blob: a660d21ffca9a93322cf645a80c92156635716a4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include "content/common/content_export.h"
#include "content/public/browser/navigation_handle_timing.h"
#include "content/public/browser/navigation_throttle.h"
#include "content/public/browser/reload_type.h"
#include "content/public/browser/restore_type.h"
#include "content/public/common/impression.h"
#include "content/public/common/referrer.h"
#include "net/base/auth.h"
#include "net/base/ip_endpoint.h"
#include "net/base/isolation_info.h"
#include "net/base/net_errors.h"
#include "net/dns/public/resolve_error_info.h"
#include "net/http/http_response_info.h"
#include "services/metrics/public/cpp/ukm_source_id.h"
#include "services/network/public/cpp/resource_request_body.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/loader/referrer.mojom.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/loader/transferrable_url_loader.mojom.h"
#include "ui/base/page_transition_types.h"
class GURL;
namespace net {
class HttpRequestHeaders;
class HttpResponseHeaders;
class ProxyServer;
} // namespace net
namespace content {
struct GlobalFrameRoutingId;
struct GlobalRequestID;
class NavigationThrottle;
class NavigationUIData;
class RenderFrameHost;
class SiteInstance;
class WebContents;
// A NavigationHandle tracks information related to a single navigation.
// NavigationHandles are provided to several WebContentsObserver methods to
// allow observers to track specific navigations. Observers should clear any
// references to a NavigationHandle at the time of
// WebContentsObserver::DidFinishNavigation, just before the handle is
// destroyed.
class CONTENT_EXPORT NavigationHandle {
virtual ~NavigationHandle() {}
// Parameters available at navigation start time -----------------------------
// These parameters are always available during the navigation. Note that
// some may change during navigation (e.g. due to server redirects).
// Get a unique ID for this navigation.
virtual int64_t GetNavigationId() = 0;
// Get the page UKM ID that will be in use once this navigation fully commits
// (the eventual value of GetRenderFrameHost()->GetPageUkmSourceId()).
virtual ukm::SourceId GetNextPageUkmSourceId() = 0;
// The URL the frame is navigating to. This may change during the navigation
// when encountering a server redirect.
// This URL may not be the same as the virtual URL returned from
// WebContents::GetVisibleURL and WebContents::GetLastCommittedURL. For
// example, viewing a page's source navigates to the URL of the page, but the
// virtual URL is prefixed with "view-source:".
// Note: The URL of a NavigationHandle can change over its lifetime.
// e.g. URLs might be rewritten by the renderer before being committed.
virtual const GURL& GetURL() = 0;
// Returns the SiteInstance where the frame being navigated was at the start
// of the navigation. If a frame in SiteInstance A navigates a frame in
// SiteInstance B to a URL in SiteInstance C, then this returns B.
virtual SiteInstance* GetStartingSiteInstance() = 0;
// Returns the SiteInstance of the initiator of the navigation. If a frame in
// SiteInstance A navigates a frame in SiteInstance B to a URL in SiteInstance
// C, then this returns A.
virtual SiteInstance* GetSourceSiteInstance() = 0;
// Whether the navigation is taking place in the main frame or in a subframe.
// This remains constant over the navigation lifetime.
virtual bool IsInMainFrame() = 0;
// Whether the navigation is taking place in a frame that is a direct child
// of the main frame. This remains constant over the navigation lifetime.
virtual bool IsParentMainFrame() = 0;
// Whether the navigation was initiated by the renderer process. Examples of
// renderer-initiated navigations include:
// * <a> link click
// * changing window.location.href
// * redirect via the <meta http-equiv="refresh"> tag
// * using window.history.pushState
// This method returns false for browser-initiated navigations, including:
// * any navigation initiated from the omnibox
// * navigations via suggestions in browser UI
// * navigations via browser UI: Ctrl-R, refresh/forward/back/home buttons
// * using window.history.forward() or window.history.back()
// * any other "explicit" URL navigations, e.g. bookmarks
virtual bool IsRendererInitiated() = 0;
// Returns the FrameTreeNode ID for the frame in which the navigation is
// performed. This ID is browser-global and uniquely identifies a frame that
// hosts content. The identifier is fixed at the creation of the frame and
// stays constant for the lifetime of the frame.
virtual int GetFrameTreeNodeId() = 0;
// Returns the RenderFrameHost for the parent frame, or nullptr if this
// navigation is taking place in the main frame. This value will not change
// during a navigation.
