_ = {&kNetworkBadgeTechnology4gIcon, icon_color};
} else if (type == shill::kTypeCellular) {
// technology_badge_ is set in UpdateCellularState.
if (network->IsConnectedState() && network->IndicateRoaming())
badges->bottom_right = {&kNetworkBadgeRoamingIcon, icon_color};
// Only show technology badge when connected.
if (network->IsConnectedState() && !features::IsSeparateNetworkIconsEnabled())
badges->top_left = technology_badge_;
if (show_vpn_badge_)
badges->bottom_left = {&kUnifiedNetworkBadgeVpnIcon, icon_color};
if (behind_captive_portal_)
badges->bottom_right = {&kUnifiedNetworkBadgeCaptivePortalIcon, icon_color};
void NetworkIconImpl::GenerateImage(const NetworkState* network) {
gfx::ImageSkia icon = GetIcon(network, icon_type_, strength_index_);
Badges badges;
GetBadges(network, &badges);
image_ = CreateNetworkIconImage(icon, badges);
namespace {
NetworkIconImpl* FindAndUpdateImageImpl(const NetworkState* network,
IconType icon_type,
bool show_vpn_badge) {
// Find or add the icon.
NetworkIconMap* icon_map = GetIconMap(icon_type);
NetworkIconImpl* icon;
NetworkIconMap::iterator iter = icon_map->find(network->path());
if (iter == icon_map->end()) {
icon = new NetworkIconImpl(network->path(), icon_type,
GetEffectiveNetworkType(network, icon_type));
icon_map->insert(std::make_pair(network->path(), icon));
} else {
icon = iter->second;
// Update and return the icon's image.
icon->Update(network, show_vpn_badge);
return icon;
} // namespace
// Public interface
gfx::ImageSkia GetImageForNonVirtualNetwork(const NetworkState* network,
IconType icon_type,
bool show_vpn_badge,
bool* animating) {
const std::string network_type = GetEffectiveNetworkType(network, icon_type);
if (!network->visible()) {
if (animating)
*animating = false;
return GetBasicImage(false /* is_connected */, icon_type, network_type);
if (network->IsConnectingState()) {
if (animating)
*animating = true;
return GetConnectingImageForNetworkType(network_type, icon_type);
NetworkIconImpl* icon =
FindAndUpdateImageImpl(network, icon_type, show_vpn_badge);
if (animating)
*animating = false;
return icon->image();
gfx::ImageSkia GetImageForVPN(const NetworkState* vpn,
IconType icon_type,
bool* animating) {
if (vpn->IsConnectingState()) {
if (animating)
*animating = true;
return GetConnectingVpnImage(icon_type);
NetworkIconImpl* icon =
FindAndUpdateImageImpl(vpn, icon_type, false /* show_vpn_badge */);
if (animating)
*animating = false;
return icon->image();
gfx::ImageSkia GetImageForWiFiEnabledState(bool enabled, IconType icon_type) {
if (!enabled) {
return gfx::CreateVectorIcon(kUnifiedMenuWifiOffIcon,
gfx::ImageSkia image =
GetBasicImage(true /* connected */, icon_type, shill::kTypeWifi);
Badges badges;
if (!enabled) { = {&kNetworkBadgeOffIcon,
return CreateNetworkIconImage(image, badges);
gfx::ImageSkia GetConnectingImageForNetworkType(const std::string& network_type,
IconType icon_type) {
DCHECK(network_type != shill::kTypeVPN);
ImageType image_type = ImageTypeForNetworkType(network_type);
double animation = NetworkIconAnimation::GetInstance()->GetAnimation();
return CreateNetworkIconImage(
*ConnectingWirelessImage(image_type, icon_type, animation), Badges());
gfx::ImageSkia GetConnectedNetworkWithConnectingVpnImage(
const NetworkState* connected_network,
IconType icon_type) {
gfx::ImageSkia icon = GetImageForNonVirtualNetwork(
connected_network, icon_type, false /* show_vpn_badge */);
double animation = NetworkIconAnimation::GetInstance()->GetAnimation();
Badges badges;
