blob: 18218fdf5ceb480bff9888d2705661d688d955e7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/containers/flat_set.h"
#include "content/common/content_export.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/bluetooth/web_bluetooth.mojom-forward.h"
namespace blink {
class WebBluetoothDeviceId;
} // namespace blink
namespace device {
class BluetoothDevice;
class BluetoothUUID;
} // namespace device
namespace content {
class RenderFrameHost;
// Provides an interface for managing device permissions for Web Bluetooth and
// Web Bluetooth Scanning API. An embedder may implement this to manage these
// permissions.
// TODO( There are several Bluetooth related methods
// in WebContentsDelegate and ContentBrowserClient that can be moved into this
// class.
class CONTENT_EXPORT BluetoothDelegate {
virtual ~BluetoothDelegate() = default;
// This should return the WebBluetoothDeviceId that corresponds to the device
// with |device_address| in the current |frame|. If there is not a
// corresponding ID, then an invalid WebBluetoothDeviceId should be returned.
virtual blink::WebBluetoothDeviceId GetWebBluetoothDeviceId(
RenderFrameHost* frame,
const std::string& device_address) = 0;
// This should return the device address corresponding to a device with
// |device_id| in the current |frame|. If there is not a corresponding
// address, then an empty string should be returned.
virtual std::string GetDeviceAddress(
RenderFrameHost* frame,
const blink::WebBluetoothDeviceId& device_id) = 0;
// This should return the WebBluetoothDeviceId for |device_address| if the
// device has been assigned an ID previously through AddScannedDevice() or
// GrantServiceAccessPermission(). If not, a new ID should be generated for
// |device_address| and stored in a temporary map of address to ID. Service
// access should not be granted to these devices.
virtual blink::WebBluetoothDeviceId AddScannedDevice(
RenderFrameHost* frame,
const std::string& device_address) = 0;
// This should grant permission to the requesting and embedding origins
// represented by |frame| to connect to the device with |device_address| and
// access its |services|. Once permission is granted, a |WebBluetoothDeviceId|
// should be generated for the device and returned.
virtual blink::WebBluetoothDeviceId GrantServiceAccessPermission(
RenderFrameHost* frame,
const device::BluetoothDevice* device,
const blink::mojom::WebBluetoothRequestDeviceOptions* options) = 0;
// This should return true if |frame| has been granted permission to access
// the device with |device_id| through GrantServiceAccessPermission().
// |device_id|s generated with AddScannedDevices() should return false.
virtual bool HasDevicePermission(
RenderFrameHost* frame,
const blink::WebBluetoothDeviceId& device_id) = 0;
// This should return true if |frame| has permission to access |service| from
// the device with |device_id|.
virtual bool IsAllowedToAccessService(
RenderFrameHost* frame,
const blink::WebBluetoothDeviceId& device_id,
const device::BluetoothUUID& service) = 0;
// This should return true if |frame| can access at least one service from the
// device with |device_id|.
virtual bool IsAllowedToAccessAtLeastOneService(
RenderFrameHost* frame,
const blink::WebBluetoothDeviceId& device_id) = 0;
// This should return a list of devices that the origin in |frame| has been
// allowed to access. Access permission is granted with
// GrantServiceAccessPermission() and can be revoked by the user in the
// embedder's UI. The list of devices returned should be PermittedDevice
// objects, which contain the necessary fields to create the BluetoothDevice
// JavaScript objects.
virtual std::vector<blink::mojom::WebBluetoothDevicePtr> GetPermittedDevices(
RenderFrameHost* frame) = 0;
} // namespace content