virtual RenderFrameHost* GetParentFrame() = 0;
// The WebContents the navigation is taking place in.
virtual WebContents* GetWebContents();
// The time the navigation started, recorded either in the renderer or in the
// browser process. Corresponds to Navigation Timing API.
virtual base::TimeTicks NavigationStart() = 0;
// The time the input leading to the navigation started. Will not be
// set if unknown.
virtual base::TimeTicks NavigationInputStart() = 0;
// The timing information of loading for the navigation.
virtual const NavigationHandleTiming& GetNavigationHandleTiming() = 0;
// Whether or not the navigation was started within a context menu.
virtual bool WasStartedFromContextMenu() = 0;
// Returns the URL and encoding of an INPUT field that corresponds to a
// searchable form request.
virtual const GURL& GetSearchableFormURL() = 0;
virtual const std::string& GetSearchableFormEncoding() = 0;
// Returns the reload type for this navigation.
virtual ReloadType GetReloadType() = 0;
// Returns the restore type for this navigation. RestoreType::NONE is returned
// if the navigation is not a restore.
virtual RestoreType GetRestoreType() = 0;
// Used for specifying a base URL for pages loaded via data URLs.
virtual const GURL& GetBaseURLForDataURL() = 0;
// Whether the navigation is done using HTTP POST method. This may change
// during the navigation (e.g. after encountering a server redirect).
// Note: page and frame navigations can only be done using HTTP POST or HTTP
// GET methods (and using other, scheme-specific protocols for non-http(s) URI
// schemes like data: or file:). Therefore //content public API exposes only
// |bool IsPost()| as opposed to |const std::string& GetMethod()| method.
virtual bool IsPost() = 0;
// Returns a sanitized version of the referrer for this request.
virtual const blink::mojom::Referrer& GetReferrer() = 0;
// Sets the referrer. The referrer may only be set during start and redirect
// phases. If the referer is set in navigation start, it is reset during the
// redirect. In other words, if you need to set a referer that applies to
// redirects, then this must be called during DidRedirectNavigation().
virtual void SetReferrer(blink::mojom::ReferrerPtr referrer) = 0;
// Whether the navigation was initiated by a user gesture. Note that this
// will return false for browser-initiated navigations.
// TODO(clamy): This should return true for browser-initiated navigations.
virtual bool HasUserGesture() = 0;
// Returns the page transition type.
virtual ui::PageTransition GetPageTransition() = 0;
// Returns the NavigationUIData associated with the navigation.
virtual NavigationUIData* GetNavigationUIData() = 0;
// Whether the target URL cannot be handled by the browser's internal protocol
// handlers.
virtual bool IsExternalProtocol() = 0;
// Whether the navigation is restoring a page from back-forward cache.
virtual bool IsServedFromBackForwardCache() = 0;
// Navigation control flow --------------------------------------------------
// The net error code if an error happened prior to commit. Otherwise it will
// be net::OK.
virtual net::Error GetNetErrorCode() = 0;
// Returns the RenderFrameHost this navigation is committing in. The
// RenderFrameHost returned will be the final host for the navigation. (Use
// WebContentsObserver::RenderFrameHostChanged() to observe RenderFrameHost
// changes that occur during navigation.) This can only be accessed after a
// response has been delivered for processing, or after the navigation fails
// with an error page.
virtual RenderFrameHost* GetRenderFrameHost() = 0;
// Returns the id of the RenderFrameHost this navigation is committing from.
// In case a navigation happens within the same RenderFrameHost,
// GetRenderFrameHost() and GetPreviousRenderFrameHostId() will refer to the
// same RenderFrameHost.
// Note: This is not guaranteed to refer to a RenderFrameHost that still
// exists.
virtual GlobalFrameRoutingId GetPreviousRenderFrameHostId() = 0;
// Whether the navigation happened without changing document. Examples of
// same document navigations are:
// * reference fragment navigations
// * pushState/replaceState
// * same page history navigation
virtual bool IsSameDocument() = 0;
// Whether the navigation has encountered a server redirect or not.
virtual bool WasServerRedirect() = 0;
// Lists the redirects that occurred on the way to the current page. The
// current page is the last one in the list (so even when there's no redirect,
// there will be one entry in the list).
virtual const std::vector<GURL>& GetRedirectChain() = 0;
// Whether the navigation has committed. Navigations that end up being
// downloads or return 204/205 response codes do not commit (i.e. the
// WebContents stays at the existing URL).