badges.bottom_left = {
SkColorSetA(GetDefaultColorForIconType(icon_type), 0xFF * animation)};
return CreateNetworkIconImage(icon, badges);
gfx::ImageSkia GetDisconnectedImageForNetworkType(
const std::string& network_type) {
return GetBasicImage(false /* not connected */, ICON_TYPE_LIST, network_type);
gfx::ImageSkia GetImageForNewWifiNetwork(SkColor icon_color,
SkColor badge_color) {
gfx::ImageSkia icon =
ImageTypeForNetworkType(shill::kTypeWifi), icon_color,
GetSizeForIconType(ICON_TYPE_LIST), kNumNetworkImages - 1);
Badges badges;
badges.bottom_right = {&kNetworkBadgeAddOtherIcon, badge_color};
return CreateNetworkIconImage(icon, badges);
base::string16 GetLabelForNetwork(const chromeos::NetworkState* network,
IconType icon_type) {
if (!network) {
int uninitialized_msg = GetCellularUninitializedMsg();
if (uninitialized_msg != 0)
return l10n_util::GetStringUTF16(uninitialized_msg);
std::string activation_state = network->activation_state();
if (icon_type == ICON_TYPE_LIST || icon_type == ICON_TYPE_MENU_LIST) {
// Show "<network>: [Connecting|Activating|Reconnecting]..."
// TODO(varkha): Remaining states should migrate to secondary status in the
// network item and no longer be part of the label.
// See .
if (network->IsReconnecting()) {
return l10n_util::GetStringFUTF16(
if (icon_type != ICON_TYPE_MENU_LIST && network->IsConnectingState()) {
return l10n_util::GetStringFUTF16(
if (activation_state == shill::kActivationStateActivating) {
return l10n_util::GetStringFUTF16(
// Show "Activate <network>" in list view only.
if (activation_state == shill::kActivationStateNotActivated ||
activation_state == shill::kActivationStatePartiallyActivated) {
return l10n_util::GetStringFUTF16(
} else {
// Show "[Connected to|Connecting to|Activating|Reconnecting to] <network>"
// (non-list view).
if (network->IsReconnecting()) {
return l10n_util::GetStringFUTF16(
if (network->IsConnectedState()) {
if (network->IsConnectingState()) {
if (activation_state == shill::kActivationStateActivating) {
// Otherwise just show the network name or 'Ethernet'.
if (network->Matches(NetworkTypePattern::Ethernet())) {
return l10n_util::GetStringUTF16(IDS_ASH_STATUS_TRAY_ETHERNET);
} else {
return base::UTF8ToUTF16(network->name());
int GetCellularUninitializedMsg() {
static base::Time s_uninitialized_state_time;
static int s_uninitialized_msg(0);
NetworkStateHandler* handler = NetworkHandler::Get()->network_state_handler();
if (handler->GetTechnologyState(NetworkTypePattern::Cellular()) ==
s_uninitialized_state_time = base::Time::Now();
return s_uninitialized_msg;
if (handler->GetScanningByType(NetworkTypePattern::Cellular())) {
s_uninitialized_state_time = base::Time::Now();
return s_uninitialized_msg;
// There can be a delay between leaving the Initializing state and when
// a Cellular device shows up, so keep showing the initializing
// animation for a bit to avoid flashing the disconnect icon.
const int kInitializingDelaySeconds = 1;
base::TimeDelta dtime = base::Time::Now() - s_uninitialized_state_time;
if (dtime.InSeconds() < kInitializingDelaySeconds)
return s_uninitialized_msg;
return 0;
const NetworkState* GetDefaultNetworkForIcon() {
NetworkStateHandler* network_state_handler =
const NetworkState* connected_network =
const NetworkState* connecting_network =
// If we are connecting to a network, and there is either no connected
// network, or the connection was user requested, or shill triggered a
// reconnection, use the connecting network.