// This returns true for either successful commits or error pages that
// replace the previous page (distinguished by |IsErrorPage|), and false for
// errors that leave the user on the previous page.
virtual bool HasCommitted() = 0;
// Whether the navigation committed an error page.
// DO NOT use this before the navigation commit. It would always return false.
// You can use it from WebContentsObserver::DidFinishNavigation().
// Note that if an error page reloads, this will return true even though
// GetNetErrorCode will be net::OK.
virtual bool IsErrorPage() = 0;
// Indicates whether navigation committed a custom error page (i.e. an error
// page that provides its own HTML.) IsErrorPage is always true if this is
// true, but the inverse doesn't hold.
virtual bool IsCustomErrorPage() = 0;
// Not all committed subframe navigations (i.e., !IsInMainFrame &&
// HasCommitted) end up causing a change of the current NavigationEntry. For
// example, some users of NavigationHandle may want to ignore the initial
// commit in a newly added subframe or location.replace events in subframes
// (e.g., ads), while still reacting to user actions like link clicks and
// back/forward in subframes. Such users should check if this method returns
// true before proceeding.
// Note: it's only valid to call this method for subframes for which
// HasCommitted returns true.
virtual bool HasSubframeNavigationEntryCommitted() = 0;
// True if the committed entry has replaced the existing one. A non-user
// initiated redirect causes such replacement.
virtual bool DidReplaceEntry() = 0;
// Returns true if the browser history should be updated. Otherwise only
// the session history will be updated. E.g., on unreachable urls or other
// navigations that the users may not think of as navigations (such as
// happens with 'history.replaceState()').
virtual bool ShouldUpdateHistory() = 0;
// The previous main frame URL that the user was on. This may be empty if
// there was no last committed entry.
virtual const GURL& GetPreviousURL() = 0;
// Returns the remote address of the socket which fetched this resource.
virtual net::IPEndPoint GetSocketAddress() = 0;
// Returns the headers used for this request.
virtual const net::HttpRequestHeaders& GetRequestHeaders() = 0;
// Remove a request's header. If the header is not present, it has no effect.
// Must be called during a redirect.
virtual void RemoveRequestHeader(const std::string& header_name) = 0;
// Set a request's header. If the header is already present, its value is
// overwritten. When modified during a navigation start, the headers will be
// applied to the initial network request. When modified during a redirect,
// the headers will be applied to the redirected request.
virtual void SetRequestHeader(const std::string& header_name,
const std::string& header_value) = 0;
// Set a request's header that is exempt from CORS checks. This is only
// honored if the NetworkContext was configured to allow any cors exempt
// header (see
// |NetworkContext::mojom::allow_any_cors_exempt_header_for_browser|) or
// if |header_name| is specified in
// |NetworkContextParams::cors_exempt_header_list|.
virtual void SetCorsExemptRequestHeader(const std::string& header_name,
const std::string& header_value) = 0;
// Returns the response headers for the request, or nullptr if there aren't
// any response headers or they have not been received yet. The response
// headers may change during the navigation (e.g. after encountering a server
// redirect). The headers returned should not be modified, as modifications
// will not be reflected in the network stack.
virtual const net::HttpResponseHeaders* GetResponseHeaders() = 0;
// Returns the connection info for the request, the default value is
// CONNECTION_INFO_UNKNOWN if there hasn't been a response (or redirect)
// yet. The connection info may change during the navigation (e.g. after
// encountering a server redirect).
virtual net::HttpResponseInfo::ConnectionInfo GetConnectionInfo() = 0;
// Returns the SSLInfo for a request that succeeded or failed due to a
// certificate error. In the case of other request failures or of a non-secure
// scheme, returns an empty object.
virtual const base::Optional<net::SSLInfo>& GetSSLInfo() = 0;
// Returns the AuthChallengeInfo for the request, if the response contained an
// authentication challenge.
virtual const base::Optional<net::AuthChallengeInfo>&
GetAuthChallengeInfo() = 0;
// Returns host resolution error info associated with the request.
virtual net::ResolveErrorInfo GetResolveErrorInfo() = 0;
// Gets the net::IsolationInfo associated with the navigation. Updated as
// redirects are followed. When one of the origins used to construct the
// IsolationInfo is opaque, the returned IsolationInfo will not be consistent
// between calls.
virtual net::IsolationInfo GetIsolationInfo() = 0;
// Returns the ID of the URLRequest associated with this navigation. Can only
// be called from NavigationThrottle::WillProcessResponse and
// WebContentsObserver::ReadyToCommitNavigation.
// In the case of transfer navigations, this is the ID of the first request
// made. The transferred request's ID will not be tracked by the
// NavigationHandle.
virtual const GlobalRequestID& GetGlobalRequestID() = 0;
// Returns true if this navigation resulted in a download. Returns false if
// this navigation did not result in a download, or if download status is not
// yet known for this navigation. Download status is determined for a
// navigation when processing final (post redirect) HTTP response headers.
virtual bool IsDownload() = 0;
// Returns true if this navigation was initiated by a form submission.
virtual bool IsFormSubmission() = 0;
// Returns true if this navigation was initiated by a link click.
virtual bool WasInitiatedByLinkClick() = 0;
// Returns true if the target is an inner response of a signed exchange.
virtual bool IsSignedExchangeInnerResponse() = 0;
// Returns true if prefetched alternative subresource signed exchange was sent
// to the renderer process.
virtual bool HasPrefetchedAlternativeSubresourceSignedExchange() = 0;
// Returns true if the navigation response was cached.
virtual bool WasResponseCached() = 0;
// Returns the proxy server used for this navigation, if any.
virtual const net::ProxyServer& GetProxyServer() = 0;
// Returns the value of the hrefTranslate attribute if this navigation was
// initiated from a link that had that attribute set.
virtual const std::string& GetHrefTranslate() = 0;
// Returns, if available, the impression associated with the link clicked to
// initiate this navigation. The impression is available for the entire
// lifetime of the navigation.
virtual const base::Optional<Impression>& GetImpression() = 0;
// Returns the routing id associated with the frame that initiated the
// navigation. This can contain a null routing id if the navigation was not
// associated with a frame, or may return a valid routing id to a frame that
// no longer exists because it was deleted before the navigation began.
virtual const GlobalFrameRoutingId& GetInitiatorRoutingId() = 0;
// Returns, if available, the origin of the document that has initiated the
// navigation for this NavigationHandle.
virtual const base::Optional<url::Origin>& GetInitiatorOrigin() = 0;
// Whether the new document will be hosted in the same process as the current
// document or not. Set only when the navigation commits.
virtual bool IsSameProcess() = 0;
// Returns the offset between the indices of the previous last committed and
// the newly committed navigation entries.
// (e.g. -1 for back navigations, 0 for reloads, 1 for forward navigations).
// Note that this value is computed when we create the navigation request
// and doesn't fully cover all corner cases.
// We try to approximate them with params.should_replace_entry, but in
// some cases it's inaccurate:
// - Main frame client redirects,
// - History navigation to the page with subframes. The subframe
// navigations will return 1 here although they don't create a new
// navigation entry.
virtual int GetNavigationEntryOffset() = 0;
virtual void RegisterSubresourceOverride(
blink::mojom::TransferrableURLLoaderPtr transferrable_loader) = 0;
// Force enables the given origin trials for this navigation. This needs to
// be called from WebContents::ReadyToCommitNavigation or earlier to have an
// effect.
virtual void ForceEnableOriginTrials(
const std::vector<std::string>& trials) = 0;
// Store whether or not we're overriding the user agent. This may only be
// called from DidStartNavigation().
virtual void SetIsOverridingUserAgent(bool override_ua) = 0;
virtual bool GetIsOverridingUserAgent() = 0;
// Testing methods ----------------------------------------------------------
// The following methods should be used exclusively for writing unit tests.
// Registers a NavigationThrottle for tests. The throttle can
// modify the request, pause the request or cancel the request. This will
// take ownership of the NavigationThrottle.
// Note: in non-test cases, NavigationThrottles should not be added directly
// but returned by the implementation of
// ContentBrowserClient::CreateThrottlesForNavigation. This ensures proper
// ordering of the throttles.
virtual void RegisterThrottleForTesting(
std::unique_ptr<NavigationThrottle> navigation_throttle) = 0;
// Returns whether this navigation is currently deferred.
virtual bool IsDeferredForTesting() = 0;
} // namespace content