if (connecting_network &&
(!connected_network || connecting_network->IsReconnecting() ||
connecting_network->connect_requested())) {
return connecting_network;
if (connected_network)
return connected_network;
const NetworkState* cellular =
if (cellular &&
cellular->activation_state() == shill::kActivationStateActivating) {
return cellular;
return nullptr;
void GetDefaultNetworkImageAndLabel(IconType icon_type,
gfx::ImageSkia* image,
base::string16* label,
bool* animating) {
NetworkStateHandler* network_state_handler =
const NetworkState* network = GetDefaultNetworkForIcon();
if (label)
*label = GetLabelForNetwork(network, icon_type);
if (!network) {
// If no network, check for cellular initializing.
if (GetCellularUninitializedMsg() != 0) {
*image =
GetConnectingImageForNetworkType(shill::kTypeCellular, icon_type);
if (animating)
*animating = true;
// Otherwise show a WiFi icon.
if (network_state_handler->IsTechnologyEnabled(
NetworkTypePattern::WiFi())) {
// WiFi is enabled but disconnected, show an empty wedge.
*image =
GetBasicImage(false /* not connected */, icon_type, shill::kTypeWifi);
} else {
// WiFi is disabled, show a full icon with a strikethrough.
*image = GetImageForWiFiEnabledState(false /* not enabled*/, icon_type);
if (animating)
*animating = false;
// Get the active (connecting or connected) VPN for badging and determining
// whether to show the Ethernet icon.
const NetworkState* active_vpn = nullptr;
if (network->IsConnectedState()) {
active_vpn =
if (active_vpn && !active_vpn->IsConnectingOrConnected())
active_vpn = nullptr;
// Don't show connected Ethernet in the tray unless a VPN is present.
if (IsTrayIcon(icon_type) &&
network->Matches(NetworkTypePattern::Ethernet()) && !active_vpn) {
*image = gfx::ImageSkia();
if (animating)
*animating = false;
// Connected network with a connecting VPN.
if (network->IsConnectedState() && active_vpn &&
active_vpn->IsConnectingState()) {
*image = GetConnectedNetworkWithConnectingVpnImage(network, icon_type);
if (animating)
*animating = true;
// Default behavior: connected or connecting network, possibly with VPN badge.
bool show_vpn_badge = !!active_vpn;
*image = GetImageForNonVirtualNetwork(network, icon_type, show_vpn_badge,
void PurgeNetworkIconCache() {
NetworkStateHandler::NetworkStateList networks;
std::set<std::string> network_paths;
for (NetworkStateHandler::NetworkStateList::iterator iter = networks.begin();
iter != networks.end(); ++iter) {
PurgeIconMap(ICON_TYPE_TRAY_OOBE, network_paths);
PurgeIconMap(ICON_TYPE_TRAY_REGULAR, network_paths);
PurgeIconMap(ICON_TYPE_DEFAULT_VIEW, network_paths);
PurgeIconMap(ICON_TYPE_LIST, network_paths);
PurgeIconMap(ICON_TYPE_MENU_LIST, network_paths);
SignalStrength GetSignalStrengthForNetwork(
const chromeos::NetworkState* network) {
if (!network->Matches(NetworkTypePattern::Wireless()))
return SignalStrength::NOT_WIRELESS;
// Decide whether the signal is considered weak, medium or strong based on the
// strength index. Each signal strength corresponds to a bucket which
// attempted to be split evenly from |kNumNetworkImages| - 1. Remainders go
// first to the lowest bucket and then the second lowest bucket.
const int index = StrengthIndex(network->signal_strength());
if (index == 0)
return SignalStrength::NONE;
const int seperations = kNumNetworkImages - 1;
const int bucket_size = seperations / 3;
const int weak_max = bucket_size + static_cast<int>(seperations % 3 != 0);
const int medium_max =
weak_max + bucket_size + static_cast<int>(seperations % 3 == 2);
if (index <= weak_max)
return SignalStrength::WEAK;
else if (index <= medium_max)
return SignalStrength::MEDIUM;
return SignalStrength::STRONG;
} // namespace network_icon
} // namespace ash